Document Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Seamstress Document Analysis
Germany is one of the world's leading industrial powerhouses; its industrial growth and success is, however, interesting, having moved from periods of oppression of workers to unionization and social democracy. This text analyzes the autobiography of one of the women who faced gender-based oppression and manipulation at the workplace in erlin in the 19th century.

Document Analysis: 'Seamstress'

In the generations before WW1, Germany emerged as Europe's industrial powerhouse, evident in some basic facts including rising exports, urbanization, lengthening railroad lines and increasing industrial output. ehind the shadows, however, are the millions of the now-forgotten men and women who carried the bricks, printed the books, sewed the shirt cuffs and collars, hacked down the coal and put down railroad ties that made Germany the industrial powerhouse it was and still is today. The resource selected for this analysis is the autobiography of one of those now-forgotten men and women -….

maintain complete and current study site files? Provide examples of how this documentation benefits the study and explain how it does so.
The lack of adequate, accurate and reliable source of documentation is a common finding in an investigator site inspection. It is also a commonly identified pitfall in the course of the sponsoring audits. The significance of the practice of good documentation demands emphasis on the investigator sites and towards the surety that the results of the study are a basis for the validity and credibility of the data. At a single site in question, recently, the source documents of an investigator site were unavailable due to the fact that the source machine containing the information had 'crashed'. Therefore, the evaluation of the record's adequacy was altered when availability was not a factor. The failure warning was therefore directed towards the investigator as the records to be maintained could….

Davis Health Care/QI Plan
Data Collection Tools

Explain data needed to monitor improvements.

There exist several data sources concerning Davis Health Care that one can utilize to aim at an aspect for improvement. Data sources vary from nursing home rates for CM' Nursing Home Quality Measures on internal data which are gathered by CNAs on check sheets to follow their work with the individual residents (GMRF, 2015).

Explain at least three data collection tools you can use to collect performance information

Various tools can be utilized to collect information. Examples of Qualitative and quantitative tools utilized to assemble information are questionnaires and surveys, unobtrusive measure, participant and observation behavior (Farifax County, 2007).

Explain the types of information each tool collects.

Quantitative Data (GMRF, 2015)

Questionnaires and surveys usually comprise of questions which contain structured response groups and might entail a few which are open-ended. The survey might be conducted via mail, personal interview, telephone, or even online.

Collecting Qualitative….

Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) anksy
Introduction to the Documentary

anksy, in his documentary 'Exit Through the Gift Shop' seeks to highlight street art and tell people the difficulties inherent in being a street artist and making a living out of it. He wanted people to know that being a street artist means maintaining a crew that was combat ready and gaining their trust through different means to maintain anonymity. The documentary looks at the emergence of street artists in Los Angeles. The friendship between anksy and Thierry Guetta, his fan, is apparent in the documentary. Guetta is fascinated by the street art in Los Angeles and followed the artists filming them to make a documentary of his own. Guetta eventually meets anksy and films his stunts of 'Guantanamo' in Disneyland precincts. The videos that he shot for years were not enjoyable, prompting anksy to describe Guetta as 'somebody with mental….

inclusion" is not part of the law; instead, it states that each student must be educated in the least restrictive educational environment (LRE). Analyze all sides of "inclusion," (1. full inclusion; 2. inclusion in special classes like physical education, art, or lunch; and 3. inclusion in all classes except for reading or math).

The term 'inclusion' means complete acceptance of every student which leads towards sense of acceptance and belonging in the classroom. Over the years, there has not been any fixed definition of inclusion, but different groups and organizations have provided their own definitions. The most basic definition of 'inclusion' states that every student with special needs are supported in 'chronologically age appropriate general education classes' in schools and get the instructions specialized for them by the Individual Education Programs (IEPs) within the general activities of the class and the main curriculum. The idea of 'inclusion' is to ensure….

Mark the text

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The marking reveals the different aspects in which Jefferson places emphasis.….

Julian Assange
The following will be a critique of the case of Julian Assange. It will look into it to see if he was a hacker or a supporter for human rights and freedom of speech.

The Case

Assange talked about a grandiose vocation: "If we get the chance to live only once, then it has to be a very daring adventurous life that draws from every available power... Men at their peak, once they are convicted, get tasked to take action." He made his potential fans know about his clandestine fresh plans: "This is one very confidential internal growth mailing list for the site w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g. Please ensure you avoid making a direct mention of that word in this whole discussion; instead, you can use the initials, 'WL.' On the 9th of December, 2006, Daniel Ellsberg got an email signed with the initials, 'WL' from the blues, renown Vietnam War whistleblower (Leigh….

The Internet provides a wealth of resources users can access for information about health care delivery in the nited States. Three such resources were recently examined. Their importance to health care workers and consumers was evaluated.

The Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS)

The navigation bar at the top has a search box; below that are tabs for an A-Z index, communications, budget, federal reform, quality, advocacy, events, products, sponsorship, and employment. As a health care worker, it is important to have access to the latest information and this site provides that, organized according to topic so an individual can more quickly find the needed information. Health care workers may be particularly interested in the events and employment links. "Events" provides an extensive list of professional development opportunities across the state. The site can help workers keep abreast of current events and develop a network of other health care professionals.


powerpoint vs. Prezi
There are a number of claims that the author of "99.9% of grammar is obsolete," David Wertheimer, makes in this particular article. The thesis of this article is that conventional grammatical rules and conventions are obsolete in the wake of communication facilitated by the internet and embraced by various mobile devices. As such, the author writes in a sarcastic style in which he embraces the new development of the English language facilitated by the aforementioned means of communication, and warns that standard written English is waning. He emphasizes several different points to aid him in demonstrating the veracity of his thesis.

The author claims that the specific form that the new language will take (or perhaps already has taken) is based on abbreviations. He alternately calls this new method of communication newspeak or internet-speak, a fact which the subsequent quotation demonstrates.

As users evolve, becoming accustomed to one another's….

Management philosophy refers to an individual's opinion regarding to the best management practice. In other words, a management philosophy is the best strategy to communicate the work ethics to organizational employee, which can serve as a mission statement to serve as a guideline to perform management duties. My management philosophy is to provide guideline, leadership, direction, as well as delivering a good example to the subordinates. In other words, my management philosophy is to design an environment that will assist me to lead employee productively. I have been able to achieve productivity from the employee through conflict management, provide encouragement to low performing employees, as well as rewarding a strong performer among employee.
The objective of this paper is to discuss my management philosophy.

My management Philosophy

My management philosophy is to set a good example to influence other employee's to work diligently through decision making, planning, organizing, leading, controlling and good staffing.….

Employment Law Is as Important as Knowledge of Criminal Law to the Security Manager

The role of a security manager requires diversity; they are required to oversee a department in order to reduce theft, fraud and make sure an organization's assets are well protected. At the same time, the managers enforce the company's policy and procedures. Mostly, the managers are expected to wear their "human resources hat" to be able to understand the rights and welfare of their co-workers. This, together with the direct line reports, enables them to work within the codes of practice while maintaining a professional working relationship. Therefore, it's crucial for the security manager to generally understand the employment law, especially in those areas that directly relate to their role. The knowledge is critical whilst dealing with issues or situations that may arise with regards to other employees. Furthermore,….

Harvey Milk 1974 by ob Epstein
One among the foremost feature documentaries that revolve around American gay life, ob Epstein's The Times of Harvey Milk, is a creation of advocacy, taking Harvey's message of equality and hope to a larger audience. The documentary was envisioned to be an emotional narrative, which straight as well as homosexual viewers could access. The production technique of the film was extremely collaborative; moviemakers, advocates, and journalists hailing from diverse communities contributed their voice and stories, in addition to archival footage, feedback, and financial backing (Esther, 2009).

While The Times of Harvey Milk wasn't a hit at the box office, its theatrical release propelled the movie, with critical validation and awards, on a non-theatrical run that lasted long. Despite being one among the most renowned of documentaries to be released in recent decades, The Times Of Harvey Milk was received more often as a political event….

Indentured Servant Analysis
Elizabeth Springs' letter to her father on September 22, 1756, is both a letter of apology due to her failure to communicate and a review of the horrendous conditions she was working under as an indentured servant. This paper reviews -- through historical context -- the situation that many indentured servants from England suffered through and puts Springs' letter into a perspective.

The Letter from Springs to John Spyer

Elizabeth Springs is clearly in distress. And to add to her distress over the terrible working conditions in the American colonies she is feeling guilty and sad that she left England under a cloud as to her relationship with her father. "My being forever banished from your sight…" she begins, hoping to touch her father's heart with her present pathos. It seems clear that it wasn't just a matter of Elizabeth leaving without her father's permission, but rather there was some….

Business equirements Document
Miller Inc. looks forward to creating a data repository for all data collected that is beyond the current relational database it currently uses. The company has currently outgrown the relational database in Oracle that it currently uses. Though it enables data to be stored in different tables that can be linked together using record keys, the amount of keys and records makes it difficult to operate a standard relational database. The company thus needs to adapt database modeling in designing their data warehouse. This is the project. Data modeling extends the online transaction processing models that are common in relational database into data warehousing. The project goal is to develop an appropriate database schema to be designed alongside other components such as identifying metadata. The IT role is to model the data warehouse, implement and test it.


Scope of the project

The scope of the project is to identify and….

All the personal and traffic data will only be accessed by authorized employees of our organization, who are to access the data to fulfill their duties. Our policy will be to protect all the data in the database from unauthorized access. Our data retention policy is to keep all data and metadata properly to prevent unauthorized access.
In line with our data retention policy, our organization will protect the privacy of our entire customer in our database.

We will implement policy to prevent accidental loss of data.

