Deviant Behavior Essays (Examples)

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To be stigmatized by society for a disorder such as schizophrenia is truly unfair, due to the disorder not being the fault of the person afflicted with it. In all social situations, to be stigmatized would make the person an outcast, meaning that the person would be ostracized from all social activities that make up a "normal" lifestyle. In public places, the stigmatized individual would be shunned by everyone which would create much self-doubt and internal conflicts. For the schizophrenic, this would make his/her disorder even worse, for they would feel like social pariahs with some kind of horrible social disease that could inflict other persons, such as having tuberculosis or possibly AIDS.

For those persons who hold prejudices against mentally-ill individuals, the basis of their prejudice is mainly because of ignorance and being misinformed about various mental illnesses. Personally, I would tell these persons to place themselves in the shoes….

Deviant Behavior in the Workplace
Counterproductive and Deviant Behavior in the Workplace

Deviant behavior in the workplace may seem like somewhat of a rarity, but it is actually relatively common. Part of the reason behind that is that there is a broad definition of what is deviant or counterproductive, and part of the reason is that many organizations either ignore the behavior or take care of it internally, so it doesn't make the news or come to light. It is possible for organizations to minimize deviant and counterproductive behavior in the workplace, but they cannot completely stop it from happening (Jones, 2009; Smithikrai, 2008; Wilkerson, Evans, & Davis, 2008). The reason behind this is that human nature cannot be curbed just because there are rules at a particular company or organization. It may not be in a particular person's nature to be deviant, but that may not be the case for the….

Potentially any individual who is gifted, if stifled and/or offered negative role models of behavior could become a negatively deviant individual in adulthood or childhood. It is important to point out that many experts conclude that these young people are often feared, due to their differences and the complications of helping such a child are many. (Winner, 1996, p. 2)
Deviant people -- whether atypical in personality, intellect, or both -- have always interested psychologists, especially if the deviance involves negative personality traits or severely limited abilities. We know far more about psychopathological aspects of personality than about ideal traits such as compassion, moral courage, or leadership ability. A similar focus on deficits can be seen in psychological studies of cognition. While standard journals in developmental psychology publish articles on retardation, they rarely publish studies of giftedness. Such articles are relegated to less prestigious journals that specialize in giftedness. This….

Deviant Behavior
In the United States, there are laws which determine the proper punishment for individuals who choose to commit crimes. If someone is under a certain age, then that individual is held less responsible for their choices than an adult who makes that same choice. However, if the crime is severe enough or if there is no appropriate remorse from the perpetrator, District Attorneys and prosecution may decide to try that person as an adult, even though they are under the age of eighteen. Theoreticians have argued about teenagers since the first stirrings of the psychoanalytic movement at the time of Freud. Can someone who is not yet a physical adult still make adult decisions and thus should their punishment fit their age or their action? Deviant behavior can manifest itself in three ways: power, money, and crime. Deviance in teenagers can be seen in all three categories.

In Marjie Lundstrom's….

(Gunkel, 2001, p. 8)
It would seem, that the line that one oversteps to become deviant is the line that demonstrates the outsmarting of another to create chaos in ones system and potentially do real damage to materials and data. Of coarse this would include any hacking that results in crime, and especially theft and fraud.

acking in all intense and purpose is deviant behavior, that challenges the current cultural dependence of upon technology, as it challenges the trust of the system as well as many other issues, regardless of its real or potential damage. Yet, the current trend in cyberspace is to create systems that are safe from hacking, and elicit all possible protection for legitimate users and owners of the intellectual properties within. Another interesting trend includes creating hacker sites that require hacking to enter, potentially redirecting hackers to more positive sidelines. (Wible, 2003, p.1577) Such sites are even….

