Discussion Essays (Examples)

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Special Education: Discussion Questions
Discussion Questions: Special Education

the IEP is a joint learning and productive process. How can theories of learning and cognitive development be used to improve the development and implementation of EIPs within the special education community?

Individual Education Programs (IEPs) are among the core provisions for maximizing learning outcomes for students with disabilities under the IDEA. An IEP basically is a document spelling out an individual child's learning needs, the strategies that the instructor intends to use to address those needs, and details on how the child's progress will be measured. It is an individualized document, and is unique to every child with special needs. How well a child performs will depend, to a large extent, on the effectiveness of the IEP that is used to govern their learning.

Theories of cognitive learning and development provide a crucial basis for developing quality and effective IEPs. We will use two theories….

Healthcare: Discussion Questions
Discussion Questions: Healthcare

Numerous policies have been developed and implemented in a bid to improve the quality of care, and to make healthcare more accessible to patients. The Donabedian model presents a clear picture of how health policies ought to be structured to improve the quality of care. This text presents an overview of the main components of the Donabedian model, and the process of policy analysis.

The author stated the major steps in the policy analysis process. Which step do you think is the most important? State reasons using one policy analysis example

Policy analysis can be defined simply as the process of identifying and evaluating policies that that are intended to resolve physical, economic, or social problems facing a particular target population. McLaughlin and McLaughlin (2014) argue that the process of policy analysis involves four major steps -- problem identification, process definition, process analysis, and qualitative analysis. In the….

Biodiversity: Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity Conservation: Biodiversity

The term 'biodiversity' refers to the various life forms that we experience around us. Biodiversity conservation has to do with the protection of biodiversity with the aim of ensuring that the environment remains capable of meeting the needs of current and future populations. This text provides answers to a series of discussion question touching on the concepts of biodiversity and biodiversity conservation in Canada.

Conservation of Biological Diversity

List at least three major threats to biological diversity in Canada. Which of these is the most significant and why?

The term 'biological diversity' basically refers to the various life forms that we experience around us. In Canada, it is threatened by a variety of factors that include human activities, pollution, and competing land uses. In my view, human activities is the most significant threat to biodiversity given that almost every single human activity causes some form of alteration to the….

Love Is Blind
Eve (feat. Faith Evans) (AZ Lyrics, N.d.)

Hey, yo I don't even know you and I hate you

See all I know is that my girlfriend used to date you

How would you feel if she held you down and raped you?

Tried and tried, but she never could escape you

She was in love and I'd ask her how? I mean why?

What kind of love from a nigga would black your eye?

What kind of love from a nigga every night make you cry?

What kind of love from a nigga make you wish he would die?

I mean shit he bought you things and gave you diamond rings

But them things wasn't worth none of the pain that he brings

And you stayed, what made you fall for him?

That nigga had the power to make you crawl for him

I thought you was a doctor be on call for him

Smacked you down cause he said you….

Institutional acism


While it is almost established that the discussions on race in the contemporary United States center around a dominant ideological framework of the notion of color blindness, it is in the consciousness of Americans that racial inequality is better understood as being derived from the individual, or the cultural traits, and not based on systemic racism. The concept that describes racial attitudes that are held by a section of white Americans in the contemporary times is helped understood by colorblind racism which has been developed in the recent years (Burke, 2016).

Another interesting factor that these researchers found was that the level of awareness about racism and color blind racism and inequality was more prevalent among the white Americans when compared to what the existing theories might suggest (Manning, Hartmann, & Gerteis, 2015). Many individuals, such as myself, often feel that minorities are more likely to be associated with certain….

Divergent Discussion

One of the themes that is present in the movie can be identified using a Marxist lens. Marx's belief was that there is a dialectical relationship between the owners of capital and of the laboring masses. His theory postulated that the owners of capital would continually increase their power through the accumulation of capital, which also gave them more power over society, until which point the relationship between capital (the means of production) and labor were so out of balance that there would be virtually no choice but for the workers to eventually revolt and try to disrupt the system. Marx based his theory on the historical analysis of many different societies that have followed such a trend and several examples of this can be seen throughout world history. The dialectical relationship was based on the relationship of power between the different classes.