To prevent accidental loss of data, we will implement data recovery plan that will quickly recover all data in case of accidental loss. There would a back up for all data. (Wende, Kristin, 2007).

Our organization will refrain to share or collect data through the public emails. All the data will be shared through the corporate emails and all employees must use the intranet to share….

Positivist and Constructivist Perspectives in Research


The positivist and constructivist perspectives represent distinct paradigms in research methodologies, with contrasting approaches to understanding the nature of reality and the methods used to investigate it. This essay will explore the fundamental differences between these two perspectives in terms of their assumptions, methods, and implications for research practice.

Positivist Perspective

Positivism emerged as a dominant research paradigm during the 19th century, emphasizing the importance of objective, scientific inquiry to understand the world. Its proponents assert that reality exists independently of the observer and can be apprehended through empirical observation and experimentation.

Key Assumptions:
Reality is objective....

Phenomenology, Grounded Theory, and Ethnography: Distinctive Approaches in Qualitative Research

Qualitative research explores phenomena and experiences through in-depth, subjective understanding. Three prominent approaches in qualitative research are phenomenology, grounded theory, and ethnography. While they share some commonalities, each approach has unique characteristics that distinguish it from the others.


Focus: Phenomenology seeks to understand the lived experiences of individuals and how they make sense of their world.
Data Collection: Researchers immerse themselves in the participants' experiences through interviews, observations, and other methods that encourage participants to describe their perspectives and lived realities.
Analysis: Researchers analyze the data to identify patterns, themes, and....

8 Pages


Seamstress Document Analysis 1

Words: 2486
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Seamstress Document Analysis Germany is one of the world's leading industrial powerhouses; its industrial growth and success is, however, interesting, having moved from periods of oppression of workers to unionization…

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2 Pages


Analysis of Study Site Files

Words: 785
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

maintain complete and current study site files? Provide examples of how this documentation benefits the study and explain how it does so. The lack of adequate, accurate and reliable…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Analysis of Davis Health Care

Words: 1422
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Davis Health Care/QI Plan Data Collection Tools Explain data needed to monitor improvements. There exist several data sources concerning Davis Health Care that one can utilize to aim at an aspect for…

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4 Pages


Analysis of Banksys Exit Through the Gift Shop

Words: 1682
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) anksy Introduction to the Documentary anksy, in his documentary 'Exit Through the Gift Shop' seeks to highlight street art and tell people the difficulties inherent…

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6 Pages


Analysis of Inclusion in Special Education Curriculum

Words: 2205
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

inclusion" is not part of the law; instead, it states that each student must be educated in the least restrictive educational environment (LRE). Analyze all sides of "inclusion,"…

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2 Pages


Analysis of Reading and Paraphrasing

Words: 715
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay


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2 Pages
Research Paper


Analysis of Case Involving Julian Assange

Words: 799
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Julian Assange The following will be a critique of the case of Julian Assange. It will look into it to see if he was a hacker or a supporter…

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1 Pages


Analysis of Healthcare Websites

Words: 402
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Internet/HealthSites The Internet provides a wealth of resources users can access for information about health care delivery in the nited States. Three such resources were recently examined. Their importance to…

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2 Pages

Communication - Language

Analysis by Comparison and Contrast of Powerpoint vs Prezi

Words: 572
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

powerpoint vs. Prezi There are a number of claims that the author of "99.9% of grammar is obsolete," David Wertheimer, makes in this particular article. The thesis of this…

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6 Pages

Sports - College

Analysis of My Management Philosophy

Words: 1005
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Management philosophy refers to an individual's opinion regarding to the best management practice. In other words, a management philosophy is the best strategy to communicate the work ethics to…

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6 Pages


Analysis Knowledge of Employment and Criminal Law Is Important for Security Manager

Words: 2035
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Employment Law Is as Important as Knowledge of Criminal Law to the Security Manager EMPLOYMENT LAW IS AS IMPOTANT AS CIMINAL LAW The role of a security manager requires diversity;…

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4 Pages


Analysis of The Times of Harvey Milk

Words: 1204
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Harvey Milk 1974 by ob Epstein One among the foremost feature documentaries that revolve around American gay life, ob Epstein's The Times of Harvey Milk, is a creation of…

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3 Pages

Sports - Women

Indentured Servant Analysis Elizabeth Springs' Letter to

Words: 1104
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Indentured Servant Analysis Elizabeth Springs' letter to her father on September 22, 1756, is both a letter of apology due to her failure to communicate and a review of the…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Business Requirements Document Miller Inc Looks Forward

Words: 1918
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Business equirements Document Miller Inc. looks forward to creating a data repository for all data collected that is beyond the current relational database it currently uses. The company has currently…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Governance Planning Document Scenario Major

Words: 1832
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

All the personal and traffic data will only be accessed by authorized employees of our organization, who are to access the data to fulfill their duties. Our policy…

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