Developmental Stage Essays Examples

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Developmental Stage You Covered a Number Theories
Pages: 2 Words: 777

Developmental Stage
You covered a number theories child development term, theories understand developmental process birth adolescence. Piaget, Erikson, Vygotsky, Kohlberg, attachment theory, nature vs. nurture, influence SES, cultural implications major theories concepts.

Developmental stage: Adolescence -- ages 13 to 18

Adolescence is often characterized as a 'liminal' period in Western society: a stage that is neither childhood nor adulthood. During this period of time, most adolescents experience puberty or sexual maturation. They also begin to establish social identities outside of their family roles. Their peer relationships may become temporarily more important than their family relationships. Many adolescents self-identify as part of particular 'tribes' or 'cliques.' They may also question common familial and cultural norms in an attempt to eke out an identity for themselves.

Although they may achieve sexual maturity, in our cultural context adolescents are not considered to be fully mature. While some adolescents do marry and have children within this age frame,…...



Chen, C., & Farruggia, S. (2002). Culture and adolescent development. In W.J. Lonner, D.L.

Dinnel, S.A. Hayes, & D.N. Sattler (Eds.), Online Readings in Psychology and Culture (Unit 11, Chapter 2), Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington USA. Retrieved from: 

Cherry, K. (2013). Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages. Retrieved from:

Developmental Stages
Pages: 4 Words: 1238

Child Development
Jean Piaget described the developmental stages for children as the "Sensorimotor Stage" (infancy), "Pre-operational Stage" (Toddler and Early Childhood), "Concrete Operational Stage" (Elementary through early adolescence), and "Formal Operational Stage" (later adolescence and adulthood). Piaget also described the emotional, social, intellectual and physical changes that took place at each stage. Early childhood teachers must understand these stages if they are to provide developmentally appropriate activities for the children in their charge.

The Sensiomotor Stage is important to early childhood educators because in some preschools, they will have children enrolled who are still in this stage while approaching the Pre-operational (toddler) Stage. At the beginning, infants display only simple biological reflexes related to strong biological needs, such as sucking. At the end of this stage, however, the children have begun to show pride in accomplishments, are becoming independent from their parents and even developing the beginnings of self-control (World Bank, 2002).



Huitt, W., and Hummel, J. 2003. "Stages of Cognitive Development. Piaget identified four stages in cognitive development, from Educational Psychology Interactive. January. Accessed via the Internet 5/21/04. 

Staff writers. 2004. "Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development," from What Every Parent Should know. Accessed via the Internet 5/21/04.

World Bank. 2002. "Early Childhood Development," from World Bank. Accessed via the Internet 5/21/04.

Analyzing Developmental Stage of Adolescence
Pages: 2 Words: 817

Developmental Stage: Adolescence




Hormonal changes trigger puberty, and it often affects behavior and moods.

Puberty lasts for about four years, girls experience it earlier as compared to boys, and stops when an individual can reproduce. A global trend with regards to early attainment of sexual maturity and height in adulthood started more than 100 years ago, possibly due to the improvements recorded in standard of living.

During puberty, a growth spurt in adolescents is experienced by both boys and girls. Major sex behaviors emerge and the reproductive organs get bigger and fully mature accompanied by the appearance of the secondary sex organs. The major signs of sexual maturity for males is sperm production, while that of females is menstruation. Sperm-ache takes place at the age of 13 while Menarche takes place between the ages of 12 & 13 in the U.S.

The psychological impacts of late or early maturity mainly depends on the way…...



Carr, A. (2015). The handbook of child and adolescent clinical psychology: A contextual approach. Routledge.

Moshman, D. (2005). Adolescent psychological development: Rationality, morality, and identity. Psychology Press.

Shaffer, D., & Kipp, K. (2013). Developmental psychology: Childhood and adolescence. Wadsworth Publishing.

