Digital Divide Essays (Examples)

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They learn, share, create, and collaborate. They become connected to each other, to the world and to a brighter future" (OLPC, 2009).
Successful Bridging of the Digital Divide:

While the various private and international initiatives meant to reduce the digital divide are commendable in their intentions, it may very well be that the biggest factor is more a function of the natural rate of technological development. Specifically, cell phone use has already become extremely widespread, even in some of the most impoverished regions in the world (Corbett, 2008). Already, more than half of the world's entire population has telephone access, of whom most have cellular telephones (Hesseldahl, 2005). That is particularly significant because sociologists have identified cellular telephone access as one of the most important factors that has increased the earning potential of individuals living in some of the poorest communities in the world (Corbett, 2008).

More generally, the well-known principle expressed….

Information Systems
There are numerous external factors that impact the extent to which Information Systems (IS) can be effective. One such factor is the digital divide that keeps a gap between communities that have access to digital technology and those that don't. For those without access, IS is hardly an effective tool for communication, transference of information or data storage. However, there are also security issues, factors regarding confidentially and privacy variables. This paper will examine these external factors and discuss how they impact the effectiveness of IS.

Web access is one of the biggest factors in effective IS. This is correlated with the availability of computers. For example, the Chromebook is a computer that depends on web access to be fully utilizable. It is essentially useless if it is not connected to the web. Yet, most computers are like that today, as the cloud has become a place of storing….

digital age is coming and soon everyone will have affordable access to the internet. At least that is the hopeful message of some. In reality, the digital age is still not accessible to many and may not be for years to come. This could be due to several reasons. Some of which may lie in racial disparities, income, and availability of affordable internet service. egardless of whether or not the digital age has created a divide among those that have access to the internet and those that do not, researchers have formed their own opinions on the issue, with some agreeing and other disagreeing with the term, "digital divide." "
From the article, "The Persisting acial Digital Divide in Internet Access," racial disparities are examined within the context of home internet access and computer ownership. The author says such a racial shortfall may have a significant influence on black students'….

Enhancing Patient Engagement Through Healthcare Technology: A Needs Assessment on Childhood ObesityIntroductionChildhood obesity is a critical public health issue that demands patient-centered approaches for successful management. Central to this is patient engagement, which involves active participation in healthcare decisions, improving patients health, economic, and cultural needs. An evidence-based needs assessment provides crucial insights into implementing healthcare technology that enhances patient engagement and achieves better health outcomes (Gallagher et al., 2020).The Importance of Patient Engagement in Health, Economic, and Cultural ContextsThe role of patient engagement extends beyond clinical health. Active involvement of patients is vital to managing their overall well-being, considering their unique health, economic, and cultural contexts.Patients, especially those battling chronic conditions like childhood obesity, need to make daily decisions that impact their health. Engaged patients, informed about their condition and treatment options, are likely to make more health-conscious decisions and adhere to their treatment plan. This adherence is crucial….

Based on what was discussed during the lecture and what you read in the textbook regarding the post-PC era, what do you think will be the impact of the rise in mobile devices in developing countries for the OLPC project?The rise in mobile devices in developing countries is likely to have both negative and positive impacts. A likely positive impact is growth in business opportunities resulting from increased access to social media at the household level. With mobile devices more accessible, employees can work conveniently away from the office by taking advantage of social media marketing to increase their reach. They could also use apps available on the internet to do research, understand trends, and drive innovation. Further, the proliferation of mobile devices would ensure that businesses make decisions faster as employees can attend to meetings online outside office hours effectively meaning that urgent decisions/tasks do not have to….

