Educational Leadership Essays (Examples)

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Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership
Select five empirical articles from peer-reviewed journals that you consider critical to your understanding of your specialization

In the last several years, educational leadership has become an integral part of helping schools to outperform their peers. This is because the techniques which are utilized will have a dramatic impact on the teacher's ability to connect with stakeholders. To achieve these objectives, they will often turn to those who can inspire others and offer guidance for reaching key benchmarks.

There are a number of theories which are used to influence the practices educators are using. For instance, Darling (2009) found that leadership is essential in helping to inspire others around them. In this study, she is seeking to understand which leadership techniques are most effective in comprehending what motivates stakeholders. The research was conducted through utilizing the qualitative method. This is when different studies are examined to understand various trends and support….

Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership
Merriam-Webster's New English Dictionary defines a leader as being, "a person who has commanding authority or influence" (Merriam-Webster's New English Dictionary, 2011). Most would agree that this definition adequately captures the essence of what is a leader. However, I believe that anyone in a leadership position (especially one in the educational arena) should be extremely proactive and thoughtfully responsive to the various issues presented to him or her on a daily basis. Furthermore, ideal leaders are charismatic and knowledgeable, with a wide skill set ranging from conceptual talent to interpersonal proficiency. In fact, according to leadership expert Dr. Warren ennis, "Only someone adept enough to motivate and mobilize people can be considered a truly effective leader" (ennis, 2010, p. 1). Therefore, with a wider idea of what exactly is required of leaders, I continue to consider myself a qualified candidate. Noting the broad nature of an educational leader's responsibilities,….

Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership
"hen Leadership Spells Danger" (Heifetz, et al.)

The article by Heifetz and Linsky takes the position that part of the job of leadership in education is not just teaching, but also "…mobilizing schools, families, and communities" in order to effectively confront serious issues. The issues the authors talk about sometimes get pushed aside: student health, student achievement and student "civic development" (p. 33).

The kind of leadership that the authors emphasize involves finding a way for citizens to "face up to frustrating realities" like budgets that cannot be stretched further (requiring cutbacks), dropout rates that are unacceptable, poor achievement test scores, and "…the revolutionary aspiration of leaving no child behind and the programmatic design and funding of NCLB" (No Child Left Behind) (p. 34).

hy is leadership difficult and dangerous in an educational setting? For one thing, leadership is dangerous because "…you are rarely authorized to lead," Heifetz explains (34). From the….

Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihaly, towards the end of the year 1995 composition for Daedalus wrote that with miserable promptness, the American society is coming back to the pains to perk up public school education. These pains more often than not fail for the reason that education is considered barely as schooling. However, developments in schools do not essentially match up to a development in the culture of children. Whether or not children will gain knowledge of the subject does not depend first and foremost on what happens in school, however, on the familiarities, behaviors, standards, as well as ideas they get hold of from the surroundings in which they live (Mihaly, 1995).

Ever since World War II, economic, as well as social transformations in American society have been speedy, as well as furious (Alexis, 1969). Some major fundamental changes that have taken place are listed below.

A speedy deterioration in the time….

Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership in Latino Students
Flow of Information:

Introduction/Preliminary Lit Analysis

Status of Performance of Latino Students

Why Study Latinos?

Why the Latino Performance is Low?

ow to change the situation?

Los Angeles Specific Data/Information

Increase & Improve Teacher/School Parent Communication

Train the teachers - Development

Improve Substitute Teaching

Set igh Expectations

Latino Experience in Princeton

Tracking of Students' Performance - Is it Right?

Latino Para-Educator Vs Latino Student

ow do teacher expectations affect student outcomes?

This study was intended to investigate whether teacher expectation of student performance directly or indirectly affects a student's likelihood for achievement and success. Specifically this study will examine the phenomena of teacher expectation on Latino students, though it is expected that the results of this study will be generalize able to the general student population, inclusive and exclusive of other minority groups.

It was anticipated that exploration of student performance would provide insight into the significance of teacher's expectations on student's academic achievement. Researchers have examined the dynamic that exists between….

Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership & Student Assessment in Pennsylvania
Student assessment has recently become a matter of great controversy in Pennsylvania, as many critics argue that it is not an accurate measure of students' attainment of the state's academic standards.

For example, the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) is designed to assess the quality of public schools and make the information known to parents, teachers, school districts, and the general public (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (2001).

However, the PSSA, has been criticized by many people within the professional education community, who say that standardized tests like the PSSA pose many problems and cannot be considered accurate and fair for all students (Kucinski, 2001).

For one, critics claim that there is little evidence that the PSSA, or any state test, is valid, as it fails to adequately measure attainment of the academic standards. Also, the "high-stakes" test places pressure on schools to achieve high scores (Kucinski, 2001).


Educational Leadership
Comprehensive Exam - Educational Leadership

Theoretical and conceptual knowledge

There is increasing interest in educational leadership in this current century. This can be attributed to the belief that making differences in the educational sector and impacting student outcomes requires quality leadership. All over the world, there is increased recognition of the need of schools to have effective and efficient leaders and mangers in order to provide quality education to students. In addition to this, stakeholders in the education sector such as the government and private institutions are continuing to embrace the idea of human resources being their major asset in ensuring they stay competitive in the sector. Therefore they need to have a highly skilled workforce that is well trained and motivated to impart knowledge to the learners. However, these teachers also need highly effective leadership from the senior and middle-level managers. Educational leadership is thus a very important field in….

Educational Leadership
A leader in the field of education -- whether a teacher, counselor or an administrator -- has certain specific obligations and moral duties to carry out. hat about the ability to show leadership? In this paper a review of two books that present examples of how educational leadership should be carried out for the best possible results.

Literature on Leadership in Educational Fields

A leader must be able to manage conflict in the classroom and elsewhere in the school (between teachers and staff or between teachers and other teachers, for example). In the book Educational Leadership: Personal Growth for Professional Development, author Harry Tomlinson points to two types of behavior that are related to the handling of conflict. There is cooperativeness, which relates to the "extent to which one party wishes to satisfy the other" (Tomlinson, 2004, p. 81). And the other type of response to conflict is through a policy….

I will and have been using a journal of activities to measure these goals as well as the total goals of my day-to-day work.
In this respect I will be trying to eliminate one of my flaws; that of being a know-it-all at times. There are certain points where I go off on tangents trying to solve the unsolvable. I can waste a great deal of effort tin trying to be right. I could just as easily step back and appreciate the polar opposites of a problem and try to remember that there is often more than one answer to a given situation.

In my time as a naval officer I certainly have discovered how to effectively lead a team and many of those skills can be applied to my current role as an effective teacher and section leader. In that respect I feel that I do possess the following leadership….

This approach appears to be similar to "management by walking around" in the business world, but it appears to provide some profound results in educational settings. The principal in question was able to begin helping teachers identify activities and assessments that were more challenging and provided more substantive feedback for faculty concerning student performance, and there was the added bonus of additional opportunities for this educational leader to work one-on-one with the school's teachers to help formulate professional growth plans that address their specific needs and interests. The author concludes that the principal.".. also gets to know students well by being in classrooms so often. She asks them probing questions and extends their thinking because she has an intimate knowledge of what they're studying. - She knows the kids academically as well as personally" (quoted in Holland, 2008 at p. 5).

There are alternative models for teacher collaboration. In the….

In that regard, a leader who gets things done through coercion as opposed to consensus could be regarded a successful but not an effective leader. Looked at from another perspective, successful leadership differs from effective leadership on the basis of emphasis. While emphasis in successful leadership is on power and position, the emphasis when it comes to effective leadership is often on the personal attributes of a leader. It should also be noted that when a leader depends on both position/power and personal attributes to get things done, such a leader can be regarded both effective and successful.
Determinants of Organizational Effectiveness

In basic terms, organizational effectiveness has got to do with the ability of an organization to achieve its goals and objectives using the resources at its disposal. In the past, various authors including but not limited to Taylor have highlighted factors which in their opinion have an impact on….

