Discipline Essays (Examples)

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Discipline in the Public Schools
Pages: 3 Words: 1107

Discipline in Public Schools: ecent Court Cases
"From 1969 to 1975, amid increasing legal challenges to the regulation of student expression in school, the Court's rulings largely confirmed students' rights to various free expression and due process protections" (Arum & Priess 2009). In Goss et al. v. Lopez et al. The U.S. Supreme Court decided that public school students do have a right to due process. In the case, a student was expelled from the Ohio public schools without a hearing for being disorderly and the school contended that because the U.S. Constitution does not specify that every citizen is entitled to a free education at public expense "the Due Process Clause does not protect against expulsions from the public school system" (Goss et al. v. Lopez, 1975). However, the majority finding of the court was that although there is not a specifically delineated right to education under the Fourteenth Amendment,…...



Arum, Richard & Doreet Preiss. (2009). Law and disorder in the classroom. Education Next.

Retrieved:  http://educationnext.org/law-and-disorder-in-the-classroom/ 

Goss et al. v. Lopez. (1975).  http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/conlaw/goss.html 

Morse v. Frederick. (2007). Oyez Project. Retrieved:

Discipline in Business Management Importance of Discipline
Pages: 8 Words: 2652

Discipline in usiness Management
Importance of Discipline in usiness Management

Importance of Discipline in Managerial usiness

Management is the process of delegating tasks to groups that are meant to achieve an overall goal. It is a popular, worldwide practice that pertains to versatile cultures and civilizations. Organizations under every sphere and scope of work employ this tool to function efficiently and productively. It is "an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally organized groups. It is an art of creating an environment in which people can perform and individuals and can co-operate towards attainment of group goals." (Harold Koontz, 2007)

According to the great mind of Frederick Winslow Taylor, "Management is an art of knowing what to do, when to do and see that it is done in the best and cheapest way." Labeled as the "Father of Scientific Management" (as says so on his gravestone), he was an…...



Frederick Winslow Taylor. (2009, February 6). The Economist .

Harold Koontz, H.W. (2007). Essentials of Business Management. Tata McGraw Hill

Publishing Company Ltd.

King, W. (2012). Maintaining Office Discipline at Your Workplace. Ezine .

Discipline and Management Different Yet
Pages: 3 Words: 1028

elying too much upon discipline create resentment in the mind and heart of the child because it is punitive, blatantly telling the child he or she is wrong (however lovingly) and does not solicit input from the child. It is also highly individualized in nature, which can make the child feel (rightly or wrongly) that he or she is being singled out and treated unfairly by an authority figure.


Group management is what a teacher uses to avoid the need for discipline. It tries to set rules and mutually-agreed upon procedures to minimize the need to use the 'hickory stick' of punishment against "inappropriate behaviors" amongst the student body (Donovan 2002). "The goal of group management practices is to create a child-friendly environment so the children almost can't help but behave" (Donovan 2002). While this might seem idealistic, very simple and time-tested techniques can reinforce the managerial process. For example, the…...



Donovan, Joan. (2002). Classroom vs. group management. Iowa State. Retrieved September

24, 2010 at  http://www.extension.iastate.edu/4h/clover/Documents/303DisciplineVsGroupMgt.pdf 

Marshall, Marvin. (2003, February). Curriculum, instruction: Classroom management and discipline. Teachers.net Gazette. Retrieved September 24, 2010 at  http://teachers.net/gazette/FEB03/marshall.html

Discipline and Grievances
Pages: 8 Words: 2252

Discipline and Grievances Procedures
The Chartered Institute of Personal Development (CIPD) Survey report of February 2007 entitled: "Managing Conflict at work" reports a survey of 798 participant organizations that employ in excess of 2.2 million employees. This survey reports that the most common causes of workplace disputes are "general behavior and conduct issues" followed by "conflicts over performance, sickness absence and attendance and relationships between colleagues." (CIPD, 2007) According to CIPD conflict generally falls within two broad categories including: (1) Conflict between individuals and involving (a) Colleagues; or (b) Employees and their managers; and (2) Conflict between groups and involving (a) Teams; and (b) Large groups of employee and management. (CIPD, 2009)

CASE STUDY -- PART A - Preparing a Report for the Chief Executive

The first step in preparing a report for the chief executive in this situation is to talk to the employees involved in the conflict in a process that…...



ACAS Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures: Q&A. (2009) IDS Employment Law Brief. February. pp14-18.

