Effective Communication Essays (Examples)

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Effective communication is a necessary skill when dealing with groups. Developing a team that meets goals and deadlines efficiently is a must. Although everyone in the group is different, each person has something useful to contribute and it is up to every individual to remain open and acknowledge the pros and cons of ideas. Listening plays a major role in communicating these ideas.
The type of listening style primarily used in the group is content oriented listening because the group has to remain professional on some level. "People who are content-oriented are interested more in what is said rather than who is saying it or what they are feeling. They assess people more by how credible they are and will seek to test expertize and truthfulness." (Watson & Barker, 1995, pg 22) If personal details of everyday life and so forth leak into the discussion of the team, the situation has….

There are some things that can be done to resolve emotional conflicts, however, and those with good quality communication skills will be aware of these things. Often these kinds of individuals are used as mediators or go-betweens for various disputes so that they can carry messages and beliefs about misunderstandings and opinions back and forth from one person to another (Coleman, 1990). By doing this these individuals are able to say not only what the individual has asked them or told them to pass on to the other individual but also what the first individual was likely trying to say even if it did not come out correctly (Coleman, 1990).

By carrying these messages and understandings back and forth it is possible that an individual with good communication skills can bridge the gap between two others that were having difficulties and therefore resolve the emotional conflict that these people were having….

Effective communication skills are the most essential skill for early childhood educators. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Effective communication skills have been shown to be the most critical tool for early childhood educators. This is because it allows them to establish open channels of communication between: the student, parents and administrators. Once this takes place, is when everyone will work together in helping the individual overcome the challenges they are facing inside the classroom. This is the point that there will be a transformation in the performance of the student by understanding and addressing their needs. (Crisman 2010, pp. 119 -- 125)

Evidence of this can be seen with observations from Crisman (2010). He found educators and parents play an integral part during this process. This is because both parties will have continuous interaction with the student (which will automatically bring them closer). When effective communication is being utilized,….

How does effective communication incorporate the basic elements of communication?

Effective communication is an integral aspect of the any performance standard. Without communication, the health care professional's effectiveness is diminished due to lack of awareness. To improve performance and effectiveness all stakeholders with a direct connection to the consumer should be involved (du Pre, 2005). Broad participation is the mechanism through which this is accomplished. Broad participation allows for involvement in all levels of the consumers health. With this involvement of influential members of the health care span of control comes a heightened sense of commitment and awareness. More individuals are now aware of the consumer long-term growth objectives and can thus formulate methods in which to achieve them. In addition, a feedback mechanism is created that allows the individual to effectively communicate with senior or more experiences friends on their personal effectiveness. In addition, the individual is a better position….

Effective Communication for Improving Public elations
Public elation is the name given to the function that is responsible for creating and maintaining relationships between clients or customers and an organization. Public elationships through effective communications through areas such as brand management, advertising, media relations and crisis management is capable of creating interest trust and belief in a product or organization. Huge budgets are allocated and spent every year on advertising, yet with a budget much smaller than what is provided for advertising, Public elations with the use of effective communication can generate goodwill and brand loyalty that bring in large revenues through the greater sales of services or products. Thus any fund outlay for increasing the effectiveness of communication in the Public elations function is well spent and more than pays for itself in the maximizing of revenue generation. This will become clear as this paper one goes through this paper.….

This power can be referent, expert, legitimate, coercive, or reward in nature. Interestingly, a leader's ability to influence superiors also plays a key role in the leader's ability to influence subordinates. Altogether, a leader's ability to use power and influence can play a key role in effective leadership.

