Domestic Abuse Essays (Examples)

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Domestic Abuse
Pages: 15 Words: 5580

Domestic Abuse: Information and Evidence-Based Practice
Domestic abuse is an issue that has plagued society since nearly the beginning of mankind. Even ancient societies and civilizations have dealt with and depicted those who engage in this behavior. There are few things that work for every person who gets involved in domestic abuse, even though there are many different treatment options. Some people respond to drug treatment when they are medicated for an underlying issue that might be triggering their anger. Others respond to medical interventions such as therapy or anger management courses. Still other individuals only respond to law enforcement and punishment - and even then there is no guarantee that person will not reoffend. Discussed here is domestic abuse from the standpoint of evidence-based practice. What researchers and therapists have said (and are still saying) about people who are domestic abusers is important to analyze, so that new and better…...



Buel, S.M. (1999). Family violence -- Fifty obstacles to leaving. The Colorado Lawyer, 28(10).

Dalton, C. (1999). When paradigms collide: Protecting battered parents and their children in the family court system. 37 Family and Conciliation Courts Rev. 273.

Ellis, J.M. (1999). Barriers to Effective Screening for Domestic Violence by Registered Nurses in the Emergency Department. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 22(1): 27.

Fighting Domestic Violence. (2001). Office of the Attorney General. State of California. Department of Justice.

Domestic Abuse
Pages: 18 Words: 4750

Domestic Abuse
The human services profession requires its members to be strong-willed, compassionate, energetic and empathetic. These skills are most in need when dealing with one of the most troublesome problems society faces today, domestic abuse. Domestic abuse has wide reaching effects, not only within the family construct, but in the large macrocosmic sense of society as well. Domestic abuse and its often vague and obscure symptoms provide the counselor or social worker with a unique problem that is mostly treated and addressed at the by the human services professional

Across socioeconomic backgrounds of all kinds, domestic abuse appears in many different forms and manifestations. This form of violence is unacceptable, and it seems baffling how people may resort to domestic violence against their wife or husband or even a child. Humiliation and intimidation, in my opinion, are not suitable ways of treating fellow humans. Domestic abuse is of great concern to…...



Babcock, J. (2004). Does batterers' treatment work? A meta analytic review of domestic violence treatment. Clinical Psychology Review, 23, p. 1023-1053.

Baldry, A. (2003). Bullying in schools and exposure to domestic violence. Child Abuse and Neglect, 27, p. 713-732.

Dutton, D.G., A.J. Starzomski (1993). "Borderline Personality in Perpetrators of Psychological and Physical Violence." Violence and Victims 8: 327 -- 37.

Dutton, D. (2005). Domestic abuse assessment in child custody disputes; beware the domestic violence paradigm. Journal of Child Custody, 2, p. 23-43.

Domestic Abuse
Pages: 7 Words: 2475

Domestic abuse [...] abuse directed toward women, and what can be done to help control this abuse. Domestic abuse is one of the most pervasive problems facing our society today. Often, the abuse is kept secret because of fear or threats from abusive partners. To understand domestic abuse, many studies have been conducted, but one thing remains clear. Domestic abuse is prevalent in all levels of society, and it must be controlled for our society to truly be successful and modern.
It is estimated that domestic abuse affects at least 2 million married Americans every year. The number rises further when adding in non-married and gay couples (Hamberger and enzetti, 1996, pg. xi). Clearly, the problem of domestic abuse is widespread, even out of control in America today. While domestic abuse happens in both sexes, it seems to affect women more than it does men. Women are often dominated so…...



Brody, L. (1985). Gender differences in emotional development: A review of theories and research. In Gender and personality: current perspectives on theory and research, Stewart, A.J., & Lykes, M.B. (Eds.) (pp. 14-61). Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Buzawa, Carl G., ed. (1992). Domestic violence: The changing criminal justice. Westport, CT: Auburn House.

Chang, Valerie Nash. (1996). I just lost myself: Psychological abuse of women in marriage. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Davis, K. (2003, May). Dying for love: The epidemic of domestic abuse cases. Ebony, 58, 150+.