Psychology Developmental Stages Using Freud Erikson or Maslow's Theories
Pages: 10 Words: 3348

Psychology Developmental Stages Using Freud, Erikson, Or Maslow's Theories
Development Stages of Life

Prenatal and Infancy

Early Childhood

Middle Childhood


Emerging Adulthood


Late Adulthood

Liberace was born in West Allis, Wisconsin on May 16th, 1919. Liberace's mother was of Polish descent Frances Zuchowaska and his father Salvatore Liberace, was an immigrant from Formia, Italy. Liberace was born with a twin who died at birth and also had a caul on his head. Many cultures believe caulbearers bring good omens and luck with their births and cannot drown. How and why people are born and developing into adults going through all the growing pains have been argued for many centuries. This paper will discuss the life and times of one well know, publically troubled individual, Liberace.


According to Ellis and Hartley (2004)and Berk (2004)the theories of life development are explored by various researches and it is observed that most of the theories are presented by Maslow, Ericson, Kohlberg, Piaget,…...



Ellis, J.R., & Hartley, C.L. (2004). Nursing in today's world: trends, issues & management. USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Hartson, J., & Payne, B. (2007). Creating effective parenting plans. Amer Bar Assn.

Berk, L.E. (2004). Development through the lifespan. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Robinson, M. (2010). Understanding behavior and development in early childhood: a guide to theory and practice. USA: Routledge.

Person-In-Crisis Scenario Marie's Developmental Stage Marie Is
Pages: 3 Words: 872

Person-in-Crisis Scenario
Marie's Developmental Stage

Marie is a 63-year-old female who has exhibited the properties of one stage for the last several years of her life, but she is now entering another developmental stage due to her illness. A person in middle to adulthood stage, according to Erikson is working out the dichotomy of generativity vs. stagnation (Watts, Cockcroft & Duncan, 2009). About this stage, Erikson says

"the fashionable insistence on dramatizing the dependence of children on adults often blinds us to the dependence of the older generation on the younger ones. Mature man needs to be needed, and maturity needs guidance as well as encouragement from what has been produced and must be taken care of" (Watts, Cockroft, & Duncan, 2009, 305).

This points out the difficulty that Marie is currently facing. She has been the matriarch of the family and has fostered the successful development of three daughters and seen another generation…...



Goldenberg, H., & Goldenberg, I. (2008). Family therapy: An overview, (Seventh ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education.

Watts, J., Cockcroft, K., & Duncan, N. (2009). Developmental psychology, (Second ed.). Cape Town: UCT Press.

Disability Children's Developmental Stages Four
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Well, once took my older brother's baseball mitt to school, because knew he wouldn't miss it. But it's really not fair that he won't let me use it. Mom says we're supposed to share each other's stuff.
Let's say there are two children. One boy breaks five plates helping his mother put away the dishes. The other boy is mad because his mom won't let him watch TV and he breaks one plate. Which little boy deserves to be punished: Five plates is a lot of plates -- my mom would kill me if broke five dishes! He mustn't have been being very careful.

s it always wrong to tease someone? t is wrong if it hurts the other person's feelings.

What makes a good friend? Someone who is nice who you can talk to about things.

At Stage 2 of "individualism and exchange" in their moral development, "children recognize…...


Is it always wrong to tease someone? It is wrong if it hurts the other person's feelings.

What makes a good friend? Someone who is nice who you can talk to about things.

At Stage 2 of "individualism and exchange" in their moral development, "children recognize that there is not just one right view that is handed down by the authorities," even though they still see themselves as individuals, not as members of society (Crain 1995). This child was beginning to show signs of rationalization of individual moral circumstances -- stealing a baseball mitt temporarily from his brother was not seen as bad as stealing from a store, for example, and he ascribed motivation to the child who broke the plates. He also shows signs of caring about other people's feelings (such as not teasing people), and social relationships (a friend is "someone you can talk to"). He acknowledges the fact that some behaviors are applicable in certain situations

Developmental Analysis Childhood-Adolescence
Pages: 8 Words: 2526

Developmental Analysis: Childhood-Adolescence Childhood and adolescence are two developmental stages in a life where the young ones are growing into young adults. For that reason, they have their own psychological and social needs for wholesome growth and advancement. Each group has its own basic universal needs that need to be addressed depending upon their personal, cultural, and social factors. Childhood requires care and protection, while adolescence demands attention and guidance. The goal of this paper is to use developmental theories and concepts to analyze their developmental processes focusing on childhood and adolescence.
Personal Introduction of Childhood-Adolescence
My name is XYZ, and I was raised to attend Sunday school. My mother, uncle, and my stepfather were involved in my raising, and they were also my support system. I was a bright learner in school and was considered as an honor roll student. My support system rewarded me for my achievements. I had two brothers…...

