Environmental Protection Essays (Examples)

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Environmental Protection What Environmental Protection
Pages: 5 Words: 1646

How the Environment is a Vital Part of our Lives

The environment is a vital part of our lives. The air we breathe, the many items we use every day that depend on natural resources, and our very survival all depends on the environment of planet Earth. As the current worries about global warming clearly indicate, the Earth is fragile, and we can do it irreparable damage by allowing pollution and emissions to grow unchecked. We rely on the atmosphere for the air we breathe, the rivers and streams for our drinking water and fishing, the woodlands for our housing and building, and so many other natural products for our everyday life. Maintaining and protecting the environment just makes sense, because it ensures our own survival. If we do not protect and maintain the environment today, there may not be a tomorrow for our children and our children's children.

In conclusion, environmental…...



Adler, Jonathan H. "Free and Green: A New Approach to Environmental Protection." Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 24.2 (2001): 653.

Graham, Mary. "Environmental Protection and the States: 'Race to the Bottom' or 'Race to the Bottom Line.'" Brookings Review Wntr 1998: 22+.

Howes, Jonathan, Dewitt John, and Richard a. Minard. "Resolving the Paradox of Environmental Protection." Issues in Science and Technology Summer 1998: 57+.

Petulla, Joseph M. Environmental Protection in the United States: Industry, Agencies, Environmentalists. San Francisco: San Francisco Study Center, 1987.

EPA the Environmental Protection Agency
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Also, the Inspector General's Act Amendments of 1998 require that the EPA provide a report to Congress "twice a year and that the OIG reports to Congress annually on the status of audits and... corrective actions" ("U.S. Environmental," 2006, Internet).
Of course, like all governmental agencies, the EPA has been mandated to be accountable for using its "resources wisely" in order to achieve programs results. This is due to the 1993 enactment of the Government Performance and esults Act (GPA) which requires all government agencies to "develop plans for what they intend to accomplish," how well they perform at attempting to achieve the desired results, "make appropriate decisions based on information" gathered from research and exploratory committees and provide their findings to Congress and the general American public via brochures, newsletters and the Internet. The GPA also requires the EPA to develop five-year-long strategic plans for long-term goals and objectives…...



U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2006). Internet. Retrieved at  http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa.htm .

Florida Department of Environmental Protections
Pages: 5 Words: 1256


Despite cutbacks in the current economic climate, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has enjoyed a fairly substantial budget, including over two billion dollars annually for various projects over the past several years. Budget allocations are relatively specific, with large amounts of money being devoted to land purchasing and preserving programs that form the bulk of the Department's protection efforts. In keeping with the concept of small government that is a part of the Department's mission statement, rather than overregulation the state attempts to simply purchase land and water resources to prevent development that would cause pollution, and devotes a great deal of its resources to rehabilitating these areas once they are purchased. There are other significant budget items as well.

Other major spending items in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's budget include improving public access to nature areas and ensuring public as well as wildlife safety in places like…...

Human Rights Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development
Pages: 2 Words: 995

International Law and Organization

Understanding Civil, Political, Social, and Economic ights

There is a professional and figurative difference, which in most cases is theoretical, between civil and political rights and the social and economic rights. The distinction is limited to the statements, the structures that underpin these rights, and the overall functionalism. Nonetheless, these types of rights are interdependent in the sense that they reinforce one another. The understanding of the term rights applies to all the types of the rights that are there. The definitions and the general objectives are related as they help in serving a common purpose. Nonetheless, this purpose has been diversified to cater for the differential human needs and specifications. In the modern day society, the classification of the human needs has led to the generation of different rights and practices, most of which have resulted to these rights. A right…...



Henderson, C. W. (2010). Understanding International Law. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K: Wiley-Blackwell.

How Canadian Provinces are Protecting the Environment
Pages: 10 Words: 2918

A Comparative Review of EIA Processes in British Columbia and AlbertaToday, climatologists warn that the adverse effects of global warming are threatening the future of humankind, and governments around the world have responded by implementing various mitigation strategies and environmental impact assessment processes (Mann et al., 2022). To determine how these processes operate in real-world settings, the purpose of this paper is to provide a discussion about environmental impact assessment (EIA) processes and how EIA processes differ depending on the Canadian jurisdiction. To this end, an overview of EIAP processes as well as the provincial EIA processes that are used in British Columbia and Alberta are compared and contrasted, followed by a discussion concerning their respective similarities and differences. Finally, the paper provides a summary of the key findings that emerged from the research in the conclusion.Environmental Impact Assessment OverviewRegardless of the jurisdiction, the systematic, step-wise EIA process is essentially…...



