Ecommerce Essays (Examples)

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The ability to ceate a moe effective knowledge management and leaning system is moe impotant than just ceating an online stoe and populating it with poducts, which is a key lessons leaned though much of the analysis fo this epot (Molla, Heeks, 2007). The intenationalization of e-commece then is the antithesis of one-size-fits all; it is athe the ability to tailo e-commece stategies with accuacy and pecision to the specific needs, pefeences and peceptions of specific makets (Callaway, 2008). This is especially evident in how the Hofstede Cultual Dimensions Model shows immediate insights into hwo highly collectivist-based societies including Koea ely on an abundance of data and infomation to assuage o incease tust in e-commece, which is low in this nation (Hwang, Jung, Salvendy, 2006). Convesely the finding that counties with a high level of Individualist (IDV) scoes including the United States, the level of tust in e-commece is….

The true test of any e-commerce system is the ability to orchestrate the many complex processes and systems to a unified, consistent experience to faculty, staff and most important, students. Advanced e-commerce systems have included a series of decision engines or logic workflows that expedite the most common processes throughout their platforms and websites (Nabi, 2005). This significantly increases the accuracy and velocity of information sharing throughout any enterprise, yet it is critical for the online university as time is often at a premium. A critical part of the ability to expedite knowledge sharing across the entire enterprise is to create rules-based workflows that automate the distribution of intelligence in real-time (Nabi, 2005).
Creating an Excellent User Experience Online Using e-Commerce

The front-end websites and interface are also a critical part of the overall e-commerce strategy. These front-end interfaces must be designed to ensure a very high level of adoption on….

E-Commerce and Business Process
E-Commerce Defined

E- commerce as modern business methodology

Characteristics of internet and traditional markets

Benefits of E-commerce

Critical Success Factors of E-commerce

E-commerce applications

Types of E-commerce business models

Security and legal issues

Apple Company and E-commerce

Business and E-Commerce

Implementation of E-commerce

Conventional market approach vs. modern market approach

E-Commerce Applications

Types of E-Commerce models

E- commerce defined:

E-commerce is broadly described as "utilizing online sources as well as tools to perform business in a far better way - more effectively and proficiently (Montgomery, 2007)." As a result, e-commerce supports the promise as well as challenge of impacting every part of a business' operations from product design and style and manufacturing to distribution as well as delivery service. Organizations utilizing or thinking about e-commerce ought to check out the possible functions for e-commerce in every facet of the businesses' functions. The actual case studies offer types of e-commerce programs in product creation (Farmchem, MidWest e-Solutions); marketing and advertising (Nautical Antiques, Villages….

Of the many theories and concepts that seek to define long-term learning effectiveness and context, the three factors of autonomy, mastery and purpose are by far the most pervasive in practical, empirical research results (Albright, Burgess, Davis, 2011).
Creating and operating a team learning environments begins by deliberately designing in autonomy, mastery and purpose to ensure the motivation to attain long-term learning is achieved. This is however a secondary concern of many companies building e-commerce systems as the focus is purely on the business strategy and getting it completed. Yet the more forward-thinking forms are designing in scaffolding and online analytics, measurement and performance evaluation applications to ascertain the relative value of tacit and implicit knowledge captured (James, Okpala, 2010) and quickly using it to better plan subsequent strategies (Cappel, Hayen, 2004). Many universities are relying on intern programs with local small businesses to achieve this same net effect in….

In basic tems, business to consume (B2C) e-commece can be said to be a tansaction-based elationship that exists between a given business' website and the consume. This tansactional elationship is spaked when the end use logs onto a cetain business' website with an aim of pocuing a good o sevice. In this case, on selection of the poduct he o she is inteested in, the consume is pompted to pay fo the good o sevice pocued using a wide ange of payment methods including but not in any way limited to PayPal, check o cedit cad. The tansactional elationship in this case is concluded once the custome eceives the good o sevice puchased using this platfom. In this text, I analyze Amazon, a popula business to consume (B2C) e-commece entity. In so doing, I will descibe the oganization and highlight how it benefits fom electonic commece. Futhe, I will exploe….

E-Commerce Solutions (Ability to Pay Online)
Vendor selection

Vendor usefulness to company

Vendor usefulness to customer

Search Engine Optimization


Content development

Back linking

SEO strategies, search engine ranking and stakeholder benefit

International Consideration


International strategy

Language, culture and currency

Online Customer relationship management (CM)

Outbound strategy

Connecting with customers and donors

Website analytics as a support to CM function

CM Software

DonorPerfect® Fundraising Software

Better customer experience through DonorPerfect®

The paper presents e-commerce solutions to manage online payments for the website of EEOC's youth program. It is recommended that PayPal Standard Account can be used by EEOC to offer online donation and payment service. PayPal offers discounted fees for the charity and non-profit organizations. The paper defines Search engine optimization (SEO) and three main SEO strategies that will be used for online marketing of the website. The recommended SEO strategies are keyword search, content development, and back linking. Methods of internationalizing the website are also discussed. These include internationalization tactics to capture relevant market, provide culture and language….

