Endorsement Essays (Examples)

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Athletic apparel brands typically seek to secure athlete endorsements in order to enhance the value of their brand. As such, there are a few different criteria that they might apply when looking for athletes to act as their endorsers. Most athletic companies prefer to work with winning athletes, those who are among the world's best at what they do. At the core of this need is that the best athletes are often the ones who have the most fans. They play on the most popular teams, and therefore the apparel brand becomes associated with the most popular performers in a given sport. Additionally, when an athlete wins, that championship pedigree rubs off on the company whose apparel that athlete endorses.

A good example of this is with Nike, a company that often wishes to associate itself with championship athletes. hen you look at athletes like Kobe Bryant, Tiger oods or Cristiano….

Celebrity Endorsement Strategy: An Investigation
Using Nike's relationship with Federer as an example, the paper analyzes the use of celebrity endorsement strategy of the brands beginning from choosing the right celebrity figures until the final results of the strategy. Many industries promote their products by hiring the services of influential celebrities who advertise the products in question. The celebrity has to have various characteristics in order to be seriously considered as endorser. The company also has to take various steps to protect itself. The whole process of considering, finding, and finally hiring a celebrity is one that is done incrementally and thoughtfully with the whole, actually, occurring in four stages. Celebrity and brand are closely intertwined. Just as celebrity may profit the brand, the brand also effects the reputation of the celebrity. The company-endorser relationship, in other words, can provide potential benefits to both with both brand and endorser receiving….

Athletes in Scandal and Endorsement Deals
All civilizations have celebrated the athletic achievements of their most accomplished citizens, from the ancient Greeks contesting the first Olympic Games to the jousting knights of medieval Europe, and societies have typically rewarded their most elite athletes with superior status, financial incentives, and social standing. ithin the realm of modern American athletics, our nation's unique blend of personal liberty and capitalistic ambition has long created a class of professional athletes who are revered as heroic figures and who are compensated commensurately. The multi-million dollar guaranteed contracts which are now de rigueur for American athletics are also accompanied by lucrative endorsement deals which are lavished on the most famous players within each sport or league. hile the phenomenon of private companies paying athletes to publically endorse products is nothing new, as Babe Ruth proved during his heyday in the 1920's by shilling for everything from cigarettes….

By virtue of the fact that sports such as baseball and football in the United States had begun to prove themselves enormously popular and profitable, the intrusion of sponsorship and advertisement as a regular element of the game had begun a century ago. However, the paired evolution of the sports market to the coverage of an enormous breadth of market contexts and categories and of the media channels through which sports are sold and broadcast have resulted in a clear opportunity for integration of the sports and marketing sectors. As enner indicates, "the production and staging of sport as commercial entertainment led to the emergence of entrepreneurial structures and practices that would slowly transform the relationships between sporting teams and the communities they ostensibly 'represent.'" (enner, 58)
Thus, the idea of associated stars of professional sports with products, or indeed commoditization the players themselves would become an early and important….

telemarketing fraud so rampant?
The phone is increasingly being used "as a marketing tool and a vehicle for initial customer contact" (Michela, 1994, p. 556). Businesses make use of telemarketing applications in conducting political polling and market research, prospecting for new customers, making follow-ups on existing customers, advertising, raising charity funds, to mention but a few. Fraudsters take advantage of the increasing use of the phone and are aided by the belief that with almost every business conducting its activities through telemarketing; consumers would be in no position to differentiate legal from illegitimate causes. Moreover, telemarketing fraud is difficult to prevent and prosecute (NW3C, 2008).

Why is telemarketing fraud so difficult to prevent or prosecute?

The rip and tear operations of telemarketing fraudsters make their prosecution difficult (NW3C, 2008). Fraudulent telemarketers do not usually have definite offices, and mainly carry out their operations from mobile 'offices,' including hotel rooms (NW3C, 2008). Furthermore,….

2.1 Employee perception of CSR
As Du Preez and Bendixen (2015) note, a consumer’s initial exposure to a company’s brand typically comes from the employees who stand on the front lines of the company’s workplace. These employees represent the face of the business and thus embody the business’s brand. They are the brand’s diplomats in a sense, and if the consumer is put off by the employees, the brand suffers. In order for employees to represent their organization’s brand with confidence and enthusiasm, they must be able to believe in the brand, embrace the organization’s CSR policies, and promote the spirit of these policies in their engagement with consumers on the front lines. The employees represent the values of the company and feel (if they are happily employed) that the company represents their own values as well.