The powerful members of society would continue….

The encouragement and positive regard with which communicative abilities and technologies were held by mentors and mentees in this study is definitely indicative of a potential motivating factor.
There is also some indirect evidence that communication was facilitated in a broader sense, with the social connectivity and the security and confidence established by the mentor/mentee relationship easing other relationships and helping others, especially mentees, to become more engaged in the overall social scheme and professional relationships of university life. In this way, communication benefits of the mentor/mentee relationship might extend well beyond the relationship itself, and again denote indirect benefits derived from the relationship in terms of personal and professional development and growth. These benefits would be clearly influential in motivating active participation in mentoring programs, however further research would be required in order to more reliably establish the extent of these benefits and the mechanism of their creation or….

Microsoft also uses the resource-based model of above average returns to continually monitor competitors, sales channels, and most importantly customer and new technological changes . All of these elements are included in how the resource-based model of above-average returns is implemented in the world's largest software company (Gomes, 2009).
Compare Google with Facebook. In terms of the five forces of competition, how are these companies competing against each other?

Google and Facebook are competing on several fronts the most significant being social networks and content aggregation including contextual search. Both Google and Facebook compete across social networks, yet long-term the greater competitive rivalry will be in the areas of aggregated and contextual search (Wall Street Journal, 2012). The five forces of competition including bargaining power of customers, threat of new entrants, threat of substitute products and bargaining power of suppliers all combine to define the competitive rivalry in an industry (Porter,….

Teachers and administrative staff are also very involved in the lives of the children at educational facilities. When child abuse is suspected, school staff reports such potential abuse, alerting authorities when necessary. Moreover, schools are very active in prevention of abuse for future generations as well. Planning for parenthood and equipping older students with proper sex education helps keeps kids informed and aware of their sexual behavior and its potential impact on future children. Many high schools around the country "have curricula on learning how to parent adequately" (Crosson-Tower 2003). This helps create a situation where future child abuse can be minimized.
Question 3

This system has some strengths and weaknesses. It allows school staff to take a proactive role in students' lives, creating a change when needed in cases of potential abuse. The teacher's role as a protector and the requirements of reporting potential abuse helps alert authorities when they….

Health Policy Discussion esponses

Health Policy and Its Influence

The discussion post authored by L.N. concerning health policy and its various influences was well-written and informative, providing a clear definition of the term while also providing tangible examples of health policies as they currently exist. By beginning the discussion with a scholarly reference to the definition of health policy constructed by Williams and Torrens in 2008, which classifies the term as a collection of targeted laws, entitlement benefits, regulatory practices, administrative edicts, and the various participatory conditions applied to patients, this post immediately establishes the focus of the subsequently presented information. I especially enjoyed how the discussion shifted to the real-world implications of a seemingly abstract discussion of health policy as a concept, because in reality the application of health policy affects hundreds of millions of Americans in terms of patient acuity. By referencing the cooperative dynamic which exists between publically accountable….

The discussion of racism was indeed insightful and one of the discussion points raised was whether or not racism would always exist in society -- in some shape or form. This is indeed an intriguing idea, because looking back on world history, racism fundamentally has existed in some shape or form throughout society. As one participant explained, cultural and social norms are always going to vary from place to place and this is always going to be a breeding ground for racism. This does raise a good point. acism is founded in fear of the unknown and insecurity. As Vladimir Nabokov has said, no matter where in the world you go, "stranger always rhymes with danger" (Naiman, 2010). This summarizes the motivations of racism in a nutshell. As one scholar explains, the system upon which racism is built "…is dependent upon holding its victims in the grips of fear. So….

Ethical-Legal Nursing Discussions - Part II
Moral Distress and Moral Integrity Comment by Ileana: OverviewMoral Distress in Advanced Practice NursingThe meaning of moral distress has been changing in nursing. No definition fits all dilemmas. Moral distress includes cultural beliefs, religious beliefs, educational level, and outside forces that influence thinking. It is important to learn that moral distress is an emotion managed by coping and emotional intelligence.