This is a widely debated issue in the social and legal debate regarding sexuality.
The more legalized an issue, such as in the case of heterosexual marriage the more accepted it is, and this is the underlying fear behind the legal challenges that have been waged both for and against homosexual unions in the present day. Marriage is a legal state, and has been for most of written history, it is therefore difficult for many to allow the legal definition of homosexuality to become one that is an accepted alternative to the broader world, through legislation. Legally homosexuality, is as socially defined by the act of choosing to establish a sexual partnership with a person of the same gender as one's self rather than with the opposite gender. Historically, the legal aspects of homosexuality must be addressed in order to come to an even partial understanding of the similarities and….

Deviant Behavior

Erin Brockovich & orporate Ethics
Deviant Behavior

Eric Brockovich, a film released in 2000, is a dramatization of a true story of a woman who became a legal assistant through the sheer force of her personality -- and after discovering evidence that people were being poisoned by toxins from a Pacific Gas and Electricity (PG&E) plant -- nearly single-handedly -- successfully brings a lawsuit against the company ("IMDB," 2011). The film provides a verstehen, or filtered understanding, of the embittered contest between the injured citizen and a large corporation with deep pockets ("IMDB," 2011). This paper will first briefly summarize the story. An analysis of the position of the prosecuting legal team follows. And finally, discussion will center on corporate deviance according to Glasser's hoice Theory and the relation of Kohlberg's theory of morality.

The Story

The story takes place in 1993, when following the loss of a personal injury lawsuit, Erin Brockovich asks….

This sort of solitary behavior in and of itself is not necessarily anti-social. but, what is anti-social is the fact that this individuals fails to interact with people around him. One time I came in and asked him where my friend was and he stated loudly and harshly (without looking up from his computer) that he did not know. This sort of response has successfully negated any further attempts on my part to engage this person. My friend who lives with him says he does the same things to him. This person only communicates with people on the computer. Perhaps this is because he is a foreign exchange student whose friends and family are in another country. Still, by choosing to avoid talking to people in real life and fixating himself solely on his computer, this sort of antisocial behavior is deviant and not frequently found in contemporary society.

deviant behavior? Explain the role of norms and societal reactions. *According to Stark, what is wrong with defining crime as "actions that violate the law?"
Deviant behavior is any sort of conduct that goes against the norms of a specific community / culture. Norms serve to create and regulate a certain order in society; societal reactions keep these norms in check and modify them when appropriate (when the powerful functionaries of the society so decide).

What is differential association theory? According to the text, what are some aspects of deviance that are not consistent with differential association theory?

This is a theory developed by Edwin Sutherland that states that offenders learn attitudes, values, strategies, modes of behavior, and motives for criminal behavior through interaction with peers and others in their community. It does not explain though why some individuals, growing up in a poor and violent-ridden community are resilient to criminal behavior,….

Deviant Behavior Theories

Divergent Responses to Deviant ehavior
The objective of this study is to examine two theories of deviant behavior that represent today's changing trends. This work will additionally examine three theories that may be considered outdated including: (1) Sheldon's Theory of ody Types; (2) Lombroso's Theory; and (3) Y Chromosome Theory, and will explain why they have been discredited.

Positivist Perspective

The positivist perspective views deviance as "absolutely or intrinsically real, in that is possesses some qualities that distinguish it from conventionality." (Pearson Higher Education, nd, p. 4) Deviant individuals are views as having specific characteristics that make them different from conventional individuals. It was held by criminologists around the turn of the last century that criminals were in possession of specific biological traits that were not present in individuals that were law-abiding. Included in these biological traits were "defective genes, bumps on the head, a longer lower jaw, a scanty beard, and a….

Chapter 12 talks about drinking and alcoholism. This disease is more widely accepted by U.S. society, but it still holds some level of deviance, especially considering the fact that many alcohol abusers are underage. Thio talks about the probable causes of alcoholism and the effects of this disease on people in both the micro and macro forms. Controlling alcoholism has proven very difficult and Thio gives the reader some hope and understanding within this topic as well in Chapter 12. Alcoholism is often a tough subject to explore since many people have experienced it in one way or another. The author gives an excellent, comprehensive explanation of this disease and shows how it can lead to other diseases and disorders as well as working on concert with other known problems within the brain such as chronic addiction and other mental disorders.

