Economy Essays (Examples)

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Economy of China

Economy of china is one of the largest economies in the world after the United States of America. Over the years it has been regarded as the fastest growing economy in the world registering the highest number of exports and imports. This has been attributed to high population that the economy has to support. As a result, the economy has improved which has been reflected in terms of the infrastructure development as seen in certain sections of the country which have been heavily industrialized. The current GDP growth rate is estimated to be at 7.4% while the rate of inflation is estimated at 5.4%. Chinese economic system up to the late 90's was faced with a situation where the state owned enterprises took control of certain industries and controlled the financial system. In the early 70's the economic growth was low compared to the western economies therefore most of the….

Based on the information provided by the St. Louis Fed, the GDP indicators for the U.S. are as follows. The real GDP growth is at 3%. The trend for this indicator is upward, as it has increased steadily over the past four quarters. Real GDP growth was on a downward slide for all of 2010, however, bringing it to a very low level at the end of the year, which is a contributing factor in the economy being able to enjoy steady growth in 2011.

The consumer price index is currently at 0.3%. The general trend is flat, as only once in the past 10 quarters has the rate been above 0.4%, and only twice was it below 0.2%. hile the CPI has fluctuated in the past two years, it has only done so within this narrow range.

Industrial production growth is at zero currently. The general trend is slightly declining, as….

Economy in the News: Tax Cuts for Business
In today's current economic situation within the United States of America, citizens are increasingly interested in facets of the economy that were once able to fly under the radar with minimal notice from economic laymen. However, with the country still dealing with the effects of a massive recession, economic initiatives undertaken within the country have come under intense scrutiny from the American public, who have been continuously bombarded with news regarding these economic initiatives and their political ramifications through constant coverage in the mainstream media. One such economic initiative that has received massive coverage in the news and media is the topic of tax cuts for businesses. In viewing the basis for this economic decision, its micro-economic facets, and the affect that constant news coverage around the topic has had within the political spectrum and within the larger realm of public opinion, one….

Economy of the 21st century represents an economy which has undergone a complete metamorphosis from the old techniques of doing business to a completely new dynamic ways of conducting business which has largely been influenced by the increased technological advancement among the nations and the interconnections of the global markets. The transformation of the economies have been driven by the global shifts in consumptions, investments, savings, competition, political and environmental changes and the new rules of management where new business models have been put in place. The transformation of the work place has been given priority and today's workplace represents employees who are empowered and are more responsible with more emphasis on teamwork and productivity different from the old ways where power was centralized at the top.
Globalization has contributed largely to the opening up of the global markets and the interconnection of nations has improved due to the removal of….

economy has been showing slow, but steady improvement. I expect that it will continue on this pace for the next three quarters as a result of projects that have been made for the unemployment rates, GDP growth, and inflation. The rate of unemployment has steadily decreased with the rate being 8.2% for March 2012, which was a minor increase over February's rate of 8.3%. The rate in November had been 8.6%, so the rate has been slowly rising. March's report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics noted that 120,000 nonfarm jobs had been added to the manufacturing, restaurant, and health care industries, but the retail industry lost jobs. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012). This in actuality went against economists' projections of 203,000 new jobs for March (Packowitz, 2012).
The GDP growth rate has been slow to improve, with hovering just below 3%. As in past recoveries from recessions, it is….

The current state of the U.S. economy is that the unemployment rate as of April 2012 is 8.1% and the consumer price index was flat for that month (BLS, 2012). The first quarter improvement in the GDP saw an increase of 2.2% (BEA, 2012). The current interest rates are rock bottom, at 0.15% for six months, 0.19% for one year, 0.84% for five years and 1.98% for ten years.

Five years ago, in spring of 2007, the U.S. economy was generally performing better. The housing market was starting to slump but the economy overall was not yet struggling. The yield curve was inverted, however. The six-month rates were 4.99%, the one year rate was 4.94%, the five-year rate was 4.78% and the ten-year rate was 4.86%. In the first quarter of 2007, GDP only grew 0.5%, but this was not the start of the recession as GDP grew in Q2 and….

Economy, Monetary Policy and Monopolies
The benchmark interest rate currently stands at 0.25% compared to 0.2500 that was registered in January 2011 (Trading economics, 2012). Meanwhile, the annual inflation has remained unchanged at 1.7% in June 2012. Inflation rate, here, means a general rise in prices measured against a standard level of purchasing power. GDP deflator and CPI are the most common measures of inflation. CPI measures consumer prices where as GDP deflator measures inflation in the entire domestic economy. Consumer price index for the urban consumers remained unchanged in June, 2012 albeit on a seasonally adjusted basis.

The last 12 months before June, 2012 registered an all items index of more than 1.7% before seasonal adjustments. The decline in index was offset by increases in indexes of for food and all items less food and energy. There was a fall in the energy index by a margin of 1.4%. Meanwhile, the….

