Economic Condition Essays (Examples)

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Economic Conditions of Foreign Country
Economic Conditions of a Country

Moldova -- Youth Unemployment and Technological Development and Capacity within the Economy

One of the most critical concerns of the current ork Bank is the high rate of youth unemployment in South Eastern Europe. This phenomenon of high youth unemployment, it is feared, will lead to a state of increasing instability across the region. More and more young people in this region are aimless in life, and grow up without being instituted in an appropriate 'work culture.' Either they will emigrate, depleting their nations of young employees, or become drains on the economy. These countries are also afflicted by low birth rates, which will continue to create a diminished labor force.

Development of cost-effective active labor market programs must be complemented by youth programs," states the orld Bank. Essential to these programs are loans from the Bank that promotes skills development and cultural activities,….

While a cut down in budgets is inevitable, however, libraries should also try to increase their revenues. This can be achieved by promoting more subscriptions and grants through increasing dependency on technology (Budd 2005). A library might be able to attract grants if it goes digital. The director or management can make a presentation to convince the relevant authorities about how their grant will increase the library's productivity. This will in turn also attract more members as the accessibility to libraries resources will become easier. Subscription to electronic resources may also help in reducing expenditures such as postage. This will make circumstances even easier if the respective library has an institutional affiliation, as the internet costs are generally incurred by the institution.

Merits and Limitations

When the economic situation is not ideal, the library management is left with little choice. However, as allocation of scarce resource involves opportunity cost, the ideal budget….

economic conditions and general dynamics of the Chinese economy in lieu of the changing social and political paradigm.
The further opening up of the Chinese economy will better the condition of the people of China and will improve the lot of the worker. The relaxation of 1979 has lead to an improvement of the overall economy and if China adopts a truly open economy the overall economic situation of the citizens will improve.

Testing Procedure:

This hypothesis is going to be tested with the help of the previous data that has been collected and in the light of the previous events that have brought about a change in the economy of China.

The importance of trade for any country is very strong, since trade with other countries brings in foreign exchange and strengthens the economy. East Asia has been the among the fastest growing regions in the world over the past two decades,….

Annual Financial eport Fiscal and Economic Condition Analysis
The Piqua City School District in Ohio

Accounting in the public and private sectors is often subjected to differences, some of these differences being also observable at the level of budgeting. One important difference is constituted by the fact that economic agents -- that is private, for profit entities -- will construct the budgetary presentation in the form of annual financial reports. These financial reports are generally composed from financial statements and their qualitative presentation.

Governmental agencies on the other hand are requested to construct comprehensive annual financial reports (CAF), which are more complex than annual financial reports. These reports contain added elements to the minimum elements requested from economic agents. In this order of ideas, while the financial statements are more detailed, the difference is also observed in the fact that the CAFs are composed of three main parts -- the financial statements,….

The depression in the recent era can affect the productivity of workers along with their entire performance of work. The inability to concentrate on making informed decisions can lead to the accidents that can be unbearable. Moreover, the incident of Benghazi has caused the people of America being an employee to face chronic depression that may require them to take medication (Confer, Easton and Fleischman 112-115).
Today, only 56% of the entire population receives healthcare allowances by employers (Synder, 2011). The condition of America in the context of health due to the recent conditions causes disturbances in the emotional well-being. In other words, the face of America is undergoing fundamental changes that can cause a serious challenge for the current health care system of the country. The number of old people is continuing to increase, who are becoming the greatest consumers of health care system of America (Kraft and Yardley….

Baines does an excellent job of presenting both sides of this issue.
Chadwick, on the other hand seems bent on presenting the deplorable sanitary conditions of factories during this time. He was active in the reform of the Poor Law, and thusly all of his attention is focused on the negative aspects of working conditions for the factory workers. His Commission's report is chock full of the adverse sanitary conditions of the laboring population of England during this time. There is no doubt that not all workers during this time worked in conditions that Baines described. The conditions that Chadwick describes were probably true for many, but he neglects to mention the condition of the workers that Baines describes. Baines at least looks at both sides of the coin whereas Chadwick only focuses on one side and neglects to mention that not all workers in all manufacturing industries had to….