Chapter 13 in Thio's book is entitled "White Collar and….

As maintained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association in Washington, D.C., there are a number of traits that distinguish the socially "normal" person from one with APD. Overall, such an individual continues to consistently "act in a way that disregards the rights of others and violates the rules of society," a pattern which is expressed by exhibiting at least three of the following maladaptive elements

1). The afflicted individual repeatedly does things that could result in being arrested.

2). The individual repeatedly fabricates, uses aliases and resorts to subterfuge or deceit for profit or for simply because it "feels good or is fun."

3). The individual is impulsive and fails to plan ahead for the future.

4). The individual repeatedly becomes involve in physical confrontations.

5). The individual possesses a reckless disregard for his/her own safety and for the safety of those in his environment.

6). The….

Summary Deviance is a term used to refer to violation of social norms and used to understand human conduct. Deviance is expressed in various forms such as crime, mental disorders, suicide, and alcohol and drug addiction. the concept of deviant behavior is understood based on the sociological analysis of three dimensions of the social structure i.e. institutional, relational, and embodied structures. The modern society is characterized by numerous social changes due to rapid technological advancements and globalization. As a result, deviant behavior is multidimensional due to variance in cultural norms. This is supported by Structural Strain Theory, which suggests that cultural norms or goals shape institutional means, which in turn become the premise for determining human conduct and expected behavior. When people are prevented from realizing culturally-approved goals, they become frustrated and experience strain that results in deviant behavior.
There are two major problems relating to deviance in today’s society, which is….

On the other hand, this exposure to many different systems of morality can also be confusing, and can make any kind of deviant behavior seem acceptable in a relativistic fashion. hy obey the drug laws of the United States when in Amsterdam, there are no such regulations?
Setting standards of deviance and normalcy is a negotiation between the rights of the individual and the needs of the community. Sometimes, the rights of the individual will win out, other times the community's need for harmony will supersede these individual rights. This negotiation will vary from nation to nation, time to time, and place to place.

orks Cited

Simon, David R. (2006). Elite Deviance.

7th Ed.

Thio, Alex & Thomas C. Calhoun. (2006). Readings in Deviant….

Furthermore, the label of deviance does not encourage society to question its supposed normalcy, although not so long ago, homosexuality or using birth control was labeled a criminal, deviant act. Finally, not all criminal acts are deviant per se, as speeding or drinking before the age of 21 and other actions that are technically violations of the law are often tolerated by the majority rather than the minority of society.
There are also crimes, like cheating on one's taxes, that may be clearly deviant, but are viewed as less pathological than crimes of violence. Understanding why so-called normal society views certain deviant acts with greater disapproval than other acts, or marginalizes certain individuals who are more likely to become criminals as a result might thus be a more important area of study.

orks Cited

Simon, David R. (2006). Elite Deviance.

7th Ed.

Thio, Alex & Thomas C. Calhoun. (2006). Readings in Deviant….

Choosing how to start your essay on deviance depends on the type of essay you are writing and the type of coursework you are trying to complete.  Deviance is a broad topic that is covered in many of the soft sciences, including (but not limited to) sociology, psychology, and criminology.  It is also discussed in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history.  Therefore, we would probably begin the essay with two things: a definition of deviance and an explanation of how that definition fits into the context of the essay we are writing. 

Generally, deviance is a sociological concept....

1. The Twisted Mind of Ted Bundy: A Psychological Analysis

2. Ted Bundy: America's Notorious Serial Killer

3. The Legacy of Ted Bundy: A Study in Evil

4. Ted Bundy: A Man of Charming Deception

5. The Crimes of Ted Bundy: A Case Study in Deviant Behavior

6. Inside the Mind of Ted Bundy: A Look into the Psychopath's World

7. Ted Bundy: The Monster Next Door

8. The Infamous Legacy of Ted Bundy: Serial Killer Extraordinaire

9. Ted Bundy: The Mysterious Case of America's Most Wanted

10. Ted Bundy: The Chilling True Story of a Serial Killer's Reign of Terror
11. Unmasking Ted Bundy: The Truth Behind the Charismatic....

