Decision Making Essays (Examples)

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Decision Making
The strategic decision for Microsoft that will be discussed in the decision to proceed with Windows 8. Launching a new version of a flagship product is always a big decision, and this was no exception. Windows 8 represented a major overhaul of the company's signature product, redesigning the interface in particular with the objective of having it work across multiple technologies (i.e. tablets, laptops) rather than segregating different versions of Windows for different devices, as was the case in the past. This decision made the Windows experience perhaps better for the casual user, but has caused no end of frustration for the power user who uses Windows for work. There are few competitors, but at the same time the strategic decision to court the consumer looking for cat videos has created an opportunity for competition to emerge for the enterprise user.

Now, the author does not sit in on Microsoft….

Decision Making

This analysis points to the need to make some merchandise changes, and get our branding allowed with a high level. This takes us away from the major competitors who are beating us, something of a blue ocean strategy (Investopedia, 2014) that allows us to carve out a niche for our business that plays to our strengths. We are good at selling clothes to women at premium prices, and that is our brand image as well. This strategy essentially doubles down on that, whereas the other options all force us to do new things and learn new skills. This option allows us to do what we have always done, but more intensely and with more focus than before.

Implementation therefore will begin with rebranding and merchandising, ensuring that all of our products are high end, differentiated from these competitors. We will need to ensure that we fully understand this market, since we….

Decision Making

The concept of bounded ethicality raises the possibility that Madoff in fact did not understand that what he was doing was unethical. As an experience hedge fund manager, a rational-thinking Madoff had all the tools to understand the ethics of what he was doing, but bounded ethicality suggests that he may have not fully been able to process the situation. One bound could be a myopic vision of his own wealth, that this was the most important thing and nothing else really needed to be taken into consideration. Another issue could well have been that he felt he was making money for the clients. A client ripped off today would be in a better position tomorrow, to earn some of those returns. Madoff therefore was unable to see the risky situation in which he was putting his clients.

Indeed, cognitive framing can put a person in a position where they do….

Decision Making, Impulse Control, And Cognitive Development
Cognitive development entails the development in children with respect to processing of information, conceptual resources, skills in perception, learning the language and development of the brain. Piaget and Vygotsky advance theories explain cognitive development in children. These theories are similar in some aspects, yet they still differ about issues (Nakagaki, 2011). Piaget gives four stages to explain cognitive development whereby he advances that each stage brings new skills and methods of information processing. He argues that children have the innate ability to interact with the environment. Moreover, he adds that children adapt responses and incorporate new schemes for handling situations.

Vygotsky argues that cognitive development depends a lot on social interaction. Moreover, proximal development plays a role in development of cognitive skills. He argues that development is too complex to be dividing it into stages. These theories have similarities. For instance, both theories believe that….

The two scenarios are likely to sway employees to provide false information if they are encouraged. However, the relationship had much strength in the positive. Therefore, in this study, there were clear choices. The participants were required to either tell the truth or lie. If things were easy for individuals in the world, lines of making moral decisions tend to be much fuzzier, however, the bottom line remains the same and rules. When making decisions, time to talk to someone or think is likely to assist individuals make decisions that are more ethically sound (Gunia, Wang, Huang, Wang & Murnighan, 2012).

Shin, S., J., Kim, T., Y., Lee, J., Y. & Bian. L. (2012). Cognitive team diversity and individual team member creativity: A cross-level interaction. Academy of Management Journal Volume: 55, Issue: 1, Pages: 197-212

A creative group work brings joy to a firm. Organizations must ensure that their teams act as….

Be a good example to him. Demonstrate to him good work habits and if possible show to him the incentives and rewards that I achieved from practicing professionalism at work. The advantage to this is that my fellow co-worker can have motivation at work. The disadvantage on the other hand is that he might have a wrong concept and ask the same incentives and rewards from the management despite of his sluggish performance at work.

From the given solutions, I would select the first one. I believe that with communication with the problem co-worker, he can be awaken of his problem.

A plan to implement my solutions step-by-step. I will first implement the best solution that I believe and if it doesn't work effectively, I will implement the next best solutions until I finally succeed in improving my co-worker's professionalism.

The work habit that my co-worker will demonstrate after implementing my solutions can….

Then, they will have to offer training programs to their staff. Also, they will have to prospect the market and contract designers in order to identify the necessary features of the new line of cars. Finally, they will have to allocate sufficient financial resources for the implementation of their decisions. But what if the company does not possess these resources? They could get them by engaging in downsizing operations. They must then find a most suitable way to communicate the decision to the staff, must get their approval for the changes and must further motivate the remaining personnel to increase their efforts and sustain the organization in reaching its overall goals.
Deciders must have visionary minds in order to foresee the effects of the implemented strategies. Then, they must also support their decisions with not just vague estimates, but also with calculi, empirical evidence and the experience of other similar….