Leadership for Technology Enhanced Education
Organization of paper

This paper is divided into 4 sections. In section one, the paper begins by presenting a brief overview that includes how the paper is organized. Following this, the paper presents and defines the construct, Technology Education Leadership, and discusses the significance of the chosen concept. Then, the paper presents and describes the one seminal article identified, which is most central to Technology Education Leadership.

Thereafter in part 2, the paper presents seminal audit research table that summarizes and presents the content of 12 research articles that utilize and build on the concept of technology Education Leadership. In this section a literature table composed of four columns is created populated with the research findings. The table columns include title of the article, author(s) of article, article synopsis and contributions to the chosen construct.

Thereafter in part 3, the paper discusses the content of the table created in….

Through the role of the principal, we can consider a number of differing approaches to educational leadership and how they manifest in light of today's most pressing challenges. Considering Transformational Leadership, Political Leadership and Strategic Leadership, we will establish a greater understanding of the value in this diversity of perspective.
Such diversity is necessary because of the principal's unique role in both the lives of teachers and students, serving simultaneously as a figure of authority and as an advocate in the face of administrative and political demands. This makes the principalship a deeply complex position, imposed upon by the challenges of organizational stewardship, economic constraint and political imposition. The experience of developing into and serving in the position of the principal is of importance to those aspiring to evolve to the role.

Strategic Leadership is an approach which seeks to achieve a critical balance amongst these responsibilities through a carefully measured….

II. Literature Review

The work entitled "Choosing a Direction for Leadership: The Principal as the Instructional Leader" states that many "forms of instructional leadership" exists which requires "a variety of adjectives" in description including "instructional, participative, democratic, transformational, moral and strategic" citing Krug (1992). Regardless of the form of leadership applied the "primary goals to be accomplished remain the same..." (IPAC 1005, nd) That is the assistance in disseminating which direction should be taken and motivating others to support and move in that selfsame direction. Indeed, Leadership "...without a doubt, is both simple and complex." (IPAC 100, nd) Leadership in education makes a requirement of: (1) a strong knowledge base of curriculum needs; (2) a strong idea of what skills are needed to put good instructional practices in place; and (3) a strong method of task assessment. (IPAC 1005, nd)

The work of MacNeil and Yelvington (nd entitled: "The Principalship: Manager to….

For example, principals have very less knowledge of the classroom because they are not oriented in the academic content. The effective process skills are crucial to success of the learning process. In this case the principals must learn to give up some measures of control and encourage all the other staff to participate in the process.
Thus a management system with multiple participation and responsibility is behind the success of any program as this example with the learning community model shows. Thus building a value-based mission with a business like mission statement, visions and goals to be set for the education program. Though the insistence is on the current and future programs that involve academics like community learning for teachers, these principles are also part of the overall education management. Although this could be stated to be a part of the general professional learning the authors concentrate on counseling. (McLaughlin;….

I. Introduction
A. Background information on gender inequality in education
B. Thesis statement: Gender inequities in education persist, leading to disparities in opportunities and outcomes for individuals of different genders.

II. Gender Disparities in Access to Education
A. Differences in enrollment rates between boys and girls
B. Barriers to education faced by girls, such as cultural norms and economic constraints
C. Impact of gender disparities on educational attainment and future opportunities

III. Gender Stereotypes in Education
A. Stereotypical beliefs about gender roles and abilities in academics
B. Influence of gender stereotypes on teacher expectations and classroom dynamics
C. Consequences of stereotyping on students' self-esteem and academic performance

IV. Gender Inequities in....

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Leadership plays a crucial role in achieving success and driving change.
B. Background: Define leadership and its significance in various fields, such as business, politics, and education.
C. Thesis statement: A strong leader possesses certain qualities and skills, and their ability to inspire and guide others towards a common goal is essential for success.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Qualities of a Strong Leader
A. Topic sentence: Strong leaders demonstrate excellent communication skills.
1. Supporting detail: Effective communication promotes clarity and helps leaders convey their vision.
2. Supporting detail: Active listening skills enable leaders to understand and address....

