Design Brief Essays (Examples)

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Product Design Brief

Functions of the Primary Package
The primary package is what comes in direct contact with the product. The primary package is be made to contain the required quantity of the product. For instance, one pack of juice is 8 ounces. The packaging must be free from leaks and provide protection for the product against hazards and during transportation. The package should be compatible with the product it contains and able to safeguard against degradation, microbial contamination and evaporation. It should also be conducive for dispensation, reuse, and recycling. Other than the above functions, the packaging material should be printable on the outside, and attractive to potential consumers.

ecommendation for the Material

The material used for the packaging should be a combination of flexible plastics, aluminum lining and paper called aseptic. Aseptic material is commonly used in packaging of high-end liquid food products such as milk and juice. This material is also conducive for….

Brief Therapies

Constructivist Perspective of Brief Therapy

Understanding the basis of theories and therapy is a necessary element of the therapist's trade. Without some knowledge of why certain therapies are practiced, or where they came from, it is difficult to develop a personal theory and a personal view of how to conduct therapy. Since one of the basic concepts presently is that of brief therapy, it is necessary to see how that concept was formulated by other concepts. Thus, this paper examines how constructivist perspectives underlie brief therapy. This paper also gives the author the opportunity to voice a personal statement about how these findings coincide with personal constructions of therapy.


It is first necessary to understand the terms that are to be discussed. The two primary phrases to be discussed are constructivism and brief therapy. However, it is also necessary to grasp what brief therapies exist.


The definition here is not necessarily difficult,….

Design for a Lesson

Lesson Plan Design: usiness/Corporate Ethics
This lesson plan will be designed to teach students traditional and conventional moral philosophies, standards and ethical convention in a corporate/business environment. As protocol students will be required to examine traditional moral and ethical standards as defined by philosophical and sociological standards.

The purpose of the lesson will be to teach students about the types of ethical considerations they might be faced with in a business or corporate environment. Students will be expected to have adequate knowledge of current events, and engage in discourse related to the morality of recent news events related to corporate ethics. The course will also require students to analyze their own experiences within corporate America where appropriate or the workplace and identify what gaps currently exist in the moral/ethical aspect of employment and asses how improvements made in this area might impact the workforce as a whole.

Students not having work history with….

Appellate Brief
Question Presented / Issue Statement

Appellant Mary Smith seeks review of the decision of the United States District Court for the District of Anytown, which granted judgment in favor of appellees, the United States Postal Service (U.S.P.S.) and Jim Bonilla, egional Supervisor of the U.S.P.S., on their motion to dismiss appellant's complaint for failure to exhaust administrative remedies in appellant's lawsuit for gender discrimination, hostile work environment, and constructive discharge in violation of Title VII of the Civil ights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq. (Title VII). The questions presented in that case was whether appellant provided sufficient facts to warrant tolling her claim under a theory of equitable estoppel or whether the Court should refuse to hear her claims because they were filed after the applicable tolling period. Specifically, these questions are:

Does the time limitation outlined in 29 C.F.. § 1614.105(a)(1) prevent Ms. Smith from bringing….

sound technologies and sound design in Film
Sound in films

Experiments in Early Age


Crucial innovations

Commercialization of sound cinema: U.S., Europe, and Japan

Sound Design

Unified sound in film production

Sound designers in Cinematography

Sound Recording Technologies

History of Sound Recording Technology

Film sound technology

Modern Digital Technology

History of sound in films


Sound Design

Sound Recording Technologies

The film industry is a significant beneficiary of performing arts. The liberal arts combined with latest techniques and advancements experienced a number of stages. The introduction of films and sound in films was a significant development of its times. The introduction of first film along with sound was a unique event and it revolutionized the industry in such a way that it influenced every individual related to the industry to start thinking on creative and innovative grounds for improvements. The stages of films can be identified as silent films shown in theaters and they were narrated live. However the introduction of sound in films was….

Romantic and Modern Design Styles
Comparing the Ornate and the Natural: A Study of Two Theories of Design

History often dictates societal mentality more so than current climate, yet in times of peace, it seems that the beautiful and the artful flourish. This very concept is debatable, especially in interior design, where the fashions of the time very often have a much-felt impact upon design theories and the way in which they are carried out. Yet it is in history that one finds inspiration, or the contradiction thereof. For instance, during the mid to late 19th century, it was against history that romanticism was born. Yet in the early 20th century, immediately following this period of romanticism, it was out of a societal need for simplicity prior to the two Great ars that a more natural aesthetic was born, expressed so perfectly by the architect Frank Lloyd right. The following paragraphs will….

580). The patient's individual test results can be compared with the results of the most appropriate normative group. The test is easily and quickly scored, given its multiple-choice format. Test reliability is judged as 'good' although the test data is descriptive rather than interpretive by nature.
The SCL-90-, in contrast to the Beck, is much more comprehensive and sweeping in nature. It measures a variety of complaints, rather than has the focused nature that is supposed to be the profile of a typical 'brief' assessment. The STAI State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) is more typical of a 'brief' assessment in that it focuses on anxiety, and seeks to identify specific mental states associated with anxiety, such as generalized anxiety, anxiety specific to a situation, and depression that can be masked as anxiety (Groth-Marnat 2009, p.590).