Decision Making and Organizational Culture Speech
hat is organizational culture? Basically, just like any culture, the organizational culture of a business or a nonprofit is the personality of the organization. Some personality types of organizational cultures has been identified as that of an "academy culture," where employees are highly skilled and tend to stay in the organization, while working their way up the ranks. In contrast, a "baseball team" type of organizational culture is one where employees are free agents in a fast-paced, high-risk environment. (McNamara, 1999)

Another kind of organizational culture has been defined as a "clubby" organizational culture, where the most important requirement for employees is to fit into a group, versus a "fortress" organizational culture where are many opportunities for those with timely, specialized skills n a highly competitive environment. (McNamara, 1999) The fit of the culture to the personality employees and the nature business will determine the organization's….

SWOT analysis is very instrumental at this stage. One can also employ the use of well structured questionnaires so as to achieve broader and a deeper scrutiny of a problem or situation.
d). Developing options

At this stage one should come up with several probable options to the solution of a problem. Creativity is of essence here since it will help narrow down to the fewer most probable decision options. As the brands manager, I will have to look at the options of repackaging, re-branding, re-labeling, shifting the market focus, changing the product and so many other options that may be on the desk for consideration. At this stage I will use my creativity to close out some options that are further from the solution and concentrate on those that are close to the solution.

e). Evaluating alternatives

Once the alternatives have been narrowed down, then the fewer most probable alternatives are further….

isk management, although is not essential for Chinese negotiation is also related to the use of intermediaries. Therefore, until the negotiation is done with the most important people to have connections with the issue at hand, there are numerous discussions and negotiation meetings with intermediary people. This is also a technique to reduce surprises at the table of negotiation.

The Japanese risk management system is very peculiar because, as its Asian neighbors, the Japanese rarely take risks. They are very calculated negotiators. The politeness which is often misread, most of the times fails to betray any type of emotion or body language fault. In terms of decisions to be taken, "consistent with the culture-based value of maintaining harmony, the Japanese are likely to be evasive or even leave the room rather than give a direct negative answer. Fundamental to the Japanese culture is a concern for the welfare of the group;….

Once Karmen has this information, it would be prudent to straw poll all other members of the Board so they are prepared for the issue. Regardless of the individual views, Karmen must act in a fair and reasonable manner -- he must exhibit leadership that deals with the issue, not the person, making it quite clear that rules apply to everyone, Hobson included. To let an ethical breach occur and ignore it because the person at fault is vocal and disagreeable allows behavior to exist because it is uncomfortable to remedy it.
If there is no clause in the by-laws, then Karmen should institute steps to introduce such verbiage and have the by-laws rewritten. In any case, at the next meeting he should introduce the situation to Hobson in a calm and reasonable manner indicating that while they all have individual opinions, as elected officials, they have a greater responsibility….

Decision Making Tool: Cost/Benefit Analysis
The decision making tool to be discussed is a cost/benefit analysis. A cost/benefit analysis generally is used within management to generate solutions to problems and help teams decide what course of action is best based on a set of established criteria. The solutions developed as a result of a cost benefit analysis may or may not prove worthwhile; however they do allow management the opportunity to decide whether or not it is 'worth' their time to invest money and effort into solving or addressing a specific problem or proposition (Mind Tool, 2004).

Cost/Benefit analyses are widely used in many different fields, primarily as a means to determine whether or not change needs to be implemented. The technique generally requires that management decide what the value of a particular change may be or what value a change may add to an organization. It is one of the simplest….

Decision-Making Model

Decision Making Model
Decision making is an important everyday activity which can have far-reaching implications on personal and business matters. People face challenging situations often that require them to make decisions. These decisions usually follow a pattern that has something to do with an individual's personal values and beliefs. Ethical decision making model is one of the most commonly used models today because it takes into account the interests of others. There are some important steps involved in making an ethical decision. These steps begin with identifying the problem, the issues involved, ethical perspective on it, possible solutions and identifying the best solution.

The Josephson Institute of Ethics gives a model of decision making which involves three key steps. This model states that ethical decisions must be based on the golden rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." (Smith) The model expects people to take into….

Decision Making
Personal Decision-Making: Deciding to Accept a New Job Offer or Not

Having worked for the same company for over eight years and not having seen a raise in five of those years, it was time to consider options for a new job. The possibility of advancing my career, earning more salary, getting greater levels of professional recognition and learning more in an expanded role in a new company all were the benefits of moving on. The downside was that I had become so engrained in the company I was a member of, and had won performance awards several times, that my role was stable and secure and I would be letting that go. I'd been put onto projects that were going to last for at least three years. While many in the U.S. And global economies searched for security, stability and trust with employers, I had worked my way into….