S. government uses are the tax rolls. To further define this further, any analysis should consider present tax rolls as compared to their classical 1930's Great Depression era equivalents. What gives the issue an even more ominous pessimism is that we now have a garrison effect to our economy that Franklin Delano Roosevelt did not have to deal with, that is concurrent land wars in Asia and Africa.
Tax Rolls-It looks a lot like 1932.

ardly a hostile source to President Obama, an NPR report title says it all when it says "Tax Receipts Fall Off Cliff; Worst Drop Since Depression." Now, we can more profitably harvest figures, basically that at the August 2009 date of the report, tax receipts dropped 18%. This was the biggest single-year drop since the Great Depression. In other words, across the board, the basis for the "stimulus" is not there in the style of FDR in….

Bargaining Power
When speaking about unions and the leverage they do or do not have at any given time, a pertinent question can easily become whether the unions are in a better position to bargain when the company is doing well or when it is doing poor. Also relevant is how the wider economy is, how the cost of living is changing (or not changing) and so forth. While it may seem like an easy answer to give, there can be factors that lean one way or another even if the overall picture is gloomy. While unions will generally have a better position to bargain when the economy, in both its current and projected future states, are good, there is more than one factor that matters and which way they all fall can vary from factor to factor.


There are two different scenarios posed for the author of this report and the….

The U.S. is a property owning civilization and a number of the people wanted land and housing. Americans however scarcely ever create savings. "The country itself lives on other countries' savings by issuing bonds to finance its excessive consumption. The current crisis began with cheap housing loans offered by banks. Banks provided loans but instead of holding the loan in their books, they packaged them into collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and sold them to other agencies. These agencies passed them on to others and spread them globally as assets" (the Current Economic Crisis, its causes, its impact and possible alternatives, 2009).

Interest rates were lowered and housing loans went up with construction activities leading to land prices increasing. The real estate was booming, generating employment and incomes. But as the rate of interest on housing loans came down, banks started to compete to get more business. Because of low interest rates,….

Economic Challenges Canada Faces
In recent years, the challenging economic condition in Canada has emerged as a concern for citizens, policy makers and the government alike. Canada faces challenges in terms of creating a more innovative society, as the country continues to experience a significant productivity gap compared to other advanced industrial economies. The Canadian industry appears to be slower in successfully developing, applying and marketing innovative products, processes and services than a majority of other nations. This lack of innovation is the cause of Canada's low productivity growth and competitiveness, and therefore must be addressed in order to increase employment growth, a higher standard of living and an improved quality of life for all Canadians.

Current research predicts that although Canada's economic performance will gradually strengthen out of the recent mild slowdown into a better pattern of growth in 2004, Canada's economy still faces the longer-term challenge of increasing productivity growth….

Thus, a region or nation experiencing economic depression will be unable to use the interest rate lever to boost the economy. Similarly a country with high inflation will be unable to independently raise interest rates to contain inflation. Moreover, Islamic countries, which form a large part of the geography, do not believe in interest rates.
Political barriers -- Political differences between nations make it extremely difficult for them to adopt a common currency. It can lead to a loss in political sovereignty as monetary interests would need to surpass political interests. This is unlikely to be acceptable to most of the nations and the idea of a single currency may be difficult to implement (Gimp, 2008).

Will Pros and Cons change Over Time? Depending On the Country?

The economic conditions to determine a monetary union depend on: the openness and size of the economy involved to trade; the free movements of capital….

S. The societal system practiced in France serves as a model towards which the U.S. aspire.
President Barack Obama's healthcare reform plan is considered by many as being a socialist experiment that will significantly hurt the economy (CBS, 2009). In opposition, the President has stated that he does not intend to implement a healthcare system that depends on the government. Instead, he would prefer a system in which the government competes with private insurance companies for selling coverage.

