State egulations pohibit discimination on the basis of explicit potected categoies, including age, in any pogam o activity that is funded diectly by the state, o eceives any financial assistance fom the state (Black, 2002).
The Age Discimination Act of 1975 and the fedeal implementing egulations at 34 Code of Fedeal Regulations pat 110, pohibit discimination based on age in pogams o activities that eceive fedeal financial assistance. All Califonia community colleges ae subject to the Act. The geneal ule as stated in the Act says that no peson in the United States shall, on the basis of age, be excluded fom paticipation in, be denied the benefits of, o be subjected to discimination unde any pogam o activity that eceives Fedeal financial assistance. The Act is often confused with anothe law, the Age Discimination in Employment Act which potects olde wokes fom discimination in the wokplace. The Act and…...
mlareferences and the Law." Chronicle of Higher
Education. 52(37), 94-97.
Huckabee, Charles. (2009). Cal State to Pay $50,000 to Settle Age-Discrimination Complaint.
Retrieved October 22, 2009, from the Chronicle Web site:
The parents, O'Connor wrote today, "in effect ask this Court to assume that every IEP is invalid until the school district demonstrates that it is not. The Act does not support this conclusion.... The burden of proof in an administrative hearing challenging an IEP is properly placed upon the party seeking relief (Barbash, 2005)."
In each case, the court sided with the district. Special education laws are designed to protect students with disabilities however, courts are also mindful of providing a blanket weapon against districts that are acting in good faith to provide those mandated services.
By Fred Barbash and Lori Aratani
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
ichmond Division
High Court ules Against Parents in Maryland Special Education Case
By Fred Barbash and Lori Aratani
Washington Post
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
Richmond Division law/caselaw/06/
High Court Rules Against Parents in Maryland Special Education Case
By Fred Barbash and Lori Aratani
educational laws that has been signed by the U.S. president in the last decades is the No Child Left ehind Act of 2001. This act represents a comprehensive approach towards both providing aid for disadvantaged students and towards improving overall scores in tests for students throughout the educational year.
The main provision of this legislative act is that it ties federal funding with results in public schools. The first phase of the process is that a test is applied annually to all students. This is a standardized test that aims to monitor results comparatively, primarily from year to year. The usual threshold is the previous year's result, in the sense that the students need to do better than these results to be labeled as positive.
If the benchmark is not met repeatedly, then a mechanism is triggered towards improving the performance of the schools (Dillon, Rotherham, 2009). This mechanism is varied…...
1. Dillon, Erin; Rotherham, Andy. (2007). "States' Evidence: What It Means to Make 'Adequate Yearly Progress' Under NCLB." American Institutes for Research.
Diversity" (October 2002) author Rebecca Jones observes that, within K-12 public school settings today, 'diversity' is increasingly being defined in one of two ways: (1) ethnic or racial diversity (i.e., the traditional public school ethnic mix brought about through busing; vouchers, re-districting, and various other measures, some of them better, and more successful, than others) and socioeconomic status (SES) diversity (a way of defining, and perhaps reaching, public school diversity based on social class, and without "playing the race card" (Jones). There is no easy solution to the problem, although in my view, the measures taken by the ake County School System in North Carolina, as described in "Defining Diversity," could perhaps be efficacious in maintaining public school diversity in other areas of the United States as well.
Potential relevance and importance of the article's subject matter, to a school administrator, is that as this article describes, there is currently…...
mlaWork Cited
Jones, Rebecca. "Defining Diversity." American School Board Journal. October 2002. Retrieved July 16, 2005, from: .
This was supported by the Ninth District court in 2002, in the case Eason v. Clark County School District (NV), when it reversed a lower court and ruled that school personnel do not have immunity. This allowed parents to hold teachers and administrators financially liable when their child's right to FAPE is violated. While other rulings required schools to pay for private education or expensive programs such as Applied Behavioral Analysis, these rulings magnify school districts' needs to provide FAPE for all special education students.
Such rulings make it clear that personnel, schools and districts must be diligent about complying with federal special education regulations. The three sets of laws -- IDEA, 504, and ADA, certainly create a complex web of rues, parents have considerable rights, including making a formal complaint to the Office of Civil Rights (Zirkel, 2000). Parental remedies provided by law may include repayment of attorney fees, reimbursement…...
mlaU.S. Department of Special education (USOE). "History of the IDEA," in Accessed via the Internet 3/18/05.
