Discourse Community Essays (Examples)

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Though also quite controversial due to the environmental degradation that is created by any industrial interest in the natural world, pharmaceutical researchers are increasingly turning to plants and other naturally created compounds for the development of new pharmaceuticals (Newman & Cragg 2007). As research continues into this relatively new and unexamined area of pharmaceutical potential, it is likely that many profound new discoveries will be made.
One particular piece of research that examined twenty-five years' worth of empirical and primary research in the area of naturally derived pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical compounds came to some startling conclusions. Though plants have been a major source of chemicals used in a variety of human industries, including in the pharmaceutical industry, these researchers concluded that is microbial interactions taking place on host plants in their natural settings that is often the source of the desired compounds rather then their having been derived directly from….

Clinical Counseling Writing
Information for this project was obtained in a phone interview with Mrs. Mary Boyce,

Mrs. Boyce has been a practicing Clinical Psychologist for 25 years specializing in Marriage, Family, and Child Psychology. Her experience includes families, couples, children, adolescents, small ones, and a variety of disorders. The interview focused on the amount and types of writing involved in the Clinical Counseling profession, specifically Childhood Counseling. Mrs. Boyce runs her own private clinical practice.

Child Counselors work alone in a private practice setting, however may from time to time consult with other professionals for assistance in a particular case. Their records must be readily available for board review at any time. Keeping accurate records in this setting is extremely important to protect against litigation. Mrs. Boyce also added that Child Counselors who practice in a setting such as Children's Services or a Group Practice would have their case records reviewed by….

Community and Social Justice
Since the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), it has continued to be engaged with human rights as proven by the struggle for decolonization, self-determination, and independence of the African continent. Embodied with this, obviously, is the fact that those fighting and agitating for independence sought human right principles to justify their struggle because colonialism disregarded human rights of the colonized persons. In contrast to the OAU, the African Union (AU) made human rights an explicit component of its obligation as encoded in its Act and human rights in its mainstream programs and activities. However, with no doubt, the current approaches require strengthening with a perspective of creating a holistic, integrated and comprehensive methodology to ensure respect for all human rights.

OAU to AU: An overview

The OAU charter is grounded on the principle of non-interference and state sovereignty. It stipulates the battle for decolonization of Africa….

Community College Leadership
Specializing as a community college leader is a good opportunity to enhance my degree path in Education. By obtaining a doctorate in education and specializing in Community College Leadership, I can address some of the issues that impact students coming into the university for the first time as well as issues that affect other students who are looking for direction and needing assistance with applying their education to the real world (in terms of finding a career, for instance, or in just finding the right path forward for them). Community colleges are known for being smaller-scale higher education settings as compared to larger universities that are famous across the nation for having high profile athletics programs or high reputation academic programs. Community colleges tend to offer more affordable rates of tuition to students who are simply seeking an education at the university level without the fanfare of the….

Vocabulary, Practices, and Proficiencies:

I began going to the gym earlier in the day before the prime-time hours between approximately 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM during which the general energy level and rhythm of the gym increased and it became the most crowded. During the non-peak hours it was much easier to observe and learn about the environment while getting used to the standard operating procedures that all the regulars already seemed to know.

I learned that generally, it is expected that people use specific pieces of gym equipment one at a time, occupying them for as long as reasonably necessary to perform multiple "sets" of an exercise. (Exercises are performed in successive "sets" each set consisting of anywhere from a few "repetitions" or "reps" to fifteen or more reps of the movement.) When only one piece of particular equipment is available, individuals often ask one another for permission to share the….

.....justice' transcends the scope of a majority of arguments. A discourse on its many connotations offers dynamic players on opposite sides of law enforcement lines a peaceful way to promote fairness via exchanges and interface. The requisite interface transcends the "no justice, no peace" principle. However, defining the term 'justice' would be a fine way to begin (Walton 10).
State and federal level regulation safeguards citizens of the nation against abuse as well as other similar violations on the part of law enforcers and other governmental authorities. Police abuse victims may individually sue both policemen and the local governmental bodies employing those officials (Advice Company Staff 3).

Usually, law enforcement officers are sued by society under the 1871 Civil Rights Act, §1983. The Act expressly forbids individuals who act on legal authority against infringing others' civil rights. Further, law enforcers are provided legal safeguards (e.g., "qualified immunity" that often shields them from….

Media as the Linguistic Discourse Analysis Object
esearch in Discourse Analysis - Linguistics

Discourse analysis' focus is noteworthy semiotic events. Discourse analysis aims to understand not only the nature of the semiotic event, but also the socio-psychological traits of the participants of the event. The proposed subject of research is media discourse analysis or media as the linguistic discourse analysis object. Media is highly relevant and almost fundamental to life in the 21st century. There is no doubt that there are social, perceptual, psychological, linguistic, and behavioral affects of technology and media upon users and communities. Objects of discourse analysis vary in their definition of articulated sequences of communication events, speech acts, etc. Media is nothing but a series of coordinated sequences of various communications events operating semiotically. Therefore, media discourse analysis is a worthwhile linguistic research endeavor. The hypothesis of the research contends that media discourse analysis, as part of media….