E-Commerce Trends in the 21st Century
The rapid adoption of social media including the pervasive adoption of social networks on mobile devices is driving disruption into e-commerce globally. Today authenticity, transparency and trust dominate the concerns of global consumers, accentuated by the pervasive use of social networks and the continual integration of e-commerce into these very popular platforms (Morid, Shajari, 2012). The catalysts that are propelling e-commerce today are mobile platforms in conjunction with social networks and their many approaches to selling advertising, products and services. Clearly trust is the most critical catalyst there is holding all the disruptive forces of change together, with mobility and social networks driving greater levels of e-commerce adoption than had ever been the case in the past (Li, Xie, 2012).

Trust Is The New Currency

What emerges from the analysis of the three studies analyzed is that customers shop and use social networks that best align with….

Hardly any business nowadays will survive without presence in cyberspace. Aside from the requisite website that provides information on the company, most have engaged in electronic commerce or e-commerce whereby goods and services can be transacted (ordering, processing, billing, payment, shipping, etc.) online. For small to medium business enterprises developing an e-commerce website may start out small and gradually develop with more facilities and functionalities. A bike store for instance in the local neighborhood has for its target market a limited geographical area thus the e-commerce website can cater first to the local market. ut even if the business is small or starting-up, "developing a business over the Internet requires many of the same major activities as starting any other business and the basic business planning are still needed (McNamara, 2009)."

The initial Internet business model for a local neighborhood bike store is an informational website that features what the store….

E-Commerce and Globalization
E-Commerce at

There are a myriad of advantages and disadvantages of selling books and good over the internet. Some advantages to selling goods over the internet are the sheer amount of people that the internet has the ability to reach. Malls, boutiques, among other merchant stores are sometimes in centralized locations do not have the ability to reach some suburban and rural populations; thus, having an internet store does arm merchants with the ability to sell their product to the masses. Furthermore, selling books and other goods over the internet is also more cost-effective as processing orders requires a distribution center instead of having stores all over the country which require staffing and rent, among other overhead costs. Though, with all advantages come some disadvantages including some issues for the consumer. Consumers are unable to touch or see the good or product in its physical capacity which causes….

Online health, well-being and fitness

Since every American seems to be more aware of the dangers involved in unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise, more people are now in search of the solutions to unhealthy living and trying to get into fitness centers to keep away the possibilities of having to suffer complications like diabetes and even heart attacks. Our organization which is basically a fitness center will hence try to venture further into online health and fitness. This will benefit the people who are far away from the established fitness center that we have and still need the knowledge, advice and experience of how to stay healthy. This has prompted the establishment of a website that will be interactive in nature. This will form the platform for the sale of the company's customized fitness routine to clients after knowing health details of the client. It will also be used to….

In this case, the company is continuously interested in investing in its employees through specialized training programs that can help them and the company to achieve the best professional results.
For other issues, related to technical, legal, or other matters, the company uses collaborators, so that the company's organizational structure is not charged with divisions whose presence is not permanently required within the company.

Operation Plan

The company's headquarters is located in New Jersey. The company owns a lab where the products are developed and tested, and a production facility, located in the same city. However, these facilities do not operate with cutting-edge technology, which is considered to be a weakness for the company, given the fact that it must compete with companies that are able to reach higher technological standards.

iven the circumstances, it is obvious that the company must make serious financial investments in upgrading the production facility. However, the company….

pple's strategy is highly differentiated as has focused both on the depth of musical content, in addition to its breadth and variety, and an example of this is the continual addition of new artists and films specifically for use on the video iPods.
pple's focus is on providing digital music to anyone, anytime they want to listen to it, expanding to include digital entertainment of all forms as well. The critical success factors for pple are its supply chain which is tasked with providing enough flash memory to support the iPod Nano product series, in addition to getting enough video screens to support the video iPod production runs and customer demand. The company's core competitive strength is in its branding and marketing, which is exemplified in the iPhone launch on June 29, 2007. The bottom line is that pple's competitive strength is in its ability to work in a synchronized….

E-commerce is not only web-based shopping and trading; rather, it incorporates holistic business efficacy at all operational levels. The term ‘supply chain management’ (SCM) is used to denote coordination, scheduling and control of product/service procurement, manufacture, deliveries and inventories. It forms the mainstay of e-commerce. A supply chain is considered efficient if it has the right services/products at the right time and place for reducing costs or saving money and improving cash utilization. Innumerable American firms have started banking on e-commerce for achieving more efficient supply chains.
Modern-day competition is of a supply chain-wide nature; it is not limited to individual firms. The term ‘supply chain’ may be defined as a system of distribution alternatives and facilities for whole corporate networks to collaborate for the purpose of designing, producing, delivering, and servicing products. Ever since the concept was introduced, SCM has been growing in significance for corporations, particularly in the current….