1. The Intersection of Law and Social Stratification

Examine how laws and legal systems perpetuate or challenge social inequalities based on race, class, gender, or other social factors.
Analyze the role of law in shaping the distribution of wealth, power, and resources within society.
Discuss the impact of discriminatory laws or policies on marginalized groups and their access to justice.

2. The Role of Law in Social Control

Explore the various ways in which law is used to regulate and control social behavior, from criminal justice to family law and education.
Analyze the effectiveness of different legal strategies in achieving social....

3 Pages
Term Paper


Deviant Behavior Study - Schizophrenia

Words: 947
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

To be stigmatized by society for a disorder such as schizophrenia is truly unfair, due to the disorder not being the fault of the person afflicted with it. In…

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8 Pages


Deviant Behavior in the Workplace Counterproductive and

Words: 2790
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Deviant Behavior in the Workplace Counterproductive and Deviant Behavior in the Workplace Deviant behavior in the workplace may seem like somewhat of a rarity, but it is actually relatively common. Part…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Deviant Behavior the Foundational Aspects

Words: 701
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Potentially any individual who is gifted, if stifled and/or offered negative role models of behavior could become a negatively deviant individual in adulthood or childhood. It is important…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Deviant Behavior in the United States There

Words: 1116
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Deviant Behavior In the United States, there are laws which determine the proper punishment for individuals who choose to commit crimes. If someone is under a certain age, then that…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Deviant Behavior Computer Hackers and

Words: 673
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Gunkel, 2001, p. 8) It would seem, that the line that one oversteps to become deviant is the line that demonstrates the outsmarting of another to create chaos in…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Deviant Behavior Homosexuality Is a

Words: 900
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is a widely debated issue in the social and legal debate regarding sexuality. The more legalized an issue, such as in the case of heterosexual marriage the more…

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4 Pages

Business - Law

Deviant Behavior

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Erin Brockovich & orporate Ethics Deviant Behavior Eric Brockovich, a film released in 2000, is a dramatization of a true story of a woman who became a legal assistant through the…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Deviant Behavior to You There

Words: 620
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

This sort of solitary behavior in and of itself is not necessarily anti-social. but, what is anti-social is the fact that this individuals fails to interact with people…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Deviant Behavior Explain the Role of Norms

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

deviant behavior? Explain the role of norms and societal reactions. *According to Stark, what is wrong with defining crime as "actions that violate the law?" Deviant behavior is any…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Deviant Behavior Theories

Words: 1187
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Divergent Responses to Deviant ehavior The objective of this study is to examine two theories of deviant behavior that represent today's changing trends. This work will additionally examine three theories…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Thio's Deviant Behavior Tenth Ed

Words: 899
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chapter 12 talks about drinking and alcoholism. This disease is more widely accepted by U.S. society, but it still holds some level of deviance, especially considering the fact that…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Ciminality and Deviant Behavior

Words: 1470
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As maintained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association in Washington, D.C., there are a number of traits that distinguish the…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Deviance in Modern Complex Society

Words: 1657
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Summary Deviance is a term used to refer to violation of social norms and used to understand human conduct. Deviance is expressed in various forms such as crime, mental disorders,…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Deviant Behavior Why Is Deviance

Words: 330
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

On the other hand, this exposure to many different systems of morality can also be confusing, and can make any kind of deviant behavior seem acceptable in a…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Deviance Deviant Behavior Interpret the

Words: 354
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Furthermore, the label of deviance does not encourage society to question its supposed normalcy, although not so long ago, homosexuality or using birth control was labeled a criminal,…

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