About Minerals. (2022). Government of Alberta. Retrieved from  https://www.alberta.ca/about-minerals.aspx#:~:text=The%20minerals%20industry%20(excluding%20oil,iron%20and%20magnetite%2C%20and%20gold .

Alberta’s Environmental Assessment Process. (2015, December). Government of Alberta. Retrieved from environmentalassessmentprocess-dec2015.pdf.https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/25654f70-8686-407b-b683-0a0521ba50d7/resource/2b4f7770-fd7a-499c-a81d-f0ac2fdee8c3/download/

Bharadwaj, L., & Goldstein, B. D. (2015). Shale gas development in Canada: what are the potential health effects? CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 187(3), E99–E100.

Environmental Policies Give an Example
Pages: 18 Words: 7072

The 1980s (the period when onald eagan was the U.S. President) witnessed a series of government measures targeting environmental regulations. This resulted in public outrage against the anti-environmental policies of the government leading to a renewed interest in nature clubs and groups and the formation of radical groups who led strong movements to protect the environment. (vii) the post- eagan resurgence (1990s onwards) - President Bush and President Clinton did not take the radical stance of their predecessor. However, President George W. Bush has taken many measures which have weakened the environmental movement instead of strengthening it. This includes opposing curbs on greenhouse emissions via the Kyoto Protocol, supporting oil drilling in the ANW or Arctic National Wildlife ange, weakening clean air standards and lifting the ban on logging in forests.
3) How does economics determine the public's opinion regarding environmental issues? Discuss the values of the dominant social paradigm…...



Bocking, Stephen. Nature's Experts: Science, Politics, and the Environment. Rutgers University Press. 2004.

Palmer, Mike. Pathways of Nutrients in the Ecosystem - Pathways of elements in ecosystem.  http://www.okstate.edu/artsci/botany/bisc3034/lnotes/nutrient.htm 

Redclift, M. R; Woodgate, Graham. The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000.

Schmidtz, David; Willott, Elizabeth. Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, what Really Works. Oxford University Press U.S., 2002.

Environmental Genetic Factors That Influence Health in
Pages: 3 Words: 1027

Environmental Genetic Factors That Influence Health in Le oy, New York, 2011, a mysterious medical
The relationship between an environmental agent and a health problem discussed within this document is the effect of air pollution on asthma. This effect is certainly a noxious one, as certain air pollutions have been known to cause asthma in those who did not previously have this condition, exacerbate it in those that did, and induce asthma attacks. In researching this relationship it is necessary to provide a brief overview of both asthma and air pollution. It is also prudent to discuss some of the more salient health disparities that emerge within a population that is related to aspects of genetics or environment.

Asthma is the constriction of the respiratory system with mucus. It is a serious cause of childhood morbidity (Islam et al., 2007, p. 957). Symptoms of asthma include difficulty breathing and coughing, as well…...



Centers for Disease Control National Asthma Control Program. (2010). Asthma's impact on the nation. www.cdc.gov. Retrieved from  http://www.cdc.gov/asthma/impacts_nation/asthmafactsheet.pdf 

Environmental Protection Agency. (No date). Asthma and outdoor air pollution. www.epa.gov. Retrieved from  http://www.epa.gov/airnow/health-prof/Asthma_Flyer_Final.pdf 

Islam, T., Gauderman, J., Berhane, K., McConnell, R., Avol, E., Peters, J., Gilliland, F.D. (2007). Relationship between air pollution, lung, function and asthma in adolescents. www.thorax.bmj.com. Retrieved from  http://thorax.bmj.com/content/62/11/957.full.pdf+html 

Natural Resources Defense Council. (2005). Asthma and air pollution. www.nrdc.org. Retrieved from  http://www.nrdc.org/health/effects/fasthma.asp