The Triumph of Ecommerce

Brick or Click From rural strip-malls to Manhattan’s avenues, it has been a disastrous past few years for retail. There have been nine retail bankruptcies in 2017—as many as all of 2016. J.C. Penney, RadioShack, Macy’s and Sears have each announced more than 100 store closures. Sports Authority has liquidated and Payless has filed for bankruptcy. Last week, several apparel companies’ stocks hit new multi-year lows, including Lululemon, Urban Outfitters and American Eagle, and Ralph Lauren announced that it is closing its flagship Polo store on Fifth Avenue, one of several brands to abandon that iconic thoroughfare. A deep recession might explain an extinction-level event for large retailers. But U.S. GDP has been growing for eight straight years, gas prices are low, unemployment is under 5 percent, and the last 18 months have been quietly excellent for wage growth, particularly for middle- and lower-income Americans. The U.S economy has not hindered consumerism in the….

A corporation essentially becomes an individual entity in and of itself, completely separate from its owners and managers. Thus, the corporation can be sued and sue others with no liability extending to the individual owners. However, being a separate entity, the corporation is thus taxed directly like an individual would be. For this reason, the corporation is often associated with double taxation in that the corporation's profits are taxed and the owner's take home income is also taxed.
ased on these choices, it is advised that the e-commerce business should choose to act as a corporation. In the world of e-commerce, incorporation makes sense because it ensures protection from any forms of liability and to optimizes the overall ability to maximize profits. ecause e-commerce occurs across jurisdictions, including international borders, a corporation will be most advantageous as this form of business structure is generally recognized around the world and thus….

6 Pages
Research Paper


Ecommerce in Developing Countries What

Words: 2046
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The ability to ceate a moe effective knowledge management and leaning system is moe impotant than just ceating an online stoe and populating it with poducts, which is…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Ecommerce and Organizational Learning Improving

Words: 1184
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The true test of any e-commerce system is the ability to orchestrate the many complex processes and systems to a unified, consistent experience to faculty, staff and most…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


E-Commerce and Business Process

Words: 2340
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

E-Commerce and Business Process E-Commerce Defined E- commerce as modern business methodology Characteristics of internet and traditional markets Benefits of E-commerce Critical Success Factors of E-commerce E-commerce applications Types of E-commerce business models Security and legal issues Apple…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Ecommerce and Organizational Learning Discuss

Words: 1199
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Of the many theories and concepts that seek to define long-term learning effectiveness and context, the three factors of autonomy, mastery and purpose are by far the most…

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8 Pages


E-Commerce in Basic Terms Business to Consumer

Words: 2419
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

E-Commece In basic tems, business to consume (B2C) e-commece can be said to be a tansaction-based elationship that exists between a given business' website and the consume. This tansactional elationship…

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9 Pages


E-Commerce Solutions Ability to Pay Online Vendor

Words: 2794
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

E-Commerce Solutions (Ability to Pay Online) Vendor selection Vendor usefulness to company Vendor usefulness to customer Search Engine Optimization Keywords Content development Back linking SEO strategies, search engine ranking and stakeholder benefit International Consideration Market International strategy Language, culture and currency Online…

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2 Pages


E-Commerce Trends in the 21st Century the

Words: 578
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

E-Commerce Trends in the 21st Century The rapid adoption of social media including the pervasive adoption of social networks on mobile devices is driving disruption into e-commerce globally. Today authenticity,…

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2 Pages


E-Commerce Hardly Any Business Nowadays Will Survive

Words: 732
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

E-Commerce Hardly any business nowadays will survive without presence in cyberspace. Aside from the requisite website that provides information on the company, most have engaged in electronic commerce or e-commerce…

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2 Pages


E-Commerce and Globalization

Words: 530
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

E-Commerce and Globalization E-Commerce at There are a myriad of advantages and disadvantages of selling books and good over the internet. Some advantages to selling goods over the internet are…

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2 Pages


Ecommerce Online Health Well-Being and Fitness Since

Words: 589
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ecommerce Online health, well-being and fitness Since every American seems to be more aware of the dangers involved in unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise, more people are now in search…

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7 Pages


E-Commerce the Following Pages Focus

Words: 1986
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

In this case, the company is continuously interested in investing in its employees through specialized training programs that can help them and the company to achieve the best…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


E-Commerce Sites E-Commerce Websites Visit

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

pple's strategy is highly differentiated as has focused both on the depth of musical content, in addition to its breadth and variety, and an example of this is…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


E commerce Improve customer relations'service

Words: 2559
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Abstract E-commerce is not only web-based shopping and trading; rather, it incorporates holistic business efficacy at all operational levels. The term ‘supply chain management’ (SCM) is used to denote coordination,…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


The Triumph of Ecommerce

Words: 3972
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Brick or Click From rural strip-malls to Manhattan’s avenues, it has been a disastrous past few years for retail. There have been nine retail bankruptcies in 2017—as many as all…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


E-Commerce When Conducting Business as

Words: 434
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A corporation essentially becomes an individual entity in and of itself, completely separate from its owners and managers. Thus, the corporation can be sued and sue others with…

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