Deforestation Essays (Examples)

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Forests are at the major agendas of international climate change, with the strong discussions about the 'avoided deforestation' scheme, which is known as REDD (Reductions of Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). The goal of such scheme is to generate incentives for developing countries to curtail or reduce deforestation and forest degradation. The principle was agreed on at the 13th Conference of UNFCCC parties held in December 2007 in Bali. Though, whilst the principle has been approved, the scheme and its rules for implementation have yet to be established. Various controversial and difficult issues were also yet to be discussed, for example, whether to associate the concern with Kyoto's derived carbon markets and schemes like the Clean Development Mechanism and the European Trading Scheme, the use and design of baselines, methods of addressing degradation and the query of potential non-permanence. The proposals of these debates and anticipated decisions will be vital….

Political factors through the creation of a legislative bill on environmental issues particularly with deforestation laws are important to regulate the amount of environmental manipulation that gives threat to the welfare of the human population according to Benstrom (2010). It has been realized that United States is the most developed nation in the world that is why it has the capability to establish numerous facilities that helps to protect and empower the status of the environment to prevent ecological hazards such as the presence of deforestation. The United States has a well stable political structure that maximizes its own implementation of laws particularly with environmental issues that is why it is a country that is a role model for other nations to promote public cleanliness.
As a recommendation for the argument, the legislative officials of the Federal government should review all environmental aspects that cover the issue on deforestation so….

The Future - Despite the devastation and the problems faced by the Amazon egion, there is cause for some optimism. Because of the heat and amount of rainfall, some of the rainforest returns once farming or agriculture moves on. The Brazilian government, largely due to international pressure from environmental groups, has taken a harsh and repressive stance against woodcutters and illegal ranching. It has also limited the number of roads it will allow to be built into more remote regions. Additionally the equatorial climate, insects, high humidity and tropical disease keeps a significant amount of the rainforest uninhabitable. This, combined with Eco-Tourism and a general awareness regarding illegal importation of lumber, animals, and plants, has many believing that the future is not all bleak for the area (Amazon ainforest).


"Amazon ainforest." Greenpeace USA. (2010). Web. Cited in:

"Deforestation of Amazon Threatens More than Just Plants and Animals." Science Daily. (June 29,….

Deforestation, as a specific subject of study, is particularly salient to sociological research, given that the felling of trees largely results from human activities. Despite its importance, most empirical studies to date (principally by geographers, demographers, and economists) have been essentially theoretical. The lack of theoretical grounding retards the accumulation of knowledge by reducing the generalize-ability and explanatory power of research findings. Nevertheless, selected theories of social change have been suggested. Environmental degradation and deforestation in particular have been hypothesized to result primarily from three sources of change: population growth, modernization, and dependent development. Although all three have been hypothesized to increase deforestation, this article uncovers hidden complexities in their relationships that yield unanticipated outcomes. As a measure of modernization, for example, urbanization is shown to have a curvilinear effect on the rate of deforestation, resulting in lower rates of deforestation at the highest levels of urbanization. Two previously….

Current estimations are that there is only 30 cents per person being spent by the Mexican government to combat deforestation efforts (Peters, 2002).

It will be important for the government to invest more money and sustain that investment for years as it takes 15 to 20 years to re-grow some of the hardwoods currently being threatened by the deforestation process (Peters, 2002).

This problem can be dealt with locally through government programs and education. A program that educates the public on the future problems of deforestation and ways to reduce the impact of the problem can be sponsored by the government and taught in individual areas of the nation.


Another serious issue being faced by the Mexican people is air pollution.

Mexico has been under the gun concerning air pollution for many years. Mexico City is among the world's most polluted cities when it comes to smog and the air the residents breath.….

ithin the rainforests alone lie more than half of the earth's species (Roca 2010, p.2).
The eradication of wide swaths of the rainforest has caused the destruction of many indigenous people's cultures. Once these peoples are deprived of their lands, their old ways of life are no longer replicable in the outside world. Indigenous people often lack formal legal rights to the lands they have lived upon for centuries, making them easy to evict (Roca 2010, p.2). This raises a question of the injustice of deforestation. The eradication of the rainforests is not simply an environmental crime, but also a cultural crime similar to that which occurred in the United States, when the native population was deprived of its land.