Domestic Abuse Within the Family
Pages: 6 Words: 2088

domestic violence and abuse.
Issues that are commonly thought to be the precipitating factors of domestic violence

Arguments that propose that domestic violence is not restricted to some susceptible social groups identified earlier Steps to prevent the malady

Domestic violence is one of the greatest threats to the life and health of women and to a lesser extent, men throughout the world and is a despicable phenomenon that is witnessed in all cultures and nations irrespective of the amount of social progress that a country has to its credit. In fact, it may be seen that the incidents of domestic violence is seen more in advanced countries than less developed nations. Studies which had been carried through many years suggest that there are many predisposing factors that precipitate domestic violence. Factors like lack of education, alcohol abuse, poverty, cultural restrictions etc. were thought to be factors that induced people to commit domestic…...


Works Cited

Author not known, "The Cypriot Family" 2004 at Accessed on April 10, 2004

This author gives a detailed account of the role of the new age woman and how her role conflicts with that of men in the society

Seymour Anne. "Breaking the cycle of terror," State Government News, 1996, pp 22-25

The author explains a very important point: the effect of domestic violence on children and their potential to carry out violence in their lives when they become adults.

Advocacy Plan for Social Change Area of Interest Domestic Abuse
Pages: 3 Words: 863

Domestic Violence
Advocacy Plan for Social Change AEA OF INTEEST -- DOMESTIC ABUSE

Social activist group:

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV)

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) is an organization devoted to raising awareness about the seriousness of the problem of domestic violence. It "includes coalition building at the local, state, regional and national levels" and also provides "support for the provision of community-based, non-violent alternatives -- such as safe home and shelter programs - for battered women and their children" (Mission, 2011, NCADV). Its aims are both political and practical -- it lobbies politicians to encourage them to pass legislation to protect the interests of battered women and it also engages in fundraising efforts for specific initiatives that can protect battered women and their children while they are transitioning from an abusive home.

The NCADV takes a specific position on the causes for domestic violence. "NCADV believes violence against women and…...



Mission. (2011). NCADV. Retrieved November 8, 2011 at

State legislation. (2011). Futures Without Violence. Retrieved November 8, 2011 at

Understanding Domestic Abuse Across Generations
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Domestic violence is an umbrella term for a constellation of behaviors that inflict physical or emotional harm on members of a family or people living together as members of a family. Commonly used terms for domestic violence include domestic abuse, spousal battering, intimate partner violence, and family violence. sychologists define domestic violence as behavior that involves violence or other forms of abuse from one person against others in domestic settings, and that frequently follows a pattern of increased escalation over time. Intimate partner violence refers to domestic violence against spouses or other partners of both genders in an intimate relationship (Lowe, Humphreys, & Williams, 2007). Domestic violence can include behaviors that result in physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, and economic abuse. Domestic abuse can range from subtly coercive forms to marital rape to disfigurement and ultimately to death.
atterns of domestic abuse are often intergenerational, indicating that some of the behaviors are…...


Patterns of domestic abuse are often intergenerational, indicating that some of the behaviors are learned from observing abusive interactions between parents or other adults, or result from having been the target of domestic abuse or domestic violence while growing up (Black, et al., 2010; Lieberman, 2007). Indeed, the intergenerational transmission of domestic violence is believed to provide an avenue for therapeutic intervention as observed and learned behavior may be central to the dynamic of domestic violence (Bandura, et al., 1963). While providing therapy to those who commit domestic violence is important, the most pressing and immediate matter to address in a domestic violence situation is to ensure the safety of the victims. Following that, providing avenues for victims of domestic violence to rebuild their lives in safe and supportive environments is crucial to constraining the intergenerational transmission of domestic violence. This is precisely the work that The Second Step ( and other organizations seeking to end domestic violence offers.

