Environmental Pollution Essays (Examples)

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This initiative roughly costs $4.4 million when fully implemented (CDC, 2010). The city council should make sure that there are policies that promote walking and cycling to work by providing bicycle storage at public transportation stations, bus stops, and city car-share points. Authorities should also ensure that there are well-lighted cross-walks and signal timing. The cyclists and the pedestrians need to use the road and the intersections freely with the barriers removed particularly near public transportation intersections. There should be well lit sidewalks, shared-use paths, safe roadway crossing, and safe pedestrian and bicycling connections.
Authorities should come up with legislations that criminalize driving to work alone. This will encourage carpooling or even make private car owners to use public transport. This will significantly reduce the production of automobile emissions. Single occupancy vehicles make several trips to carry a big number of people to a given destination (CDC, 2010). Carpooling enhances….

Pollution: Causes and Impact
Environmental pollution is a serious threat that jeopardizes both plant and animal survival on the planet. ater and atmospheric pollution become more of a danger each passing year as the population explodes and the resources of the planet become more difficult to access. Emerging societies are also demanding the same types of luxuries and materials that the estern world has convinced them that are the symbols of civilized society. This demand is also increasing the need for more production and as a consequence is causing more environmental pressure.

As time passes, water resources not only become smaller but reap the tragedy sown by industrialization. Similarly, the air available for the human population has increasing contamination that menaces the lives of children and threatens to damage the plant life that makes all life on this planet possible. In spite of the damage that has been done to the water….

Environmental Pollution
Water Management

Describe water management its uses and importance

There are a number of fresh water sources to include: rivers, lakes streams, underground water and snow / glaciers.

Fresh water supply problems include: over usage, pollution and waste.

To address these issues water conservation programs have been established. They are changing the practices utilized by the general public.

The increasing water usage around the country is forcing everybody to utilize strategies that offer sustainable growth. (Botkin, 2011)

Effects of water control and management practices on the environment.

The short-term effects are supplies will drop, prices will increase and it takes time for everyone to change.

The long-term effects are: growth is more sustainable, there is continuous monitoring for negative changes, business can grow responsibly and the environmental footprint of humans is reduced. (Botkin, 2011)

A. Three major types of environmental pollution

1. Air pollution

a. Air pollution is the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from the burning of….

Economic Analysis of an Environmental Pollution Issue in the World Today
Cap & Trade, and Carbon Dioxide

What is cap and trade?

Why is it supposed to work

Speaker's notes: 'Cap and trade' is a technique to reduce emissions by 'capping' the amount of a pollutant that can be released into the atmosphere. These limits are then divided up amongst the polluters by the government. However, the polluters can 'trade' these limits amongst themselves. For example, a very clean company can sell its carbon credits to a dirty company (Chapter 7: 3). Unlike a carbon tax, this discourages producers from simply continuing to use fossil fuels, raising their prices, and passing on the additional expenses to the consumer (Chapter 7:3-4).

Slide 2: The downside to cap & trade

Heavy polluters may not reform their ways and may merely buy additional credits from companies that are already clean

The 'cap' system effectively functions as a tax

Speaker's notes: However,….

The 1980s (the period when onald eagan was the U.S. President) witnessed a series of government measures targeting environmental regulations. This resulted in public outrage against the anti-environmental policies of the government leading to a renewed interest in nature clubs and groups and the formation of radical groups who led strong movements to protect the environment. (vii) the post- eagan resurgence (1990s onwards) - President Bush and President Clinton did not take the radical stance of their predecessor. However, President George W. Bush has taken many measures which have weakened the environmental movement instead of strengthening it. This includes opposing curbs on greenhouse emissions via the Kyoto Protocol, supporting oil drilling in the ANW or Arctic National Wildlife ange, weakening clean air standards and lifting the ban on logging in forests.
3) How does economics determine the public's opinion regarding environmental issues? Discuss the values of the dominant social paradigm….

Environmental Crimes and Health and Safety Law Violation
With the current changes in weather patterns, strange climatic conditions and other uncontrollable natural disasters, there has been a lot of attention directed towards the environment and the way people may be contributing to the degradation of the environment in small ways that is summed up results into the disasters that we see on daily basis. The environment is becoming unpleasant on an increasing trend each and every day, this is a cause to worry about for each government that cares to see the consequences of our careless handling of the environment.

