Employees Vs. Management Research Paper


Employee vs. Management Employees vs. Management

The employee management relations are maintained within organizations according to the company policy. The organizational structure is also relevant in order to follow a formal communications mechanism. The multinational business organizations similar to the ones discussed should consider local business regulations and norms in order to develop operations policy. The human resource practices followed in Middle East should be considered in terms of flexible working hours. However leave entitlements cannot be offered in accordance with the European countries.

Human resources are an important factor for business and organizational structure. The management and employees hold a special relationship in order to peruse business goals. The sections below are focused to provide a detailed analysis of management and employee views on various work related organizational and human resources issues. The place of working is explained in terms of the business, number of employees, and nature of work. The second section addresses alternative work schedules, transfers, restriction of overtime, and casual leaves as human resources issues. The management and employee point-of-views are presented. It is followed by the recommendation based on a logical compromise for both sides. The conclusion is also drawn on the basis of arguments and recommendations.

Work Place:

The workplace under consideration is a medium sized business organization. It is a USA incorporated healthcare organization with offices in various countries including its head office in Romania. The business operated in several European and Middle Eastern countries. Human resource rules and regulations for the offices across the world were different. The place of my employment was in U.A.E while it was directly controlled by the head office. The business incorporated a central system for Middle East, Europe, and United System in terms of human resources practices. The company had 35 staff members in local office of U.A.E. The annual turnover of U.A.E-operations is $12m. The executive committee for U.A.E-operations constituted on five department managers with a general manager corporate. The staff members of the departments were designated and compensated according to the formal salary structure. The business operations were carried out in accordance with the formal proceeds of the company. The organization is dealing with medical disposables and consumables. The business used to manufacture these medical devices in China and they were exported to various parts of the world according to the mean. The local offices in various countries including U.A.E were reasonable for participating in government tenders and sales through local distributors. The company also had a human resources policy and renumuration policy for all local offices throughout the world.


The owners of the business are residing in Romania and company was originally incorporated in United States. The local offices operate as offshore business operation in Middle East. The owners used to control and monitor thorough management reports and periodic visits of offices. The decisions about sales targets, customer complaints, and product revenues are made at highest levels and the business managers were directed from head office in Romania regarding the targets. The human resources policy was developed at local levels and it was also endorsed by the corporate owners. Policies could be altered after approval of the business owners.


Governments have a defining role in all corporate policies. The business operating in variouscountries are required to abide by the government policies and regulations. Similarly the business had to develop polices in accordance with the local government's regulations. The business requires specialized operating licenses and product registrations as the nature of medical devices require according to their classification. The business is also affected by the local human resources laws and other operational regulations. The local holidays and operating hours should be followed in accordance with the governmentregulations.

Alternative Work Schedules (i.e. flexible work):

Alternative working hours is also denoted by flexible working condition in the business settings. It is a technique...


It is essential to consider weather, local working environment, and employee oriented facilitation of business hours. The local employees at UAE office encounter extreme working condition in summer and thus require adopting flexibility in working hours. The demand of local employees to have a selection of their preferred working hours is raised constantly. They prefer a self-selection time slot for their duties. On the other hand the management of the company holds the opinion that a consistent working policy and standard working hours are required to maintain office discipline. The communication with head office and central staff is required while working from 9 am until 6 pm.
It is significant to note that extreme weather conditions in Middle Eastern countries requires an early start and closure at noon until late afternoon. It is also followed as a usual practice in almost all businesses with offices in Middle East and U.A.E. It is recommended that a low business activity is observed through these times. Hence it is beneficial for business performance to adopt flexible working hours. If complete flexibility cannot be adopted than an early start at 8 am to work until 12 am is suggested with a resumption of duties at 4 Pm until the completion of eight working hours is suggested. It will not only partly fulfill the demand of local staff but business performance can also increase at the same time (Edwards, 2009).


The transfer regulations of business are followed in accordance with the global corporate policy. The human resources policy requires executive and non-executive staff to be transferred within the region after five years. It is beneficial to identify the strengths and weaknesses within the business and learn from multi-cultural environment. There is a mixed attitude of employees towards this policy. The foreignexpatriates mostly prefer this regulation and like to experience different cultures. However local employees and foreign workers with families do not prefer to be transferred within or outside the region. The management has implemented this regulation for providing workers with flair of exposure and multi-cultural working environment. However it is becoming a major dissatisfaction for employees. The recommended change in the system is proposed that only willing employees should be transferred and with incentives for position and an additional point in their appraisal for promotion.

Restriction of Overtime:

The overtime restriction is also one of the significant factors in human resources policy of an organization. The businesses should discourage overtime and employees should be motivated to perform within the given time. It is only required when additionalwork is required and employees should also not make it a habit for adopting overtime benefits. The company has no overtime working policy. The management discourages any attempt to work overtime as it is seen as an incompetency to perform with the designated time. The employees of the company are willing to give more time for business and in return they seek overtime benefits. It is raised in several internal meetings by the lower level staff.

The recommended solution is hire employees for formal duties and designated time should be utilized appropriately. The overtime requirements cannot be followed as the official working is restricted to eight normal working hours. The business with manufacturing requirements should adopt policies for overtime facilitation, however the business with sales and marketing operations are not necessarily required to offer overtime.


There are various types of leave entitlements in human resources policy of the company. The annual, casual, and sick leaves are offered to employees. It is important to note that the business has a mutual transfer policy within the region and outside region and different human resources polices are adopted according to regulations and local business norms. The employs also emphasized on the need for maternity and paternal leaves. It is learned that European and Scandinavian countries offer extended leaves in this regard. One of the other notable demands of the employees is to maintain the annual leave as a transferable meaning thereby that the leaves…

Sources Used in Documents:


Edwards, P. (Ed.). (2009). Industrial relations: theory and practice. USA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Reeve, B.H., Broom, DH, Strazdins, L., & Shipley, M. (2012).Regulation, Managerial Discretion and Family-Friendliness in Australia's Changing Industrial Relations Environment. Journal of Industrial Relations, 54(1), 57-74.

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