Food, Technology and Class
The digestive divide:

Food, technology, and class and the changing eating habits of Americans and people around the globe

Much has been written about the 'digital divide,' or the fact that poorer people tend to have less access to cutting-edge technology and are thus disenfranchised from many educational, vocational, and personal opportunities for self-improvement. However, this digital divide is also seen in the different eating habits of the social classes, only in reverse. Today, wealthier people have access to simpler, healthier food that requires less technology to produce. Once upon a time, bitter greens like arugula and fish like salmon were the foods of the poor while the rich dined on heavily spiced meats and alcohol. Today, the equation has been reversed. Wealthy people can afford to eat organic produce and wild-caught fish. But walk into any disadvantaged neighborhood and you will find a bodega that is filled with….

airport we have kiosks and call centers and the e-services that we provide allow customers to check in online and to order tickets online. The information that is provided by the websites described here are also related to customer service as well as to employee benefits because employees can also utilize these e-services to access their information online and book flights for themselves and for friends and/or family. Professional development services are also available. Our airport is the same as all top-of-the-line airports around the world. Thus airport e-services generally offer "easy-to-access online services for staff and customers" (e-services, 2015).
Our e-services can also be used for public service announcements, such as outbreaks of diseases in areas where fliers might be flying. Other e-service providers utilize this service as well, such as colleges and places of business that invite travelers or see a lot of thorough fare (Clear Lake E-Services,….

Digital Book Production
Practical advice on publishing eBooks.

Which digital formats and platforms to convert to... pdf, ePub, Kindle, etc..

Lipton (2014) in his study assessed the current norms of the digital printing industry with focus on publishing and copyrights in America and European Union. He reveals that popular eBook formats are few rounding up in single digit figures. In case of United States, the industry frontlines such as Amazon, Apple and Barnes & Noble are quite open to their users in order to pave way for easier reading. Due to this simplistic idea, the nuisance of multiple file formats to be used is cut down as most book readers don't like to shift from one file format to another. It's just too much nuisance and hassle for a reader.

In case of European Union, he adds that the digital eBook market is slowly growing as publishers are indulged in different file formats; working….

This phenomenon is referred to as the filter roll-off generally expressed in Decibels of attenuation per octave of frequency. When a filter is designed there is the intention of making the roll-off as narrow as achievable which gives the filter a chance to get as close as possible to the intended design in terms of performance.
There is a difference that exists between the upper and the lower cutoff frequencies which is referred to as the bandwidth of the filter while the ratio of bandwidths which is obtained by using two distinct attenuation values in order to find the cutoff frequency is referred to as the shape factor. For instance, when the shape factor is said to be 2:1 at 30/3 dB then it means that the bandwidth obtained between frequencies at 30 dB attenuation is double that obtained at 3 dB attenuation. The electrical symbol of a band pass….

Consequently, marketing efforts become more and more important.
Glyn Atwal and Alistair Williams (2009) for instance argue that the creators of luxury products have to use marketing efforts to identify new customers' needs even before the customers become aware of these needs. In other words, they have to "stay in front of luxury consumers" (Atwal and Williams, 2009, p.338). And in order to do so, the luxury products manufacturers strive to create positive experiences for their customers in order to inspire them and to stimulate their purchase decisions.

Otherwise put, in the context of luxury products, experiential marketing is growingly present and critical and this is due to the complex nature of the luxury sector. Here, the producers seek to transmit the image of high quality, product authenticity, as well as performance. However, aside from these statements, the luxury products must also transmit and sell a customer experience; and this experience….

R.R. Donnelly & Sons Print vs. Digital
Final Project -- R.R. Donnelley & Sons: The Digital Division

In 1995, the largest commercial printer in the world, R.R. Donnelley & Sons which was founded in the 1864, was experiencing challenges both internally and externally as digital printing technology began to completely alter the printing industry. Though the printing company had created a division to respond to the massive changes associated with digital technology, headed by VP Barb Schetter, the division had significant difficulties infiltrating and making an overall impact on the traditional Donnelley business model which was fully invested in larger and more costly printing systems and had an informal and formal business structure and culture to support these massive historical investments.

R.R. Donnelley & Sons Assignment Questions

What are the differences between the traditional printing business and the digital printing business? And in particular, what are the implications for Rory Cowan, who is sitting….

While both gender and race are positionalities that are difficult to hide (not that one should need or want to, anyway), sexual orientation is not necessarily something that is known about a person, and its affects on the learning process can be very different. The very fact that sexual orientation can be hidden can create a situation where the learner closes off, hiding not only their sexuality but demurring away from other opportunities of expression and engagement as well. Conversely, if an individual with an alternative sexuality was open about this fact, it could very well cause discomfort in other adult learners who have a marked generational bias against many alternative sexualities and lifestyles (Cain). Both situations could provide useful grounds for personal growth in self-acceptance and self-security, for the learner of a minority sexual orientation and for the other learners in the class, respectively (Cain).