My approach can now be summarized and classified into one of the COI's subdivision categories which definitely helps me simplify my academic approach. Having an anchor point that corresponds to Frontier's philosophy essentially gives me a new way of communicating any topic to anyone who can understand the basic tenets of both COI and Frontier. It is essentially like speaking a different language that is specific to our line of thought.

Overall the experience at Frontier Bound really opened my eyes not only at ways that I can succeed and get better, but also introduced me to the serious problems that I will soon face. Learning about the conditions of our community can be a little disheartening at times, but with support of both my school and classmates, it appears I am part of something bigger than myself and can draw strength from this source. This new perspective of community and….

The already shaky relationship between the Qatar state and Iranian society was further undermined by the Western exploitation of Iranian resources during the second half of the nineteenth century.
From 1918 until 1921 "British subsidies kept the government afloat, and British military and administrative advisers attempted to reorganize Iran's army and to manipulate the various political factions within the country to British advantage" (Cleveland, 185)*. When Britain added insult to injury by offering Iran a loan in exchange for exclusive advisory privileges, anti-imperial demonstrations broke out in several cities. Widespread discontent grew further. The Qatar government was regarded as ineffective and pro-British. A determined military commander finally took action and put a stop to the chaos.

Reza Khan used the political climate to advance from the position of commander and chief of the army in 1921 to that of the shah of Iran in 1925. His election overthrew the Qatar dynasty.….

Inuktitut in Modern Inuit Communities in Northern Canada
The role of language in identity construction of the Inuit in Nunavik (Quebec, Canada), which nourishes the evolution of their ethno-territorial movement in the eastern Canadian Arctic, had been around since the 1970s. This paper is an analysis of the legal-political context of the Quebec State then enables the detachment of the cornerstones of its policy speech in general, and finally those with respect to the indigenous population, in particular to the Inuit language.

There are eight major Inuit communities: those of the LABADO, the UNGAVA, and the BAFFIN, of Iglulik, the CAIBOU, of Netsilik and Copper as well as the Inuit of the Western Arctic (which replaced MACKENZIE INUIT). There are five main dialects Inuit in Canada Inuvialuktun, Inuinnaqtun, Inuktitut and inuttut grouped under a single language, Inuktitut or Inuktitut. (McGrath 2007) At the last census, 70% of Inuit said they knew the….

' These stressors are distinct and separate from the stressors related to understanding one's own identity and gender orientation which, if treated properly, should be reconciled without ever attacking the core 'rightness' or 'wrongness' of one's gender orientation.
This denotes, and Bryant supports this interpretation, that therapy has not only failed gender variant individuals through its application of past DSM classification but that it has been destructive to the mental health and identity reconciliation of many gender-variant individuals. Bryant "shows how critiques have been central in shaping both the diagnosis and the evaluation and treatment practices associated with it, but that these critiques have often been incorporated in ways that jettison their most important critical components. Further by focusing on adult sexual outcomes (homosexuality), a frame initially developed by the gender researchers themselves, critics have largely missed an opportunity to rethinkl menta health support for gender-variant children in terms of general….

Freire's discussion of the oppressive activities that discriminate students is similar to the racial discrimination experienced by the black Americans. Thus, even though Freire, Malcolm X, and King talked about various strategies, they ultimately aim to deter the effects and eliminate completely the occurrence of oppression in the society.
Reflecting on the significant contributions of each individual to the progress of the civil rights movement and educational reform in the history of American society, it is evident that there cannot be one superior or best strategy that must be adopted to eliminate or deter oppression. What these readings and analyses of the works of Malcolm X, King, and Freire say about social change is that history provides us with various ways or perspectives to find a solution to a problem; each insight is helpful to the improvement of social changes in society. Freire's critical analysis of the educational system is….

elational Discourse in a Film of Your Choice
Conceptual Framework Discussion

Forms of relational development

Primary factors draw predominantly from Knapp's version of relationships: utilizing "steps." Nevertheless, this text utilizes the concept of moving up/down-similar to a lift) (Khanna, 2010)

Motion via the stages:

• Motion usually systematic as well as sequential. Nevertheless, sequence has been interchangeable/fluid; a few stages might be neglected.

• Motion might be onward-in the direction of higher intimacy if continuing to move forward.

• Motion might be in reverse-maybe because of decline in intimacy; perhaps because stages skipped and moving back and "obtaining" them

• Escalation "upward" signifies a motion in the direction of higher intimacy (trust/closeness) (not invariably sexual closeness) and relational fulfilment can improve (Khanna, 2010).


Pre-interaction consciousness - after we end up being "conscious" related to the other individual (before contact). Ex: viewing somebody from across a packed area; observing somebody in a social gathering; a close friend informing us….