Thus the employee is attracted to the business for the same reasons as the consumer:….

Gifted Education - AZ
Gifted Placement Procedures


Arizona State

GAP Analysis

Gifted Education Coordinator

The gifted education program does not have oversight by a gifted education coordinator

The state offers many professional development opportunities for staff engaged in gifted education to enhance their skills and knowledge -- and to work toward creating lead gifted education teachers or gifted education coordinators.


Coaching tools, summer institutes, and peer coaching can be used as resources to support the development of Gifted Education Coordinators in schools and districts.

Gifted Education Program Delivery

Gifted children are receive services in cluster classes

The delivery of a gifted education program to qualifying students is a complex process. It is not possible to meet the state code requirements in an ad hoc manner.


Cluster classes may not meet the level of specialized instruction stipulated by the Arizona state code for gifted education.

Teacher Gifted Ed. Endorsements

Gifted Education endorsements are not required of teachers for gifted classes

"Teachers who work with gifted….

(1998). "The Trouble with Nike" Motley Fool. Retrieved November 17, 2008 at http://www.fool.com/Features/1998/sp980324TroubleithNike.htm
Parker, Mark. (2006). "Nike's Strategy for inning the Footwear Game" Nike F1Q Conference Call Transcript retrieved November 17, 2008 at http://seekingalpha.com/article/17559-nike-s-strategy-for-winning-the-footwear-game

Corporate author, Nike. (2008). "Company Overview" Nikebiz.com. Retrieved November 17, 2008 at http://www.nikebiz.com/company_overview/

Cox, Beth. (1999). "Nike Decides to Just Do it on the eb" InternetNews.com Retrieved November 17, 2008 at http://www.internetnews.com/ec-news/article.php/67101

Barron, Kelly. (1996). "Nike to Enter Premium Sunglass Market" Orange County Register. Retrieved November 17, 2008 at http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb5553/is_199610/ai_n22323618?tag=content;col1

No author. (2007). "No Boys Allowed: ill Gender Segmentation be Nike's inning Strategy?" Seeking Alpha. Retrieved November 17, 2008 at http://seekingalpha.com/article/31899-no-boys-allowed-will-gender-segmentation-be-nike-s-winning-strategy

Roll, Martin. (2008) "Branding and Celebrity Endorsements" Venture Republic. Retrieved November 17, 2008 at http://www.venturerepublic.com/resources/Branding_celebrities_brand_endorsements_brand_leadership.asp

Doyle, Nelson. (2007). "The orld's Most Recognizable Symbols and Trademarks" Bizcovering. Retrieved November 17, 2008 at http://www.bizcovering.com/Marketing-and-Advertising/the-orlds-Most-Recognizable-Symbols-and-Trademarks.52644

Rayport, Jeffrey (1996). "The Virus of Marketing" Fast Company. Retrieved November 17, 2008 at http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/06/virus.html

Boggan, Steve. (2001). "Nike Admits to….

The chairs would not normally be expected to be received in a damaged state, so the argument could be made that these chairs were not received in the condition that one would expect from chairs that cost $1,000 each.
Security Interest

On the financial end of this transaction, the bank that lent the funds to Megalo for the purchase of the chairs did not perfect security interest in the chairs from the standpoint of Article 9 of the UCC. In the most strict interpretation of the perfecting security interest, the bank should have taken possession of the chairs once the loan went delinquent. Of course, this as well is subject to certain restrictions and details, and Burnham did not tender the goods in accordance with the requirements of the UCC.

Blank Endorsement

Also in regard to finances, the legal effect of the blank endorsement of the bank check presented for the purchase of….

Some big endorsements have gone Mitt Romney's way, from an early endorsement from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, to several endorsements from other republican governors around the country. Big names like Donald Trump have also recently endorsed Mitt Romney, proving that he has strong ties in the fiscally conservative business community. In the states in which Mitt Romney has faced primaries, he has received dozens of editorial and local endorsements from a plethora of different sources.

Mitt Romney is putting all of his time and money into markets he thinks that he can win, but also is trying to reach at least second place in every state that he cannot win. ith this strategy, even in his weak states such as South Carolina, he still appears to be the second favorite, and the strength of his campaign is not questioned. Mitt Romney is most favored in states which have a lot….

