Ecological Footprint Essays (Examples)

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Ecological Footprint Lab When I
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

ould it be better if no one had an SUV to take into the woods to go camping, to learn about the importance of the environment? Surely, learning about the environment is a way to spur people on, especially the next generation, to want to help the planet.
Meat is also penalized very heavily, but the source of the meat, whether it is grain-fed or pasture-raised, is not taken into a consideration. Non-meat processed foods can still travel a long distance and have an impact on the environment. However, I should note that my eating habits were the worst offenses on my ecological footprint scorecard, and even though I do not agree with all of the calculations, doing the footprint analysis was an important wake-up call for me in terms of how I view myself and my food choices in relationship to the environment.

hen comparing my results with my colleagues,…...


Works Cited

Ecological footprint. (2009). Ecological Footprint. Retrieved March 20, 2009 at 

Footprint Basics - Overview. (2009, February 27). Footprint Network.

Retrieved March 20, 2009 at

Ecological Footprint Analysis Calculations Explanations
Pages: 4 Words: 1286

Simply going vegan for a few meals a week would substantially lessen my and most American's carbon footprint, without having to forgo animal products altogether. Given that more and more Americans are consuming animal products, and more individuals in the developing world are also consuming animal products, reducing this area of consumption is vitally important for the sustainability of the planet. It surprised me to learn that reducing meat consumption was such an important part of reducing one's ecological footprint, perhaps even more important than reducing one's consumption of fossil fuels through transportation. Buying a Prius has received substantially more praise in the media than reducing meat consumption.
But reducing meat consumption is not enough. Factory dairy production is also very taxing on the environment. Raising chickens for eggs and cows for milk production takes a great deal of the earth's resources. In the developing world, consumption of dairy has…...


Works Cited

Bittman, Mark. Rethinking the meat guzzler. The New York Times. January 27, 2008.

March 10, 2009.

Reducing Ecological Footprint Through Lifestyle Changes
Pages: 5 Words: 1299

Lifestyle Changes to educe Our Ecological Footprint
Biology And Life

Ecological footprint is one method that can be used to measure how our individual lifestyle affects the planet including the people and animals living here. The lifestyle choices that each individual makes can affect the quality of our environment in a huge way. The more resources each individual consumes, the larger their ecological footprint thus leaving little for everyone else (Sustainable Communities Initiative, 2014). Each individual should strive for a smaller ecological footprint, which will make life better for everyone in the world. One's ecological footprint is divided into four categories. These are food, travel, home, and stuff that they purchase. There are lifestyle changes in each category that a person can make to reduce their ecological footprint (WWF-Australia, 2014).


To reduce my ecological footprint, I choose to use tap water and run it through a filter to purify it in order to…...



  Communities Initiative. (2014). Calculate the ecological footprint of your community. Retrieved June 3rd, 2014, from WWF-Australia. (2014). Sustainable living to reduce your personal footprint. Retrieved June 3rd, 2014, from 

Reducing My Ecological Footprint Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 648

That would enable me to brew my own coffee instead of purchasing coffee in a paper and plastic cup everyday, and it would allow me the necessary time to prepare home-made meals and to filter my own tap water instead of purchasing prepared packaged foods and bottled water, both of which add to my food footprint and my consumption of goods and services beyond what is necessary. Since most of friends have similar lifestyles, I would encourage them to make the same types of changes for the benefit of the local, national, and global ecology.
Environmental Implications of my Carbon Footprint

On one hand, I recognize the fact that I could improve my personal ecological impact by implementing the described changes. On the other hand, I am pleased to find out that my carbon footprint is so much lower than the national average because carbon emissions are associated with some of…...



Crittenden, J.C. And White, H.S. "Harnessing Energy for a Sustainable World"

Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 132, No. 13; (2010): 4503 -- 4505.

Matthews, H.S., Hendrickson, C.T., and Weber, C.L. "The Importance of Carbon

Footprint Estimation Boundaries "Journal of Environmental Science, Vol. 42, No. 16; (2008): 5839 -- 5842.

Carbon Footprint One of the
Pages: 2 Words: 512

In modern school cultures, for instance, we often say, "Oh, they're Asian, they must be smart." So, the Asian-American person hears that they "must be smart, must overachieve, must get good grades." They then come to believe that this is far more than what society expects of them, but instead, what they are supposed to be as a person. So, they become that person, they apply themselves a bit more, study a bit more, and soon the prophecy seen from the outside world is internalized and factual.
Of course, this idea may be pejorative as well -- homosexuality being labeled as deviant, "you fag, you queer;" mental illness as "looney, nutty, off their rocker;" and so many negative ethic terms one's head would spin: "kike, spick, nigger, cholo, slant eye, towel head, beaner, etc."

We must then ask, why do we label? Perhaps it is the human tendency to box or…...