In addition, many assume that a capitalist free-market economy requires competition. However, Tanner posits that competition is not a necessary part of capitalism. She believes that the capitalist ideal is that of a "mutually beneficial competitive equilibrium." (Tanner, p. 106). At the very least, she posits that capitalism requires some level of non-competition, because the players in an economy have an incentive to avoid mutually destructive downward spirals. (Tanner, p. 106). A practical example cited by Tanner is that of paying workers more than a minimum or subsistence wage. She points out that while, theoretically, paying such a wage would maximize profits, it would ultimately damage the economy by making it impossible for the workforce to do two things that are essential to a sustainable economy: reproduce more workers and consume goods. (Tanner, p.106).

Although it seems unlikely that the world will ever wholly embrace a theological economy, there are some….

Economy of Colonial America
Brief chronology of the initial economic developments of the colonies

Jamestown, Virginia colony was first to show signs of economic growth

Massachusetts Bay colonists buy corn from Indians

Literature generalizations and postulations on economy of colonies

Puritanism may have helped shape the capitalistic society to evolve

The strength of the British Navy altered colonial approach to economic growth

Colonial farmers' efforts were more towards self-sufficiency than wealth

Rate of Economic Growth in colonies

Colonial economy may have multiplied 25 times over a 120-year period of time

Average per capita annual income in 1650 was $572; in 1720 it was $826

Legislation was enacted requiring colonists to manufacture and use resources

In Virginia in 1661 a law passed ordering counties to establish tanneries

"bounties" were given to counties and cities to encourage production

E. Indentured Servitude was a big part of the colonial economy

1) An estimated 75% of all white European immigrants were indentured

2) Indentured Servitude opened the door to slavery….

5% growth rate. The only people that might pay attention to that are the huge corporate executives and we already know how hated that segment is. Economy did not help Bush and it will definitely become an even poorer supporter now that Democrats have swept the polls.
Before the elections, it was clear that Bush would use economy as a trump card. (Washington Post) and interesting in a poll by the Associated Press prior to the elections, 88% people had agreed that economy would be as important an issue as the unpopular war when they went to vote. Alas! That was not to be- showing just how misleading such polls can be. It appears that as soon as people had to choose between Bush and 'the other', they went for the other on reflex. You might wonder why that happened. Were democrats better? Honestly that is not the only reason why….

The current real GDP growth is just under 2% annually. At this point last year it was in the 3.5-4% range. The trend is declining. The unemployment rate is just above 9%. A year ago is was just below 10%. However, unemployment is increasing at present. The CPI (headline number) is just over 3%, whereas a year ago it was below 2%. The trend is increasing. Interest rates are near zero for short-term paper and just over 3% for long-term debt. Both rates are similar to a year ago. Long-term rates are on a downward trend while short-term rates are flatlined. Industrial production is up around 4% from the year previous, whereas a year ago it was over 6% higher than the previous year. The trend is declining, although in this case the denominator is increasing, so it is not unexpected that the trend would be declining. Industrial production was….

This can be considered a variation on the invisible hand managing economic process, as Adam Smith had proposed. As such, two of the actors in the industry were actively participating in creative a framework for the market forces to operate in. A third important shareholder, the consumer, is, however, not consulted in this process.

The article shows the political debate arising from the economic dispute as well. The Labor Party insists that this resolution is a move of its political opposition aimed at not defending the rights of the workers, but rather at ensuring that a regulatory body has virtually unlimited powers that it can apply to workers in the respective industry.

This assertion seems rather far fetched. First of all, this is a measure that affects both the workers and the employers, so it will not create an advantage for one of the parties to the detriment of the other. Second….

Given the occurrence of the 1980s, America is far more conscious of the brunt of foreign economic proceedings on its economic interests. Even nations as huge as the United States can no longer manage to prepare economic strategy devoid of addressing its brunt on economic relations by way of the rest of the world (Aliber, 1991).

Nationwide economics are at this time associated both through financial markets, as well as the more conventional trade merchandise and services. Supplementary difficulties have been presented by the transfer to a structure of supple exchange rates in the early 1970s, as well as the steady removal of limitations on international capital transactions.

Augmented consciousness has also been escorted by greater argument. This is predominantly true with regard to the reasons and costs of the huge trade inequities among the chief industrial economies that appeared all through the 1980s.

The United States, specially, ran an increasing current account….

The current economic situation in USA is that it is trying to get out of the recession that started in 2008-2009. The biggest challenge has been the high rate of unemployment that still stands at 8.6%. Inflation is not such a worry, as it remains low at around 2%. GDP is also showing some signs of revival. In 2012, the quarterly growth rates were 2%, 1.3%, 3.2% and -0.1%. The decline in Q4 is attributable to slashing of government spending as part of Federal military spending. The overall rates stands at 2.2%, higher than 1.8% for 2011, but marginally lower than 2.4% for 2010. In this sense the economy is recovering, albeit slowly.

Behind this recovery is a series of monetary and fiscal policy measures that has been undertaken since 2009. The FED and FOMC have kept rate of interest near zero, along with a low inflation rate that is below….