Situated Cognition v. Experiential Learning


This balkanization is partially driven by the lack of integration between various segments of itself, and this is primarily a technological limitation. Yet the far broader and more difficult challenge in this regard is the segregating of knowledge not just for profit, but for lasting competitive advantage between nations. On the one hand there is the need for competitive differentiation in company's offerings, yet in others including the sharing of primary research in medicine and biomedical fields and stem cell research there is the ethical responsibility to share these insights gained to foster solutions to the world's most pressing medical problems. M. Van Alstyne and E. Brynjolfsson, researchers on the growth patterns and threat of Internet balkanization from MIT, remark in their conference paper from a 1996 conference that the balkanization of science is a significant threat. The two MIT researchers cite the studies they have completed showing how….

Over the next twenty-five years, however, the digital divide will be decreased. Despite the slow pace of change in much of the developing world, change will occur over the next twenty-five years. In addition, the younger populations of most of these countries will mean that the opportunity to replace citizens with little likelihood of adopting modern telecommunications with young ones who will know of nothing else. As the pace of innovation slows in the est over the next twenty-five years, the developed world will have a chance to catch up, particularly in the countries where strong economic growth rates promise to bring those nations in the developed world in that span of time.

orks Cited:


M. & Farlie, R. (2006). The determinants of global digital divide: a cross-country analysis of computer and Internet penetration. Oxford Economic Papers. Retrieved May 10, 2010 from

Dasgupta, S., Lall, S. & heeler, D. (2005). Policy reform,….

Then students use AlphaSmart software to paste the picture and explain in a paragraph why, how and where in the plot they feel that picture relates to the story. This tests three things: (a) student concentration; (b) student level of understanding of the general plot; and - student imagination. This is an important implementation because it opens the students' horizons and allows them to see the general links and relations that their own lives might have with the stories that they read. The implementation of taking the pictures is one way that this has been successfully achieved. This use of a camera is a very flexible application and is being used in different ways for different special-needs students.
May (2003) found that cameras are being used to also expand the span of words or vocabulary amongst the special-needs students. The teacher hands out a set of words to the students….

The government can play a crucial role in supporting schools in rural areas by implementing various measures. Here are some ways in which the government can help:

1. Infrastructure development: The government can provide funds for the construction and renovation of school buildings, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other essential facilities. This will ensure that rural schools have adequate physical infrastructure to provide quality education.

2. Technology integration: The government can facilitate the integration of technology in rural schools by providing funds for the purchase of computers, projectors, internet connectivity, and other necessary equipment. This will enhance the teaching and learning experience for....

1. The Evolution of Traditional and New Media: A Comparative Analysis

2. The Impact of Digital Technology on Traditional Media

3. The Role of Social Media in Modern Journalism

4. Traditional Media vs. New Media: Bridging the Generation Gap

5. The Changing Landscape of Mass Communication: From Newspapers to Facebook

6. Adapting to the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for Traditional Media

7. The Influence of New Media on Political Discourse and Public Opinion

8. Exploring the Power of Visual Storytelling in Traditional and New Media

9. The Convergence of Traditional and New Media: Prospects and Challenges

10. The Future of Media Consumption: Trends in Traditional and New Media....

I. Introduction
A. Importance of technology in the courtroom
B. Historical evolution of courtroom technology
C. Thesis statement: Courtroom technology has revolutionized the legal system, improving efficiency, accuracy, and access to justice.

