Divorce And Children Essays (Examples)

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Divorce and Children

Divorce and Children
In the 21st century the society has undergone a change, for better or worse we cannot really say. Before the mid-60's divorce was rare. Family was integral to the life of individuals and above that children were the main force of society. Miserable couples remained together for the sake of children and held their marriage vows as sacred. For them liberation and freedom came second to the happiness and stability of their children. Then came the new era where, divorce was seen as liberation. As time passed divorce laws became easier and so divorce became common. Individuality became the focus in the marriage and the children were considered a secondary issue in the marriage. It became a common belief that if the parents are forever warring, the children would be adversely affected so it is better to be separated. Yet, this belief is erroneous. The fact is if….

The child usually finds it difficult to unite with his or her friends and research shows that kids who have come from divorced families have a hard time trusting in relationships. (Chandler L., the Social and Educational Effects of Divorce on Children).
The Function of Parents Concerning Child Alteration during Divorce.

The way in which the parents handle the separation usually makes a difference in how the child adjusts from everything from the first report of divorce to the daily lifestyle changes that divorce does to a family. The way a parent adjusts to divorce also makes a difference on the relationship of the children. (L'Heureux-Dube, C. 1998). A parent who is having troubles dealing with the sensitive consequences of a division typically develops in more issued for the children. After the divorce is the time when the child will look for stability. When that safety is not there then the….

Amato, P., Bruce, K. (1991). Parental divorce and the well-Being of children: A meta-
Psychological Bulletin, 110(1): 2-46.

The study shows how children of divorced parents demonstrate lower well-being when measured across various factors. The study is helpful because it provides more support for the thesis and gives an alternative explanation for why children fare poorly under divorced parents, including a discussion of other external variables, such as socio-economic, etc.

Farrell, A., Mays, ., Henry, D., choeny, M. (2011). Parents as moderators of the impact of school norms and peer influences on aggression in middle school students. Child Development, 82(1): 146-161.

This study shows that parents can have a positive impact on children when they make an effort to be part of their lives. It is helpful for this project because it gives an example of how parents can do something positive for children to overcome stress.

New Testament. BibleHub. Retrieved from http://biblehub.com/

The Bible is….

Therefore, extra attention should be given to keeping promises and basic daily routines.
orks Cited

inslow, Emily B.; olchik, Sharlene a.; Sander, Irwin. "Preventive Interventions for Children of Divorce." Psychiatric Times; 2/1/2004; Pp.

Meckler, Laura. "U.S. Compiles Divorce Statistics." AP Online; 7/24/2002; Pp.

Sirica, Jack. "The Children of Divorce." Newsday; 5/19/1994; Pp.

Pruett, Marsha Kline. "Only God Decides: Young Children's Perceptions of Divorce and the Legal System." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; 12/1/1999; Pp.

Conan, Neal. "Analysis: Effects of divorce on children." Talk of the Nation:

National Public Radio; 1/31/2002; Pp.

Neuman, Gary M. Helping Your Kids Cope ith Divorce the Sandcastles ay.

Random House Inc. 1999; pp.4, 6.

Lansky, Vicki. Vicki Lansky's Divorce Book for Parents: Helping Your Children

Cope ith Divorce and Its Aftermath. Book Peddlers.1996; Pp. 2.

Meckler, Laura. "U.S. Compiles Divorce Statistics." AP Online; 7/24/2002; Pp.

inslow, Emily B.; olchik, Sharlene a.; Sander, Irwin. "Preventive Interventions for Children of Divorce." Psychiatric Times; 2/1/2004;….

In reality, such a parent would have difficulty raising a child on his or her own and the finances that he or she previously invested in providing the child with entertaining activities need to be directed at buying more important resources for the child.
A parent who is no longer in charge of his or her child's life has practically no problems buying a great deal of things for his or her child and thus influences the child in feeling that he or she is not receiving enough attention from the parent holding custody. Children can also be affected by the fact that parents often believe that there is a competition between themselves and their peers concerning who receives the most appreciation from the child.

IV. Children's development

hereas people are well-aware that divorce can be harmful for a large number of children who see their parents getting separated, the masses generally….

I will also solicit from individual his or her basics demographics and personal information such as rough socio-economic status ('I make approximately ($-) per month); vocational occupation; characteristics of place that respondent lives in; details of children (amount, ages, etc.) and how respondent feels program impacted his children; age children were when divorce occurred: details of support system (if any) and of extended family (if any). I will also ascertain that I am targeting individuals who have been divorced once and not remarried and that they have not introduced any other significant partner in their lives at the moment. This is so as to control for possible confounding elements. Stakeholders and participants in this sense are participants of the online / forum / chatgroup / blog environment.

Two of the ethical precautions that I will take will include coding the respondent's genuine or pseudo online identity so that he or….