Economy Encourages College Attendance
The Downturn in the Economy is Driving People to Enroll in College

Public Universities vs. Private Universities

As the U.S. economy remains sluggish, more people are expected to apply to public universities (Collins, "Economy Affects"). In fact, both public and private colleges are reporting record enrollment over previous years, which they attribute directly to the recession (Hayworth, "Slow Economy"). Private schools have a harder time attracting students, but financial aid and smaller class sizes make private colleges more appealing to some students (Hayworth, "Slow Economy").

Community Colleges vs. Traditional Universities

Community colleges offering 2-year degrees have seen enrollments explode with the overflow from traditional universities that cannot accept the number of students applying (Barboza and Holland, "Slow Economy leads to a boom"). Community colleges offering certificate and trade programs are seeing double digit jumps in enrollment as laid off workers find it necessary to retool themselves (Barboza and Holland, "Slow Economy….

Homeless affects a community in a number of ways, including social, economic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Socially, there is a stigma associated with homelessness that implies the person is mentally ill, a drug addict, or an alcoholic. While a number of the homeless population do fall into one of these categories, there are other reasons for homelessness. It is also hard on the economy, because these people don't contribute financially to society. There is a cost to feeding them and allowing them shelter, and that cost can be a lot for a community to handle. Homeless people struggle in interpersonal and....

In your outline, you may want to provide a brief background on the country itself. Then, move into the economic history of the area. You can put that all in one section if you\'re keeping it short, or you can divide it by time periods if it needs to be longer. From that point, you should address the modern day economy, and consider the good and bad things that have made the economy what it is today. You can also include a section of the proposed future of the economy, but be sure to show why a particular prediction for....

The money multiplier is a ratio between central bank and commercial bank money and looks at how much commercial bank money can be created with a unit of central bank money. The monetary authorities can influence the supply of money by printing more, but that leads to devaluing of the currency. It is also possible to lower interest rates and make other changes that will lead to an adjustment of the ratio, thus increasing the supply of money and helping the economy. For an essay on this topic, it would be possible to focus on a specific way the economy....

6 Pages
Term Paper


Economy of China

Words: 2343
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economy of china is one of the largest economies in the world after the United States of America. Over the years it has been regarded as the fastest growing…

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4 Pages


Economy Based on the Information Provided by

Words: 1030
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Economy Based on the information provided by the St. Louis Fed, the GDP indicators for the U.S. are as follows. The real GDP growth is at 3%. The trend for…

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6 Pages


Economy in the News Tax Cuts for

Words: 1766
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Economy in the News: Tax Cuts for Business In today's current economic situation within the United States of America, citizens are increasingly interested in facets of the economy that were…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Economy of the 21st Century Represents an

Words: 957
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Economy of the 21st century represents an economy which has undergone a complete metamorphosis from the old techniques of doing business to a completely new dynamic ways of conducting…

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4 Pages


Economy Has Been Showing Slow but Steady

Words: 1336
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

economy has been showing slow, but steady improvement. I expect that it will continue on this pace for the next three quarters as a result of projects that have…

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3 Pages


Economy the Current State of the U S

Words: 1059
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Economy The current state of the U.S. economy is that the unemployment rate as of April 2012 is 8.1% and the consumer price index was flat for that month (BLS,…

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3 Pages


Economy Monetary Policy and Monopolies the Benchmark

Words: 1038
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Economy, Monetary Policy and Monopolies The benchmark interest rate currently stands at 0.25% compared to 0.2500 that was registered in January 2011 (Trading economics, 2012). Meanwhile, the annual inflation has…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Economy of Grace Kathryn Tanner

Words: 1570
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition, many assume that a capitalist free-market economy requires competition. However, Tanner posits that competition is not a necessary part of capitalism. She believes that the capitalist ideal…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Economy of the Colonial America

Words: 6520
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economy of Colonial America Brief chronology of the initial economic developments of the colonies Jamestown, Virginia colony was first to show signs of economic growth Massachusetts Bay colonists buy corn from Indians Literature…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Economy Bush and Booming Economy-

Words: 670
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

5% growth rate. The only people that might pay attention to that are the huge corporate executives and we already know how hated that segment is. Economy did not…

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2 Pages


Economy the Current Real GDP Growth Is

Words: 611
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Economy The current real GDP growth is just under 2% annually. At this point last year it was in the 3.5-4% range. The trend is declining. The unemployment rate is…

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3 Pages


Economy Is Not Separate From

Words: 854
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This can be considered a variation on the invisible hand managing economic process, as Adam Smith had proposed. As such, two of the actors in the industry were actively…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Economy Given the Occurrence of the 1980s

Words: 4163
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economy Given the occurrence of the 1980s, America is far more conscious of the brunt of foreign economic proceedings on its economic interests. Even nations as huge as the United…

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2 Pages


Economy the Current Economic Situation in USA

Words: 446
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Economy The current economic situation in USA is that it is trying to get out of the recession that started in 2008-2009. The biggest challenge has been the high rate…

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2 Pages


Economy Encourages College Attendance the Downturn in

Words: 575
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Economy Encourages College Attendance The Downturn in the Economy is Driving People to Enroll in College Public Universities vs. Private Universities As the U.S. economy remains sluggish, more people are expected to…

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