Clark, Donald. 2000. Leading & Leadership. http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadled.html

Eisenhower, Dwight. Cited in: Famous Quotes and Quotations. Accessed March 28, 2007. http://www.famous-quotes-and-quotations.com/leadership-quotes.html

Half, obert. Cited in: Famous Quotes and Quotations. Accessed March 28, 2007. http://www.famous-quotes-and-quotations.com/leadership-quotes.html

Kline, Dr. John a. Communication and Leadership. Maxwell-Gunter AFB, Air University. Accessed March 28, 2007. http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/au-24/au24-289.htm

Legacee Management Systems Inc. Leadership Styles Overview. Accessed March 28, 2007. http://www.legacee.com/Info/Leadership/LeadershipStyles.html

McDonald, J Michael, Gooding, Carl W. Leadership and Upward Influence: A Survey of Business School Deans. Southern Business eview, Spring 2005. Accessed March 28, 2007. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3972/is_200504/ai_n14681395

oosevelt, Theodore. Cited in: Famous Quotes and Quotations. Accessed March 28, 2007. http://www.famous-quotes-and-quotations.com/leadership-quotes.html.

Effective Communication
Jim perceives himself as an average student. He has already put it in his mind that he is just an average student and no matter how much studying he does he can not manage to get A's in his studies. He also perceives himself as someone who can not be influenced by his friends in any way. He agrees that6 he hangs out with his friends but he is sure that his friends do not influence his grades in any way. He also perceives himself as someone who is not smart as compared to his father. He calls his father a brilliant guy who cruised through college and therefore thinks that college is easy and hence would want his son Jim to get A's. All this Cleary show that Jim sees himself as an average student and no amount of studies can make him achieve what his father wants….

Employees on the 'floor' must overcome their resistance to management, and allow more of their 'ranks' to become part of the managerial side of things, without feeling betrayed by their fellow laborers.
Improving communications

Regular, face-to-face meetings with both managers and workers are essential to improve company relations. This would insure information is given in a timely fashion, and if there is any error or real problem, it can be dealt with immediate with constructive feedback, rather than left to fester like a sore. Giving a top floor employee higher managerial status, but still employing him 'on the floor' to act as a mediator would be an excellent idea. John, for example, still speaks the language of the employees could be used as a facilitator. This will increase and improve the flow of feedback and information between the shop floor and management. Mandating that all managers work on the floor for….

(Restivo, 2005) Restivo relates that the initiative toward focusing on health communication interventions and their outcomes and effectiveness has been through research and evaluation of programs. Specifically Restivo states" Health communication scholars and programs will continue to face the challenge of integrating theory, research and practice as they attempt to crate both individual and societal change." (2005)


To hom It May Concern;

This letter is to invite and welcome you to the above-titled study and to express the importance of participation in this study in that participation will ensure that effective communication strategies between practitioners in patient health care provision are better understood. This is an area that is not discussed as often as is communication in other area however; this is a critically important area of communication in quality health care service provision.

Communication of a quality nature contributes….

D. Effect on the Parents:

Given the possibility that a parent may be unable to complete the assignment mentioned by the teacher as something the parent and student would complete together, this may cause the parent to develop concerns regarding their own involvement - and eventually their regard for the student's attendance with the particular school. This may arrive in the event of a parent being illiterate (Mendoza, 2003). Parents who do not have internet or other technological applications may also come to feel inferior in the wake of the teacher's proclamation of web use.

E. Missed Opportunity to Demonstrate Sensitivity:

Each of the quotes provided above from the teacher's speech are examples where the teacher could have demonstrated a higher degree of sensitivity. Taking full consideration of the diverse home-life of each student and their family is an utter necessity in the effort to display sensitivity. The concepts with Jargon are notably….

Effective Communication
Communication can be described as "the use of language and nonverbal signs to create a shared meaning between two or more people." (Lauer, and Lauer, 2009) The processes and components of communication are much more complex due to the margin of error in conveying a message from one person to the next. Although messages or meaning may be quite clear to say, Person A, to Person B. they might mean something else. This can be due to language barriers, upbringing, places of origin, or other factors.

The components of communication include verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal is generally agreed to be body language, written language, clothing, facial expressions, touching, meanings behind words; for example, sarcasm, indifference, passion, or intensity (Lauer, and Lauer, 2009). Verbal communication is just the words being said, minus other meanings behind them. For example, a simple phrase such as "I'm fine," can be conveyed in several….

