Employees Essays (Examples)

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Employees' Benefit Package
Employee Benefit Package

Employees' Benefit Package

How Would you Handle the Selection of the Employees' Benefit Package?

Selection of Employee's Benefit Package

With high inflation rate and soaring prices of everything around us, attractive Employees Benefit Package play a vital role for the employees in making the right selection of a job. An employee compensation package consists of two components one is the fixed income in the form of basic salary and other is the deferred income in the form of employees benefits. At times the percentage of the basic salary is lower than that of the latter nevertheless the overall compensation package can still be very attractive.

There are numerous benefits that an employer can offer to its employees. Most common ones are the medical or health insurance, retirement plan, tuition fees and paid time-off. Previously, almost in every organization there used to be one package for all, in many organization still….

Employee Stock Ownership

Employee Stock Ownership Programs
Employee Stock Ownership

Employee motivation practices have significantly developed in accordance with the developing needs of companies to have skilled employees performing better, and the needs of employees of improving their social standards. Motivation strategies are not limited to financial bonuses, but also provide stock ownership programs in the case of listed companies. Specialists in the field have identified such programs to have an important effect on employee loyalty.

Employee Stock Ownership Programs

Employee Stock Ownership Programs are employee benefit plans in which companies provide their different types of workers ownership interests in the company in case. These plans work by the employer allocating a certain number of stocks to each employee in accordance with their salary, but also with other performance assessment criteria. However, employees are not allowed to sell their stocks as they are held in the company's ESOP trust until they leave the company or retire. This….

Third employers are banned from interfering or discriminating against employees taking FMLA leave. Fourth, employers need to post a notice for workers detailing the provision of FMLA and are subject to penalties for failure to post such notice.
Application and Implication of OSHA of 1970:

The issue of employee health and safety at the workplace to prevent injuries and deaths is a major issue of the Labor Movement. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 was enacted for the establishment of Occupational Health and Safety Administration to implement labor laws that help in preventing injuries and deaths in the workplace ("1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act," n.d.). The main aim of this legislation is to significantly lessen workplace accidents and decrease the number of people involved in work that could result in disabilities later in life. The legislation covers all employers and their workers in all 50 states, Puerto ico,….

Employees vs Management

Employee vs. Management
Employees vs. Management

The employee management relations are maintained within organizations according to the company policy. The organizational structure is also relevant in order to follow a formal communications mechanism. The multinational business organizations similar to the ones discussed should consider local business regulations and norms in order to develop operations policy. The human resource practices followed in Middle East should be considered in terms of flexible working hours. However leave entitlements cannot be offered in accordance with the European countries.

Human resources are an important factor for business and organizational structure. The management and employees hold a special relationship in order to peruse business goals. The sections below are focused to provide a detailed analysis of management and employee views on various work related organizational and human resources issues. The place of working is explained in terms of the business, number of employees, and nature of work. The second….

Employee Seperation Procedures
Employee Separation Procedures

A common challenge for many firms; is being able to create effective employee separation policies and procedures. This is because various regulations require everyone to follow specific practices in order to ensure that someone is discharged for actual causes from failing to meet certain requirements of the job. Those organizations who ignore this, will find themselves the subject of increased amounts of ligation for wrongful termination. (Hor, 2009)

At the same time, there is the possibility this could create a poisonous work environment for everyone else. To avoid these challenges requires creating policies that will take these different views into account. When this happens, the H department can balance the numerous legal and ethical requirements in the process of achieving these objectives. (Hor, 2009)

Critical Factors for Creating an Effective Separation Policy

In order for any kind of separation procedure to be effective requires focusing on discharging the individual….

Employees Healthcare System
Obesity, Ageing, Healthcare and Statistics:

Obesity in the U.S.