Teens may be especially resentful of the way this disrupts their schedules and interferes with school, friendships, work, and other usual activities (Wallerstein, 2000). And further, especially in the case of a needy, now single parent, older children and teens in particular may now face a perceived necessity of their becoming the needy parent's new and often only source of emotional support (Wallerstein). At this same time, the older child or teen's own emotional needs begin to go (and often remain) largely or entirely unmet thereafter by one or both divorced parents (Fagan).
When this occurs, the permanently life-altering; long-term damaging psychological result is often that it effectively truncates childhood or adolescence prematurely and thereby causes older children or teens to feel that they must now act like adults themselves, thus suddenly forcing them to become more independent, self-confident, selfless and self-sufficient than they genuinely feel (Wallerstein). Older children and….

Of course, the amount of transitions (the amount of divorce in the family) greatly increases the risk for children to settle in satisfying marriages and divorce themselves when young adults.
Protective factors reducing impact of divorce on children

The research question here is whether there are any factors that may be considered that are empirically proved to be able to mitigate the effect of divorce in children.

Within the last decade, researchers have identified various such factors each having a range of associated variables themselves.

1. Competent custodial parents and parenting: One of the best protective factors is the quality of parenting following divorce and the psychological adjustment of the custodial parents. Effective parental behavior such as warmth, nurturing, emotional support, authoritative discipline, and age appropriate behavior demonstrate the best means for providing emotional support for children as compared to parents who are withdrawn, inattentive and provide coercive discipline (Sandler et al., 2008).


This article is of extreme importance in this research study. It adds to the other articles mentioned by discussing the importance of protective factors in detail and urging caution when espousing a correlative relationship between cause and effect in divorce and the reaction of children.
eon, K. (2003). Risk and Protective Factors in Young Children's Adjustment to Parental

Divorce: A Review of the Research. Family Relations, 52(3), pp.258-270.

In this article, eon (2003) attempts to address a gap in the research of divorce's affects on children by examining divorce's affects on small children. Citing Amato (2001), eon points out that research has previously shown children to face hardship because of divorce, although they "adjust well" (pg. 258), however, he suggests that these results generally take into account older children. eon (2003) looks primarily at the variable of early childhood development as it is impacted by divorce. Interestingly, eon (2003) found results that….

Impacts of Divorce on Children I. Introduction
a. While divorce can be the lesser of two evils, divorce nonetheless can affect any involved children in many ways.
II. Positive Effects
a. Children feel a sense of relief
b. They are happier if the parents thrive after splitting up
c. Happier but split parents mean happier kids
d. Shared custody can be much better than a volatile household
e. Modeling that leaving a dysfunctional relationship is a good thing
III. Negative Effects
a. Children might act out at school
b. Single parent families can be cash-strapped
c. The effects of the divorce can extend into the child’s adult life
d. The take offense to one parent verbally assaulting the other
e. Stress of some sort is normal and expected
IV. Conclusion
a. Parents should work things out if possible, but some marriages should end if certain lines are cross or attempts to fix the issues are unsuccessful
Works Cited
Bennett, Shoshana. "5 Reasons Divorce Is Good For Kids." HuffPost.….

Among the factors which this article elucidates are necessary to be considered, Hetherington et al. indicate that "the long-term effects are related more to the child's developmental status, sex, and temperament; the qualities of the home and parenting environments; and to the resources and support systems available to the parents and child than they are to divorce or remarriage per se." (Hetherington et al., 303)
From a clinical treatment perspective, the article by Konstam (2009) is particularly useful. This presents the view that for those verging on adulthood who experience the divorce of parents, there is a more sophisticated and thus more complex sense of loss which is difficult to interpret. This is experienced differently than the dissolution of a marriage for young children who may lack the wherewithal to have observed clear warning signs. Here, Konstam suggests that clinical assistance can be a valuable resource for contending with issues….

Few people would say that divorce helps children except in cases of abuse. Divorce can create tremendous confusion in children of any age. One of the keys to preventing psychological, behavioral, or social problems is honesty. A non-profit group called Health Guide offers advice for parents going through a divorce. The organization recommends honesty and communication as keys to helping children cope and preventing mental or behavioral health problems. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry also recommends age-appropriate honesty and openness. The Health Guide also points out that many children "go through their parents' divorce with relatively few problems or permanent negative effects." Those children who experience acute stress require special care and attention.
Depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, and a lack of interest in those things that used to give the child pleasure are some of the psychological symptoms of childhood stress. A divorce could add to existing….

Anti-Social Behavior

A good number of studies over the years have linked deviant behaviors such as juvenile delinquency and anti-social behavior to children living in broken homes (Bandura & Walters in Demo & Acock, 1988, p.636). Dornbusch et al.'s (in ibid.) nationwide study among 12-17 male and female children of divorced families found that adolescents living in household with only their mothers performing the sole parent role are more likely to engage in deviant acts while the presence of an additional adult lessens the likelihood of committing deviant acts.

Positive Effects

Long have we known about the negative effects of divorce, I believe it is high time to look at the under-acknowledged domain of the divorce literature, i.e. The positive effects of divorce. According to Hetherington & Kelly in Lyons (2002, p.1), three-fourths of the children from divorced families have actually grown to be resilient and lead lives with healthy and satisfying relationships.….