Teen Developmental Stages in Save the Last Dance
Pages: 4 Words: 1400

Psychological Analysis: Save the Last Dance (2001)
Save the Last Dance (2001) delineates the complex relationships of two adolescents who are negotiating an interracial romance. Adolescence is a time of self-definition for young people. According to the developmental theorist Erik Erikson, "During adolescence (age 12 to 18 yrs), the transition from childhood to adulthood is most important. Children are becoming more independent, and begin to look at the future in terms of career, relationships, families, housing, etc. The individual wants to belong to a society and fit in" (McLeod 2013). The central protagonist of the film, a high school girl named Sara, is attempting to redefine her identity as a dancer. She simultaneously seeks a sense of security, due to the fact her mother recently passed away, while fashioning an independent identity from her surviving family. Sara begins the film uncertain of who she is and what her purpose in life…...



McLeod, S. A. (2013). Erik Erikson. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from:

Solomon, N. (2009). Facing identity conflicts, black students fall behind. NPR. Retrieved from:

Infancy and toddlerhood's Developmental Stage Age Group
Pages: 4 Words: 944

Developmental Stages Developmental Stage/Age Group: Infancy and toddlerhood (0 - 3 years)
Erickson maintains that the first human developmental stage involves an individual’s interactions with his/her surroundings, normally the baby’s immediate social and physical environment, which is made up of home and family (Levinson, 1986). Especially important at this point (i.e. infancy) is the mother- baby relationship – the very first social bond one forms. Receptive mothers sensitive to the distinctive requirements of their baby will help cultivate a sound sense of self- worth within the baby, facilitating the development of a sound, all- round physical, emotional and psychological constitution, which happens between 0 and 18 months (Thomas 2000).
Babies experience a feeling of uncertainty/insecurity when it comes to the world they are born into. For resolving this insecurity, they rely on their mother (primary caregiver) to acquire stable, consistent care. Hope arises from success at this point. The development of trust…...

Developmental Tasks of Adolescence Robert
Pages: 1 Words: 323

Third, increased cognitive demands in school challenge the adolescent. Fourth, the adolescent must develop more mature verbal communication skills. Fifth, the teenager will develop an ego separate from the parents, whereas in childhood the ego remained closely linked to that of the parents. Sixth, the adolescent formulates clearer career goals. The seventh task of adolescent development comprises the psychological detachment from the parents, often entailing interpersonal conflicts and difficulties relating to authority figures. Eighth, the adolescent develops stronger relationships with peers that help him or her formulate a sense of self. The ninth task of adolescence relates to the development of the sexual self: the teenager also comes to terms with gender issues. Tenth, the adolescent develops a personal system of values that may remain with the individual throughout the lifetime. The eleventh and final state regards controlling immature impulses and becoming a more mature manager of instincts and…...

Stages of Growth
Pages: 2 Words: 627

Developmental Milestones Unit
Child Development

Developmental Milestones: Birth to Age Two

CE114-(add your course section)

Birth to Age 1

Age 1 to Age 2

Physical and Motor

Moves head at 90 degree angle. Strategy; allow child flexible movement.

Purposeful Grasp: Strategy: Allow child to play with graspable toys.

Crawling: Strategy: Allow child free space to roam and encourage movement.

Walking: Child needs to be encouraged to walk.

Climbing Stairs. Strategy: safely allow child to explore stairs.

Toilet Training: Strategy: eward child for using poddy training materials instead of diapers.

Social and Emotional

Cries when comfortable: Strategy; reinforce non-crying behaviors.