Analyze the difference between moral distress and moral integrity providing one example of each that relates to the role of the advanced practice nurse

When it comes to moral distress, it is viewed as a contested and evolving concept; it has been defined as a major issue when it comes to the nursing profession (Harris, 2002). izzo (2005) is accredited with first recognizing the thought of moral distress. For instance, he labeled moral distress as feelings that are looked at as being painful, and as a mental….

Strategic Alliancse
Discussion Question. In working responses Discussion Question, choose examples experience find cases Web discuss. Credit references make relevant examples real companies. Analyse journal article regard proposed integrated framework knowledge tacitness trust act mediating mechanisms relationship partner characteristics alliance outcomes.

Nielsen, B.B. & Nielsen, S. (2009). Learning and innovation in international strategic alliances:

an empirical test of the role of trust and tacitness. Journal of Management Studies, 46 (6): 1031-1056

According to Nielsen & Nielsen "learning and innovation in ISA [International Strategic Alliances] are likely to be influenced by a firm's ability (know-how) and willingness (protectiveness) to transfer knowledge, mediated by the codifiability and transferability of knowledge to be shared (knowledge tacitness) and the quality of the relationship (trust)" (Nielsen & Nielsen 2009: 1033). Ideally, relationships between firms across international boundaries are characterized by a free flow of communication between entities and the alliance is founded in cultural understanding and a sense of….

Video SummariesRick Crosslin Science-Conserving Natural Resources Grade 4 Westlake ElementaryThe class gathers in one group with their teacher. Before the teacher begins to illustrate various types of natural resources, he explains the two types of natural resources. Trian explains renewable resources while Leila explains non-renewable resources. At the group, the teacher takes wood and coal and illustrates how they are used to generate electricity. Rick Crosslin illustrates how electricity is generated using a turbine, a wind turbine, water and solar. To conserve the electric energy generated, the teacher takes a meter and explains how it conserves electricity. Three students hold a worksheet as the teacher illustrates how much energy is consumed in the class. The video shows a teacher generating various forms of electricity and explaining how to conserve the said forms of electricity. Once the illustration is over, the students are asked to identify various forms of resources and….

Discussion Post: Business AnalyticsChapterConceptsDefinitionContextPersonal Example12. Business Intelligence, Knowledge Management, and Analytics1. Four modes of knowledge conversion:four modes of knowledge conversion within organizations. 1) socialization involves sharing tacit org. knowledge through direct interaction and shared experiences; 2) externalization involves the communication and codification of tacit knowledge; 3) combination refers to the synthesis and organization of explicit knowledge to create new explicit knowledge; and 4) internalize-tion is the by which learning from explicit knowledge sources and internalizing that information into personal tacit knowledge takes place.1) Business intelligence refers to the collection, storage, processing, analysis and visualization of data which can be converted into tables and graphs to support more informed business decision making.2) Knowledge management builds on business intelligence, but focuses specifically on the practices around capturing, distributing, and maximizing the use of knowl-edge as an organizational asset.Mainly internal, centered on informing an organizations activities through expertise cultivation and sharing, though external….

To write a good discussion post, you should have a purpose. You don\'t want to just ramble about a topic or not have a clear idea of what you want to focus on. Make sure you\'ve read the course material, and that you understand it, too. Then read the directions, because every instructor can have different ideas about what can and should go into a discussion post. If you need to do any research to write your post, you should do that before you start writing. Don\'t be afraid to express something about yourself in the post, but don\'t make....

If you\'re exploring a professional journal article, you can break the article down into different sections to write about. Much like a dissertation is often broken down into the Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Discussion, and Conclusion chapters, your article can be divided so you can work on addressing one segment of it at a time. Walk your readers through the article and explain each area or section, so anyone who reads your paper will have a good understanding of everything the article was trying to say. Depending on your instructor\'s requirements, you may also want to include a section about....

The topic of violence is a broad one because violence is persuasive in our society, there are competing theories about the causes of violence, and violence begins to impact people at a very young age.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are eight types of violence children may be exposed to or experience: bullying, child maltreatment, community violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, school violence, sexual abuse and sexual violence, sex trafficking, and teen dating violence. These different types of violence not only impact children, but also adults in the community,....