The use of brief instruments points to a disturbing trend in healthcare, namely the predominance of cost concerns….

This approach is highly congruent with the guidance of marketing experts such as Wheaton (2004) who advises, "There are synergies between different lifestyle sports industries and their media. Corporations make equipment for several lifestyle sports, sometimes under different brand names. Clothing companies like Quiksilver sell to a range of lifestyle sport markets including skating, surfing, windsurfing, snowboarding and have been quick to exploit the potential of emergent and rapidly growing activities like kite-surfing" (2004, p. 10). Because the company also designs and manufactures the core sporting needs for these sporting enthusiasts, it is important to identify defining characteristics of this market. These sports are characterized by a number of features of interest to Quiksilver's and its competitors' marketers with respect to their various core product and accessory lines, including those set forth in Table 2 below.

Table 2

Defining features of the surf and sports industries



Such sports are a historically recent….

(362) One additional note on this half of the duel research study was that the pair of applicants with and without fictitious criminal records was rotated throughout the experiment to reduce the odds that a single applicant would alter results if assigned the rigid role of ex-con or clean record applicant.
In the second half of the research study the same set of potential employers was surveyed using a vignette method. The vignette described the scenario of applicants who matched the (tester) applicants. The employers who were screened by asking for the person in charge of hiring at the place of business were then asked to respond to the scenario by answering questions regarding if they would or would not hire or consider hiring the applicant in the vignette. Data was collected utilizing the responses to the survey questions, which avoided direct racial comparisons but simply stated the race of….

M. Lin's release from MCF has had the effect of rendering his lawsuit moot. In this case, M. Lin was incarcerated at the time the lawsuit was filed, but not at the time it is being decided. Thus, M. Lin's cause of action fails on the issue of mootness. Additionally, of the six members whom were denied visitation privileges, five of them have had sons which whom were formerly incarcerated at MCF, but now have been released. The son of the sixth MOM member asserting denial of visitation privileges died after his release from MCF. Thus, all of the six members of MOM claims will fail as a result of mootness.


The controversy must be ripe for decision; ripeness bars consideration of claims before they have fully developed. A case may be dismissed as unripe where a statute has never been enforced and there is no real threat that….

Environmental Psychology
As a brief introduction of this study, environmental psychology pertains to the Correlational approach and linkages that are focused on the relationship between human being and their environment. This is a scientific study that are focused on the importance of natural environments that can be utilized by human beings that are focused on the development and manipulation of prioritization of certain issues and challenges affecting the environment. In this manner, the existence of the environment is influential to the world of humans for the fact that the degree of the environment's capability improves the welfare of the society to make the quality of life achieved. The concept of environmental psychology has an interest for applying the principles of design that can be made as an important structure in the environment according to Davis (2011). This can be in the form of architectural design and infrastructures that involves the study….

Specialized labor is needed to produce a specialized product for the military. As such the cost of attracting and utilizing such talent can be very expensive to IBM.
IBM's indirect costs would consist of three aspects pertaining mainly to time, fraud and unexpected occurrences. The first indirect cost of time creates large expenses with IBM. The larger each individual employee takes to complete his task, the more expensive the services rendered by IBM become. This is because the contract has a set time frame. If the time frame for the contract is exceeded, IBM will incur a bulk to the expenses related to such inefficiencies. This could potentially reduce the overall return of the project. Fraud can also occur as employees could utilize technology or knowledge of the data centers to use for their own personal use. This could include selling the information to foreign entities or IBM's direct competitors.….

" (Brown, 1996, p. 74)
That potential of globalization can be attributed directly to the current business processes working to its fullest capabilities. Some may think that these trends towards globalization are new to the twentieth or twenty-first centuries. In a sense that is true because of the fact that our current globalization phenomenon can be linked with the advent of our new technology, financial methods and distribution channels to any point on the globe. However, globalization is technically not a new process that was created in or by our current digital and information revolution. Actually, not even the industrial revolution can be credited with the idea of globalization because the concept originated even before Christopher Columbus or Marco Polo. (Employees, 2005)

World trade has linked disparate locations into highly complex and extensive systems of finance, communication, migration, and other interconnections for thousands of years. Some of these events have been traced….







Yellow MOD

























Task Force

Command Level

Major Subordinate Element

(MSE) Level

MSE Subordinate

Units Level

Depict Command Relationships




JTF-50 COA Presentation Format


Reading C340.3


Phase I-Deter

Air and naval strikes, in coordination with Sof and Marine for Operation theater entry.

Additional forces are brought to the shore whenever it is necessary.

With control area being denied to enemy forces

That could be of a big threat to mine clearing operations.

With central areas denied to enemy forces that could threaten other areas, mine clearing operations commence in the Strait of Mormuz

With the straight being open, some of the forces that are ashore and then withdrawn.