Obesity has been referred to as a causal subject to just about 100,000 -- 400,000 demise in the America for every year and has augmented well-being and spending, estimating the public a probable $117 billion in straight (defensive, analytic, and management services associated to heaviness) and circuitous (non-attendance, failure of potential earnings due to premature death) expenses. This surpasses well-being costs related with smoking or trouble utilization which adds up to for 6% to 12% of nationwide health care expenditures in the United States. The medical aid programs let about partially of this price. Yearly hospital costs for taking care for obesity associated diseases in brood increases thrice, from $36 million to $128 million, in the era from 1979 to 1999, and the inpatient and moveable healthcare costs amplified radically by $396 per individual each year. These inclinations in medical costs….

Employee Satisfaction
And Productivity

employee satisfaction and productivity


Employee satisfaction directly links to organizational excellence and/or productivity. Maybe… Maybe not… Researchers regularly debate exactly what components contributing to employee satisfaction and the company's and/or organization's productivity. Similarly, employers and employees do not typically agree on the reason/s an employee stays committed to a company or what factors contribute to an employee's satisfaction with the company. During the mixed-method case study, the researcher focuses on employee satisfaction and productivity as well as investigates whether a correlation exists between employee satisfaction and productivity/output. The study also examines factors that contribute to employee satisfaction, both on and off the job, and considers if "satisfaction" can be measured. If "yes," the researcher discusses how one can measure employee satisfaction; if "no," the researcher explains the reason/s for the incapability.

The hypothesis for the study asserts: A positive correlation exists between employee satisfaction and productivity/output. To further investigate the….

Handbook Disclaimers Negate Contract Status: Employers can use disclaimers to avoid this situation. If employees sign explicit disclaimers that employment is at-will, courts typically find that handbooks don't create long-term employment contracts. The court in Woolley found that the form and placement of a handbook disclaimer is very important (Employee Handbooks and At-Will Employment ibid). An effective disclaimer is a clear statement by which the defendant reserved the unambiguous right to terminate employees without cause (Exceptions to the employment at will doctrine, 1997, p. 8). All that needs to be done by the employer is the inclusion in the personnel manual in a very prominent position of an appropriate statement that there is no promise of any kind by the employer contained in the manual; [….] and that the employer continues to have the absolute power to fire anyone with or without good cause (see At will employment in New….

Employees Accepting Gifts
The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of the practice of employees accepting gifts in organizations. Accepting gifts has been a major controversial issue because of the different perceptions among different sections connected with the organization. It is recognized that the line between gift and bribe in the organizational context is almost invisible. This paper attempts to highlight and understand the perceptions of employers, customers, stakeholders and third person/general public. The employers' general tendency to disallow employees from accepting gifts is explained with reasons and examples. The perception of employees is also analyzed in detail from psychological and sociological viewpoint. Attempt is made to analyze the findings and inferences in the context of practical examples, by looking up the ethical policies and codes of leading global corporations. The importance of ethics in the private as well as the public sector is explained with specific examples.


The fact is that taking health-care dollars out of the risk pool and placing them instead into accounts will place greater burden of paying for health onto those who are less healthy. There is also the fear that individuals will not be good buyers of care on their own and susceptible to scam artists.
A transition from the insurance concept is going to blow up the ranks of the uninsured and increase the need for government to come in and get involved.

With the costs rising and the smaller companies beginning to no longer be able to afford coverage at all, many employees are going to be faced without having any insurance. Not only are benefits cuts at individual companies increasing the number of uninsured; a shift in the workforce from manufacturing to services, which normally offers less benefits, is occurring as well. All one has to do is see what….

ALJ ResponseThere are a wide range of issues that could impact the coaching experience. In some instances, managers find it difficult to engage in coaching undertakings and could in some cases even be reluctant to partake in the same. In the present write-up, two key reasons have been presented in an attempt to explain this phenomenon. One of the said reasons relates to the development of preconceived notions about the person(s) to be coached. For instance, the supervisor could be of the opinion that the persons to be coached are not interested in the coaching process or are likely to view the same as unwarranted criticism of their efforts. I am in agreement with this assertion. In addition to the solutions proposed to reign in this particular obstacle, I would suggest that supervisors and managers work to develop deeper self-awareness so that they can be able to correct diagnose (and….

