Diligence Essays (Examples)

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Powers of attorney on any matter.

List of banks or other lenders with whom a financial relationship exists

Credit agreements, debt instruments, security agreements, mortgages, financial or performance guaranties, indemnifications, liens, equipment leases or other agreements evidencing outstanding loans

List of major clients and their locations.

Litigation with Summary of disputes with suppliers, competitors, or customers Decrees, orders or judgments of courts or governmental agencies or settlement documentation.

A management organization chart with biographical information

List of negotiations with any group seeking to become the bargaining unit for any employee

All employment and consulting agreements, loan agreements and documents


e: Legal Due Diligence Checklist

Upon completion of the review associated with the Legal Due Diligence Checklist this memo is to provide our recommendation against an investment in the Newco Company with the rationale of the recommendation.

First and foremost, we found through the application of the legal due diligence search, several points of concern which leads to a recommendation of….

The School of Public Health provides mastery in the skills necessary to analyze and address critical and endemic health issues and its determinants. Indeed, the importance of mastery in epidemiology and community-based health-outcomes research techniques is critical to achieving improvements in outcomes measurement. Research skills obtained through intensive coursework is specific to career goals that engage and improve diverse under-served populations.
The program provides exceptional preparation using an interdisciplinary methodology. A function of effective public health field research includes demanding statistical and epidemiological coursework; aimed to provide the scientific knowledge applicable to improving the environmental conditions and health status of populations experiencing the greatest disparities and deficiencies in health potential. The training opportunities available in the program provide tremendous preparation to venture into the field and perform community-based studies to improve environmental conditions and health-outcomes for the most vulnerable. This is to include women and children living in poverty, aboriginal….

Due Diligence and Mattel

Mergers & Acquisitions
One of the more fascinating and complex part of corporate news and maneuvering is when companies engage in mergers and acquisitions as a means to further their growth, development and diversification. This report shall look at two companies in particular, those being Mattel and Texas Instruments. After conducting a thorough literature review, questions about both firms will be posed and answered. While there is more than one way to launch a takeover or acquisition bid for a firm, there are some ways and methods that are better than others.

Mattel Case Study

Now that the literature relative to mergers and acquisitions has been properly sampled and queried, it should now be ascertained what the answers are to the questions described in the introduction, with Mattel being the first firm addressed. Mattel has proven themselves to be concerned with branching out and modernizing their product mix and feel due to the….

Cost Analysis
The author of this brief report shall be analyzing the proposed cost structure that is being negotiated and considered between Good Intentions Technology (GIT) and Federal Watchout Agency (FWA). In question is a Firm Fixed Price Solicitation for the B1-D surveillance product as sold and made by GIT and extended to FWA. The author has been asked to take the perspective of one of the two parties and look at the projected costs. The costs will be assessed on their face and will also be assessed in terms of what questions and fact-finding could and should be done once negotiations continue at the next meeting. Indeed, the overall structure is fairly straight-forward and figuring out cost structures in advance is advantageous to all parties involved. However, the figures given do lead to some questions and there should indeed be the proper amount of due diligence before agreeing to the….

Newco Construction and investing with due diligence
According to the Internet dictionary Investopedia, the legal contractual concept of 'due diligence' from an investor's point-of-view is simply the "care" in which "a reasonable person should take before entering in an agreement or transaction with another party," such as when considering an investment on the part of a venture capitalist. ("Due Diligence," Investopedia, 2005) A due diligence audit is performed of a corporation, to confirm all material facts in regards to an investiture of capital, such as one that is currently being performed of the Newco Construction Company, to mitigate the risks of investing capital and to ensure that full disclosure of all company assets and potential problems are made aware to both parties involved, both the investors and the company's board of directors. Such an audit was performed of Newco Construction, and the company seems to pass all tests of the….

International Safety Management
ISM Code

ISM safety code

Acting as a mandatory regulation, ISM Code usually lays down standards of shipowner's responsibility for safe management of ships and pollution prevention accepted internationally. The obligation of the shipment owner is to establish, maintain as well as implement a Safety Management System that is to meet the ISM Code's requirements.