There are also man's contribution to the insecurity that surrounds us on a daily basis since people no longer care for the safety of the workers that work in their industries and sadly to some extent, some don care even about themselves and the safety that may be protecting their very being.….

Environmental Industrial Management
Corporate social responsibility (CS) has been a hot topic in business circles for decades. The topic has gained even greater attention in the last few decades in the wake of increased attention to the impact of business activities on the environment, economy, and the society (Flammer, 2013; Schrempf-Stirling, Palazzo and Phillips, 2016). This paper discusses the principles of CS; the integration of social, economic, and environmental aspects in the organisational agenda; the importance of transparency, accountability, and stakeholder engagement in CS; and the notions of materiality in CS and sustainability reporting as outlined in the Global eporting Initiative (GI) G4 guidelines.

Whereas there is no commonly agreed definition, CS generally refers to the activities business organisations deliberately undertake with the aim of promoting social, economic, and environmental sustainability (Crowther and Aras, 2008). It denotes the pursuit of economic objectives while at the same time consciously pursuing social and environmental….

DISCUSSION SHOT PAPE Discussion Short PaperPlastic unlike is the case with other materials is not biodegradable and could leech chemicals when exposed to heat (UNEP, 2022). Towards this end, plastic pollution chokes marine wildlife, damages soil and poisons groundwater, and can cause serious health impacts (UNEP, 2022). For this reason, the kind of microbe described by Morgan Vague in the YouTube video could be a handy solution to the problem of plastic pollution (TED, 2019). I am of the opinion that the bacteria could be could be deployed in locations that are heavily polluted with plastic waste, such as our oceans, where they would munch the said waste effectively complementing other strategies to rein in the plastic waste problem.Yet another key problem that the world faces is carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution. Indeed, as Lindsey (2023) points out, the continued release of CO2 into the atmosphere is supercharging….

The Japanese government has taken measures to prevent this from happening again, settlements have been reached, and today the national government is the body that certifies a person as afflicted by the disorder.
orks Cited

Harada, Masazumi. M.D., Ph.D. "Minamata Disease and the Mercury Pollution of the Globe." (accessed 31 January 2005). http://www.einap.org/envdis/Minamata.html)."

Minamata Disease Archives. (accessed 31 January 2005). http://www.nimd.go.jp/archives/english/tenji/a_corner.html).

Minamata Disease, The History and Measures. (accessed 31 January 2005). http://www.env.go.jp/en/topic/minamata2002/ch2.html).

Political Settlement of Minamata Disease Issues. (accessed 31 January 2005). http://www.env.go.jp/en/topic/minamata2002/ch5.html).

The Chisso Minamata Disease Kansai Lawsuit. (accessed 31 January 2005). http://www1.odn.ne.jp/~aah07310/english/index-e.html).

Unknown. "Supreme Court holds state responsible for Minamata Disease." Kyodo orld News Service. (2004): 15 October..

Environmental Fraud

Enviromental Fraud: Virginia Beach Situation
Environmental Fraud: Virginia Beach Situation

ecently, issues related to global warming have been center-stage of various political debates. Debate has been centered to examine human influences to environment malfunctioning. Poorly treated environment poses a significant danger to the local community and the atmosphere. For this reason, the law has been configured to ensure that the environment is satisfactorily protected. Besides, states have been pursuing local policies, which are parallel to federal laws in relation to environmental protection. This report will assess the Virginia Beach city pollution. The report identifies Care A lot as a polluter and some of the EPA's regulations tackling the issue. The report will also identify two primary laws responding to Virginia Beach's environmental concerns.

Virginia Pollution

In Virginia Beach, there has been evidence on the presence of fecal contamination, which is realized in the city's brackish waters. This contamination is a result of Enterococci bacteria….

Environmental Hazards as a Consequence of Crude Oil/Natural Gas Exploration, Transportation, Refining and Storage
Ever since crude oil was first successfully drilled in the U.S. In Titusville, Pennsylvania, in 1859, the demand for oil has only been increasing over the years in countries all over the world. (Camden, 1883) Crude oil, from which various petroleum products are obtained, is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon component found trapped in rocks below the earth. The word "petroleum" means "rock oil" or "oil from the earth." Natural gas is another form of hydrocarbon that is also found in nature. oth crude oil and natural gas have excellent combustibility and are good sources of energy. Crude oil is not used in the extracted form; but it is refined to obtained products such as gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), naphtha, kerosene, gas-oil and fuel oil. Secondary products during the purification of crude oil are obtained are….