Domestic violence participants require attentive medical treatment including examination from family physicians and primary care providers as well as emergency room physicians. On the other hand, law enforcement should be held responsible in facilitating healthy intimate partnerships. Counseling is also a viable way of addressing domestic violence. Victim of abuse considers counseling as assessment of the extent, types, and presence of violence and abuse. Lethality assessment tools assist in the determination of best treatment courses for clients. It also includes helping such clients recognize the dangerous behaviors, as well as subtle relationship abuses. Studies about victims from attempted homicide related to domestic violence recognized that perpetrators had a capability of killing (Ergonen, Salacin, Karademir, & Musal, 2007). Most domestic violence victims focus on minimizing true severity of the situation. The other essential component in the equation is safety planning that allows victims to prepare for situations of danger as well as encounters of violence. The effectiveness scale depends on the decisions and the components diversely included in their perpetrators' decisions. Offenders use counseling as a way of minimizing future domestic violence risks.

Intervention and prevention include diversity in the ways of preventing domestic violence. The basic approaches include offering crisis intervention, safe shelter, advocacy, and prevention and education programs. Community domestic violence screening may include systematic cases for physical abuse, emergency departments, healthcare settings, court systems, and behavioral health settings. Tools that are developed towards facilitating screening of domestic violence allows for inclusion of mobile apps (Meltzer, Doos, Vostanis & Goodman, 2009). The intervention projects of domestic abuse are programs that are developed towards the reduction of domestic violence affecting women. This component allows multi-disciplinary programs to take the design of addressing domestic violence

Technology in Human Services Organizations Area of Interest Domestic Abuse
Pages: 3 Words: 870

New Technologies in Domestic Abuse Service Organizations
Author's note with contact information, more details on affiliation, etc.

The focus of this paper will be on the organizations that serve victims of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse victims can be women and men. Domestic abuse is when a spouse or domestic partner physically, emotionally, psychologically, verbally or otherwise abuses a his or her partner. Many victims of domestic abuse do not leave their domestic circumstances because the partner has made them financially or otherwise co-dependent, and many times, the abusive partner uses fear to coerce the abused partner to remain in the relationship. Organizations that service victims of domestic abuse provide services for the abused partner as well as any children or other dependents accompanying the abused partner. Therefore, human service organizations that cater to the needs of domestic abuse victims serve a great need in our culture. These organizations must attain and remain…...


In cases of physical violence and marriage, victims of domestic violence will further require the assistance of attorneys and other legal professionals. Abused partners may wish to take out restraining orders, file for divorce, file for sole custody of children, and file for other legal proceedings. Mazur and Aldrich believe the need for domestic abuse victims to have access instantaneously to legal advocates is paramount to independent living and personal safety. They write:

"Victim safety is the true cornerstone of domestic violence courts. Every victim should be given immediate access to an advocate who can provide safety planning and explain court procedures. Comprehensive victim advocacy should include long-term services as well as access to counseling, job training, immigration services, child services and other programs aimed at improving self-sufficiency." (Mazur, Aldrich, 2003)

One technology that could serve current victims of domestic abuse who seek services could be a mobile phone application for smart phones. This application could be akin to Google Maps, but for domestic violence service centers. An abused partner could use the application, input her or his residential address, and then the application could map out where

Legislation Reform Domestic Abuse
Pages: 3 Words: 1083

Legislation eform Domestic Abuse
Domestic violence legislation: Funding for vocational training for abused women

In 2010 President Obama signed the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), which includes the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) within its provisions. "VPSA funds nearly 1,700 shelters and service programs for victims of domestic violence and their children. It also supports the National Domestic Violence Hotline, whose staff and volunteers answer more than 22,000 calls for help each month and link victims with the resources they need to rebuild their lives" (osenthal 2011). However, battered women need more than shelter. They also need hands-on support to change their lives and the lives of their families after they have emerged from shelters. That is why it is necessary to also include funding specifically earmarked for the vocational training of victims of domestic abuse, to enable women to economically 'free' themselves from their abusers.

One of the…...