Environmentalists cannot turn back the clock. However, finding more sustainable ways to eat and to produce material goods are essential. Recycling, using renewable resources, and better use of the land are….

tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money
~ Cree Indian Proverb

Lebanon is home to some of the most famous forests, with Mount Lebanon's Cedars mentioned in the Old Testament numerous times. For millennia these trees have been planted and replanted, preserving the history within the land. However in recent times, the ancient forests of Lebanon have been cut down for fuel to heat the homes of impoverished Lebanese. For millennia, the trees on Mount Lebanon have been, over time, depleted in order to make houses, boats, etc. due to the high quality of the Cedars. Even with ancient (oman) and modern (WWF and AFDC) conservation attempts at controlling the level of deforestation, there are still various situations that promote the continuance of deforestation: frequent forest fires, exploitation, unregulated tourism, and overgrazing.

The beauty of Lebanon exists….

Ghana Deforestation

Deforestation in Ghana
The environmental history of the African nation of Ghana is particularly rich. Home to a myriad of flora and fauna, the Ghanaian landscape is blessed in more ways than one. Indeed, some would assert that it is this very richness that is currently leading to one of the worst environmental disasters on the African continent, for Ghana's rich stores of natural resources -- from Gold to lumber, have threatened to render this once, lush nation into a desert wasteland.

According to Microsoft's online Encarta, in the 19th century, the southern half of Ghana was completely covered by hardwood forest, however, by the year 1995, such large portions of its forests had been destroyed, over logged, or cleared for mining, that only 39.7 of the entire country remains forested, with (during the period from 1990-1996) more than 1.3% continuing to be lost every year (Encarta).

The reasons for the horrible destruction….

One is a comprehensive means to increase gross domestic product and average real incomes via conscientious tourism and service industry occupations. Eco-tourism is a distinct possibility for a country that is well-known and well-regarded for its unique biodiversity. The presence of animals that can be found no other place on the planet can drive tourism demand for visiting Madagascar. If local communities manage their own tourism interests, rather than selling out to global corporate tourism interests, then it is possible to have a sustainable tourism model that will improve local economies and local ecosystems.
Madagascar has rich potential for an ecotourism destination. However, the pressure from China to exploit natural resources, and the corruption of local and federal governments, is leading to devastating consequences. Without resorting to external military intervention, it will be difficult to extricate the current corrupt officials out of Madagascar. The country needs to develop a ground-up….

Humans on Ecology-
Deforestation in razil

Humans have been supposedly trying to protect the eco-system and environment for a long time. However without realizing, they themselves are causing the most destruction by their ill-planned moves and carelessness. Deforestation is one the most cruel steps taken by man to damage ecology and endanger the lives of fellow beings. Rainforests once covered 15% of the earth. That number has been reduced to 6%. The rainforests contain more than 40% of the world's life forms and they are home to more than 30 million species of plants, animals and insects. It is one of the richest and oldest forms of ecosystems in the world as they have been around for more than 50 million years. However most of the rainforest has been suffering due to deforestation. More than half of the rainforests in the world have disappeared due to deforestation. The percentage of rainforests….

Deforestation can also lead to soil erosion, and more silt in rivers, streams, and behind dams throughout the deforested area. Biological diversity, including many unique species and ecosystems are lost, as well.
IN order to stop deforestation, people must be more aware of the problem and stop using products made from wood, such as paper, cardboard, and other products. We also need to find alternatives for wood products, such as the recycling of paper and wood products, and building materials such as steel, and products like Trex, which is a non-wooden material used for outdoor decks and such. To stop deforestation, we have to stop cutting down trees. eplanting deforested areas does not help, because it takes too long for the trees to grow, and the damage cannot quickly be repaired.


Collins, Jocelyn. "Deforestation." University of the Western Cape. 2001. 26 May 2008.

Stock, Jocelyn and Andy ochen. "The Choice: Doomsday….