Environmental Crime the National Environmental
Pages: 5 Words: 1696

..as long as those programs were at least as effective as the federal program." (the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act)
The passing of this Act by congress is therefore aimed at ensuring adequate health and safety standards for all workers. In terms of employers, the Act was designed to make sure that the place of employment was free of any hazards that might be injurious or detrimental to safety and health. This may include aspects such as the exposure to toxic chemical and materials as well as other environmental factors, for example excessive noise levels. (Summary of the Occupational Safety and Health Act) the Act cover a wide range of possible health and safety measures and is also intended to ensure that physical and mechanical dangers in the workplace are avoided, as well as unsanitary conditions. (Summary of the Occupational Safety and Health Act)

An important part of this act and…...


Works Cited

Background: The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act: RCRA. http://www.chemalliance.org/tools/background/back-rcra.asp

Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: Superfund. February 7, 2009.  http://www.answers.com/topic/superfund 

Clean Air Act. February 4, 2009. ( http://www.epa.gov/air/caa/ )

Clean Water Act (CWA). February 4, 2009.  http://www.epa.gov/oecaagct/lcwa.html

Environmental Risk Analysis Process
Pages: 2 Words: 754

Environmental isk Analysis Process
Environmental isk Analysis (EA) is "a process for estimating the likelihood or probability of an adverse outcome or event due to pressures or changes in environmental conditions resulting from human activities" (Ministry of Environment, Land, and Parks, 2000). EA should be a scientific process, when that is possible. "In general terms, risk depends on the following factors: How much of a chemical is present in an environmental medium (e.g., soil, water, air), how much contact (exposure) a person or ecological receptor has with the contaminated environmental medium, and the inherent toxicity of the chemical" (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2012). All of these factors help the assessor determine the "potential adverse effects that human activities have on the living organisms that make up ecosystems. The risk assessment process provides a way to develop, organize and present scientific information so that it is relevant to environmental decisions" (United…...



Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. (2009, June). Ecological risk assessments.

Retrieved January 7, 2013 from Department of Environmental Conservation website:  http://dec.alaska.gov/spar/csp/guidance/eco_risk.pdf 

Ministry of Environment, Land, and Parks. (2000, July). Environmental risk assessment (ERA):

An approach for assessing and reporting environmental conditions. Retrieved January 7,

Environmental Concerns in 1900 the
Pages: 5 Words: 1656

Firstly, it is crucial to raise awareness and to actually make people listen, care and then act accordingly. verybody needs to understand that the environment should be everyone's concern because it truly affects all of us as we are all inhabitants of the same planet. This is achieved through information which in turn, is achieved through long-term campaigns which have the mission to reach as many people as possible. This is where the civil society needs to really step in and help improve the quality of information as not everything we hear or see on television is actually scientific information. In fact, spreading untrue or simply unscientific information can be very harmful to society and its attitude towards the environment because people do not know what to believe. On the other hand, there is the danger of over exposing a certain topic, in this case environmental issues, which leads…...


Europa (4 April 2007).

International Issues. Environment. Retrieved September 14 from Website:  http://ec.europa.eu/environment/international_issues/agreements_en.htm 

European Environment Agency (29 Nov. 2005). The European Environment - State and outlook 2005. Retrieved September 13, 2007 from Website: http://reports.eea.europa.eu/state_of_environment_report_2005_1/en

Environmental Case Study Ten Years Ago the
Pages: 2 Words: 455

Environmental Case Study
Ten years ago, the United States Environmental Protection Agency established the Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Sulfur Control equirements. The rule accomplished a comprehensive single national program to control emissions of heavy-duty vehicles by regulating the both the vehicles and the diesel fuel used in the engines. The aim was to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOX ) by 2.6 million, non-methane hydrocarbons by 115,000 tons, and particulate matter by 109,000 tons by 2030. By 2006, most areas of the country sold only ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel. By 2007, the only new diesel engines sold required ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel. One looming problem was that diesel engines are durable and have a long product life -- the change to cleaner engines would take until about 2020.

Problem Statement

Diesel fuel is the cause of one-third of the nitrogen oxide (NOX) and one-fourth of the particulate matter that come from…...



Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Sulfur Control Requirements, EPA420-F-00-057. (2000, December). United States Environmental Protection Agency, Air and Radiation Office of Transportation and Air Quality Retrieved  http://www.epa.gov/otaq/highway-diesel/regs/f00057.pdf 

Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Diesel Solutions Case Study, Pollution Prevention (P2). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Retrieved  http://www.epa.gov/p2/ 


Environmental Security the Environment and
Pages: 10 Words: 3409

The author therefore appears to suggest that the holistic approach poses a risk of costly time delays for approval that might prove too little too late for any true difference to be possible.
Brown (2005) asserts that the political involvement of security in natural resource issues holds the risk of conflict and insecurity. Indeed, competition relates to power and control issues arise where resources are abundant, while competition for resources occur where these are scarce. Brown, like Levy, asserts that there is little question that security and environmental issues are integrated. The risk lies in whether security is specifically integrated in mitigation measures, and the degree to which this is done.

It has been mentioned above that the environment directly affects human survival and well-being. Brown further addresses the interrelation between the environment and security be asserting that they are interdependent: in other words, the environment can cause insecurity, while insecurity…...



Bretherton, C. & Vogler, J., the European Union as a Global Actor (Routledge, 1999), Chapter 3.

Dalby, S. Security, Modernity, Ecology: The Dilemmas of Post-Cold War Security Discourse Alternatives, 17:1 (1992), pp.95-134.

Dannreuther, Roland (ed.) European Union Foreign and Security Policy (Routledge, 2004) Chapter 11

Deudney, D. The case against linking environmental degradation and national security, Millennium, 19:3 (1990), pp.461-76.

Environmental Engineering -- Contrails Are
Pages: 4 Words: 1144

Additionally, Bollier further states the contrail emissions to cause warmer weather.
The duration of contrails in the atmosphere can last for days, according to (Harris, Kuper, Lebel, 2010). Trails may last for days and spread over hundreds of miles. According to Patrick Minnis, senior research scientist at NASA's Langley esearch Center in Virginia, "It helped us get a very good handle on the relationship between natural cirrus clouds and contrails, and separate the two effects. We estimate that contrails have an overall warming effect which is at least the same as aircraft CO2 exhaust, if not more." (Harris, Kuper, Lebel, 2010)

The white streaks (Murray, 2006), which characterize the contrail left by a flying aircraft is suggested by Murray to be removed as a contaminant by lowering the altitude of the aircraft during flight. Additionally, "because contrails are released at high altitudes, have a more potent effect on the environment than…...



Fast, E. 2002, "Can contrails alter climate?," Environment, vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 7.

Beam, S. 2005, "The Trouble with Contrails," Environment, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 4.

Bollier, S. 2007, "High Flyers and the Grounding of Equality," Multinational Monitor, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 31.

Harris, P., Kuper, S. & Lebel, C. 2010, Sandals Optional: Stories - Environment - Insight; Not all heroes of the green revolution fit the left-liberal activist stereotype.., the Financial Times Limited.

Environmental Crimes and Health and Safety Law
Pages: 11 Words: 3051

Environmental Crimes and Health and Safety Law Violation
With the current changes in weather patterns, strange climatic conditions and other uncontrollable natural disasters, there has been a lot of attention directed towards the environment and the way people may be contributing to the degradation of the environment in small ways that is summed up results into the disasters that we see on daily basis. The environment is becoming unpleasant on an increasing trend each and every day, this is a cause to worry about for each government that cares to see the consequences of our careless handling of the environment.

There are also man's contribution to the insecurity that surrounds us on a daily basis since people no longer care for the safety of the workers that work in their industries and sadly to some extent, some don care even about themselves and the safety that may be protecting their very being.…...



Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Republic of South Africa, (2012). Stepping up

Enforcement Against Environmental Crimes. Retrieved April 4, 2012 from  http://www.environment.gov.za/Services/booklets/Environmental/EnviroCrimesEMI.pdf 

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (1998). Final Guidance for Incorporating

Environmental Justice Concerns in EPA's NEPA Compliance Analyses Retrieved April 4, 2012 from  http://www.epa.gov/compliance/ej/resources/policy/ej_guidance_nepa_epa0498.pdf .

