Ebusiness Essays (Examples)

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All of these systems are integrated with the company's Accounts Payable (a/P) and Accounts eceivable (a/) and financial reporting systems so that a true measure of overall profitability can be attained. In conjunction with all of these systems the traffic and quotes on the e-commerce site also need to be fulfilled real-time from the supply chain, pricing and delivery location systems (Todd, 2007). This is a complex system design yet highly effective in telling customers interested in a specific tire when, where, and how much it will cost to purchase it. All of these systems need then to be focused on how to make the customers' experience as seamless and excellent as possible. To do that the many challenges of systems and process integration will need to be confronted head-on to make sure that customers' needs are addressed. The center of the systems must reside on the customer too;….

Many have agreed that e-business and e-commerce represent the new commercial trend of the 21st century. Indeed, they have argued that this is a much easier, cheaper and more efficient way of doing business. Partially, they are right, however, they underestimate some of the negative effects of e-business. These include security breaches that can cause financial frauds or extra costs related to maintaining and improving the e-commerce mechanism. We shall analyze below how e-business has developed at Home Depot, what it consists off and what its main advantages, limitations and risks were here.

The company was founded in 1978 and has grown to become the "world's largest home improvement specialty retailer and the second largest retailer in the United States." Indeed, sales have reached $58.2 billion in 2002 and the company continued to diversify its services so as to attract a larger category of consumers. Entering e-business was only one of….

EBusiness Planning
How the Internet Is Changing eBusiness Planning

The role of the Internet continues to be both an accelerator and disruptive force that is changing the ebusiness planning aspects of global businesses today. The motivation, processes and outcomes of ebusiness planning are discussed and analyzed in this paper. Of the many facets of how disruptive the speed of innovation is on the Internet, the role of real-time analytics and Business Intelligence (BI) continues to be the most significantly seen in ebusiness planning cycles (Todd, 2008). Analytics and BI applications and the platforms supporting them are making it possible to discern trends and the impacts of financial decisions with greater clarity and speed than ever before (Phillips, 2004). This is changing the motivation, processes and outcomes of planning.

eBusiness Planning: Achieving Strategic Focus With eal-Time Analytics

The motivation for ebusiness planning has completely changed in the last generation of strategic thought leaders and practitioners,….

E-Business: The First Wave of Electronic Commerce
Electronic commerce has revolutionized the value chains of nearly every industry, regardless if their focus is on business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) markets and the extent of their distribution networks prior to the pervasive adoption of the Web. Many of the initial studies of e-commerce credited the Internet and the invention of the Hypertext Transfer Protocols with the flexibility of creating web pages that could easily be used for e-marketing and promotion (ose, Hair, Clark, 2011). Only after the initial generation of e-commerce businesses had experienced the challenges of synchronizing their entire value chains to the new, demanding and time-critical needs of consumers online in the case of B2C and the speed of transactions and scalability challenges in B2B e-business make system and process integration a priority.

e-Business drove the need for much greater levels of integration standards and clarity of communication across the many….

E-Business Presentation
Sendspace Consultancy Report

Current Situation

Competitors Review

In the last decade there has definitely been an increasing trend of online file sharing (Cisco, 2011). While in the beginning users mostly downloaded files from basic P2P systems, over the years these systems have evolved in response to user requirements, faster internet connections, and mounting legal pressures to curb illegal copyright infringement. Bitorrent files became a popular alternative after direct P2P sharing systems began being systematically shut down by litigation. However, more recently, systems known as Cyberlockers have effective replaced Bitorrent sharing systems (orrentFreak, 2011) (Lee, R., 2007).

In a Cyberlockers system, the illegal distribution of copyrighted material occurs by the users themselves and the webhosting service technically has no liability (Envisional, 2011). However, Megaupload, the industry leader, has been inundated with an overwhelming array of criminal charges and their site has been shut down. his creates an interesting position for companies like Sendspace. On….

The company's efforts to sell globally make this aspect of their ethics and online initiative programs noteworthy according to Saywell (2002, May). The use of online initiatives to protect intellectual property rights online, in addition to the protection of line data is well documented in the analysis completed by Sears (2006, July) and Pollach (2003) as well. Lockheed-Martin uses a series of proxy servers to protect online data, and also verify identifies before secured areas of the company's website are accessible. In addition the company relies on higher-order security and authentication technologies as required by the U.S. Government to ensure data used on government contracts is not compromised. The company also has a series of governance processes in place to ensure that intellectual property is not compromised over the Internet as well.
Opportunities for Improvement

Lockheed-Martin has set the pace in many areas of ethics compliance, regulatory compliance to the Sarbanes-Oxley….

Currently, Google is encountering resistance from publishers who are claiming copyright infringements and will most likely need to strike a compromise to move forward with its digital library project.
Further, Google has lofty plans for changing the way people use the Internet and perhaps how many people use it. According to the article, Google has unveiled a system for talking over the Internet.

Perhaps phone systems will become obsolete devices in businesses and users turn more and more to their computers as one-stop resources to perform all their business functions.