Help for abused and battered women. (2011). Help Guide. Retrieved September 19, 2011 at 

Rosenthal, Lynn. (2010). President Obama signs critical legislation to prevent child abuse and domestic abuse. The White House. Retrieved September 19, 2011 at

Challenges Domestic Abuse Teen Violence
Pages: 2 Words: 615

Challenges -- Domestic Abuse/Teen Violence

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse takes place when one person in a close relationship or marriage attempts to govern and control the other person in the relationship. Domestic abuse that comprises physical violence is known as domestic violence. Domestic violence and abuse are utilized for one reason and one reason only and that is to get and continue total control over someone else. An abuser never plays fair. Abusers use terror, guilt, disgrace, and intimidation to wear a person down and keep them under their thumb. Domestic violence and abuse does not distinguish. It takes place among heterosexual couples and in same-sex relationships. It takes place within all age categories, ethnic backgrounds, and economic levels. And while women are more frequently mistreated, men are also abused, particularly verbally and emotionally, although sometimes even physically as well. The bottom line is that abusive actions are never tolerable and need…...



Domestic Violence and Abuse. (2011). Retrieved from .


Teen Violence. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Coping With Domestic Abuse The Strategies of
Pages: 8 Words: 2577

Coping With Domestic Abuse: The Strategies of Women
When it comes to dealing with an abusive spouse women truly have a tough road to deal with. Women are faced with both the sense of obligation from society to "make the marriage work" yet at the same time face the criticism of staying in a marriage with an abuser. Given these truly difficult circumstances, women have to turn to a variety of coping mechanisms in such cases. Before exploring the coping mechanisms that women turn to in these cases, it's also worth determining what qualifies as abuse. First, abuse is defined as "willful infliction of physical injury or mental anguish and the deprivation of the caregiver of essential services' (verwoerdt,1976…) and nurturing. Patterns of family maltreatment can take many forms including physical abuse, endangerment, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and economic abuse (Smith-Dijulio & Hozapfel, 1998)" (Carpenito-Moyet, 2006). Thus, what one can…...



Gass, J.D. (2010). Intimate partner violence, health behaviours, and chronic physical illness among South African women. SAMJ: South African Medical

Journal, 100(9).

Davhana-Maselesele, M. (2011). Trapped in the cycle of violence: A phenomenological study describing the stages of coping with domestic violence. Retrieved from


War on Women Domestic Abuse
Pages: 7 Words: 2241

The reason why law enforcement plays an important role in preventing and stopping domestic violence is that all types of violence against women signal human rights abuses.
One of the main reasons women do not leave abusive relationships is that they are accustomed to domestic servitude and have no feasible means by which to achieve financial or social independence. Therefore, the education and re-education of women must become a primary priority in all nations. Schools cannot stop at the delivery of equal educational services for boys and girls, doing away with the "home ec vs. shop class" model that has prevailed in the past. ather, schools need to stamp out signs of misogyny early by calling attention to sexist comments made in class, and by scrutinizing popular culture for media messages that perpetuate stereotypes about women. It may seem like a stretch to assume that gender stereotypes lead to domestic…...



Jenkins, P., & Davidson, B.P. (2001). Stopping Domestic Violence: How a Community Can Prevent Spousal Abuse. Springer.

Marcelino, J.H. (2009). Domestic Violence: A Gender Issue? Strategic Book Publishing.

Mann, R.M. (2000). Who Owns Domestic Abuse? Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

McCue, M.L. (2008). Domestic Violence: A Reference Handbook. ABC-CLIO.

Domestic Abuse Case Planning for Marta
Pages: 5 Words: 1370

Planning for Marta Spousal abuse/violence victims are authorized to try for legal reparation, and formal assistance and support following abuse incidents. The myriad of impacts linked to spousal abuse and violence necessitate organized, all-round response from a number of players for ensuring the services listed below are at victims’ disposal: professional care and therapy, psychosocial assistance, justice/legal services, and physical security. First responders of spousal violence incidents ought to keep in mind the fact that punishing the abuser represents only a single element of spousal violence response. Concurrently, every possible effort should be expended, besides suitable referrals for guaranteeing victims’ needs and wants (which include professional medical examination and therapy, psychosocial aid, and security) are properly taken care of (United Nations Development Programme, 2010).
Generally, females attempting at a fresh start after fleeing the home of their abuser have unique special needs that go beyond a mere new home. The most salient…...