Decision Making
Deciding Whether to Accept a New Career Position or Not

I've been working for the same employer for eight years and have only received one raise. The company is good about providing bonuses and I have an exceptionally high level of freedom, yet I am interested in moving further ahead in my career, earning a higher salary, and getting into a company who has opportunities for advancements. I'd also like to gain greater recognition for the hard work I do and my unique skills in marketing, sales and management.

The dilemma of my decision began when I received a call from a firm in the same industry as the company I work. This firm is very well-known and is a global provider of computing services and IT, and the recruiter contacting me was interviewing for a senior position that would include a significant jump in responsibility and pay. I jumped at….

In our opinion, at this time the most pressing challenge faced by school leaders is safely continuing with student education while also managing the risk of disease posed to people by the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Many school districts immediately scrambled to get technology into place to support distance-learning, but quickly found that while the technology is important for delivery of classroom materials, the technology is only a tool in the hands of educators.  Educators need to be able to teach using the technology, and, if they are unable to do so, they put their students at a disadvantage.

Moving forward,....

A paper that focuses on topics like strategic decision making, strategy, leadership, management control systems, entrepreneurship, or organization changes can take two approaches.  You can thoroughly explain one of the concepts, for example describing that strategic decision making is a method of business planning that looks at long-term goals.  The other approach is to do some sort of case study looking specifically at events to determine how one of those topics either impacted or was impacted by a company’s decision-making process.  So, the first thing you need to do is decide what type of paper....

For several years, healthcare has been an important topic, not just in the world at large, but also in academia.  Healthcare has been one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy, has offered a boom in terms of employment, and is a hot button political issue since access to healthcare remains very class-based in the modern United States.  The COVID-19 pandemic and what it has meant about access to health care and the quality of healthcare that is being provided has only made it that much more important to focus on

2 Pages



Words: 717
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Decision Making The strategic decision for Microsoft that will be discussed in the decision to proceed with Windows 8. Launching a new version of a flagship product is always a…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Decision Making

Words: 708
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

This analysis points to the need to make some merchandise changes, and get our branding allowed with a high level. This takes us away from the major competitors who…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Decision Making

Words: 753
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The concept of bounded ethicality raises the possibility that Madoff in fact did not understand that what he was doing was unethical. As an experience hedge fund manager, a…

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4 Pages


Decision-Making Impulse Control and Cognitive Development

Words: 1449
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Decision Making, Impulse Control, And Cognitive Development Cognitive development entails the development in children with respect to processing of information, conceptual resources, skills in perception, learning the language and development…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Decision-Making Critical Review Vroom V H

Words: 2517
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The two scenarios are likely to sway employees to provide false information if they are encouraged. However, the relationship had much strength in the positive. Therefore, in this study,…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Decision Making Tool the Sluggishness

Words: 418
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Be a good example to him. Demonstrate to him good work habits and if possible show to him the incentives and rewards that I achieved from practicing professionalism at…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Decision Making the Business Community

Words: 993
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Then, they will have to offer training programs to their staff. Also, they will have to prospect the market and contract designers in order to identify the necessary…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Decision Making and Organizational Culture Speech What

Words: 449
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Decision Making and Organizational Culture Speech hat is organizational culture? Basically, just like any culture, the organizational culture of a business or a nonprofit is the personality of the organization.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Decision Making Models Napoleon Once

Words: 1352
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

SWOT analysis is very instrumental at this stage. One can also employ the use of well structured questionnaires so as to achieve broader and a deeper scrutiny of…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Decision Making Across Cultures the

Words: 1306
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

isk management, although is not essential for Chinese negotiation is also related to the use of intermediaries. Therefore, until the negotiation is done with the most important people to…

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2 Pages


Decision Making Background to the

Words: 692
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Once Karmen has this information, it would be prudent to straw poll all other members of the Board so they are prepared for the issue. Regardless of the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Decision-Making Tool or Technique

Words: 957
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Decision Making Tool: Cost/Benefit Analysis The decision making tool to be discussed is a cost/benefit analysis. A cost/benefit analysis generally is used within management to generate solutions to problems and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Decision-Making Model

Words: 955
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Decision Making Model Decision making is an important everyday activity which can have far-reaching implications on personal and business matters. People face challenging situations often that require them to make…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Decision Making Personal Decision-Making Deciding to Accept

Words: 861
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Decision Making Personal Decision-Making: Deciding to Accept a New Job Offer or Not Having worked for the same company for over eight years and not having seen a raise in five…

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2 Pages


Decision Making Deciding Whether to Accept a

Words: 907
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Decision Making Deciding Whether to Accept a New Career Position or Not I've been working for the same employer for eight years and have only received one raise. The company is…

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