Introduction All human relationships are based on communication. Effective communication skills are therefore integral to both professional and personal success. Individual differences in temperament and personality, gender and culture, and situational variables can all impact the quality of communications but all communication skills can be learned and practiced. Most barriers to competent communications can be overcome with self-awareness and respect for diversity. However, psychological factors like self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem also have a strong bearing on communications efficacy. Understanding the basic principles of effective communications empowers each person to take responsibility for promoting harmony in interpersonal relationships.
Barriers to Competent, Effective Interpersonal Communications
While the principles of good communication include clarity and connecting with the audience, barriers to communication can cloud the ways messages are sent or received. Two principles of competent or effective interpersonal communications include empathy and self-awareness. Empathy is key to building bridges with the audience, being able to read….

Benefits of Effective Communication in an Oncology Setting Source: Banerjee, S., Manna, R., Coyle, N., Shen, M., Pehrson, C., Zaider, T, . . . Bylund, C. (2016). Oncology nurses’ communication challenges with patients and families: A qualitative study. Nurse Educ Pract, 16(1), 193-201. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2015.07.007.
The current research article is qualitative in nature. It is primarily exploratory research. The main purpose of qualitative research is to understand underlying opinion and reasons. It provides a deeper understanding of a phenomenon. Whereas, quantitative research is basically a research where the problem is quantified. Numeral data is generated which is analyzed to get comprehensive results. Data collection methods in qualitative research consist of unstructured or semi-structured techniques. A few common methods are interview method, focus groups and observation method. The sample size is usually small to get a better insight into the targeted phenomenon. However, in quantitative research, the sample size is relatively large. It makes….

PERSUASION CASE PAPERFar too many people struggle with the getting to yes part of their dealings with others. It is easy enough to lose sight of the real objective of negotiations when confronted with opposing views that appear irrational or misguided but which are nevertheless adamantly held. Therefore, developing effective persuasive techniques represents a valuable skill for people in virtually any industry or sector at any level of their organization. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to describe which of the course reading or tutorials was the most convincing and/or presented the most useful information together with supporting rationale as well as an example of a persuasive memorandum to employees seeking to enlist their help as unpaid volunteers on their time off. Finally, a discussion concerning how the example memorandum applies the concepts from the courses background material and the respective sources of the supporting rationale is….

Communication at Meetings
Effective communication is one of the most essential aspects during meetings, especially workplace meetings. Meetings are usually utilized in the workplace for various reasons including developing strategies, brainstorming ideas, and providing direction. However, the ability of these meetings to achieve these goals requires effective communication. The need for effective communication is increased by rapid technological advancements that have generated different kinds of communication channels. Meetings need to be planned in a suitable manner that helps in promoting and ensuring effective communication.

Since I have attended several meetings, there are some satisfying and dissatisfying components in relation to communication. I have felt most satisfied with a meeting I attended because of the focus on the established objective throughout all discussions. The organizers of the meeting identified the objective or agenda and communicated it to participants before the meeting commenced. They also focused on the meeting's agenda and avoided any digressions….

Below is an example essay to help give you ideas when writing your own paper.

Title: Bridging the Skills Gap in the South African Supply Chain Industry

In today's rapidly evolving global economy, the supply chain industry plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient flow of goods and services. However, South Africa's supply chain sector faces a significant skills gap, hindering its growth and competitiveness. To address this challenge, it is essential to identify and cultivate generic, transferable, core, or key attributes that can bridge this gap effectively. This essay will discuss the different forms of such attributes....

Teachers play a crucial and multi-faceted role in promoting literacy across all subjects, not just in language arts. This role extends beyond traditional reading and writing skills to encompass a wide range of literacy types, including digital, informational, and subject-specific literacies. Here’s an overview of the key roles teachers play in literacy for all students in all subjects:

Facilitators of Skill Development: Teachers are responsible for developing students' basic literacy skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This is essential across all subjects, as these skills are the foundation for understanding and engaging with content in any area.