What is a carbon footprint? (2011, January). Retrieved March 2011, from 

Yarrow, J. (2008). How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint. San Francisco and London: Chronicle Books.

Carbon Footprint Qantas Carbon Footprint Researcher One
Pages: 5 Words: 1487

Carbon Footprint
Qantas Carbon Footprint

Researcher One

Corporate Governance

Qantas corporate governance statement mentions that Qantas has an appropriate corporate governance structure to ensure the creation, protection, and enhancement of shareholder value (Qantas, 2012). Based on this statement alone it seems as if Qantas does not promote a triple bottom line or any other measure of sustainability in the summary of their corporate governance strategy. Other firms in the airline industry make a stronger dedication to social and environmental issues in their corporate governance. Continental for example has significantly more mentions of such causes as well as a plethora of various projects to address these causes (Continental Airlines, 2012). Although Qantas does address such business functions later in their document, their corporate governance strategy seems to be more focused on shareholder value than a more balanced scorecard.

In response to pressures to mounting pressures to address ecological concerns about issues such as climate change and…...


Works Cited

Airline Tickets, 2011. How Airlines Cut Costs. [Online]

Available at:   / [Accessed 5 February 2012]. 

Continental Airlines, 2012. Ethics and Compliance. [Online]

Available at:

Dream Community Unlike the Popular
Pages: 4 Words: 1330

Older people could receive tax incentives to act as teachers to students in areas of expertise, or simply to help out as coaches or staff. Ideally, private educational institutions would be few, to ensure a lack of a drain of community resources from the public schools, although private schools could supplement student education for students with special needs that could not be met by the public system.

Unless it was required for their daily work-related commute, residents would agree to drive fuel-efficient cars and receive tax credits if they drove hybrid or electric cars.


Community watch groups would supplement the police force. Both police and volunteer organizations would also engage in educational efforts with the school system regarding anti-drug, anti-bullying, and anti-violence campaigns. Fire safety would be ensured by a professionally trained core force, supplemented by a group of volunteers for less vigorous conflagrations.

aste collection

Collection would occur twice weekly for trash,…...


Works Cited

Best Foot Forward. (2004) "Ecological Foot printing." Retrieved 24 Mar 2005 at

CNN Money. (2005) "Best Places to Live in USA." Money Magazine Survey. Retrieved 24 Mar 2005 at 

Frantz, Douglas & Catherine Collins. (2000) Celebration, U.S.A.: Living in Disney's Brave New Town. New York: Owl Books.

Schmidt, Wayne. (24 Mar 2005) "Best Places to Live" This & That Website. Retrieved 24 Mar 2005 at

Progress Community Sharing vs Individualistic Consumption in
Pages: 4 Words: 1199

Progress: Community Sharing vs. Individualistic Consumption
In an unsustainable society, priority is placed upon economic growth at all costs, regardless of how this may affect variables such as climate change, a condition which will hurt all of humanity in the long run. Our current worldview or paradigm prioritizes all societies moving to an urban model of development which emphasizes consumption. Even modern agriculture has been influenced by this profit-oriented focus and does not focus upon preserving land and minimizing waste instead. Thus to foster sustainability, as noted by Wessels, the concept of progress as something that is linear and equally beneficial to all societies must change. We now conceive of progress as increasing consumption and increasing GDP but this is not a sustainable model for the future, particularly if all developing societies also adopt this worldview that 'more stuff' is better.

Rather, newer, greener, and more sustainable measures must be adopted. In…...

Water in Your Area Your Perspective on
Pages: 5 Words: 1787

water in your area? ("Your perspective on water differs whether you live near the Great Lakes, in the arid west, or by the coast."(McCarthy, 2009)
Outline a brief water conservation plan for your own daily use. How will these changes affect your personal life? What impact will it have on your local water supply?

There is plentiful water in my region (I live in the Great Lakes region). Nonetheless, a brief water conservation plan is the following:

To use water for just its needs and to ensure that tap water is not left running in between those needs.

To double used bathwater as water that can be used for washing the floor.

To, as much as possible, use rainwater for gardening

In order to supply water to humans certain technologies must be utilized.

Desalination is one of the methods that are used for promoting pure water supply. It literally means separating slat form water and thereby…...



FAO report reveals GM crops not needed to feed the world (11/03/2012) GMO Food Debate in the National Spotlight )

Greenopolis. Top 10 Environmental Success Stories and 10 Future Challenges.