For instance, for it truly to be a sophisticated wine, the meals served in the commercial would have to be valid pairings for the style of grapes used in the wine process. Additionally, the glass itself might be a point of validation, for different glasses are preferred for different styles of wine. Overall, it does meet the requirement of what the average consumer might think of the wine. Based on its sophisticated image in the commercial, the average consumer might be willing to pay a higher price, or prefer it based on its trendy image being attached to a trendy New York restaurant.
It also makes several endorsements. First, it is showing the class of the New York restaurant, and allowing the owners to speak for the product. If this is a real restaurant, it would be very beneficial for business. Additionally, the trendy social world is being used as….

The sportsmen and the team enter competition to win prizes and they end up as winners, runner ups, or other positions, which are crucial in sports; they come in first place or second place and yet score that many goals. The performances of the sportsmen are records to be remembered for years to come and these are all quantitative variables, rather than qualitative.
Also, at the level of the increased attention offered by the business community on sports and sporting events, the measures used are again quantitative ones. Some examples in this sense include the money brought in by the investors in the sports teams, the number of people attracted by a sports event, the commercial value of a sports events and so on; for instance, the Olympic games can also be measured in terms of the investments allocated to improve the infrastructure in the region, the increase in the….

TV Advertising

TV Advertising
Marketing success is almost always found in celebrity endorsements. We can take a look at Pepsi ads which have featured Madonna, Michael Jackson, Brittany Spears, and even Mike Tyson. Pepsi is known around the world, just as the celebrities whom are featured on the Pepsi commercials. In other words, in using the notoriety of celebrities, a corporation may be able to increase its market share into the pockets of consumers who are more familiar with the celebrity than the product. The celebrity thus is a bridge between the consumer and the product. But what happens when those celebrities are notorious for other things as well as their entertainment or sport talent? And why do the corporations continue to utilize these celebrities if these celebrities have been known to engage in improprieties or dubious activities?

Corporations have a business model that has multiple branches leading from three or four divisions such….

AMSN Promotional Flyer

Nursing Flyer
The Benefits of Membership in the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN)

The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) is one of the largest nursing organizations in the United States, with over 10,000 members (AMSN, 2012). Medical-surgical (MS) nurses practice in a variety of settings, including impatient, outpatient, and the homes of patients. The AMSN exists to help promote the professional development of MS nurses, improve patient care, and through collaboration influence healthcare policy impacting patient care. The mission of AMSN is to strive for excellence in MS nursing, while its vision is to work continuously toward patient care excellence.


All nursing professionals, whether AMSN members or not, can take advantage of the CMSN certification study aids, attend the annual convention, access the MEDSUG Nursing journal and newsletters, look for a job in the career center, study the MS standards of nursing, and network with other MS nurses (AMSN, n.d.). But why settle….

Amusing Ourselves to Death

Amusing Ourselves to Death
Media has a very powerful impact on people, which is the reason its advantages and disadvantages are discussed so very often. With every new technology entering our world, we start wondering just how this would later impact our society, culture, consumer market etc. This is because every medium brings along a message and while we believe that message is more important, some social critics maintain it is the medium, which was more powerful than the message itself. Neil Postman admittedly based his book, Amusing ourselves to Death" on the aphorism. 'Medium is the message' which was coined by media expert Marshall McLuhan in 1959. In his book Medium is the Message (1967), he wrote, "The medium is the message because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action. The content and uses of such media are as diverse….

Advertising is such an interesting topic.  It can be overt, such as in television commercials, print ads, or ads in social media.  It can also be more subtle, such as product placement.  Advertising can seem relatively straightforward, or it can involve complex psychological manipulations.  Advertising is a billion-dollar business, because ads can help generate billions in revenue for their companies.  There are so many different things that you can investigate for a paper on advertising, from the use of celebrity endorsements to fear based advertising.  In fact, much modern entertainment is actually....

1. The Evolution of Adidas: A Look at the Brand's History, Successes, and Challenges
2. The Impact of Adidas on Sports and Fashion: How the Brand Has Influenced Trends and Culture
3. Adidas vs. Competitors: A Comparative Analysis of Marketing Strategies and Successes
4. Sustainable Practices in the Adidas Supply Chain: How the Brand is Leading the Way in Corporate Social Responsibility
5. The Future of Adidas: Predictions and Opportunities for Growth in the Global Market
6. Athlete Endorsements and Partnerships: How Adidas Collaborates with Sports Stars to Drive Sales and Brand Awareness
7. The Influence of Technology on Adidas Products: How Innovation is Driving the....