One such area is how divorce affects the children of divorce once they are married and have children of their own. Do they have difficulty committing? Are they more likely to delay marriage? Answers to these types of questions may prove beneficial to examining further the long-term effects of divorce on children.

esources in Palm Spring California include family and individual counseling services throughout the city. Some of these resources include The Counseling Center located at 1111 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way in Palm Springs, CA 92262. The phone number for the counseling center is (760) [HIDDEN] In addition, there is the Smoketree Counseling Services located at 2825 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way in Palm Springs, CA 92262. The phone number for smoketree is (760) [HIDDEN] Additionally there are other counselors in the area specializing in therapy as it relates to divorce. One such therapist is Nancy Ackerman. She has more than….

Child Abuse How Large Is

The second includes verbal and emotional assaults including persistent patterns of belittling, denigrating, scapegoating, and other nonphysical, but clearly hostile or rejecting behaviors, such as repeated threats of beatings, sexual assault, and abandonment. The third, residual, category includes other forms of emotional abuse such as attempted sexual or physical assaults; throwing something at a child but missing; withholding shelter, sleep, or other necessities as punishment, and economic exploitation (p.11).
According to ighthand, Kerr, and Drach (2003), psychological abuse can be technically defined as:

1. Verbal or emotional assault, exemplified by persistent patterns of belittling, denigrating, scapegoating, or other nonphysical but rejecting, hostile, and degrading behaviors.

2. Terrorizing the child, exemplified by threatening to physically hurt, kill, or abandon the child, or by exposing the child to chronic or extreme partner abuse or other forms of violent behaviors.

3. Exploiting or corrupting the child, exemplified by modeling criminal or antisocial behavior; encouraging and condoning….

5 Pages
Term Paper


Divorce and Children

Words: 1327
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Divorce and Children In the 21st century the society has undergone a change, for better or worse we cannot really say. Before the mid-60's divorce was rare. Family was integral…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Divorce and Children the Rapid

Words: 1391
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The child usually finds it difficult to unite with his or her friends and research shows that kids who have come from divorced families have a hard time…

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2 Pages


Annotated Bibliography of Studies on Divorce and Children

Words: 525
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Amato, P., Bruce, K. (1991). Parental divorce and the well-Being of children: A meta- Psychological Bulletin, 110(1): 2-46. The study shows how children of divorced parents demonstrate lower well-being when measured…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Divorce Effect Children There Is

Words: 1572
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Therefore, extra attention should be given to keeping promises and basic daily routines. orks Cited inslow, Emily B.; olchik, Sharlene a.; Sander, Irwin. "Preventive Interventions for Children of Divorce." Psychiatric…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Divorce on Children the Effects

Words: 2390
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In reality, such a parent would have difficulty raising a child on his or her own and the finances that he or she previously invested in providing the…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Divorce on Children the Research

Words: 712
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I will also solicit from individual his or her basics demographics and personal information such as rough socio-economic status ('I make approximately ($-) per month); vocational occupation; characteristics…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Divorce on Children the Harmful

Words: 2254
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Teens may be especially resentful of the way this disrupts their schedules and interferes with school, friendships, work, and other usual activities (Wallerstein, 2000). And further, especially in…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Divorce on Children Impacts of

Words: 1192
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Of course, the amount of transitions (the amount of divorce in the family) greatly increases the risk for children to settle in satisfying marriages and divorce themselves when…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Family and Marriage

Divorce on Children What Are

Words: 1601
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This article is of extreme importance in this research study. It adds to the other articles mentioned by discussing the importance of protective factors in detail and urging…

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2 Pages

Psychology - Theories

Impact of Divorce on Children

Words: 201
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Impacts of Divorce on Children I. Introduction a. While divorce can be the lesser of two evils, divorce nonetheless can affect any involved children in many ways. II. Positive Effects a. Children feel…

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6 Pages
Capstone Project


Divorce Understanding Outcomes for Children

Words: 1926
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Among the factors which this article elucidates are necessary to be considered, Hetherington et al. indicate that "the long-term effects are related more to the child's developmental status,…

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4 Pages


Divorce as Cherlin Points Out

Words: 1297
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Few people would say that divorce helps children except in cases of abuse. Divorce can create tremendous confusion in children of any age. One of the keys to…

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2 Pages


Divorce Outcomes on Children Outcomes

Words: 651
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Anti-Social Behavior A good number of studies over the years have linked deviant behaviors such as juvenile delinquency and anti-social behavior to children living in broken homes (Bandura & Walters…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Divorce Can Have a Devastating

Words: 1771
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One such area is how divorce affects the children of divorce once they are married and have children of their own. Do they have difficulty committing? Are they…

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16 Pages
Term Paper


Child Abuse How Large Is

Words: 4401
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The second includes verbal and emotional assaults including persistent patterns of belittling, denigrating, scapegoating, and other nonphysical, but clearly hostile or rejecting behaviors, such as repeated threats of…

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