Hugs and kisses others. Strategy: babies should want to hold other people.

Expresses anger; Children should begin expressing anger at this age.

Child expresses loneliness. Strategy: Allow periods of solitude.

Laughing; Strategy: Encouraging laughter with fun and games.

3. Expresses love for his family. Strategy. Provide a loving environment.

Cognitive and Language

1. Makes low grunting noises; Strategy: Allow child to express himself.

2.esponds to voices; Strategy; Talk and communicate with child.

1. Makes…...



Shonkoff, J.P., & Phillips, D.A. (2000). From neurons to neighborhoods: The science of early childhood development. National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Lockbox 285, Washington, DC 20055.

Martinez-Beck, I., & Zaslow, M. (2006). Introduction: The Context for Critical Issues in Early Childhood Professional Development. Paul H. Brookes Publishing. Nair, M.K.C., & Rekha.

Radhakrishnan, S. (2004). Early childhood development in deprived urban settlements. Indian pediatrics, 41(3), 227-238.

Impacts on Change Developmental Levels Systems and Diversity
Pages: 4 Words: 1406

Change: Developmental Levels, Systems, and Diversity
The purpose of this paper is to examine the issue of Domestic Abuse related to the change management and diversity. According to Burnett & Brenner (2011) domestic violence is the result of the victimization of a person with whom "the abuser has or has had an intimate, romantic, or spousal relationship." Traditionally it includes a pattern of behaviors that attempt to coerce adults or youths that are ordinarily competent, into behaviors that establish the abuser as the power figure, so that they maintain control over other members of the party in question. Behaviors of patterns that proffer control often build upon each other, setting a stage for "future violence" (Burnett & Brenner, 2011). Psychological abuse, stalking, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and isolation are all forms of domestic abuse resulting in annual economic costs exceeding $8 million dollars according to the CDC (Burnett & Brenner,…...



Burnett, Lynn Barkley, MD, EdD, Brenner, Barry E. MD, PhD, et. al. (2011 April) Domestic

Violence. Medscape, Retrieved July 18, 2011: 

Hall, D.T. & Chandler, D.E. (2005). Psychological success: When the career is a calling Journal

of Organizational Behavior, 26, 155-176.

Psychodynamic Model the Model's Developmental Processes and
Pages: 8 Words: 2966

Psychodynamic Model, The Model's Developmental Processes, And Use In Assessment And Treatment Psychodynamic Model
A large proportion of this research relied on historical data. Most of the data originated from institutions that take care of the aged, books, and journal articles. The views of health experts and professionals in mental health also shaped the judgement of this paper. The paper focused on extracting information from the four models under its analysis. Most of the findings originated from the four frameworks. ( The psychodynamic, the cognitive behavior, the stress and coping model, and the family systems model).

Given the demographics of the present age, almost all adult mental shape practice will certainly include older adults. As people grow older, various changes occur, more valuable is the vulnerability to stress and illnesses. The challenges one faces through the years like the death of loved ones, loneliness and others exposes one to the risk of…...


ReferencesTop of For

Top of F

Blaikie, A. (2009). Ageing And Popular Culture. Cambridge U.A.: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Kerry Kelly, N., & Jack, N. (n.d). A New Model of Techniques for Concurrent Psychodynamic

Work with Parents of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Patients. Child And

Child Care Developmental Observation of Five-Year-Old Statement
Pages: 8 Words: 2762

Child Care
Developmental Observation of Five-Year-old

Statement of esearch/Observation: To observe a five-year-old female child in her natural setting to determine age appropriate developmental stages.

Description of Child Being Observed: The subject is a five-year-old female: Maribel.

Planning Stages:

My friend has a five-year-old niece. The subject's mother was contacted and agreed to allow the observations to take place in her home and on the playground. The project was discussed and plans were made to accommodate all involved parties.

Introductory Visit:

The introductory visit was conducted at my friend's house, also the child's grandmother's home. Maribel often visits her grandmother and is very comfortable within this home setting.