Alton, L. (2015, May 18). 6 Ways Women are Strong -. Retrieved September 05, 2017, from  

Center for Relationship Abuse Awareness. (2014). Barriers to Leaving an Abusive Relationship. Retrieved September 05, 2017, from 

Citizens Advice. (2015). Domestic violence and abuse. Retrieved September 05, 2017, from 

United Nations Development Programme. (2010). Guidelines on SGBV Case Management. A Reference Handbook for the FSU. Retrieved September 5, 2017, from 

West Connect. (2015). Supporting Women in Domestic Violence and Relationship Abuse | West Connect Domestic Violence Services. Retrieved September 05, 2017, from 


Domestic Violence and Violence
Pages: 3 Words: 1466

Domestic Abuse Affects Children
Children are exposed to violence in several ways. In some cases, it could be the surroundings, at school, at home or even within his/her family. There has been a recent study, using the ecological-transactional model, which aims to establish a link between these different types of violence and their effect on a child's development. Though it has been proved that exposing a child to general violent acts could affect the child's growth adversely, there is an even stronger indication that domestic violence has the highest negative effect on children and thus, we need to pay close attention to this (Manetaa, White and Mezzacappa, 2017).

The effects of domestic violence on children could be immediate or long-term. From research, children who were exposed to domestic violence have higher tendencies of being exposed to disturbing events, neglected, physically abused or in severe cases, getting bereaved. It is a widely…...



Herrenkohl, T., Higgins, D., Merrick, M. and Leeb, R. (2015). Positioning a public health framework at the intersection of child maltreatment and intimate partner violence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 48, pp.22-28.

Jeevasuthan, S. and Hatta, Z. (2013). Behavioural Problems of Children Exposed to Domestic Violence in Rural Villages: A Micro Social Work Inquiry in Piranpattru Village at Chankanai Divisional Secretariat, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 91, pp.201-207.

Maneta, E., White, M. and Mezzacappa, E. (2017). Parent-child aggression, adult-partner violence, and child outcomes: A prospective, population-based study. Child Abuse & Neglect, 68, pp.1-10.

McGarry, J. (2016). Domestic violence and abuse: an exploration and evaluation of a domestic abuse nurse specialist role in acute health care services. Journal of Clinical Nursing.

Batter's Intervention is not Effective in Reducing Domestic Abuse
Pages: 7 Words: 2538

Abstract Objective: The purpose of this project is to present an annotated bibliography on select articles focusing on the ineffectiveness of batterer intervention programs are not effective in changing the attitudes and behaviors of the batterers. Methodology: We used the EBSCO and JSTOR databases to search for the articles included in the project. The keywords used for searching the articles were "Batterer Intervention Programs", and the focus was on original research only, which excluded review, editorials, and book reviews. Results: We found out that current batterer intervention programs are not effective in altering the attitude of the batterer and there is need to have alternative programs. The programs mostly have high attrition rates and most individuals will not complete the programs, making them less effective. Conclusion: Incorporating other methodologies into the batterer intervention program like neuroscience would be beneficial to the program. Having motivators for the batterers could also assist in…...


bibliography presented comprises of different studies all demonstrating that the programs have not been effective. The recommendation given in most of them is that there is need to revise and establish more effective programs, in order to reduce the cases of domestic violence. There is also need to increase research on batterers to ensure that others are able to understand why they are violent and abusive to their partners or children.


Buttell, F. P., Powers, D., & Wong, A. (2012). Evaluating predictors of program attrition among women mandated into batterer intervention treatment. Research on Social Work Practice, 22(1), 20-28.

Fernández-Montalvo, J., Echauri, J. A., Martinez, M., Azcarate, J. M., & Lopez-Goñi, J. J. (2015). Impact of a court-referred psychological treatment program for intimate partner batterer men with suspended sentences. Violence and victims, 30(1), 3-15.

Hamel, J., Ferreira, R. J., & Buttell, F. (2017). Gender and batterer intervention: Implications of a program evaluation for policy and treatment. Research on Social Work Practice, 27(4), 405-412.

Herman, K., Rotunda, R., Williamson, G., & Vodanovich, S. (2014). Outcomes from a Duluth model batterer intervention program at completion and long term follow-up. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 53(1), 1-18.