Integrators of Subject-Specific Literacy:....

Literacy is important in all subjects because it plays a crucial role in fostering effective communication and comprehension. It enables students to understand and interpret information, allowing them to engage with various subjects effectively. Here's the answer with proper spacing and format:

1. Improved Communication: Literacy skills provide students with the ability to read, write, speak, and listen effectively. These skills enhance communication, enabling students to articulate their thoughts, ideas, and opinions clearly in any subject.

2. Comprehension and Critical Thinking: Literacy equips students with the ability to understand and interpret various texts, whether they are related to mathematics, science, humanities, or....

3 Pages


Effective Communication Is a Necessary Skill When

Words: 1163
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Effective communication is a necessary skill when dealing with groups. Developing a team that meets goals and deadlines efficiently is a must. Although everyone in the group is different,…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Effective Communication Skills in Resolving

Words: 2401
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There are some things that can be done to resolve emotional conflicts, however, and those with good quality communication skills will be aware of these things. Often these kinds…

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4 Pages


Effective Communication Skills Are the Most Essential

Words: 1222
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Effective communication skills are the most essential skill for early childhood educators. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Effective communication skills have been shown to be the most…

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3 Pages


Communication How Does Effective Communication Incorporate the

Words: 981
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Communication How does effective communication incorporate the basic elements of communication? Effective communication is an integral aspect of the any performance standard. Without communication, the health care professional's effectiveness is diminished…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Effective Communication for Improving Public Relations

Words: 2496
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Effective Communication for Improving Public elations Public elation is the name given to the function that is responsible for creating and maintaining relationships between clients or customers and an organization.…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Communication and Leadership Effective Communication

Words: 1702
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This power can be referent, expert, legitimate, coercive, or reward in nature. Interestingly, a leader's ability to influence superiors also plays a key role in the leader's ability…

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2 Pages


Effective Communication Jim Perceives Himself as an

Words: 656
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Effective Communication Jim perceives himself as an average student. He has already put it in his mind that he is just an average student and no matter how much studying…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Management

Effective Communication Skills for Individuals

Words: 625
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Employees on the 'floor' must overcome their resistance to management, and allow more of their 'ranks' to become part of the managerial side of things, without feeling betrayed…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Effective Communication Between Counselors in

Words: 1171
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

(Restivo, 2005) Restivo relates that the initiative toward focusing on health communication interventions and their outcomes and effectiveness has been through research and evaluation of programs. Specifically Restivo…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Effective Communication With Parents and

Words: 787
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" D. Effect on the Parents: Given the possibility that a parent may be unable to complete the assignment mentioned by the teacher as something the parent and student would complete…

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4 Pages


Effective Communication Can Be Described as The

Words: 1267
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Effective Communication Communication can be described as "the use of language and nonverbal signs to create a shared meaning between two or more people." (Lauer, and Lauer, 2009) The…

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5 Pages


The Principles of Effective Communication

Words: 1669
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction All human relationships are based on communication. Effective communication skills are therefore integral to both professional and personal success. Individual differences in temperament and personality, gender and culture, and…

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3 Pages


Key Advantages of Effective Communication in an Oncology Setting

Words: 920
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Benefits of Effective Communication in an Oncology Setting Source: Banerjee, S., Manna, R., Coyle, N., Shen, M., Pehrson, C., Zaider, T, . . . Bylund, C. (2016). Oncology nurses’ communication…

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4 Pages

Business - Technical Writing

How To Persuade People in the Workplace

Words: 1243
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

PERSUASION CASE PAPERFar too many people struggle with the getting to yes part of their dealings with others. It is easy enough to lose sight of the real objective…

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2 Pages


Effective Communication and Communication

Words: 655
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Communication at Meetings Effective communication is one of the most essential aspects during meetings, especially workplace meetings. Meetings are usually utilized in the workplace for various reasons including developing strategies,…

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