Head to Head: ACAS disciplinary code of practice. (2009) Employers' Law. February. pp.10-11,

Newman, D., (2009) New ACAS code of practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures. IRS Employment Review. No 913, 12 January. 4pp.

Payne, R. (2007) How to conduct an effective internal investigation. People Management. Vol 13, No 20, 4 October. pp42-43

Discipline Exercises
Pages: 2 Words: 887

Discipline Exercises
"Missing Money." My first reaction is to look at all the students involved and at their reactions. Eileen looks shocked, but does Carol look guilty? While Carol may have behavior issues, I cannot make snap judgments about her and the missing money. Other options would be to talk to Carol and Eileen, and try to get to the bottom of the missing money from them. Talking to Carol might frighten her enough for her to confess. I would talk to them privately, and I would also talk to the student who called out "Carol took it," and find out if he or she actually saw Carol take the money from the wallet. If no one confesses, there is not a lot I can do, but I can ask the class if anyone saw anything, and weigh their answers. I cannot accuse Carol of something I didn't see, just because…...

Discipline What Is the Best
Pages: 2 Words: 570

Sometimes, punishment had to be used. However, Skinner believed that this negative approach should be used only as the last resort. In fact, he suggested that teachers use the "Catch 'Em Being Good" method.
In their theory of assertive discipline, Lee and Marlene Canter also support the contractual agreement approach. A contract is a "written, signed agreement" between the teacher and the student and is structured in such a manner that it allows the teacher to continually intercede and observe the student's behavior (Canter, 1989).

In order for the agreement to be successful, it must target one or two specific behaviors that must be changed or improved, give constructive reinforcement back to the student, detail the consequences resulting from not fulfilling the terms of the contract, and limit amount of time required for completion agreement (Canter, 1989). The Canters differed from Skinner in that they stressed that the ultimate goal was…...



Canter, Lee and Marlene (1989). Assertive Discipline for Secondary School Educators

Santa Monica, CA: Lee Canter and Associates.

Skinner, B.F. (1953). Science and Human Behavior. New York: Macmillan.

Discipline of Biology Is Very
Pages: 5 Words: 1767

hereas, people needing a broad understanding of biological concepts may want to review books instead. The end result is that there is a litany of literary sources for biological resource; the chief concern is to frame the right questions to find appropriate research.
orks Cited

Neil Campbell, Biology (7th edition), Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, 2004, hardcover

Johnson George B. 2005 "Biology, Visualizing Life." Holt, Rinehart, and inston.

PLos Biology. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2007, from http://biology.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=index-html&issn=1545-7885

International Journal of Biological Sciences. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2007 at http://www.biolsci.org/

Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2007, from http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/perspectives_in_biology_and_medicine / index.html

MIT Biology Hypertextbook. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2007, from http://www.biology-online.org/reference/flink/mit_biology_hypertextbook/

Borgstrom, G., 1969, Too Many, a Story of Earth's Biological Limitations: New York,


orks Consulted

Coleman, ., 1971, Biology in the Nineteenth Century: New York, John iley and Sons.

Garland, a., 1975, Life Science in the Twentieth Century: New York, John iley and Sons.

Margulis, L., and Schwartz, K.V., 1982,…...


Works Cited

Neil Campbell, Biology (7th edition), Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, 2004, hardcover

Johnson George B. 2005 "Biology, Visualizing Life." Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

PLos Biology. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2007, from  http://biology.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=index-html&issn=1545-7885 

International Journal of Biological Sciences. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2007 at  http://www.biolsci.org/

Discipline the Navy Has a Stated Mission
Pages: 6 Words: 1544

The Navy has a stated mission to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression, and maintaining freedom of the seas. This mission requires the active involvement, participation, and support of the troops that make up the Navy. I understand that as a service member, I have a role to play in the Navy's ability to achieve its mission. I understand the importance of my personal contribution to Navy efforts to meet its goals and the necessity of complying with military regulations governing acceptable behavior. I am taking this opportunity to discuss the need to follow orders, maintain good order and discipline and promote the success of Navy objectives.

Just as every state and city in the United States has laws that promote safety, fire prevention and maintaining the good order of the populace, so too does the Navy have laws and regulations that must…...