II. Efficiency Enhancements
A. Electronic Case Management Systems (ECMS)
1. Paperless filing and storage
2. Streamlined docket management
3. Automated reminders and notifications
B. Real-Time Transcription and Recording
1. Instantaneous transcription of proceedings
2. Increased accuracy and completeness of records
3. Time-saving and efficiency gains
C. Audiovisual Aids
1. Multimedia presentations and demonstrations
2. Enlarged exhibits and documents
3. Enhanced understanding and engagement of jurors

III. Improved Accuracy
A. Digital....

Captivating Essay Topics Related to Corona

Introspective Explorations

The Psychological Impact of Prolonged Isolation: Exploring the Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Consequences of COVID-19 Lockdowns
Re-evaluating Priorities in the Face of Adversity: How the Pandemic Has Reshaped Values and Life Goals
The Power of Connection in a Time of Physical Distancing: Examining the Impact of Virtual and Alternative Social Interactions

Societal Implications

The Digital Divide and Social Inequality: How the Pandemic Has Exacerbated Pre-existing Social Stratifications
Rethinking Healthcare Systems in the Wake of COVID-19: Examining the Challenges and Opportunities for Reform
The Role of Media in Shaping Public Perception: Analyzing the Influence of....

2 Pages
Case Study

Education - Computers

Digital Divide the United Nations

Words: 616
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

They learn, share, create, and collaborate. They become connected to each other, to the world and to a brighter future" (OLPC, 2009). Successful Bridging of the Digital Divide: While the…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Digital Divide and Its Impact on Information Systems

Words: 669
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Information Systems There are numerous external factors that impact the extent to which Information Systems (IS) can be effective. One such factor is the digital divide that keeps a…

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3 Pages
A2 Outline Answer

Sports - Drugs

Internet and the Great Digital Divide

Words: 1036
Length: 3 Pages
Type: A2 Outline Answer

digital age is coming and soon everyone will have affordable access to the internet. At least that is the hopeful message of some. In reality, the digital age…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Digital Divide and Nursing Strategies to Address Obesity

Words: 1155
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Enhancing Patient Engagement Through Healthcare Technology: A Needs Assessment on Childhood ObesityIntroductionChildhood obesity is a critical public health issue that demands patient-centered approaches for successful management. Central to this…

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1 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Case 3 Bridging the Digital Divide

Words: 433
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Case Study

Based on what was discussed during the lecture and what you read in the textbook regarding the post-PC era, what do you think will be the impact of the…

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3 Pages


Food Technology and Class the Digestive Divide

Words: 1034
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Food, Technology and Class The digestive divide: Food, technology, and class and the changing eating habits of Americans and people around the globe Much has been written about the 'digital divide,' or…

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2 Pages
A2 Outline Answer


The Impact of E Service Digital Tech in the Classroom

Words: 829
Length: 2 Pages
Type: A2 Outline Answer

airport we have kiosks and call centers and the e-services that we provide allow customers to check in online and to order tickets online. The information that is…

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8 Pages
Marketing Plan


Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House

Words: 2708
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Marketing Plan

Digital Book Production Practical advice on publishing eBooks. Which digital formats and platforms to convert to... pdf, ePub, Kindle, etc.. Lipton (2014) in his study assessed the current norms of the digital…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Education - Mathematics

Analogue and Digital Converter This

Words: 1283
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

This phenomenon is referred to as the filter roll-off generally expressed in Decibels of attenuation per octave of frequency. When a filter is designed there is the intention…

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38 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Advertising

Swarovski's Customer in the Digital

Words: 10512
Length: 38 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Consequently, marketing efforts become more and more important. Glyn Atwal and Alistair Williams (2009) for instance argue that the creators of luxury products have to use marketing efforts to…

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2 Pages


R R Donnelly & Sons Print vs Digital

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

R.R. Donnelly & Sons Print vs. Digital Final Project -- R.R. Donnelley & Sons: The Digital Division In 1995, the largest commercial printer in the world, R.R. Donnelley & Sons which…

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12 Pages


Education the Existence of the

Words: 3464
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

While both gender and race are positionalities that are difficult to hide (not that one should need or want to, anyway), sexual orientation is not necessarily something that is…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Policy Formulation in a World

Words: 5010
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This balkanization is partially driven by the lack of integration between various segments of itself, and this is primarily a technological limitation. Yet the far broader and more…

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5 Pages

Education - Computers

New Media Technologies Have Driven

Words: 1615
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Over the next twenty-five years, however, the digital divide will be decreased. Despite the slow pace of change in much of the developing world, change will occur over the…

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16 Pages
Term Paper


Special Education Goetze and Walker

Words: 4835
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Then students use AlphaSmart software to paste the picture and explain in a paragraph why, how and where in the plot they feel that picture relates to the…

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