The aspects of civil liability's impact is to be focused on the impact on liability of shipowner for cargo loss or damage, in addition to shipowner's legal right to limit his liability for claims. Some of the concepts such as seaworthiness, actual fault and privity, crew's negligence, the role of the designated person and recklessness with knowledge are to be considered. There has already been a change in the conditions in terms of policies that meet the requirement of the ISM Code through Hull and Machinery (H & M) underwrites and protection and Indemnity (P &….

"That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises," (Hebrews 6:12). The promises referred to in the Bible include spiritual gifts like wisdom, and also the gifts of material abundance and fecundity. The Bible teaches that laziness, or sloth, is incompatible with wisdom or success. Moreover, the Bible teaches that only foolish people are lazy and slothful, because they allow themselves to be distracted by desires. The person who is distracted does not work, and when a person does not work, he or she cannot eat. "The desire of the sluggard kills him, for his hands refuse to labor," (Proverbs 21:25). Hands that refuse to labor are naturally hands that cannot provide food to sustain the body, let alone spiritual nourishment for the soul.

Thus, the Bible makes the connection between laziness and foolish desires. It is desire that causes laziness, and laziness….

Oceana Group Limited is a company listed in Johannesburg and Namibia stock exchanger. The company is in the food and beverage industry with core business being fishing as well as allied services sector. The company is engaged in the catching, processing as well as the procurement of various marine species such as pilchard, redeye, sardine anchovy, lobster, herring, tune, horse mackerel as well as hake. Other deep-see species also form their specialty. Their products are prepared and then sold via local and international marketing channels. Additionally, the company provides fruit handling as well as cold storage facilities at an extensive level (Oceana,2011). The company operates via various divisions, subsidiary stakeholders as well as companies.
The South African-based firm engages in the catching, preparing for sale and procuring different fish products in South Africa.It also deals in canned fish products. The company's market capitalization was valued at ZA 3113 million or $421….

iegele indicates that "employers often wish to know whether they are entitled to contact an applicant's references and what obligations they may have in this regard. ith respect to obtaining consent to contact such references, it is accepted that an applicant who lists references on a job application or resume is implicitly consenting to a prospective employer contacting and obtaining information from those references. Similarly, it is generally accepted that an applicant who lists former employers is deemed to be giving consent to have those employers contacted for references." (iegele, p. 3)

This speaks to the fundamental condition in the relationship between employer and prospective employee. The latter must make available willingly certain information that would otherwise be considered private and protected. This is part and parcel to the process of attempting to gain employment and provides the prospective employer with avenues to determine the suitability of the individual not….

Activity Studies found common features high-performing health departments manage diabetes. These departments include receiving external funding programming, a -management education program recognized American Diabetes Association, partnership opportunities.
While obesity and obesity-related complaints such as Type II diabetes are a problem all over the United States, in my home state of Georgia, the condition has been of particular, growing concern. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "64.8% of adults were overweight, with a Body Mass Index of 25 or greater" and "29.6% of adults were obese, with a Body Mass Index of 30 or greater" in the state (Georgia's response to obesity, 2012, CDC). Even more worrisome, amongst adolescents who should be at the most active stage of their lives, "14.8% were overweight (>85th and < 95th percentiles for BMI by age and sex) 12.4% were obese (>95th percentile for BMI by age and sex)" (Georgia's response to obesity,….

old, living away from home for the first time in an apartment in San Diego when I decided to attend college and maintain myself in an apartment without taking any financial assistance from my parents. Since I was not a California resident I had the additional expense of paying out-of-state tuition. I had a football scholarship that would pay fifty-percent of my tuition but I needed a job to pay my living expenses and the remaining tuition.
Although the time required for school and football was a fulltime job in itself, my financial needs said I needed to work between thirty and thirty five hours per week to make ends meet. With that as my motivation, I took a job at Federal Express as a package handler on the graveyard shift.

The summer before starting my sophomore year of college, just two weeks before the beginning of football camp in August,….