Holtrop, K., Scott, J. C., Parra-Cardona, J. R., McNeil Smith, S., Schmittel, E., & Larance, L. Y. (2017). Exploring factors that contribute to positive change in a diverse, group-based male batterer intervention program: using qualitative data to inform implementation and adaptation efforts. Journal of interpersonal violence, 32(8), 1267-1290.

Domestic Violence Is a Serious
Pages: 8 Words: 2266

The author further explains that even though there are similarities between heterosexual and homosexual relationships as it pertains to reaction and the victim remaining in the relationship. Again the author explains "homophobia does not allow mainstream service providers to have an adequate conceptualization nor the development of preventive and remedial strategies for the people involved (Toro-Alfonso and Rodriguez-Madera, 2004)."

Therapy for those effected by domestic violence

Both perpetrators, victims and children exposed to domestic violence may require some type of therapy. In many cases anger management is often required and used to assist perpetrators in dealing with anger issues. In addition to anger management some professionals also utilize Art therapy to assist hose effected by domestic violence. Art therapy involves the use of the arts (music, panting writing) to assist people in eliminating violence from the household. According to Panzer et al. (2000) places such as shelters for battered partners should have…...


Works Cited

"About Art Therapy." American Art Therapy Association

"Domestic Violence." National Institutes of Health. 

McClennen, J.C.. (2005) Domestic Violence Between

Same-Gender Partners. Journal of Interpersonal violence. 20 (2), 149-154.

What impact does domestic violence have on the maternal and fetal health during pregnancy?
Words: 515

Impact of Domestic Violence on Maternal and Fetal Health during Pregnancy

Domestic violence, a severe form of intimate partner violence, has detrimental consequences for both maternal and fetal health during pregnancy. The physical, emotional, and psychological trauma associated with domestic abuse can have lasting effects on the well-being of both the mother and her unborn child.

Maternal Health:

Physical Injuries: Domestic violence can result in a range of physical injuries, including broken bones, contusions, lacerations, and internal bleeding. These injuries can pose significant risks to maternal health, such as infection, hemorrhage, and organ damage.
Mental Health Issues: Domestic violence often leads to....

Can you provide an outline of the key arguments for and against stricter gun control legislation?
Words: 493

Arguments for Stricter Gun Control Legislation

1. Reduction in Gun Violence:

Studies have shown that stricter gun control laws lead to lower rates of gun-related deaths and injuries.
Limiting access to firearms, especially high-capacity weapons, reduces the number of potential victims in incidents such as mass shootings.

2. Public Safety:

Gun control laws enhance public safety by reducing the availability of firearms to criminals, domestic abusers, and individuals with mental health issues.
Background checks, licensing requirements, and safe storage laws help ensure that firearms are in the hands of responsible individuals.

3. Prevention of Mass Shootings:

Stricter gun control measures, such as bans....

What can be done to prevent further tragedies due to lack of gun restrictions?
Words: 473

Preventing Gun-Related Tragedies: Comprehensive Gun Restriction Measures
The alarming frequency of gun-related tragedies in the United States underscores the urgent need for comprehensive gun restriction measures. These measures aim to limit access to firearms, reduce the circulation of illegal weapons, and foster a culture of responsible gun ownership.
1. Universal Background Checks
Universal background checks require all gun sales, whether conducted through licensed dealers or private transactions, to undergo a background check. This would prevent individuals prohibited from possessing firearms, such as convicted felons, domestic abusers, and individuals with mental health conditions, from obtaining guns.
2. Assault Weapon Ban
Assault weapons, designed for maximum damage....

How can we better protect victims of domestic abuse through Title IX regulations?
Words: 655

1. Strengthening Title IX Protections for Victims of Domestic Abuse

    Exploring potential changes to Title IX regulations that can better protect victims of domestic abuse.

2. The Role of Title IX in Addressing Domestic Violence on College Campuses

    Analyzing how Title IX can be utilized to support and protect victims of domestic violence within the college setting.

3. Enhancing Title IX Policies to Provide Safety for Domestic Violence Survivors

    Proposing amendments to Title IX regulations to create a safer environment for survivors of domestic violence.

4. Improving Title IX Compliance to Support Victims of Domestic Abuse

    Discussing ways in....

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