School Administrators' Perceptions of ICT in Secondary School Teaching
Information and communication technology (ICT) has revolutionized many aspects of modern life, including education. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the potential of ICT to enhance teaching and learning in secondary schools. However, the effective integration of ICT into the classroom requires the support and buy-in of school administrators.
Perceived Benefits of ICT
School administrators generally acknowledge the numerous benefits of ICT in secondary school teaching. These include:
Improved student engagement: ICT tools can make learning more interactive, engaging, and enjoyable for students.
Increased access to information: Students can access a....

20 Pages


Educational Leadership

Words: 5923
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

Educational Leadership Select five empirical articles from peer-reviewed journals that you consider critical to your understanding of your specialization In the last several years, educational leadership has become an integral part…

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3 Pages
Admission Essay


Educational Leadership

Words: 1131
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Educational Leadership Merriam-Webster's New English Dictionary defines a leader as being, "a person who has commanding authority or influence" (Merriam-Webster's New English Dictionary, 2011). Most would agree that this definition…

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7 Pages
Article Review


Educational Leadership

Words: 2354
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Article Review

Educational Leadership "hen Leadership Spells Danger" (Heifetz, et al.) The article by Heifetz and Linsky takes the position that part of the job of leadership in education is not just teaching,…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Educational Leadership

Words: 1999
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Educational Leadership Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihaly, towards the end of the year 1995 composition for Daedalus wrote that with miserable promptness, the American society is coming back to the pains to…

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24 Pages
Term Paper


Educational Leadership

Words: 6530
Length: 24 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Educational Leadership in Latino Students Flow of Information: Introduction/Preliminary Lit Analysis Status of Performance of Latino Students Why Study Latinos? Why the Latino Performance is Low? ow to change the situation? Los Angeles Specific Data/Information Increase &…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Educational Leadership

Words: 3272
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Educational Leadership & Student Assessment in Pennsylvania Student assessment has recently become a matter of great controversy in Pennsylvania, as many critics argue that it is not an accurate measure…

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20 Pages


Educational Leadership Comprehensive Exam - Educational Leadership

Words: 5760
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

Educational Leadership Comprehensive Exam - Educational Leadership Theoretical and conceptual knowledge There is increasing interest in educational leadership in this current century. This can be attributed to the belief that making differences…

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2 Pages
Book Review


Educational Leadership a Leader in the Field

Words: 652
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Review

Educational Leadership A leader in the field of education -- whether a teacher, counselor or an administrator -- has certain specific obligations and moral duties to carry out. hat about…

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9 Pages


Educational Leadership Framework Leadership in

Words: 3323
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

I will and have been using a journal of activities to measure these goals as well as the total goals of my day-to-day work. In this respect I will…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Educational Leadership Paradigm Shifts in

Words: 2551
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

3). This approach appears to be similar to "management by walking around" in the business world, but it appears to provide some profound results in educational settings. The principal…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Educational Leadership Management Effectiveness vs

Words: 654
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In that regard, a leader who gets things done through coercion as opposed to consensus could be regarded a successful but not an effective leader. Looked at from…

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13 Pages
Research Paper


Educational Leadership and Technology

Words: 5289
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Leadership for Technology Enhanced Education Organization of paper This paper is divided into 4 sections. In section one, the paper begins by presenting a brief overview that includes how the paper…

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10 Pages


Educational Leadership Issues Leadership and

Words: 2854
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Through the role of the principal, we can consider a number of differing approaches to educational leadership and how they manifest in light of today's most pressing challenges.…

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2 Pages


Educational Leadership Educational Platform the

Words: 572
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

II. Literature Review The work entitled "Choosing a Direction for Leadership: The Principal as the Instructional Leader" states that many "forms of instructional leadership" exists which requires "a variety of…

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2 Pages


Educational Leadership Challenges There Have

Words: 953
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

For example, principals have very less knowledge of the classroom because they are not oriented in the academic content. The effective process skills are crucial to success of…

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