Groves, J (19 December 2009 ) Climate change summit accepts 'toothless' U.S.-backed agreement - but deal is not legally binding   -- officials-admit-enough.html#ixzz2Cg3714zQ 

Global Warming Has Become an Issue of
Pages: 15 Words: 4496

Global warming has become an issue of major global concern. This research explores the complexities of the issues surrounding global warming and the development of models to help curb the human contributions to its continuation. This research focuses on the UAE and its initiatives to develop sustainable cities in the future.
Evolution of Cities

environmental change and Global warming

Field Work and Case Studies

Back Ground

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) covers an area of approximately 777 sq. km and has a population of over 5 1/2 million residents according to 2009 statistics (Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division. 2009). The country has the six largest oil reserves in the world and is one of the most developed economies in the Middle East. It has one of the most developed infrastructures in the Middle East as well. Global warming has become a key issue in developed nations that rely heavily on industry such…...



Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division (2009) (PDF). Expat numbers rise rapidly as UAE population touches 6m. 2009 revision. [Accessed October 5, 2011] Available from World Wide Web:

Ellis, C. History of Cities and City Planning. [Accessed October 5, 2011] Available from World Wide Web: 

Environment and Ecology. 2011. UNESCO World Heritage. XIth World Congress of the OWHC -- Sintra 2011 Climate Change. [Accessed October 5, 2011] Available from World Wide Web: 

Ewing, R., Bartholomew, K., & WInkel, S. et al. "Growing Coooler: evidence of urban development and climate change. Urban Land Insititute. [Accessed October 5, 2011] Available from World Wide Web:

Sustainability Is Development That Meets
Pages: 9 Words: 2938

They want to maintain that livelihood. And for 90% of the world, being sustainable is a matter of life and death (Agnew n.d.)." To that end in 2007 they Architecture for Humanity launched the Open Architecture Network "an online, open source community dedicated to improving living conditions through innovative and sustainable design" where designers, engineers, and anyone else, professional or otherwise can share their ideas, designs and plans, collaborate, manage design projects from concept to implementation and build a more sustainable future (Open Architecture Network n.d.)
In addition to Sinclair and McDonough there are a wide range of architects and designers who are beginning to understand that their role is not simply to satisfy their own egos or curiosities but rather to help facilitate the sustainability of communities and human society at large. The New York-ased consulting firm Terrapin right Green, for example, was started by four architects who recognized…...



Agnew, Singeli. "India: Design Like You Give a Damn Interview." Front Line.   (accessed April 15, 2010). 

Alter, Bonnie. "Sustainable Futures Exhibition Asks Can Design Make a Difference?" April 14, 2010.   (accessed April 15, 2010). 

-- . "Yves Behar and Puma Roll Out The Clever Little Bag." Treehugger. April 14, 2010.   (accessed April 15, 2010). 

Braungart, Michael, and William McDonough. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. North Point Press, 2002.

Sky May Not Be Actually
Pages: 17 Words: 4784

The net effect of these trends on the environment is mixed. According to Kohler and Erdmann (2004), the expanded use of ICT applications will ultimately result in both benefits to the environment, as well as some new problems associated with their use. The extent to which the negative effects are mitigated will ultimately depend on the foresight that is used today to develop long-term energy and waste management policies that will control the development of ICT infrastructures and how they are used in the future (Kohler & Erdmann, 2004).
According to Lan and Thomas (2009), there is no escaping the fact that information and communication technologies are fundamentally changing the nature of commerce and hold important promise for economic development in the future. These authors are quick at add, though, that proceeding with these technologies is a complex enterprise and there are still a number of unknowns involved concerning how…...



Cyr, C. (2007, April/May). E-waste not. Plenty, 31.

Daly, J. (2005, June). ICT and ensuring environmental sustainability. Communication Initiative.

Retrieved from 


Position on the Concept of Sustainability
Pages: 4 Words: 1257

sustainability and reviews the implications and impact of various sustainability modes, all of which appear to be positive. To begin this review requires coming to an understanding of what sustainability is. As the Interface (2008) website describes it, "Sustainability can be many different things -- a motto, an ideal, a way to do business, a way to live your life or a call to action." Because this seems an appropriate way to view the many aspects of sustainability, this paper adopts this viewpoint as well.
Raven (2002) discusses how we got to this point facing the difficult challenges of human sustainability. Over the course of 400 generations, or about 10,000 years, the human population has grown from several million to over 6 billion. Humans continue to depend on a series of ancient, genetically and socially determined habits and attitudes which seem dysfunctionally inappropriate for modern society. As a consequence then,…...


United Nations. 1987. Our Common Future, Chapter 2: Towards Sustainable Development Retrieved on May 5, 2011 from 

What is Sustainability. 2008. Retrieved on May 5, 2011 from 

Whiteman, G. 1999. Sustainability for the planet: a marketing perspective. Conservation Ecology 3(1): 13. Retrieved on May 5, 2011 from::

Management the People of the
Pages: 7 Words: 2603

b) The Football Championship in Lisbon

The capital of Portugal has received little investments in developments and infrastructure from both the public as well as the private sectors. But the football championship has stimulated the construction and development of two stadiums in north and northeast parts of the capital, namely the Benfica and Alvalade stadiums.