Wright, Peter W.D., and Wright, Pamela Darr. 2005. "Case Law," in WrightsLaw. Accessed via the Internet 3/18/05.
Zirkel, Perry a. 2000. "Leveling the Playing Field or Leveling the Players? Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Interscholastic Sports." Journal of Special Education, January.
555). In their interpretation of United States v. Fordice, the Department of Education refers to the "sound educational practices" clause in Fordice by mentioning the "distinctive histories and traditions" represented by historically black institutions (Moore 2000, p. 556). Such histories, traditions, and techniques of cultural preservation are inherently valuable and educationally sound. Historically black institutions are constitutional also in the sense that they actively encourage choice among African-American applicants who have the option of attending traditionally white or traditionally black institutions but also without discriminating against white applicants.
C. What conclusions can be drawn about federal policy on compliance with the Title VI after reading the Title VI of the Civil ights Act of 1964?
Federal action after Brown v. Board of Education was initially paltry, allowing many Southern states to perpetuate discriminatory education practices including restrictions on admissions procedures and other methods of barring blacks from attending traditionally white institutions.…...
Moore, J.A. (2000). Florida State University Law Review 27(2).
Williams, C.A. (1981). The Black/White Colleges: Dismantling the dual system of higher education.
Education Law
Education 520 Business Law
Hiring policy
To avoid an anti-discriminatory lawsuit regarding hiring practices, an employer should declare him or herself an 'equal opportunity employer.' To be compliant with the laws enforced by the EEOC, an employer must not discriminate based upon race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. The employer should also not discriminate on the basis of pregnancy, age, disability or genetic information (Laws enforced by the EEOC, 2012, EEOC).
If the institution wishes to pursue a strategy of affirmative action regarding the hiring and promoting of employees he or she should state it clearly in employment literature, usually in the form of the phrase that 'members of historically discriminated-against groups are encouraged to apply.' However, the employer must be careful not to use a quota system, or set a goal for how many members of such groups will be hired to positions, based upon their membership in historically-discriminated against…...
Affirmative action. (2012). Labor employment law. Retrieved:
Laws enforced by the EEOC. (2012). EEOC. Retrieved:
Accordingly, the ties between the psychological aspects of learning and the social aspects tend to be quite strong. Since the student's early social encounters take place within the classroom, he is learning far more than the step-by-step processes of test taking. Knowledge of his social conditions is necessary for the proper development of the student's abilities. Social and psychological features of education are so fundamentally related that they cannot be separated from each other without a sufficient loss of understanding concerning the other.
Primarily, the purpose of education is to produce functional members of society who value both each other and the work they perform. As simple as that may sound, it is an exceedingly difficult goal. In the United States the philosophical basis outlined by the Constitution demands that public institutions not only be employed, but also that they provide an equal level of schooling across geographic and social boundaries.…...
mlaWorks Cited
Cremin, Lawrence A. American Education: The Metropolitan Experience. New York: Harper and Row, 1988.
Sadovnik, Alan R. And Peter W. Cookson, Jr. Exploring Education: An Introduction to the Foundations of Education. Needham Heights: Pearson Educational, 2001.
Specific Learning Disability DyslexiaDyslexia is known as a reading disability. It is a learning disability that hinders reading and other language-based processing skills (Muktamath et al., 2021). Dyslexia accounts for around 80 percent of all learning disabilities, thus, considered the most common. It can hinder reading comprehension, recall, spelling, decoding, and reading fluency; in some cases, speech can exist together with other linked disorders (Shaywitz & Shaywitz, 2020). In some instances, Dyslexia is referred to as a language-based learning disability. Nonetheless, severity varies from one individual to the other.Dyslexia is a word that originated from Greek, and it means impaired. Dyslexia as a specific learning disability originates neurobiologically and is characterized by poor spelling, inaccurate word recognition, and poor decoding abilities (Muktamath et al., 2021). Such challenges are usually triggered by a deficit in the phonological aspect of language.According to research findings, reading impairments are believed to be initiated by…...