Upon this visit, Maribel was introduced to me as her aunt's visitor. She said, "hi" to me, and asked me if I was visiting her aunt. I replied yes, and asked Maribel if she would like to sit with me and wait for her aunt. She said yes, so we…...



Alliance for Childhood. "Importance of play." 2 May, 2003

Bergen, D. Pretend Play and Young Children's Development. ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood, 2001. ERIC,ED458045.

Fisch, S.M., & Truglio, R.T. (2001). "G" is for growing: Thirty years of research on children and Sesame Street. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Kagan, J. "Child." World Book Online Reference Center. 2004. World Book, Inc. 25 Mar. 2004. .

Family Is the Stages in the Development
Pages: 8 Words: 3596

family is, the stages in the development of a child into an adult, the benefits of early education for a child, and how he develop as a result of this program. Further the paper shall also deal with the eight stages of life as defined by famous psychologists, and how one pass through them; how can an adult feel empowered and in full control of himself; what has he learnt within an early education program, and how can this be coordinated with his family life as such.
'Family' is a social unit that lives together sometimes under one roof, sometimes under several different roofs, but all united by blood ties or familial ties. The primary social group of a family is a set of parents and their children. (Definition of family on the web) There are several issues that are related to the family as a unit, and primary among…...



Definition of family on the web. Retrieved at   on 28 January, 2005 

Ollhoff, Laurie. Ages, Stages and Growth. Retrieved at Accessed on 28 January, 2005

Critical issue: Organizing for effective early childhood programs and practices. Retrieved at Accessed on 28 January, 2005

Erikson's eight stages of human development. Retrieved at   Accessed on 28 January, 2005 .

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Divorce?
Words: 408

Thesis Statements for Essays on Divorce

Personal Experiences and Perspectives

The impact of divorce on the emotional and psychological well-being of individuals
Navigating the legal and financial complexities of divorce
The role of social support and coping mechanisms in the aftermath of divorce
The long-term consequences of divorce for children and families
The challenges and rewards of finding love and happiness after divorce

Social and Cultural Influences

The changing societal attitudes towards divorce over time
The influence of religious beliefs, cultural norms, and economic factors on divorce rates
The role of gender, race, and class in shaping the experience of divorce

example of theory title about growing up alone?
Words: 518

The Theory of Individualistic Growth: Understanding the Psychological Development of Individuals Raised in Isolation


This theory explores the psychological development of individuals who have experienced significant periods of isolation and lack of social interaction during critical stages of childhood. It proposes that such individuals develop unique coping mechanisms and exhibit distinct psychological characteristics that shape their identity and behavior patterns. The theory highlights the resilience and adaptability of the human psyche even in adverse circumstances.

Key Concepts:

Individualistic Growth: A process of psychological development that occurs when individuals lack substantial social interaction or parental guidance during childhood.

Self-Reliance: A heightened sense of....

How does a comprehensive outline of early childhood development contribute to building strong foundational skills for future learning?
Words: 586

A comprehensive outline of early childhood development provides important insights into the different stages of growth and development that children go through during their formative years. By understanding these stages, educators and caregivers can tailor their approaches to better support each child's individual needs and abilities. This, in turn, helps to build a strong foundation for future learning in several ways:

1. Early identification of developmental delays or difficulties: By being aware of the typical stages of development, early childhood professionals can recognize when a child is not meeting expected milestones. Early intervention is key in addressing any delays or difficulties,....

How does a comprehensive outline of early childhood development contribute to building strong foundational skills for future learning?
Words: 488

A Comprehensive Outline of Early Childhood Development

Early childhood development encompasses the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth of a child from birth to age eight. Understanding the trajectory of this development is crucial for building strong foundational skills that support future learning. A comprehensive outline of early childhood development serves as a roadmap for educators, caregivers, and policymakers to provide age-appropriate and developmentally supportive environments for young children.

Physical Development

Birth to 1 year: Gross motor skills develop rapidly, including rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking. Fine motor skills also emerge, such as grasping, reaching, and scribbling.
1 to 3 years: Gross....

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