Media As The Linguistic Discourse Analysis Object Research Proposal


Media as the Linguistic Discourse Analysis Object Research in Discourse Analysis - Linguistics

Discourse analysis' focus is noteworthy semiotic events. Discourse analysis aims to understand not only the nature of the semiotic event, but also the socio-psychological traits of the participants of the event. The proposed subject of research is media discourse analysis or media as the linguistic discourse analysis object. Media is highly relevant and almost fundamental to life in the 21st century. There is no doubt that there are social, perceptual, psychological, linguistic, and behavioral affects of technology and media upon users and communities. Objects of discourse analysis vary in their definition of articulated sequences of communication events, speech acts, etc. Media is nothing but a series of coordinated sequences of various communications events operating semiotically. Therefore, media discourse analysis is a worthwhile linguistic research endeavor. The hypothesis of the research contends that media discourse analysis, as part of media literacy is necessary to function in 21st century information societies, as are information literacy and technological literacy.

The research would commence with a series of definitions as well as succinct descriptions of contexts to which the research should be considered relative. The paper aims for precision with the language due to the subject matter and the grander topic at large. In other words, it is doubly worse to be sloppy with words in a paper about linguistics. The paper will describe what it refers to when using the term "media." The paper will provide...


The paper would furthermore include a concise history and historical interpretation of the field of media discourse analysis, with specific mention of patterns of thought emergent in and/or indicative of the 21st century. Schroder confirms the intention behind the proposed research as he writes:
"…we will not get far in our attempt to understand media discourses if we conceptualize meaning as a fixed entity, looking for what the message 'is' In semiotic terms, the meaning of media messages is a multiple and diverse product of the interplay between signs and their users. To use the terminology applied by Stuart Hall in his seminal paper from 1973 about encoding and decoding processes, the main stages of this interplay are the 'encoding' process taking place among the agents in media institutions, and the complementary "decoding" process taking place among the agents of everyday life-what we normally call the 'audience' (HALL1 973). Media producers and consumers alike bring with them many-facetted communicative repertoires, rooted in their personal life histories and in the collective histories of the social and cultural groups that they belong to, and they bring these repertoires to bear on specific communicative tasks. There is therefore no necessary fit between the encoded and the decoded meaning." (Schroder, 2007,-Page 79)

Therefore, media discourse analysis is a worthwhile linguistic research…

Sources Used in Documents:


Chen, L. (2004) Evaluation in Media Texts: A Cross-Cultural Linguistic Investigation. Language in Society, 33(5), 673 -- 702.

Chigana, A., & Chigana, W. (2008) Mxit It Up in the Media: Media Discourse Analysis on a Mobile Instant Messaging System. The South African Journal of Information and Communication, 9, 42 -- 57.

Constantinou, O. (2005) Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Media, modes and technologies. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 9(4), 602 -- 618.

Gamson, W.A., Croteau, D., Hoynes, W., & Sasson, T. (1992) Media Images and the Social Construction of Reality. Annual Review of Sociology, 18, 373 -- 393.

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"Media As The Linguistic Discourse Analysis Object" (2012, March 02) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Media As The Linguistic Discourse Analysis Object" 02 March 2012. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Media As The Linguistic Discourse Analysis Object", 02 March 2012, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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