OHS Act and egulations that are applicable to the hospitality industry
The legal instruments


Approved codes of practice

Legal responsibility of employers to worker

Consequences of non-compliance by the employer

The hospitality industry has a responsibility of establishing safe as well as healthy environments for both the workers and patrons. This category includes food and beverage restaurants, clubs, hotels, commercial kitchens, accommodation as well as tourist enterprises. It is the shared responsibility of the employers and the employees to promote a very safe, healthy and secure work environment that effectively minimizes the risks of harm to all people within any given business establishment. The Australian Government, through the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW) is proactive in the promotion of workplace safety (Foster,2010).

Sections of the OHS Act and egulations that are applicable to the hospitality industry

According to WorkCover (2003), the sections of the OHS Act and egulations that are applicable to the hospitality….

Non Linear Pro-is a company that sells editing equipment. Recently, the company was involved in a transaction that involved the lease of equipment to Quick Text Video on a trial basis. Before the purchase, the sales representative for NonLinear Pro and the company manger for Quick Text Video discussed the pros and cons of the product. The salesman indicated that the system would be up and running within a day in a half of delivery and that it would be twice as fast as the current system in use at Quick Text Video. The system was delivered, including a delivery document for the signature of the recipient. The document included a lease agreement for three months.
Quick Text Video attempted to use the equipment for two weeks. However, it was not performing properly for a number of reasons, the first and most obvious of which was that the promise of the….

Managing Dynamic Environments ADDITION
Effectively managing complex information technology projects is predominantly an exercise in precision and planning, but the best project managers know that adaptability is often the best way to mitigate the risk factors posed by dynamic environments. Adhering to a company's most recently issued mission statement is often the primary priority of top managers and executives, and with the fluid nature of modern organizational structures, outdated or obsolete projects reflecting prior mission statements may still be on the company's proverbial books. In this instance, competent managers are expected to identify projects which do not reflect the company's current mission statement, either adapting them to ensure compliance across all project parameters, or terminating the project's progress in an effective and efficient fashion. A recent article published by the prestigious International Journal of Project Management focused its analysis on the role that dynamic environments, which are typified by a continual….

Stephen R Covey's

Leadership at Sea and Seven Habits of Highly Effective Sailors
The irony is unavoidable. I began reading Seven Habits of Highly Effective People when I was feeling at my least effective, personally, as a human being and as a child. I suppose I'm not alone in saying this, though. The fact of a parent's death makes every child feel ineffective, unable to cope with family grief and stress, as well as forced to face one's own mortality and "principles of personal vision." (1) The loss of a father makes it easy to lose one's sense of a future perspective, and the vision one has of one's self in a family and a societal context.

However, I was also, when I began the book, feeling quite ineffective as a leader as well. Because of my father's death in mid-August, I had to leave my ship and came home to tend to family….

Due diligence refers to the process of doing a proper investigation into something before taking an action.  Due diligence can have applications in a number of different contexts, but is most often discussed in the context of some type of business deal, when a person or organization has to make a decision about whether or not to enter into some type of business relationship (usually an investment relationship) with another type of person or organization.  Due diligence can be as simple as studying publicly available information to determine whether or not to purchase a stock....

1. The Historical Roots and Evolution of Child Labor: An Exploration of Causes and Consequences

Trace the origins and development of child labor practices throughout history
Examine the social, economic, and political factors that have perpetuated child labor
Analyze the impact of industrialization, globalization, and social movements on the prevalence of child labor

2. The Ethical Implications and Human Rights Violations of Child Labor: Confronting Exploitation and Injustice

Discuss the ethical dilemmas posed by child labor and its violation of fundamental human rights
Examine the psychological, physical, and developmental hazards faced by child laborers
Evaluate the role of international conventions and....

The Wirecard Scandal: A Case Study in Corporate Fraud

In June 2020, the German fintech company Wirecard filed for insolvency, revealing a massive accounting fraud scandal that shook the global financial community. As the dust settled, it became clear that the company's financial statements had been grossly inflated, and that executives had engaged in a sophisticated scheme to deceive investors and regulators.