The Invisible Hand Principle

The invisible hand principle was developed as an opposition to the protectionist system. This principle is actually a metaphor describing the self-regulating characteristic of the market. In other words, such a system can be implemented due to a combination of factors, like self-interest, competition, supply and demand. Adam Smith, who developed this theory, considered that the action of these forces and their effects are able to allocate resources within the society.


Economics of International Trade China
Exploring the Economics of International Trade: China

"Chinese international trade has experienced rapid expansion together with its dramatic economic growth which has made the country to target the world as its market," and its expansion has only continued to show powerful growth within the international economic marketplace (Sun & Heshmati, 2010, p 1). After China was reopened to trading with the West in 1978, the country has really took off in becoming one of the world's biggest producers and exporters of a plethora of different goods. China has grown tremendously as nations like the United States have become their biggest trading partners. In response, China has helped refuel this growth with the manipulation of their currency and their heavy investment in the U.S. dollar, which ensures them a more competitive position for their exports.

For generations, China had closed itself off to trading and interacting with many Western….

Economic Growth
Economic Change in Saskatchewan

"If there were a change in Saskatchewan's economic circumstances from one of "boom" to one of "normal" or "bust," which current areas of government activity would you expect to be affected by this change, and, what would you expect the government's policy response to be to adapt to these new economic conditions?"

Currently, Saskatchewan was seen significant and rapid development in economic activity. The province has been able to take advantage of the rich supply of natural resources and exports many commodities to global markets. Much of the growth that the area has experienced can be attributed to the growth of potash and oil. However, these resources may not sustain the levels of economic growth that the region has experienced indefinitely. If Saskatchewan does not work to diversify its economy then the economic boom that it has experienced could slowly dwindle away. Furthermore, if this is the….

Economics A I View the

A negative consequence, however, would be increased volatility in the value of the dollar. Imports would become more expensive as well, increasing inflation and potentially compelling the restructuring of the economy. Increased currency risk -- transaction and translation -- would also create difficulties for U.S. companies operating abroad. I do not support such a proposal. Attempts to jury-rig a global currency are as impractical as enforcing Esperanto as a global language. Such a currency would be inherently unstable, as the Euro example has shown us. The constituent communities would be committed to enforcing controls on each other in order to maintain the integrity of the currency. If at some point the currency of another economy overtakes that of the U.S., it will be because that economy is stronger, larger and more stable -- fundamental market forces -- rather than as the result of a political decision.
3. a) The Fed….

Policy implementation is the process of bringing a policy to life with the goal of achieving the desired outcomes.  In most cases, enacting a policy is not enough to bring about the desired changes.  That is because enacting a policy is only the first step to carrying out the policy changes; policy implementation is how the policy is actually brought to life.  The four main factors impacting policy implementation are public opinion, economic conditions, interest groups (stakeholders), and technological change.

Public opinion not only impacts whether a policy is implemented, but also how it is implemented. ....

I. Introduction
A. Thesis statement: Define family structure and development and provide a brief overview of its importance.
B. Background information: Discuss the historical evolution of family structures and the factors influencing their development.

II. Types of Family Structures
A. Nuclear family: Characteristics, advantages, and challenges.
B. Extended family: In-depth analysis of kinship networks, living arrangements, and the role of grandparents.
C. Blended family: Formation, dynamics, and the unique challenges faced by stepfamilies.
D. Single-parent family: Prevalence, causes, parenting strategies, and the well-being of children.

III. Stages of Family Development
A. Honeymoon stage: Romantic attachment, adjustment to marriage, and starting a family.

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of New Public Management (NPM)
B. Overview of Canadian governments' adoption of NPM principles
II. Influence of NPM on Canadian governments
A. Shift towards results-based management
1. Implementation of performance measurement systems
2. Focus on achieving measurable outcomes
B. Decentralization of decision-making
1. Empowerment of front-line employees
2. Devolution of authority to lower levels of government
C. Privatization and contracting out of government services
1. Growing reliance on external service providers
2. Increased competition in service delivery
III. Impacts of NPM on Canadian governments
A. Improved efficiency and effectiveness
1. Streamlining of processes
2. Better use of resources

1. Communication barriers: Misunderstandings and misinterpretations can arise when communication between parties is not clear or effective.