The article also reports that Google is creating a wireless Internet access service in San Francisco, fueling predictions about the creation of a nationwide network that will enable people to get on the Web for free. One of the primary uses of location-based services would once again be more focused and targeted advertising. There is also huge potential for location-based services. Already….

Web Server

Every computer on the Internet that contains a Web site must have a Web server program. The software accepts HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connections from Web browsers and delivers web pages and other files to users, as well as processing form submissions. Two leading Web servers are Apache, the most widely-installed Web server, and Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS).

Which is the better option depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

I recommend Apache as the best choice for Java-based projects, particularly those that require better support for Java Database Connectivity than most Web servers offer. Apache, is open-source software, meaning it's free and can easily be accessed to make changes, but support will have to come from third-party companies. Although Apache is multi-platform software, it runs best with Linux. For users of NT, on the other hand, I recommend IIS. IIS comes free with NT and is integrated seamlessly with….

The prolific use of computers and the Internet in the Office environment and homes has given rise to a new form of business activity and this is called E-Business. E-business looked at from the point-of-view of it's broadest meaning is the buying and selling online by the use of the Internet, and also includes activities of business like purchasing, tracking of inventory, managing production and handling logistics, customer care, supply chain management and collaborative engineering. Depending on whether the business activity by one business organization is targeted towards another business organization or a consumer the terms B2B and B2C have come into existence. (The Difference between E-business, E-commerce, and E-marketplaces)

B2B stands for business to business and is the trading activity that takes place between companies online and has grown to cover activities of supply chain management as an increasing number of companies outsource constituents of their supply chain to their….

The Web does offer a new medium by which vendors can bring their goods and services to the market. Though there are many accounts that describe the business models evident on the Web, there are no definitive and wholly consistent frameworks. Some base their definitions on revenue streams, a sub-set that includes advertising, subscription, pay-per-view and transaction (and combinations thereof). Amazon, for example, sells books on which it makes revenue per book sold, and also carries advertising, generally for complementary products and services. Thus if you were to buy a travel book, for example, you might also be linked to holiday companies that offer trips to the book's destination.

Others define models by function. One comprehensive taxonomy is provided by Paul Timmers, who, whilst focusing on B2B e-Commerce, cites eleven different business models. These are not mutually exclusive, and through them, he argues, a further set of marketing models can be….

The signal-jumping algorithm necessary for the being able to deliver the signals to specific mobile devices as they move through an entire network is also critical.
In summary, location-based wireless services would provide the necessary means to stay continually informed as a mobile device travels through a network of servers (Junglas, Watson, 2008). The more critical question however is how the data is tracked of a person's movements, and if their privacy is being too compromised for the sake of convenience. Location-based services will eventually become more pervasive, underwritten initially by advertising models and later by services content models, yet the security and privacy issues must be dealt with for this mobile technology and its application to deliver on the promise of more accentuated location-based intelligence.


ajiv Chakravorty, Sulabh Agarwal, Suman Banerjee, Ian Pratt. 2007. A mobile bazaar for wide-area wireless services. Wireless Networks 13, no. 6

December 1): 757-777. http://www.proquest.com (Accessed….

(Cho, 2005)
To conclude, although the basis of the B2C and the B2C sites may be the same, it must be stated that if many more such contracts and regulatory laws and rules were to be passed, which would effectively keep a hold on the ethics and the legal issues of e-commerce, especially in relation to the B. 2 C. And the B. 2 B. sites, and also despite the intrinsic differences between them, then the Internet and the world wide web would be an infinitely safer place for e shoppers and for business people desirous of buying products or services through the Internet.


Cho, George. (2005) "Geographic Information Science, mastering the legal issues"

John Wiley and Sons.

Internet Ethics, oxymoron or orthodoxy?" etrieved at http://www.rogerdarlington.co.uk/Internetethics.html#Introduction. Accessed 11 November, 2005

Kalakota, avi; obinson, Marcia. (2000) "E-Business 2.0, oadmap for success"

Addison-Wesley Professional

Nanyan, Zamri. "Online Business and Integrity" etrieved at http://www.cthrb.ca/Articleesources/online-business-and-integrity.shtml. Accessed 11 November, 2005

Online Legal….

E-Business Model

Websites and eBusiness Models: A Comparison of Three Organizations

The features and functions of a website are a reflection of the purpose of that website. In turn, this is a function of the business model. This will now be shown by comparing the websites of three companies: eBay, Lands' End, and Ecolab. For each website, the target audience will be described, the website will be described, and the features of the website will be linked to the business model.

The eBay website is an online bidding site, where the general public can bid to purchase items from sellers. These sellers can either be other members of the general public or can also be retailers. The eBay website has two target audiences. Firstly, there are the consumers bidding on items to purchase them. Secondly, there are the sellers, with eBay needing to attract sellers so that consumers can find items to purchase. Importantly,….

The specialty muffin company in San Antonio with six stores needs to consider how a website and series of social media accounts can increase in-store traffic and sales first, then consider selling their specialty muffins online globally. This second strategy of selling muffins online needs to be supported with a production and fulfillment operation capable of producing muffins quickly and packaging them for global sales.