mlaReferencesBohl, H., & Hoult, S. (2016). Supporting Children with Dyslexia. Routledge.Burns, M. K., Jacob, S., & Wagner, A. R. (2008). Ethical and legal issues associated with using response-to-intervention to assess learning disabilities. Journal of School Psychology, 46(3), 263-279.Dawson, K., Antonenko, P., Lane, H., & Zhu, J. (2019). Assistive technologies to support students with dyslexia. Teaching exceptional children, 51(3), 226-239.Khan, R. U., Oon, Y. B., Haq, M. I. U., & Hajarah, S. (2018). Proposed user interface design criteria for children with dyslexia. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4), 5253-5257.Muktamath, V. U., Hegde, P. R., & Chand, S. (2021). Types of Specific Learning Disability. In Learning Disabilities-Neurobiology, Assessment, Clinical Features, and Treatments. IntechOpen.Parker, L., Karliychuk, T., Gillies, D., Mintzes, B., Raven, M., & Grundy, Q. (2017). A health app developer’s guide to law and policy: a multi-sector policy analysis. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17(1), 1-13.Saputra, M. R. U., & Risqi, M. (2015). LexiPal: Design, implementation, and evaluation of gamification on learning application for dyslexia. International Journal of Computer Applications, 131(7), 37-43.Shaywitz, B. A., & Shaywitz, S. E. (2020). The American experience: Towards a 21st-century definition of dyslexia. Oxford Review of Education, 46(4), 454-471.Ward-Lonergan, J. M., & Duthie, J. K. (2018). The state of dyslexia: Recent legislation and guidelines for serving school-age children and adolescents with dyslexia. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 49(4), 810-816.Weppner, J., & Lukowicz, P. (2014, May). Emergency app for people with hearing and speech disabilities: design, implementation, and evaluation according to legal requirements in Germany. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (pp. 182-185).
The State has also established a string of both general and specific policies for improving and developing special education and set aside special funds for this purpose. Consequently, just like regular education, special education has also developed rapidly. Although local governments are encouraged to provide compulsory education to children with and without disabilities, the enacted policies do not necessitate that education be provided to all students.
Despite the fact that students with disabilities were earlier educated in special schools, China has adopted new channels of special education including the integration of disabled children into general education classes. Currently, the number of disabled children enrolled in schools has continued to experience a big increase since 1987. Although many articles in the laws formulated by the Chinese government call for the overall education of handicapped children, special education for children with autism or severe disabilities is not directly mentioned in these policies…...
Baker, M. (2007, November 17). China's Bid for World Domination. Retrieved April 11, 2010,
Mu K, Yang H & Armfield A (n.d.). China's Special Education: A Comparative Analysis.
Retrieved April 11, 2010, from
It is important to recognize the many different areas within adult education, and what type of students these areas attract. Ultimately, for the adult education department to be successful, it must attract a wide variety of students, and keep at least some of those students coming back to continue their education in order to be successful. Adult education serves a vital role in the upper education system, and it serves a diverse amount of people, but in most institutions it also has to support itself if not turn a profit, and that is an important aspect to take into consideration. Therefore, classes must be viable to the institution, but to the student, as well, to keep attracting a wide variety of students into the program.
In addition, diverse students could form a major foundation of the program, and so, it pays to understand these diverse learners so administrators and teaching…...
Oracle's Stellent application has yet to create more streamlined service creation and management workflows, due mainly to the acquisition taking longer than expected. The integration of the Stellent platform into the broader Oracle 11i platform is also proving to limit 3rd party database support, making the Oracle Stellent ECM suite appear to be moving in a more proprietary direction as a product. As the acquisition was completed in late 2006 and Oracle has made their Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Fusion their top development priority, the full integration of Oracle Stellent has not progressed as rapidly as planned. As a result, the last factor of customer referenceability, Vignette has a significant advantage as well.
Evaluating ECM systems for use in a law office or practice requires the consideration of several factors that have been explained in this paper. Cost is a secondary consideration relative to the benefits derived from automating key…...
Phillip J. Britt. "Econtent and the Law Practice." EContent 1 Sep. 2005: 22-26. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest 3 Aug. 2008
John Harney. "Making a Case for Content Management. " AIIM E - Doc Magazine 1 Jul 2008: 54-57. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest 1 Aug. 2008
Jason Krause. "Organized intelligence." ABA Journal 89.(2003): 65. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 2 Aug. 2008
Judith Lamont. "Starting with the basics: KM for lawyers." KM World 1 Sep. 2002: 12-13. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 1 Aug. 2008
Law enforcement and corrections can be influenced by several external threats. These consist of external communication gaps and many environmental influences. One of the key external threats that impacts both corrections and law enforcement is politics. In delineation, politics is the art of wielding one's authority and power over the government or public affairs. In particular, political action can give rise to the imposition of one's interests within the government, in positions of leadership within the government, with regard to the control over resources, as well as in terms of holding government office. Politics influence law enforcement and corrections by impacting the individuals that will hold different positions in criminal justice, for instance the police, judges, prosecutors as well as correctional executives. Law enforcement, administration, and corrections are linked with politics on various extents and levels. Prevailing political philosophy and ideology influence the structure, organization, as well as anticipation of…...