2. Lack of trust: Negotiations can be derailed when parties do not trust each other or believe that the other party is acting in good faith.

3. Power imbalances: When one party has significantly more power or leverage than the other, it can make negotiations difficult and result in unfair outcomes.

4. Cultural differences: Different cultural norms and communication styles can lead to misunderstandings and hinder effective negotiation.

5. Emotional barriers: Strong emotions such as anger, frustration, or fear can cloud judgment and prevent parties from reaching....

3 Pages
Term Paper


Economic Conditions of Foreign Country

Words: 1188
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economic Conditions of Foreign Country Economic Conditions of a Country Moldova -- Youth Unemployment and Technological Development and Capacity within the Economy One of the most critical concerns of the current ork…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Economic Conditions and Library Budgeting

Words: 1170
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

While a cut down in budgets is inevitable, however, libraries should also try to increase their revenues. This can be achieved by promoting more subscriptions and grants through increasing…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Economic Conditions and General Dynamics of the

Words: 1888
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

economic conditions and general dynamics of the Chinese economy in lieu of the changing social and political paradigm. The further opening up of the Chinese economy will better the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal and Economic Condition Analysis

Words: 1469
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Annual Financial eport Fiscal and Economic Condition Analysis The Piqua City School District in Ohio Accounting in the public and private sectors is often subjected to differences, some of these…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

America the Changing Economic Conditions

Words: 3330
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The depression in the recent era can affect the productivity of workers along with their entire performance of work. The inability to concentrate on making informed decisions can…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

Social Economic Conditions During the Industrial

Words: 983
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Baines does an excellent job of presenting both sides of this issue. Chadwick, on the other hand seems bent on presenting the deplorable sanitary conditions of factories during this…

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2 Pages


Macroeconomic Conditions the Real State

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

S. government uses are the tax rolls. To further define this further, any analysis should consider present tax rolls as compared to their classical 1930's Great Depression era equivalents.…

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2 Pages


Economic Conditions and Employees

Words: 757
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Bargaining Power When speaking about unions and the leverage they do or do not have at any given time, a pertinent question can easily become whether the unions are in…

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13 Pages


Economics Crisis as an Inevitable

Words: 4733
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

The U.S. is a property owning civilization and a number of the people wanted land and housing. Americans however scarcely ever create savings. "The country itself lives on other…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Economic Challenges Canada Faces in Recent Years

Words: 2957
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economic Challenges Canada Faces In recent years, the challenging economic condition in Canada has emerged as a concern for citizens, policy makers and the government alike. Canada faces challenges in…

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7 Pages


Economics Optimal Currency Area an

Words: 2259
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Thus, a region or nation experiencing economic depression will be unable to use the interest rate lever to boost the economy. Similarly a country with high inflation will…

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3 Pages


Economics - Macroeconomics Economics Various

Words: 1129
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

S. The societal system practiced in France serves as a model towards which the U.S. aspire. President Barack Obama's healthcare reform plan is considered by many as being a socialist…

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4 Pages


Economics of International Trade China Exploring the

Words: 1318
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Economics of International Trade China Exploring the Economics of International Trade: China "Chinese international trade has experienced rapid expansion together with its dramatic economic growth which has made the country to…

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3 Pages


Economic Change in Saskatchewan

Words: 771
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Economic Growth Economic Change in Saskatchewan "If there were a change in Saskatchewan's economic circumstances from one of "boom" to one of "normal" or "bust," which current areas of government activity…

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2 Pages


Economics A I View the

Words: 835
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

A negative consequence, however, would be increased volatility in the value of the dollar. Imports would become more expensive as well, increasing inflation and potentially compelling the restructuring…

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