Phase II-Seize Initiative

A force of special operations forces and possibly Army airborne and air assault units, could seize and hold a lodgment at a time and location of Central Command's choosing Immediately after landing.

SOF, Marine Corps, and Army forces would concentrate their efforts on expanding their operating perimeter and preventing the enemy from closing within range to….

It is merely a separate agreement between the assignor and assignee in which the assignor gives its rights under the contract to the assignee for good and valuable consideration. Since an assignment is not a modification to the original agreement, it does not need to be in writing and signed by the parties to the original agreement. However, if the terms of the original agreement are altered by the assignment, such as if Kethan's terms of employment changed (different salary, different working hours, different responsibilities) then the assignment could arguably be a modification of the original agreement. However, in this case nothing about Kethan's work environment changes.
Further, the court determined that due to Kentucky public policy and case precedent, noncompetition agreements are assignable because Kentucky public policy favors enforcement of noncompetition agreeements as long as they are reasonable. This policy is designed to protect businesses from unscrupulous employees who….

3 Pages
Research Paper


Product Design Brief

Words: 855
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Functions of the Primary Package The primary package is what comes in direct contact with the product. The primary package is be made to contain the required quantity of the…

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12 Pages
LPC Model Answer


Brief Therapies

Words: 3406
Length: 12 Pages
Type: LPC Model Answer

Therapy Constructivist Perspective of Brief Therapy Understanding the basis of theories and therapy is a necessary element of the therapist's trade. Without some knowledge of why certain therapies are practiced,…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Design for a Lesson

Words: 2282
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Lesson Plan Design: usiness/Corporate Ethics This lesson plan will be designed to teach students traditional and conventional moral philosophies, standards and ethical convention in a corporate/business environment. As protocol students…

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15 Pages

Sports - College

Brief for Smith V U S P S And Bonilla

Words: 4841
Length: 15 Pages

Appellate Brief Question Presented / Issue Statement Appellant Mary Smith seeks review of the decision of the United States District Court for the District of Anytown, which granted judgment in favor…

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40 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


History and Development of Sound Technologies and Sound Design in Film

Words: 11249
Length: 40 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

sound technologies and sound design in Film Sound in films Experiments in Early Age Developments Crucial innovations Commercialization of sound cinema: U.S., Europe, and Japan Sound Design Unified sound in film production Sound designers in Cinematography Sound…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Romantic and Modern Design Styles Comparing the

Words: 1568
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Romantic and Modern Design Styles Comparing the Ornate and the Natural: A Study of Two Theories of Design History often dictates societal mentality more so than current climate, yet in times…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Warnings the Main Reason Brief

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

580). The patient's individual test results can be compared with the results of the most appropriate normative group. The test is easily and quickly scored, given its multiple-choice format.…

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10 Pages
Case Study


Quiksilver Inc Case Study Brief

Words: 2910
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Case Study

37). This approach is highly congruent with the guidance of marketing experts such as Wheaton (2004) who advises, "There are synergies between different lifestyle sports industries and their media.…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Sampling Design & Data Method

Words: 1442
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(362) One additional note on this half of the duel research study was that the pair of applicants with and without fictitious criminal records was rotated throughout the…

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13 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Appellant Brief - Prisoners' First

Words: 3496
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

M. Lin's release from MCF has had the effect of rendering his lawsuit moot. In this case, M. Lin was incarcerated at the time the lawsuit was filed,…

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4 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Environmental Psychology as a Brief Introduction of

Words: 1313
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Environmental Psychology As a brief introduction of this study, environmental psychology pertains to the Correlational approach and linkages that are focused on the relationship between human being and their environment.…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Federal Contracting Give a Brief

Words: 1689
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Specialized labor is needed to produce a specialized product for the military. As such the cost of attracting and utilizing such talent can be very expensive to IBM. IBM's…

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26 Pages
Term Paper


Collaborative Design for a Build-To-Order

Words: 7001
Length: 26 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (Brown, 1996, p. 74) That potential of globalization can be attributed directly to the current business processes working to its fullest capabilities. Some may think that these trends towards…

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16 Pages
Professional Writing


Action Decision Brief What You

Words: 4284
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Professional Writing

3 16 JTF JFACC JFLCC JFSOCC JFMCC Yellow MOD Coordination TACON OPCON COCOM XX ESG CSG SAG MPS PATRON SAG Amphib X SF NSWTG PSYOPS JSOAC AETF AEF ASOG Yellow Patrol Boats COA 1 Task Force Command Level Major Subordinate Element (MSE) Level MSE Subordinate Units Level Depict Command Relationships X XX Yellow JTF-50 COA Presentation Format DJMO C340 EXERCISE MATERIAL Reading C340.3 17 Phase I-Deter Air and naval strikes, in coordination with Sof and Marine…

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2 Pages


Law Business Case Brief Case

Words: 923
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

It is merely a separate agreement between the assignor and assignee in which the assignor gives its rights under the contract to the assignee for good and valuable…

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