The Scheme

Wirecard's fraudulent scheme involved several interconnected elements. Firstly, the company created fake subsidiaries in Southeast Asia to inflate its revenue and profits. These subsidiaries had no real operations but were used to process fictitious transactions. Secondly, Wirecard used third-party....

Key Principles and Values for a Code of Ethics in Accounting

A robust code of ethics for accounting professionals serves as a cornerstone for maintaining the integrity, credibility, and public trust in the profession. It provides a framework of principles and values that guide accountants in their professional conduct and decision-making. Here are some key principles and values that should be outlined in such a code:

1. Integrity

Adhere to the highest ethical standards and maintain impartiality in all professional activities.
Act with honesty, fairness, and transparency in all dealings.
Be truthful and accurate in reporting financial information and avoid any intentional....

4 Pages
Term Paper


Diligence This Report Aims to

Words: 1088
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Powers of attorney on any matter. List of banks or other lenders with whom a financial relationship exists Credit agreements, debt instruments, security agreements, mortgages, financial or performance guaranties, indemnifications, liens,…

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3 Pages


Diligence Research in the Identification

Words: 749
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The School of Public Health provides mastery in the skills necessary to analyze and address critical and endemic health issues and its determinants. Indeed, the importance of mastery…

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9 Pages


Due Diligence and Mattel

Words: 3561
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Chapter

Mergers & Acquisitions One of the more fascinating and complex part of corporate news and maneuvering is when companies engage in mergers and acquisitions as a means to further their…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Due Diligence and Explanation

Words: 1253
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Cost Analysis The author of this brief report shall be analyzing the proposed cost structure that is being negotiated and considered between Good Intentions Technology (GIT) and Federal Watchout Agency…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Newco Construction Investing

Words: 1284
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Newco Construction and investing with due diligence According to the Internet dictionary Investopedia, the legal contractual concept of 'due diligence' from an investor's point-of-view is simply the "care" in…

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10 Pages

Business - Management

International Safety Management Ism Code Ism Safety

Words: 4136
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

International Safety Management ISM Code ISM safety code Acting as a mandatory regulation, ISM Code usually lays down standards of shipowner's responsibility for safe management of ships and pollution prevention accepted internationally.…

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2 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Bible That Ye Be Not Slothful but

Words: 646
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Bible "That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises," (Hebrews 6:12). The promises referred to in the Bible include spiritual gifts…

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8 Pages


Oceana Group Limited Is a Company Listed

Words: 2274
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Oceana Group Limited is a company listed in Johannesburg and Namibia stock exchanger. The company is in the food and beverage industry with core business being fishing as well…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Staffing Privacy Staffing and Privacy

Words: 1698
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

iegele indicates that "employers often wish to know whether they are entitled to contact an applicant's references and what obligations they may have in this regard. ith respect…

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3 Pages


Activity Studies Found Common Features High-Performing Health

Words: 1147
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Activity Studies found common features high-performing health departments manage diabetes. These departments include receiving external funding programming, a -management education program recognized American Diabetes Association, partnership opportunities. While obesity…

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2 Pages

Sports - College

Old Living Away From Home for the

Words: 497
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

old, living away from home for the first time in an apartment in San Diego when I decided to attend college and maintain myself in an apartment without…

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10 Pages


Ohs Act and Regulations That Are Applicable

Words: 2870
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

OHS Act and egulations that are applicable to the hospitality industry The legal instruments egulations Approved codes of practice Legal responsibility of employers to worker Consequences of non-compliance by the employer The hospitality industry…

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3 Pages


Non Linear Pro-Is a Company That Sells

Words: 1201
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Non Linear Pro-is a company that sells editing equipment. Recently, the company was involved in a transaction that involved the lease of equipment to Quick Text Video on a…

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3 Pages
Article Review

Business - Management

Project Management Approaches for Dynamic Environments

Words: 834
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Managing Dynamic Environments ADDITION Effectively managing complex information technology projects is predominantly an exercise in precision and planning, but the best project managers know that adaptability is often the best…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Stephen R Covey's

Words: 2268
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadership at Sea and Seven Habits of Highly Effective Sailors The irony is unavoidable. I began reading Seven Habits of Highly Effective People when I was feeling at my…

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