Quarterly Employee Driven Engagement EventsIntroductionThere is evidence that employee engagement lead to better organizational performance, yet many organizations struggle to create and sustain an engaged workforce. Quarterly employee-driven engagement events are one way to address this issue. Quarterly events can and should be tailored to the specific needs of the organization and the workforce. By planning quarterly employee engagement events, organizations can keep their workforce engaged and motivated throughout the year. This paper outlines a plan for promoting quarterly employee-driven engagement events in order to increase employee engagement and improve organizational performance.StepsFirst, the plan will promote communication between management and employees by letting employees choose the engagement activity for each quarter. They will have a choice of four events for now: a Chili Cookoff, a Winter Escape Room, a March Madness Basketball Free Throw Competition, and a Pyramid-style Gameshow. Obviously, some events will be more thematically aligned to certain parts….

Developing talent internally requires sensitivity to different diversity dimensions. One of the underappreciated dimensions of diversity is age, and ageism may be contributing to the underutilization of talent. Instead of expecting that older employees are stuck in their ways or uninterested in change, consider recent research showing that in fact, older employees may be more interested and able to make lateral moves and take posts abroad. In the article “In the Lead,” Hymowitz (2003) shows how managers can work together to maximize the talents and skills of all employees, regardless of their ages. However, employees over 40 or 50 years old are being systematically ignored, their talents underutilized. Hymowitz (2003) claims that most older workers complain of “lack of opportunities for advancement,” (p. 1). Discrimination may be in part to blame, as well as the lack of understanding of how to cultivate and develop the talents of diverse generations. By inhibiting….

Case Study: New HiresIn todays technologically-driven environment, individuals seeking entry-level administrative jobs are apt to search out positions on Internet job boards such as Monster.com and Indeed.com. Both sites would be valuable places to post notices recruiting customer service assistants because of their highly trafficked nature. Temporary agencies might also be a source of labor, which would have the additional advantage of enabling the organization to try out the hire before permanently taking him or her on board. Job fairs are useful to reach out to new graduates and serious career-changers and allow for recruitment on-site. Using the company website to post job listings is useful and can draw potential hires with a specific interest in the organization or industry. The company can also use Google ads and social media advertising on Facebook and Twitter. These advertisements are relatively inexpensive and can also target young people who spend a great….

1.0 Introduction: Corporate volunteering (CV) entails the scenario wherein employees undertake voluntary social activities. The activities are community based and charitable in nature (Optimy. 2017). This volunteering form becomes part of the CSR policy of the company. Companies have chosen to invest their resources and time in the development of workplace environments where every person can put in their contribution on the things that really matter (Optimy. 2017). Over time, the concept of volunteering broadened detailing the program of volunteering as a means of strengthening the relationship between the Company and her employees. There are many examples that explain the impact of the corporate volunteering phenomenon.
One of the examples is Deloitte, a consulting firm that operates in close to every other Nation of the world. The company has an elaborate CSR tradition. For volunteering, the company offers her employees about 48 hours per annum on payroll for them to engage in….

Strategic human resource management refers to a specific approach that must human resource (HR) practitioners take to handling a company’s employees (human resources).  Strategic human resource management is a philosophy of management, not a defined approach, so it is possible for different HR professionals to take varied approaches and still fit under the umbrella of strategic human resource management.  In fact, it is not only possible, but probably necessary, given that HR needs do differ according to the type of profession, the working environment, the size of an organization, and the demographics of the workforce.  Generally, strategic....

Exploring the relationship between performance management plans and terminating employees.  How can performance management help employers demonstrate that a termination was not wrongful?  How can performance management help wrongfully terminated employees demonstrate that their employment was wrongful?

The importance of goal setting in performance management How can a manager and an employee work together to set attainable and quantifiable goals for the employee between review periods?  Emphasize how attainable goals are important, because setting goals that an employee cannot realistically achieve can demotivate otherwise high-performing employees. 

Measuring employee performance under employee management plans?  How can human resource professionals help managers develop quantifiable....