Deforestation in the AmazonOutlineI. The problema. Amazon is one of the world\\\'s most important ecosystems, home to an estimated 10% of the world\\\'s biodiversity. However, the Amazon is under threat from deforestationb. This problem impacts the Amazon indigenous people but also all people.c. The loss of trees has a number of impacts on the Amazon ecosystem. It increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, contributing to climate change, which impacts everyone.d. The root causes of deforestation are agriculture, ranching, urbanization, and logging.e. Secondary and tertiary problems are flooding and wildfires.II. Themes in Geography, Climate, Etc.a. Deforestation affects earths climate regulation.b. Trees absorb carbon dioxidebut cant if cut down.c. Trees also play an important role in the heat flow process, as well as the daily and annual cycles of air temperature.III. Organizational Assessmenta. Two organizations working to mitigate this issue are the ainforest Alliance and the World Wildlife Fund.b.….

Visual Argument

Deforestation Image
Interpreting Contrast in a Photograph

The image present about deforestation has a plethora of different elements to consider. The most prominent in the photo is the positioning of the human legs atop the events that unfolded in the natural world. The legs are towering over the destruction that was caused and this destruction is portrayed as beneath humanity. The rubber boots are shown straddling the ground below as if the individual is in total command of the state of nature. The individual uses this dominance in a malevolent manner as the life that exist before the intervention is now gone in the wake of death and destruction all portrayed between the individual's loins. I think that this is an appropriate metaphor for human interactions with their natural environments on many levels. Even the people, who don't engage directly in the destruction of the natural world, do so indirectly with their….

The current construction of World-Systems analysis holds that core countries, including America, Europe's thriving economies, and developed nations in Africa and Asia, derive enormous economic and political power from "the axial division of labor of a capitalist world-economy (that) divides production into core-like products and peripheral products" (Wallerstein 28). Madagascar's relative abundance of untapped natural resources, in the form of massive "old-growth" tropical rainforests, and deposits of minerals like chromite and titanium ore which are now used in the construction of cellular telephones and laptop computing devices, represent peripheral products that can be exploited for the ongoing manufacture and distribution of the core products driving the engine of globalized commerce.

Periphery Countries





Core Countries

(America, China, India)


Babones, Salvatore J., and Maria Jose Alvarez-ivadulla. "Standardized Income Inequality Data for Use in Cross-National esearch." Sociological Inquiry 77.1 (2007): 3-22.

Chase-Dunn, Christopher, Yukio Kawano, and Benjamin D. Brewer. "Trade globalization since 1795: Waves of integration in….

Warmer temperatures mean more energy in the climate system
1. Warmer oceans and air current mean more violent and frequent hurricanes

2. More frequent and harsher rainstorms may cause flooding

B. Overall changes to weather patterns could be devastating

1. Ocean and air temperatures and current create weather

2. Disrupting these temperatures/currents would lead to major weather changes in many regions of the world, destroying ecosystems

VII. Effects of Global Warming: Melting Ice and ising Oceans

A. In addition to warming, ocean levels will rise

1. Melting ice sheets will cause higher oceans and flooding on continents

2. ising oceans destroy many coastal lands

B. ising oceans and water levels will have severe regional effects on weather

VIII. Effects of global Warming: Animals

A. Many animals are already changing the regions they inhabit

1. As temperatures change, so do ecosystems, and shifting animal populations reflect this

2. Global warming trends show the closest correlation to animal movement patterns

B. Many species could become extinct


An endangered species is a species that is on the brink of extinction.  Species can be endangered in two ways.  First, its habitat could be threatened in a way that makes extinction likely if no change is taken.  Second, the species could have experienced a significant decline in population that is likely to lead to extinction. In the United States, determination of whether a species is endangered is made by either the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service, but designations vary from country-to-country.  Internationally, the International Union for Conservation of Nature makes....

Deforestation is a major issue with a global impact, but calls to end deforestation are going to remain unsuccessful unless people really understand the causes and effects of the process.  The economic depression in areas that are vulnerable to deforestation may leave them with few alternatives, and the ecological devastation that results from deforestation only perpetuates the economic vulnerability.  Here are some of our suggested titles for an essay about the causes and effects of deforestation:

Deforestation Essay Titles

  1. Worlds that Will Never Be Known: The Impossibility of Predicting the True Effect of Deforestation
  2. Indigenous People, Colonialism, and....