Starting first with a website and series of social media accounts including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat and Vine, the specialty muffin company needs to immediately define and amplify their brand by showing their products. The website needs to include specials, coupons and special events to draw customers into the stores. If the specialty muffin company also has a catering business, this also needs to be mentioned on the initial website as well. At this point in the website strategy, the owners of the specialty muffin company….

At the center of technology's contributions to learning is the enablement of long-term retention of abstract, often complex concepts that are not intuitively gasped through more traditional learning methods. The ability to create technology-based learning platforms that enable greater levels of autonomy, mastery and purpose are critical for getting students at any level to their educational goals (Vigentini, 2009).

Vigentini, L. (2009). Using learning technology in university courses: Do styles matter? Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, 3(1), 17-32.

What leadership skills are needed to manage a virtual team?

For a virtual team to excel, the leader must strive to move beyond transactional or short-term management strategies to embrace transformational leadership. This makes the overall direction of a team much more unified and focused on a common goal. Transformational leaders of virtual teams also have the ability to instill trust by creating many opportunities for collaboration and communication as well (Cascio, Shurygailo, 2003).….

AI Applications in Temporary Fashion Store Setups
Personalization and Relevance:
AI-powered recommendation engines: Analyze customer preferences, past purchases, and demographics to provide tailored product suggestions and personalized experiences.
Virtual styling assistants: Utilize AI algorithms to offer real-time styling advice, create curated outfits, and assist customers in finding items that align with their style.
Inventory Management and Logistics:
Predictive analytics for demand forecasting: AI models leverage historical data and external factors to anticipate future demand, optimizing inventory levels and minimizing overstock or stockouts.
Automated order fulfillment: AI-driven systems streamline order processing, ensuring efficient and timely delivery to temporary store locations.
Customer Engagement and Acquisition:

8 Pages
Term Paper


E-Business Systems and Enterprise Systems

Words: 2521
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

All of these systems are integrated with the company's Accounts Payable (a/P) and Accounts eceivable (a/) and financial reporting systems so that a true measure of overall profitability…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


E-Business Many Have Agreed That E-Business and

Words: 1169
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

E-usiness Many have agreed that e-business and e-commerce represent the new commercial trend of the 21st century. Indeed, they have argued that this is a much easier, cheaper and more…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Ebusiness Planning How the Internet Is Changing

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

EBusiness Planning How the Internet Is Changing eBusiness Planning The role of the Internet continues to be both an accelerator and disruptive force that is changing the ebusiness planning aspects of…

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2 Pages


E-Business The First Wave of Electronic Commerce

Words: 713
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

E-Business: The First Wave of Electronic Commerce Electronic commerce has revolutionized the value chains of nearly every industry, regardless if their focus is on business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) markets…

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6 Pages


E-Business Presentation Sendspace Consultancy Report Current Situation

Words: 1654
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

E-Business Presentation Sendspace Consultancy Report Current Situation Competitors Review In the last decade there has definitely been an increasing trend of online file sharing (Cisco, 2011). While in the beginning users mostly downloaded…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


E-Business Integrity at Lockheed-Martin the

Words: 939
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The company's efforts to sell globally make this aspect of their ethics and online initiative programs noteworthy according to Saywell (2002, May). The use of online initiatives to…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

E-Business Rather Than Focusing on

Words: 545
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Currently, Google is encountering resistance from publishers who are claiming copyright infringements and will most likely need to strike a compromise to move forward with its digital library…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

E-Business Web Server Every Computer on the

Words: 1127
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

E-usiness Web Server Every computer on the Internet that contains a Web site must have a Web server program. The software accepts HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connections from Web browsers and…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


E-Business the Prolific Use of Computers and

Words: 840
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

E-Business The prolific use of computers and the Internet in the Office environment and homes has given rise to a new form of business activity and this is called E-Business.…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


E-Business Central to Any Market

Words: 1300
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Web does offer a new medium by which vendors can bring their goods and services to the market. Though there are many accounts that describe the business models…

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5 Pages


E-Business and E-Commerce Identify and

Words: 1851
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

The signal-jumping algorithm necessary for the being able to deliver the signals to specific mobile devices as they move through an entire network is also critical. In summary, location-based…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


E-Business Business to Customer E-Commerce

Words: 1555
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Cho, 2005) To conclude, although the basis of the B2C and the B2C sites may be the same, it must be stated that if many more such contracts and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


E-Business Model

Words: 1877
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

eBusiness Websites and eBusiness Models: A Comparison of Three Organizations The features and functions of a website are a reflection of the purpose of that website. In turn, this is a…

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2 Pages


E-Business the Specialty Muffin Company in San

Words: 554
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

E-Business The specialty muffin company in San Antonio with six stores needs to consider how a website and series of social media accounts can increase in-store traffic and sales first,…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


E-Business We Have Experienced Financial

Words: 1436
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

At the center of technology's contributions to learning is the enablement of long-term retention of abstract, often complex concepts that are not intuitively gasped through more traditional learning…

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