Depending on the approach to business management that you study, there can be four to seven functional areas of business.  We favor a business management approach that highlights six functional areas of business: strategy, marketing, finances, human resources, operations, and technology and equipment.  To pick which ones to include in a paper you need to write, we would look at what each functional area does and pick the three areas where we had the most subject-area competency.  However, if the paper was a research paper, intended to teach us more about business operations, we would actually take....

4 Pages


Employees' Benefit Package Employee Benefit Package Employees'

Words: 1642
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Employees' Benefit Package Employee Benefit Package Employees' Benefit Package How Would you Handle the Selection of the Employees' Benefit Package? Selection of Employee's Benefit Package With high inflation rate and soaring prices of everything…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Employee Stock Ownership

Words: 1130
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Employee Stock Ownership Programs Employee Stock Ownership Employee motivation practices have significantly developed in accordance with the developing needs of companies to have skilled employees performing better, and the needs of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Employee Safety Health and Welfare

Words: 977
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Third employers are banned from interfering or discriminating against employees taking FMLA leave. Fourth, employers need to post a notice for workers detailing the provision of FMLA and…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Employees vs Management

Words: 1574
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Employee vs. Management Employees vs. Management The employee management relations are maintained within organizations according to the company policy. The organizational structure is also relevant in order to follow a formal…

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4 Pages


Employee Seperation Procedures Employee Separation Procedures a

Words: 1191
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Employee Seperation Procedures Employee Separation Procedures A common challenge for many firms; is being able to create effective employee separation policies and procedures. This is because various regulations require everyone to…

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3 Pages


Employees Healthcare System Obesity Ageing Healthcare and

Words: 952
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Employees Healthcare System Obesity, Ageing, Healthcare and Statistics: Obesity in the U.S. Obesity has been referred to as a causal subject to just about 100,000 -- 400,000 demise in the America for…

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44 Pages
Case Study


Employee Satisfaction and Productivity a Case Study Based on the ASDA Retailer

Words: 12732
Length: 44 Pages
Type: Case Study

Employee Satisfaction And Productivity employee satisfaction and productivity ASTRACT Employee satisfaction directly links to organizational excellence and/or productivity. Maybe… Maybe not… Researchers regularly debate exactly what components contributing to employee satisfaction and the…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Employee Discipline of Employees Often

Words: 2026
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Handbook Disclaimers Negate Contract Status: Employers can use disclaimers to avoid this situation. If employees sign explicit disclaimers that employment is at-will, courts typically find that handbooks don't create…

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13 Pages
Term Paper


Employees Accepting Expensive Gifts

Words: 4426
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Employees Accepting Gifts The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of the practice of employees accepting gifts in organizations. Accepting gifts has been a major controversial issue…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Employees' Desire for Workplace Access

Words: 1694
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The fact is that taking health-care dollars out of the risk pool and placing them instead into accounts will place greater burden of paying for health onto those…

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1 Pages


Employee Coaching Barriers Response

Words: 383
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

ALJ ResponseThere are a wide range of issues that could impact the coaching experience. In some instances, managers find it difficult to engage in coaching undertakings and could in…

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4 Pages
Capstone Project


The Value of Giving Employees a Voice

Words: 1098
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Quarterly Employee Driven Engagement EventsIntroductionThere is evidence that employee engagement lead to better organizational performance, yet many organizations struggle to create and sustain an engaged workforce. Quarterly employee-driven engagement…

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2 Pages

Human Resources

Developing Older Employees in Organizations

Words: 522
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Developing talent internally requires sensitivity to different diversity dimensions. One of the underappreciated dimensions of diversity is age, and ageism may be contributing to the underutilization of talent. Instead…

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1 Pages


Recruiting New Employees to Hire

Words: 328
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Case Study: New HiresIn todays technologically-driven environment, individuals seeking entry-level administrative jobs are apt to search out positions on Internet job boards such as Monster.com and Indeed.com. Both sites…

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6 Pages


Integration of corporate volunteering CV in the CSR'strategy and on employees participation in the CV in Qatar

Words: 1879
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

1.0 Introduction: Corporate volunteering (CV) entails the scenario wherein employees undertake voluntary social activities. The activities are community based and charitable in nature (Optimy. 2017). This volunteering form becomes part…

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