1. The impact of advertising on consumer behavior
2. The ethics of advertising: should certain types of ads be banned?
3. The role of advertising in shaping societal norms and values
4. How digital advertising has changed the marketing landscape
5. The effectiveness of celebrity endorsements in advertising
6. The influence of advertising on children and teenagers
7. The portrayal of gender roles and stereotypes in advertising
8. The use of subliminal messaging in advertising
9. The use of fear and manipulation in advertising campaigns
10. The future of advertising: trends and innovations.
11. The impact of culture on advertising strategies and campaigns
12. The role of humor in advertising: does....

1. The impact of social media on the 2020 Presidential Election
2. The role of race and identity politics in the 2020 election
3. The influence of foreign interference in the 2020 election
4. The polarization of American society during the 2020 election
5. The rise of political populism in the 2020 election
6. The role of the Electoral College in the outcome of the 2020 election
7. The role of gender in the 2020 Presidential Election
8. The impact of COVID-19 on the 2020 election
9. The importance of swing states in determining the outcome of the 2020 election
10. The impact of voter turnout and voter suppression....

2 Pages


Endorsements Athletic Apparel Brands Typically Seek to

Words: 637
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Endorsements Athletic apparel brands typically seek to secure athlete endorsements in order to enhance the value of their brand. As such, there are a few different criteria that they might…

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25 Pages

Business - Advertising

Celebrity Endorsement Strategy An Investigation Using Nike's

Words: 6741
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Essay

Celebrity Endorsement Strategy: An Investigation Using Nike's relationship with Federer as an example, the paper analyzes the use of celebrity endorsement strategy of the brands beginning from choosing the…

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3 Pages


Athletes in Scandal and Endorsement Deals All

Words: 1104
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Athletes in Scandal and Endorsement Deals All civilizations have celebrated the athletic achievements of their most accomplished citizens, from the ancient Greeks contesting the first Olympic Games to the jousting…

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34 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Advertising

Sports Endorsement Sports Celebrity and

Words: 8783
Length: 34 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

By virtue of the fact that sports such as baseball and football in the United States had begun to prove themselves enormously popular and profitable, the intrusion of…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Telemarketing Fraud and Endorsement

Words: 858
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

telemarketing fraud so rampant? The phone is increasingly being used "as a marketing tool and a vehicle for initial customer contact" (Michela, 1994, p. 556). Businesses make use of…

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9 Pages


The Relationship of CSR and Employee Attitudes Essay

Words: 2761
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Other

2.1 Employee perception of CSR As Du Preez and Bendixen (2015) note, a consumer’s initial exposure to a company’s brand typically comes from the employees who stand on the front…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Becoming a Gifted Education Partner School in Arizona

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Gifted Education - AZ Gifted Placement Procedures Functions Arizona State GAP Analysis Gifted Education Coordinator The gifted education program does not have oversight by a gifted education coordinator The state offers many professional development opportunities for…

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5 Pages

Business - Advertising

Nike's Marketing Strategy Nike the

Words: 1643
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

(1998). "The Trouble with Nike" Motley Fool. Retrieved November 17, 2008 at http://www.fool.com/Features/1998/sp980324TroubleithNike.htm Parker, Mark. (2006). "Nike's Strategy for inning the Footwear Game" Nike F1Q Conference Call Transcript retrieved…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Business in the Scenario Presented

Words: 606
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The chairs would not normally be expected to be received in a damaged state, so the argument could be made that these chairs were not received in the…

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5 Pages


Mitt Romney President Candidate Summary

Words: 1470
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Some big endorsements have gone Mitt Romney's way, from an early endorsement from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, to several endorsements from other republican governors around the country. Big…

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1 Pages


Commercial Makes Several Claims It

Words: 376
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

For instance, for it truly to be a sophisticated wine, the meals served in the commercial would have to be valid pairings for the style of grapes used…

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3 Pages


Sport Which Style of Research

Words: 913
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The sportsmen and the team enter competition to win prizes and they end up as winners, runner ups, or other positions, which are crucial in sports; they come…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


TV Advertising

Words: 828
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

TV Advertising Marketing success is almost always found in celebrity endorsements. We can take a look at Pepsi ads which have featured Madonna, Michael Jackson, Brittany Spears, and even Mike…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

AMSN Promotional Flyer

Words: 700
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Flyer The Benefits of Membership in the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) is one of the largest nursing organizations in the United States, with…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Amusing Ourselves to Death

Words: 1714
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Amusing Ourselves to Death Media has a very powerful impact on people, which is the reason its advantages and disadvantages are discussed so very often. With every new technology entering…

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