This researcher rejects the existence of online communities because computer mediated group discussions cannot possibly meet this definition. Weinreich's view is that anyone with even a basic knowledge of sociology understands that information exchange in no way constitutes a community.
For a cyber-place with an associated computer mediated group to be labeled as a virtual settlement it is necessary for it to meet a minimum set of conditions. These are: (1) a minimum level of interactivity; (2) a variety of communicators; (3) a minimum level of sustained membership; and (4) a virtual common-public-space where a significant portion of interactive computer mediated groups occur (Weinreich, 1997). The notion of interactivity will be shown to be central to virtual settlements. Further, it will be shown that virtual settlements can be defined as a cyber-place that is symbolically delineated by topic of interest and within which a significant proportion of interrelated interactive computer….

According to ohe and his colleagues, though, "Over time, however, there has been a tendency for departments to expand their programs to involve a larger number of officers and to cover wider geographic areas. Besides these special units, a number of police departments also expect all of their officers to embrace the principles of community policing and to undertake at least some community problem-solving activities" (ohe et al., 1996, p. 78).
Constraints to Implementation study by Sadd and Grinc in 1994 concluded that, of all the implementation problems these programs faced, "the most perplexing... was the inability of the police departments to organize and maintain active community involvement in their projects" (p. 442). Hartnett and Skogan suggest that because every community is unique, the implementation problems will likewise be local in nature but there have been some consistent problems reported with implementation across the country that can serve as a….

5 Pages
Term Paper


Clinical Pharmacy the Discourse Community

Words: 1264
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Though also quite controversial due to the environmental degradation that is created by any industrial interest in the natural world, pharmaceutical researchers are increasingly turning to plants and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Discourse Community Analysis

Words: 913
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Clinical Counseling Writing Information for this project was obtained in a phone interview with Mrs. Mary Boyce, Mrs. Boyce has been a practicing Clinical Psychologist for 25 years specializing in Marriage,…

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7 Pages

Literature - African

Community and Social Justice

Words: 2163
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Community and Social Justice Since the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), it has continued to be engaged with human rights as proven by the struggle for decolonization,…

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4 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Community College and Education

Words: 631
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Community College Leadership Specializing as a community college leader is a good opportunity to enhance my degree path in Education. By obtaining a doctorate in education and specializing in Community…

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4 Pages


Community Membership I Have Always

Words: 1200
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Vocabulary, Practices, and Proficiencies: I began going to the gym earlier in the day before the prime-time hours between approximately 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM during which the general energy…

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2 Pages


community policing and Justice

Words: 881
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

.....justice' transcends the scope of a majority of arguments. A discourse on its many connotations offers dynamic players on opposite sides of law enforcement lines a peaceful way to…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Communication - Journalism

Media as the Linguistic Discourse Analysis Object

Words: 971
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Media as the Linguistic Discourse Analysis Object esearch in Discourse Analysis - Linguistics Discourse analysis' focus is noteworthy semiotic events. Discourse analysis aims to understand not only the nature of the…

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2 Pages


Coi the Community of Inquiry

Words: 419
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

My approach can now be summarized and classified into one of the COI's subdivision categories which definitely helps me simplify my academic approach. Having an anchor point that corresponds…

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9 Pages
Research Proposal

History - Israel

Modernity the Discourse of Modernity

Words: 3436
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The already shaky relationship between the Qatar state and Iranian society was further undermined by the Western exploitation of Iranian resources during the second half of the nineteenth…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Inuktitut Inuit's Language in Modern Inuit Communities in Northern Canada

Words: 3303
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Inuktitut in Modern Inuit Communities in Northern Canada The role of language in identity construction of the Inuit in Nunavik (Quebec, Canada), which nourishes the evolution of their ethno-territorial movement…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gid the Changing Discourse on

Words: 1143
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

' These stressors are distinct and separate from the stressors related to understanding one's own identity and gender orientation which, if treated properly, should be reconciled without ever attacking…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Oppression Community Action Against Racial

Words: 1793
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Freire's discussion of the oppressive activities that discriminate students is similar to the racial discrimination experienced by the black Americans. Thus, even though Freire, Malcolm X, and King…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Relational Discourse in a Film of Your

Words: 3622
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

elational Discourse in a Film of Your Choice Conceptual Framework Discussion Forms of relational development Primary factors draw predominantly from Knapp's version of relationships: utilizing "steps." Nevertheless, this text utilizes the…

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60 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Security Issues of Online Communities

Words: 15576
Length: 60 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This researcher rejects the existence of online communities because computer mediated group discussions cannot possibly meet this definition. Weinreich's view is that anyone with even a basic knowledge…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Establishing a Community Policing Program

Words: 5970
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

According to ohe and his colleagues, though, "Over time, however, there has been a tendency for departments to expand their programs to involve a larger number of officers…

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