Sustainability More About Politics Than Science?
The environment is a word which refers to the natural effects around us including the atmosphere, seas and oceans, rocks and mountains, plants, ice formations, human beings, stars and several others. These effects are best left in their natural state because when they get disturbed, they could have serious consequences on the atmosphere, electricity, water, weather, fire and the earth's magnetism. Sadly, this is the situation of things now and these consequences are real. Several problems are facing the environment causing global adverse effects and putting the people in it at risk. This research studies these problems and determines if the scientific and political measures put in place are effective in mitigating them

Environmental issues facing the world

The disturbances in the environment have brought about noticeable changes in climate and high frequencies of natural disasters. Take for example; the problem of global warming is deteriorating….

Environmental Genetic Factors That Influence Health in Le oy, New York, 2011, a mysterious medical
The relationship between an environmental agent and a health problem discussed within this document is the effect of air pollution on asthma. This effect is certainly a noxious one, as certain air pollutions have been known to cause asthma in those who did not previously have this condition, exacerbate it in those that did, and induce asthma attacks. In researching this relationship it is necessary to provide a brief overview of both asthma and air pollution. It is also prudent to discuss some of the more salient health disparities that emerge within a population that is related to aspects of genetics or environment.

Asthma is the constriction of the respiratory system with mucus. It is a serious cause of childhood morbidity (Islam et al., 2007, p. 957). Symptoms of asthma include difficulty breathing and coughing, as well….

..as long as those programs were at least as effective as the federal program." (the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act)
The passing of this Act by congress is therefore aimed at ensuring adequate health and safety standards for all workers. In terms of employers, the Act was designed to make sure that the place of employment was free of any hazards that might be injurious or detrimental to safety and health. This may include aspects such as the exposure to toxic chemical and materials as well as other environmental factors, for example excessive noise levels. (Summary of the Occupational Safety and Health Act) the Act cover a wide range of possible health and safety measures and is also intended to ensure that physical and mechanical dangers in the workplace are avoided, as well as unsanitary conditions. (Summary of the Occupational Safety and Health Act)

An important part of this act and….

Environmental Case Study (Alberta's Oil Sands)
Alberta's Oil Sands represents one of the international environmental problems facing Canada and close to seventy countries across the globe. Albert's Oil Sands proves to be a new course of political conflict within the setting of Canada and at the international level. Oil Sands development is responsible for rapid economic growth of Alberta. This creates ethical or moral dilemma because there is a massive risk in association with the development of Oil Sands within the province. Oil Sands contribute towards ecological harm thus having a negative impact on the living conditions of the individuals in the province and the entire planet. This ethical dilemma leads to mobilization processes by environmental entities to help alleviate the situation. This is because some prominent political outfits such as Peter Lougheed recognize that the rate of the development of the oil sands in Alberta is not socially or economically….

1. The causes and effects of air pollution in urban areas
2. The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems
3. The role of industrial activities in water pollution
4. How deforestation contributes to environmental pollution
5. The health effects of pollution on human populations
6. The effectiveness of government policies in combating pollution
7. The role of technology in reducing pollution levels
8. The ethical implications of pollution on future generations
9. The connection between climate change and pollution
10. The importance of public awareness and education in addressing pollution issues
11. The link between pollution and wildlife extinction
12. Case studies of successful....

Original Thesis Statement:

Environmental justice concerns the unfair distribution of environmental burdens and benefits.


While this statement accurately defines environmental justice, it lacks specificity and depth. It fails to highlight the specific issues that environmental justice seeks to address, such as the disproportionate exposure to pollution, lack of access to green spaces, and vulnerability to climate change faced by marginalized communities.

Strengthened Thesis Statement:

Environmental justice advocates for equitable distribution of environmental benefits and burdens through the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of marginalized communities in decision-making processes that affect their health and well-being.

Explanations and Elaborations:

Equitable Distribution:

This term emphasizes the concept of fairness in....

Thesis Statement: The effective management of human waste is crucial for safeguarding public health, preserving the environment, and promoting sustainable development.


In the tapestry of human existence, managing human waste is an intricate thread that intertwines with public health, environmental well-being, and sustainable development. Inefficient or inadequate waste management practices pose significant risks to human health, contaminate water bodies, pollute the air, and contribute to climate change. Recognizing the urgency of addressing this issue, this thesis delves into the complexities of managing human waste, exploring strategies and solutions to mitigate its adverse effects.