The hosting of the football championships, supported by the two stadiums, draws the attention of investors and stimulates their efforts to set out new operations in the community, supporting as such its social and economic development.

"In general terms, those buildings give support to a modern city vision, that attempts to preserve its ancient culture at the same time it projects an image of progress.

Those infrastructures, given their magnitude in the urban context, might help to promote Lisbon as an international capital. They will certainly allow the city to re-structure its present functional structure. They will allow creating…...



Barghchi, M., Omar, D., Aman, M.S., 2009, Cities, sports facilities development and hosting events, European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 2

Copley, J., 2005, Sports events leave a giant 'ecological footprint', New Scientist,   last accessed on October 26, 2011 

Cugola, G., Nitto, E.D., Fuggetta, A., 1998, Exploiting an event-based infrastructure to develop complex distributed systems, ICSE '98 Proceedings of the 20th international conference on software engineering, IEEE Computer Society Washington

Gursoy, D., Kendall, K.W., 2006, Hosting mega-events: modelling locals' support, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 33, No. 3

Use of Life Cycle Costing Management Technique at Glazer's Inc
Pages: 17 Words: 4601

ationale for the use of life cycle Management at Glazers

LCM (Life Cycle Management) is a framework which manages and scrutinises the performance and sustainability of services and goods. This framework aims to achieve the long-term objectives of the business, and gives less stress on the short-term objectives. For getting a more sustainable value chain, organizations are making use of this framework, which would in turn improve their economic and social performance. Businesses throughout the world are making use of this framework for many purposes, like to improve their standing within the market, to strengthen the relationships with the stakeholders and to produce more environment friendly goods.

LCM urges the companies to look away from their own processes, and focus on activities which are not under the direct control of the company. Such activities include the upstream and the downstream operations that become a part of value chain. In previous days,…...



Crul, M. And Diehl, J.C. (2007) Design for Sustainability (D4S): A Practical Approach for Developing Economies, UNEP publication (at asp?id=DTI/0826/PA).

International Standard ISO 14040 (2006) Environmental Management -Life Cycle Assessment - Principles and Framework. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization.

Rebitzer, G., Hunkeler, D. (2003) Life cycle costing in LCM: ambitions, opportunities, and limitations - discussing a framework International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 8 (5), pp. 253-6.

Remmen, A., Jensen, A.A., Frydendal. J. (2007) Life Cycle Management: A business guide to sustainability. UNEP/SETAC publication (at / publications/).

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding outlines for impact of technology on society?
Words: 448

I. Impact of Technology on Communication and Information Exchange

Introduction: The transformation of communication through technology
Section 1: Social media and its impact on interpersonal relationships and societal discourse
Section 2: The democratization of information through the internet and its implications for access and equality
Section 3: The role of technology in facilitating remote work, education, and healthcare
Conclusion: The overall impact of technology on communication and the implications for societal cohesion and progress

II. Technology and the Transformation of the Workplace

Introduction: The evolution of the workplace in the digital age
Section 1: Automation and its impact on....

How can nature writing inspire a deeper connection to the environment?
Words: 629

Nature Writing: A Path to Environmental Connection

Nature writing encompasses literary works that explore the intricate relationship between humans and the natural world. Through evocative language, vivid descriptions, and personal reflections, nature writing has the profound ability to foster a deeper connection to the environment, igniting a sense of wonder, appreciation, and stewardship.

1. Sensory Immersion and Empathetic Understanding:

Nature writing immerses readers in the sensory experiences of the natural world. By describing the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of landscapes, flora, and fauna, writers evoke a visceral connection that transports readers into the heart of nature. This sensory engagement fosters an....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on science and society. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 452

1. The impact of virtual reality technology on society: exploring the potential benefits and drawbacks of widespread VR adoption

2. The ethical implications of gene editing technology: examining the controversies surrounding CRISPR-Cas9 and its use in modifying human DNA

3. The intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare: discussing how AI can revolutionize the field of medicine and improve patient outcomes

4. The role of technology in shaping modern relationships: analyzing how social media, dating apps, and AI-powered matchmaking services are changing the way people connect and form relationships

5. The environmental consequences of space exploration: investigating the ecological footprint of space missions, satellite launches,....

What are the recent findings on the use of deep eutectic solvents in literature reviews?
Words: 971

Deep eutectic solvents (DES) have gained significant attention in recent years due to their eco-friendly nature and potential applications in various fields such as catalysis, extraction, and electrochemistry. DES are a type of ionic liquid formed by the combination of a hydrogen bond donor (HBD) and a hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA), creating a eutectic mixture with unique properties. In this literature review, we will explore the recent findings on the use of deep eutectic solvents and their potential applications. One of the key advantages of deep eutectic solvents is their tunable properties, which can be tailored for specific applications by....

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