The first thing you need to do is understand what a theme is.  A theme is an idea in a movie.  Many people think of themes as the main idea, but a movie may have a central theme and several other themes.  If you are not sure how to identify a movie’s theme, think about the things in a movie that you want to talk about after you watch it or that leave you thinking about the movie. While themes can spur a number of different discussions, you should be able to describe the them concisely, generally....

2 Pages


Discussion Questions Special Education

Words: 838
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Special Education: Discussion Questions Discussion Questions: Special Education the IEP is a joint learning and productive process. How can theories of learning and cognitive development be used to improve the development…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Discussion Questions Health Care

Words: 1048
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare: Discussion Questions Discussion Questions: Healthcare Numerous policies have been developed and implemented in a bid to improve the quality of care, and to make healthcare more accessible to patients. The…

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5 Pages


Discussion Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity

Words: 3899
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Biodiversity: Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity Conservation: Biodiversity The term 'biodiversity' refers to the various life forms that we experience around us. Biodiversity conservation has to do with the protection of biodiversity with…

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4 Pages


Discussion of Domestic Violence

Words: 1571
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Love Is Blind Eve (feat. Faith Evans) (AZ Lyrics, N.d.) Hey, yo I don't even know you and I hate you See all I know is that my girlfriend used to…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Discussion of Institutionalized Racism

Words: 1706
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Institutional acism elationship eactions While it is almost established that the discussions on race in the contemporary United States center around a dominant ideological framework of the notion of color blindness, it…

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4 Pages

Political Science

Discussion of Divergent Movie

Words: 1323
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Divergent Discussion Themes One of the themes that is present in the movie can be identified using a Marxist lens. Marx's belief was that there is a dialectical relationship between the…

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5 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Mentor Mentee Relationship Research Discussion the

Words: 1401
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

The encouragement and positive regard with which communicative abilities and technologies were held by mentors and mentees in this study is definitely indicative of a potential motivating factor. There…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Business Discussion Explain the Purpose

Words: 901
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Microsoft also uses the resource-based model of above average returns to continually monitor competitors, sales channels, and most importantly customer and new technological changes . All of these…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Child Abuse and Neglect Discussion

Words: 701
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Teachers and administrative staff are also very involved in the lives of the children at educational facilities. When child abuse is suspected, school staff reports such potential abuse,…

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3 Pages


Health Policy Discussion Responses Post Health Policy

Words: 935
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Policy Discussion esponses POST Health Policy and Its Influence The discussion post authored by L.N. concerning health policy and its various influences was well-written and informative, providing a clear definition of…

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6 Pages


Racism the Discussion of Racism Was Indeed

Words: 2273
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

acism The discussion of racism was indeed insightful and one of the discussion points raised was whether or not racism would always exist in society -- in some shape or…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Ethical-Legal Nursing Discussions - Part II Moral

Words: 3541
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ethical-Legal Nursing Discussions - Part II Moral Distress and Moral Integrity Comment by Ileana: OverviewMoral Distress in Advanced Practice NursingThe meaning of moral distress has been changing in nursing. No…

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2 Pages


Strategic Alliancse Discussion Question In Working Responses

Words: 605
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Strategic Alliancse Discussion Question. In working responses Discussion Question, choose examples experience find cases Web discuss. Credit references make relevant examples real companies. Analyse journal article regard proposed integrated framework…

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3 Pages

Education - Teaching Methods

Video Discussion Class Activities

Words: 1011
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Video SummariesRick Crosslin Science-Conserving Natural Resources Grade 4 Westlake ElementaryThe class gathers in one group with their teacher. Before the teacher begins to illustrate various types of natural resources,…

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2 Pages

Business - Marketing

Discussion Post Ethical Business Analytics

Words: 485
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Discussion Post: Business AnalyticsChapterConceptsDefinitionContextPersonal Example12. Business Intelligence, Knowledge Management, and Analytics1. Four modes of knowledge conversion:four modes of knowledge conversion within organizations. 1) socialization involves sharing tacit org. knowledge…

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