A literature review is a particular type of academic assignment. You need to find relevant literature for your topic, summarize it, and analyze it. Since your topic is deforestation, you want to search for literature on that topic for your literature review. However, you want to make sure you choose suitable types of literature. For an academic paper, that means focusing on peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and other scholarly works.

First, think about your central question. The query appears to concern the tipping point, where deforestation will have irreversible environmental consequences. In fact, deforestation....

Title: The Critical Reality of Global Warming: Challenges and Solutions

Introduction (300 words)

Definition and Overview: Begin by defining global warming and its relevance in the current global scenario.

Thesis Statement: Present a clear thesis that outlines your perspective on global warming, its impacts, and potential solutions.

Scope of Essay: Briefly describe what the essay will cover, including causes, effects, and mitigation strategies.

Section 1: Causes of Global Warming (600 words)

Human Activities: Discuss how industrialization, deforestation, and burning of fossil fuels contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Agricultural Practices: Explain the role of agriculture, including livestock farming and rice cultivation, in methane emissions.

Energy Consumption: Analyze how our....

8 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Deforestation Forests Are at the Major Agendas

Words: 2911
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Deforestation Forests are at the major agendas of international climate change, with the strong discussions about the 'avoided deforestation' scheme, which is known as REDD (Reductions of Emissions from Deforestation…

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5 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Deforestation Should Be Banned in

Words: 1636
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Political factors through the creation of a legislative bill on environmental issues particularly with deforestation laws are important to regulate the amount of environmental manipulation that gives threat…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Deforestation in the Amazon One

Words: 1848
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The Future - Despite the devastation and the problems faced by the Amazon egion, there is cause for some optimism. Because of the heat and amount of rainfall, some…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Deforestation Effects of Deforestation the

Words: 1242
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Deforestation, as a specific subject of study, is particularly salient to sociological research, given that the felling of trees largely results from human activities. Despite its importance, most…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Deforestation and Water Pollutions Issues

Words: 1414
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Current estimations are that there is only 30 cents per person being spent by the Mexican government to combat deforestation efforts (Peters, 2002). It will be important for the government…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Deforestation on a Very Basic

Words: 1653
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ithin the rainforests alone lie more than half of the earth's species (Roca 2010, p.2). The eradication of wide swaths of the rainforest has caused the destruction of many…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Deforestation of Lebanon's Forests

Words: 2667
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money ~ Cree Indian Proverb Lebanon is home to…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - African

Ghana Deforestation

Words: 937
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Deforestation in Ghana The environmental history of the African nation of Ghana is particularly rich. Home to a myriad of flora and fauna, the Ghanaian landscape is blessed in more…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - African

Globalization Madagascar Deforestation Is Having

Words: 1592
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One is a comprehensive means to increase gross domestic product and average real incomes via conscientious tourism and service industry occupations. Eco-tourism is a distinct possibility for a…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Humans on Ecology- Deforestation in Brazil Humans

Words: 2049
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Humans on Ecology- Deforestation in razil Humans have been supposedly trying to protect the eco-system and environment for a long time. However without realizing, they themselves are causing the most…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Environmental Science Deforestation Is Occurring

Words: 372
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Deforestation can also lead to soil erosion, and more silt in rivers, streams, and behind dams throughout the deforested area. Biological diversity, including many unique species and ecosystems…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Environmental Science

How to Stop Deforestation in the Amazon

Words: 1968
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Deforestation in the AmazonOutlineI. The problema. Amazon is one of the world\\\'s most important ecosystems, home to an estimated 10% of the world\\\'s biodiversity. However, the Amazon is under…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Visual Argument

Words: 393
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Deforestation Image Interpreting Contrast in a Photograph The image present about deforestation has a plethora of different elements to consider. The most prominent in the photo is the positioning of the…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Globalization on Madagascar Just as

Words: 1577
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The current construction of World-Systems analysis holds that core countries, including America, Europe's thriving economies, and developed nations in Africa and Asia, derive enormous economic and political power…

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7 Pages


Warming Research CO2 Global Carbon

Words: 1927
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

Warmer temperatures mean more energy in the climate system 1. Warmer oceans and air current mean more violent and frequent hurricanes 2. More frequent and harsher rainstorms may cause flooding B.…

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