" (Chan, East, Ali and Neophytou, 2002; p.6)
The work entitled: "Doing Comparative Education: Three Decades of Collaboration" relates the fact that the post-World War II world in England "left a series of emergencies for which immediate answers had to be found. There were shortages of staff, equipment and building..." (Eckstein, 1960) Eckstein additionally states: "Post-war legislation has generally been characterized by radical thinking and optimism. However, the euphoria brought by the end of a war is so often soon dissipated in the exhausting battle of the peace. At such a time, the ambitiously optimistic spirit of reconstruction may also be lessened. A more cautious planned expansion replaces the scheme for extensive reconstruction, ideas of reform have once again to vie with practices which are entrenched in the typical ways of thinking of a people. The educational legislation of the last five years or so has been characterized…...
Chan, Sui-Mee; East, Pat, Ali, Sabia; and Neophytou, Maria (2002) Primary and Secondary Education in England and Wales: From 1944 to the Present Day - 8th Edition. August 2002.
Lopez-Muniz, Jose Luis Martinez; De Groof, Jan; and Lauwers, Gracienne (2006) Religious Education and Collective Worship in State Schools: England and Wales" published in the Religious Education in Public Schools: Study of Comparative Law - Yearbook of the Association for Education and Policy (2006)
M.A. Eckstein, "Present Trends in Public Secondary Education in Western Europe," the High School Journal, 44 (October, 1960): 8-19. Reprinted by permission of the University of North Carolina Press.
Riddell S. & Salisbury J., (2000) ' Introductions: educational reforms and equal opportunities programmes', in Salisbury J & Riddell S., (eds.) Gender, Policy & Educational Change: shifting agendas in the UK and Europe, London, Routledge
Education for Economy Theory as it elates to Adult Education
In an economy motivated by improvement and information, in marketplaces betrothed in powerful opposition and steady regeneration, in a world of incredible chances and risks, in a culture facing multifaceted business, political, scientific, technological, health and environmental challenges, and in diverse workplaces and neighborhoods that center on mutual associations and social networking, the cleverness, nimbleness and skills of the American people are vital to U.S. competitiveness (21st Century Skills, Education & Competitiveness, 2008).
Education economics is the study of economic matters as they relate to education, comprising the demand for education and the funding and condition of education. The leading model of the demand for education is founded on human capital theory. The main idea is that undertaking education is an investment in the attainment of skills and information which will augment earnings, or offer long-range benefits such as an admiration of…...
21st Century Skills, Education & Competitiveness. (2008). Retrieved from
Bouchard, P. (n.d.). Human Capital and the Knowledge Economy. Retreived from
Checchi, Daniele. (2006). The Economics of Education: Human Capital, Family Background
I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the topic
B. Background information
C. Thesis statement
II. Benefits of mandatory school attendance
A. Development of important skills
B. Preparation for adulthood
C. Ensuring a well-rounded education
III. Drawbacks of mandatory school attendance
A. Lack of flexibility for individual students
B. Potential for burnout
C. Limiting opportunities for alternative education paths
IV. Practical considerations
A. School as a socialization tool
B. Impact on society as a whole
C. Compulsory education laws
V. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis
B. Summary of main points
C. Final thoughts or recommendations
In conclusion, the arguments for mandatory attendance laws for students emphasize the importance....
1. In the realm of academic and professional writing, the integration of case scenarios into essays serves as a pivotal tool for illustrating complex concepts, particularly in fields like social work, psychology, and healthcare where referral to services is a common practice. Case scenarios provide a narrative framework that not only enriches the reader's understanding but also bridges theoretical knowledge with practical application. This essay explores the strategic introduction of case scenarios in essays to enhance the discussion on referral to services, examining how these narratives can be crafted to maximize educational impact and facilitate better decision-making processes in service....
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