Environmental Policies and Problems in
Pages: 11 Words: 2855

" (2007) Recommendations of this report include those as follows:
China should learn from the successes and failure of the U.S. And other developed countries in reducing the influence of energy use on air quality;

Continued dialogue and information exchange among U.S. And Chinese scientists and policy-makers should be promoted through professional organization, government support programs, and the National Academies in both countries to promote joint development of energy and pollution control strategies." (Committee on Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and the United State, Policy and Global Affairs, 2007)

Other findings of this report include the fact that "an important lesson learned is that air pollution damage imposes major economic costs, through premature mortality, increased sickness and lost productivity, as well as in decreased crops yields and economic impacts." (Committee on Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and the United State, Policy and Global Affairs, 2007) Studies conducted…...



Energy Futures and Urban Air Pollution: Challenges for China and the United States (2007) Development, Security, and Cooperation (DSC) Committee on Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and the United States - Development, Security and Corporation: Policy and Global Affairs. National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council of the National Academies and the Chinese Academy of Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences. Online Pre-publication Release available at  http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12001&page=R2 

Holder, Kevin (2007) Chinese Air Pollution deadliest in World - National Geographic News 9 July 2007. Online available at  http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/07/070709-china-pollution.html 

Kim, Juli S. (2007)Transboundary Air Pollution - Will China Choke On Its Success? - A China Environmental Health Project Fact Sheet. 2 Feb. 2007. China Environment Forum in partnership with Western Kentucky University on the U.S. AID-supported China Environmental Health Project (CEHP)

Wang, Alex (nd) The Downside of Growth: Law, Policy and China's Environmental Crisis. Perspectives Vol. 2 No. 2. Online available at http://www.oycf.org/Perspectives/8_103100/downside_of_growth.htm

Can I get help writing a 900 word essay with title and resources on global war?
Words: 1071

Creating a 900-word essay on global warming is a substantial task. However, we can certainly help you get started with an outline, key points, and some sources that you can use to expand your essay.


"Global Warming: Understanding the Crisis and Seeking Solutions"

Introduction (Approx. 150 words):

  • Definition of global warming.
  • Brief overview of how global warming has become a critical issue in the 21st century.
  • Thesis statement: This essay explores the causes, impacts, and potential solutions to global warming.

Causes of Global Warming (Approx. 250 words):

  1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Explain how carbon dioxide, methane, and....

My teacher suggested focusing on adidas. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 458

Essay Topics on Adidas: A Comprehensive Analysis

1. The Rise and Evolution of Adidas: A Study in Sports Marketing

Trace the origins and growth of Adidas, examining its key marketing strategies and product innovations.
Analyze the company's target audience, brand positioning, and communication channels.
Discuss the challenges and opportunities Adidas has faced in the competitive sportswear market.

2. Adidas's Social and Environmental Impact: A Critical Assessment

Evaluate Adidas's commitment to social responsibility and sustainability initiatives.
Examine the company's efforts to address issues such as labor rights, environmental protection, and diversity and inclusion.
Discuss the effectiveness of these initiatives and their impact on....

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on The relevance of the state and globalization?
Words: 439

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a compelling statement that highlights the significance of the topic.
B. Thesis statement: Clearly state the central argument that the essay will explore regarding the relevance of the state in an era of globalization.

II. Background: The Evolving Role of the State
A. Historical perspective: Trace the historical evolution of the state, discussing its traditional functions in society.
B. Challenges to state authority: Examine the factors that have challenged state sovereignty and authority in the context of globalization.

III. Impacts of Globalization on the State
A. Economic globalization: Discuss how the rise of transnational corporations, global....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on policy?
Words: 251

1. The impact of economic policy on income inequality
2. The effectiveness of gun control policies in reducing violence
3. The role of government in regulating technology and privacy
4. The implications of education policy on student success and equity
5. The benefits and drawbacks of implementing a universal basic income policy
6. The impact of climate change policies on the economy and environment
7. The role of immigration policies in shaping cultural diversity and economic growth
8. The importance of healthcare policy in addressing healthcare access and affordability
9. The debates surrounding criminal justice reform and policies on sentencing and rehabilitation
10. The challenges and opportunities of implementing....

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