Body Paragraph 1: Public Health Implications

The improper handling of....

1. The Evolution of Nestlé's Corporate Strategy: A Historical Analysis

Trace the evolution of Nestlé's corporate strategy from its inception to the present day.
Analyze the key factors that have driven strategic changes, such as market conditions, technological advancements, and regulatory shifts.
Evaluate the effectiveness of Nestlé's past strategies in achieving its business objectives.

2. Nestlé's Global Expansion through Acquisitions: A Case Study

Examine Nestlé's extensive history of acquisitions as a key element of its corporate strategy.
Analyze specific case studies of major acquisitions, highlighting the strategic rationale and outcomes.
Evaluate the risks and rewards associated with Nestlé's acquisition-driven growth strategy.


2 Pages
Term Paper


Environmental Pollution Phoenix Arizona's Growing

Words: 685
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This initiative roughly costs $4.4 million when fully implemented (CDC, 2010). The city council should make sure that there are policies that promote walking and cycling to work…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Pollution Causes and Impact Environmental Pollution Is

Words: 3040
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pollution: Causes and Impact Environmental pollution is a serious threat that jeopardizes both plant and animal survival on the planet. ater and atmospheric pollution become more of a danger each…

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2 Pages


Environmental Pollution Water Management Describe Water Management

Words: 683
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Environmental Pollution Water Management Describe water management its uses and importance There are a number of fresh water sources to include: rivers, lakes streams, underground water and snow / glaciers. Fresh water supply…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Economic Analysis of an Environmental Pollution

Words: 954
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economic Analysis of an Environmental Pollution Issue in the World Today Cap & Trade, and Carbon Dioxide What is cap and trade? Why is it supposed to work Speaker's notes: 'Cap and trade'…

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18 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Environmental Policies Give an Example

Words: 7072
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Essay

The 1980s (the period when onald eagan was the U.S. President) witnessed a series of government measures targeting environmental regulations. This resulted in public outrage against the anti-environmental…

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11 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Environmental Crimes and Health and Safety Law

Words: 3051
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Environmental Crimes and Health and Safety Law Violation With the current changes in weather patterns, strange climatic conditions and other uncontrollable natural disasters, there has been a lot of attention…

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6 Pages

Environmental Science

Environmental Sustainability and Sustainability

Words: 2089
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Environmental Industrial Management Corporate social responsibility (CS) has been a hot topic in business circles for decades. The topic has gained even greater attention in the last few decades in…

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1 Pages


Environmental Pollution Discussion Short Paper

Words: 290
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Paper

DISCUSSION SHOT PAPE Discussion Short PaperPlastic unlike is the case with other materials is not biodegradable and could leech chemicals when exposed to heat (UNEP, 2022). Towards…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Environmental Science Minamata Disease This

Words: 1572
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Japanese government has taken measures to prevent this from happening again, settlements have been reached, and today the national government is the body that certifies a person…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Environmental Fraud

Words: 860
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Enviromental Fraud: Virginia Beach Situation Environmental Fraud: Virginia Beach Situation ecently, issues related to global warming have been center-stage of various political debates. Debate has been centered to examine human influences…

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30 Pages
Term Paper


Environmental Hazards as a Consequence of Crude

Words: 9344
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Environmental Hazards as a Consequence of Crude Oil/Natural Gas Exploration, Transportation, Refining and Storage Ever since crude oil was first successfully drilled in the U.S. In Titusville, Pennsylvania, in…

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6 Pages

Political Science / Politics

Environmental Problems and Environment

Words: 1933
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Sustainability More About Politics Than Science? The environment is a word which refers to the natural effects around us including the atmosphere, seas and oceans, rocks and mountains, plants,…

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3 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Environmental Genetic Factors That Influence Health in

Words: 1027
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Environmental Genetic Factors That Influence Health in Le oy, New York, 2011, a mysterious medical The relationship between an environmental agent and a health problem discussed within this document is…

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5 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Environmental Crime the National Environmental

Words: 1696
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

..as long as those programs were at least as effective as the federal program." (the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act) The passing of this Act by congress is therefore…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Environmental Case Study Solving a Puzzle

Words: 1309
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Environmental Case Study (Alberta's Oil Sands) Alberta's Oil Sands represents one of the international environmental problems facing Canada and close to seventy countries across the globe. Albert's Oil Sands proves…

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