Discipline Nursing Discuss Concepts Identified Literature Relation
Pages: 5 Words: 1581

discipline nursing discuss concepts identified literature relation nursing practice. Your paper adhere APA 6th edition guidelines include introduction, thesis statement conclusion.
Nursing metaparadigm: Evolving views of the discipline

Ever since Florence Nightingale published her thirteen canons of nursing, nursing has striven to define itself as a unique discipline, with unique rules and protocols. The nursing metaparadigm embraced by most theorists of the nursing process today is fourfold structure encompassing patient (human being), the nursing process, health, and the wider environment. However, while the embrace of such constructs connects many of the major theorists of nursing, all theorists have slightly different notions of what constitutes 'nursing,' which affects their views of other components of the nursing process. Additionally, some writers on the topic even believe that to have a 'theory' of the practical nursing process is an oxymoron.

Those who dispute the value of having a 'theory' or larger construct with which to…...



Dexheimer Pharris, Margaret. (2009). Inclusivity. From Transforming nursing education.

Bosher, Susan D. & Dexheimer Pharris, Margaret. (Eds.). Springer. Retrieved.  http://www.springerpub.com/samples/9780826125583_chapter.pdf 

Kikuchi, June. F. (1999). Clarifying the nature of conceptualizations about nursing. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 30(4): 115-128. Retrieved: http://cjnr.mcgill.ca/archive/30/30_4_kikuchi.html

Margaret Newman. (2009). Nursing Theories. Retrieved:

Discipline Is a Method Used in Assisting
Pages: 1 Words: 391

discipline is a method used in assisting an employee who has not being performing his duties as expected by his company. Discipline gives an employee
the opportunity to think of his/her job and to decide how important it may be to him/her.

In some cases the discipline may modify the employees behavior, other cases the inappropriate behavior may still continue. Strong documentation is required in these

instances of the action being taken and to avoid legal ramifications such as: employment discrimination complaints, unemployment compensation hearings, wrongful discharge and other related lawsuits.

By following the guidelines listed below, the company can ensure avoidance of legal ramifications as well as a possibly better performed employee:

Make sure the employee is clear about his/her job expectations and any other details that would enable them to work more effectively.

If the employee is violating policies and procedures, make sure these are written and that the employee has been trained…...


Resources Magazine

Article: How to Fire with Compassion and Class

Pages 2 and 3

Discipline With Dignity Cardsmax the Goal of
Pages: 20 Words: 6180

Discipline with Dignity

The goal of the current research is not to conduct a thorough examination or make any inferences about the quality of research in the area of behavioral interventions and classroom management plans for students, but to present a broad stroke assessment of where we are as a field. Articles were culled from peer-reviewed journals and identified using electronic database systems, including Google Scholar, Eric, and Psychlnfo, as well as conducting reviews of bibliographies and hand searches of primary journals, including the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, and Journal of Emotional and Behavior Disorders. Teaching appropriate behavior skills is important but it is not the only aspect of instruction for young children who display negative behaviors. Preschool curriculum and instruction focus on the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children. Teachers are responsible for teaching academic and social skills. Therefore if children are exhibiting negative behavior which impedes…...



Benedict, E.A., Horner, R.H., & Squires, J.K. (2007). Assessment and Implementation of Positive Behavior Support in Preschools. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 27(3), 174-192.

Blood, E., & Neel, R.S. (2007). From FBA to Implementation: A Look At What Is Actually Being Delivered. Education & Treatment of Children, 30(4), 67-80.

Capizzi, A.M. (2009). Start the Year Off Right: Designing and Evaluating a Supportive Classroom Management Plan. Focus on Exceptional Children, 42(3), 1-12.

Kalberg, J.R., Lane, K.L., & Menzies, H.M. (2010). Using Systematic Screening Procedures to Identify Students Who are Nonresponsive to Primary Prevention Efforts: Integrating Academic and Behavioral Measures. Education & Treatment of Children, 33(4), 561-584.

Discipline Social Psychology As a Part Examination
Pages: 3 Words: 889

discipline social psychology. As a part examination, address items: a. Define social psychology. b. Discuss social psychology differs related disciplines (e.
Social Psychology

Social psychology is a study of individuals' act in a social context. The study is a branch of psychology that study's why and how people feel, think, and do things the way they do given the situations they face (Howard, 2000). In studying social psychology it is possible to understand the formation of stereotypes, their existence and what makes people seem different in different situations. Despite the fact that social psychology seeks to explain people's behavior, it cannot be said to explain all social problem people face. Social psychology resides in a special in science since it is suspended between methodological orientations deduced from biological sciences and social sciences (Ash, 2005).

The subject matters of Social psychology are the social interactions, feeling, thinking about others, relating to and subsequently…...



Ash, M.G. (2005). The Uses and Usefulness of Psychology. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 600(1), 99-114.

Howard, J.A. (2000). Social Psychology of Identities. Annual Review of Sociology, 26(3), 367-393.

Discipline of Public Administration the
Pages: 2 Words: 721

Where, many governments are often utilizing a model that augments private services with those they provide. The results are: that this is improving the overall quality of services and it is reducing costs. (Gray, 1995, pp. 75 -- 99)
Public Policy and Analysis

The article that was written by Lindblum (1959), discusses how many administrators will often use a combination of techniques and analysis when evaluating public policy. This is problematic, because it causes the overall bureaucracy to become more dysfunctional, by not having a set of procedures for effective planning and analyzing public policy. (Lindblom, 1959, pp. 79 -- 88)

Program Evaluation

The article from Proven (2001), talks about how cooperative organizational networks have been developed to evaluate the responsiveness of government programs. This is important, because these programs are providing a way of: having administrators and the citizens interacting together. At which point, they can evaluate the effectiveness of the different…...



Bailey, S. (1964). Ethics and the Public Service. Public Administration Review 24 (4). 234 -- 243.

Boyne, G. (1999). Human Resource Management. Public Administration 77 (2). 407 -- 420.

Etzoni, a. (1967). Mixed Scanning. Public Administration Review 27 (5). 385 -- 392.

Gray, a. (1995). From Public Administration. Public Administration 73 (1). 75 -- 99.

Discipline and Its Related Subjects
Pages: 2 Words: 495

The redefining of a company's vision, mission and objectives, and how they choose to align their supply chain operations, logistics, fulfillment and approaches to using this massive systems in many companies to attain SBD-based initiatives is also more comprehensive than initially assumed.
The reliance on advanced supply chain programs including reverse logistics for recycling packaging and shipment materials to create sustainable product, process and service innovation also changed my perspective of SBD as well. How reverse logistics and other supply chain processes also serve to unify a company's overall sustainability strategy was illuminating. The integration of governance, risk and compliance (GRC), resources and efficiency, and sustainable design, all of which contribute to a strong brand also exemplified how strategic SBD is overall. The use of enterprise compliance and quality management as a means to track performance of an organization against objectives for environmental sustainability also was an interesting learning experience,…...

Discipline but Most Can Be Said to
Pages: 1 Words: 334

discipline but most can be said to have certain common basic building-blocks. A research proposal serves as a kind of a road map for the final project. The first component of the proposal is the title, which should give the reader a clear idea of the proposed subject matter. "It has to be informative and comprehensive and must honestly represent the research" (Johnson 2014). The title is followed by an abstract (usually composed of approximately 200-250 words) that summarizes the content of the rest of the proposal. The actual introduction, as it suggests, introduces the research problem or thesis and anticipated results. It may also justify the methodology used.
The definition of terms section defines critical words relevant to the research given that the colloquial meaning of certain concepts may be different than the researcher's definition or the definitions of terms may vary between disciplines. The literature review explains the…...



Johnson, V. (2014). Parts of a research paper. Tarleton University. Retrieved from:


Can you discuss realism in education?
Words: 371

There are four different philosophical approaches in education: idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism.  While each of these four philosophical approaches can be seen in parts of modern-day education, realism is probably the most pervasive current philosophical influence.

Realism developed from the teachings of Aristotle and can be thought of as concerning objective facts.  While different people may perceive things in various ways, the objective truth of an event does not change.  This emphasis on rational thought means that realism underpins much of what we think of as truth. 

Realism is reflected in educational approaches that teach critical thinking skills....

Could someone kindly recommend me a topic for my A-levels global perspective essay?
Words: 481

The term global perspective actually has a few different meanings, depending on the discipline.  It can refer to an individual’s personal lens and how they view the globe; to various perspectives about an issue from around the globe; and to views linked to globalization and the impact of individual or nation-wide actions on the world and its inhabitants.   We are going to provide a range of topic suggestions that incorporate all of these different definitions of global perspectives, with the most suggestions coming from the last topic, as it is the most commonly used across academic disciplines.


I want to get some essay topics for a constitution and administrative law paper?
Words: 479

Constitutional law is one of the two most important types of law for anyone in the legal field to understand.  The United States legal system is derived from a combination of a common law tradition and constitutional law.  The common law tradition helps people understand the legal norms that are not expressly outlined in the Constitution or by legislation, while the Constitution places limits and guidelines on the rights and duties that can be governed by the law.  This is true with administrative law, which specifically addresses the laws related to various government agencies.  This is especially....

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