Environmental Science Essays (Examples)

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Environmental Science Environmental Fundamentals Defining Environmental Science
Pages: 3 Words: 1135

Environmental Science
Environmental fundamentals

Defining environmental science: The quest for sustainability

Environmental science or environmental studies are defined as the "study of a range of environments, from the bodies we live, to the physical structures, institutions and industries we build, to the politics, languages and cultural practices we use to communicate, and to the earth and its complex multitude of animals, flora and bio-physical elements and processes" (What is environmental science, 2012, York University). The word derives from the French world 'environs,' which means everything around us (What is environmental science, 2012, York University). A critical component of environmental studies has become how to enhance the sustainability of human life in conjunction with the environment. Humans today are not seeking simply to understand the environment but to live in harmony with it. Environmentalism seeks to acknowledge that humans are part of the environment, not merely consumers of it. "Sustainability creates and maintains the…...



Bittman, Mark. (2008). Rethinking the meat-guzzler. The New York Times. Retrieved:


Britten, Nick. (2009). Scientists grow meat in a laboratory. The Telegraph. Retrieved:


Environmental Science Minerals Play a Very Important
Pages: 4 Words: 1427

Environmental Science

Minerals play a very important part in society, in terms of both the economy and health. People use minerals to stay healthy by means of food supplements. Minerals are also present in foods that people eat. Minerals also play a very important part in the mining industry and in the economy. According to the Mine-Engineer.com (2011) Website, the mining industry in the United States includes 140,000 employees.

Metallic minerals can be melted to obtain new products. Two examples of these are iron and copper. They are usually associated with igneous rocks and are generally used to manufacture products that can be used for various purposes. Such products might include wire or wheels. Non-metallic minerals are not melted to yield new products. Two example include salt and marble, which can be used for flavoring food and building material, respectively.



Minerals are extracted and processed during the mining process. Minerals are extracted from…...



Arnalds, O. And Archer, S. (2010). Rangeland Desertification. Retrieved from: http://www.rala.is/rade/KLUWER/info.htm

Greenfacts (2011). Scientific Facts on Agriculture and Development. Retrieved from:  http://www.greenfacts.org/en/agriculture-iaastd/l-2/1-agriculture-challenges.htm#0 

Heiligman, R. (2010). Forest Management. Retrieved from:  http://ohioline.osu.edu/for-fact/0034.html 

Mine-Engineer.com (2011). Why do we mine? Retrieved from:  http://mine-engineer.com/mining/mine2.htm

Environmental Science Issues -- Transportation
Pages: 3 Words: 832

ransportation technology is no exception: the single largest element responsible for the high-output power requirements of internal combustion engines had always been the need to overcome friction. For the same reason, all mechanical means of producing energy for transportation systems also require copious amounts of lubrication, adding another major source of environmental impact from petroleum waste products (Rodrigue, 2010).
he physical mechanics of thermal friction also contributes greatly to the pollution of the environment by virtue of the minute rubber particles from millions of truck and automobile tires continuously released into the atmosphere. In many cases, the materials used to manufacture rubber tires are highly toxic in the form of its absorption in soil and water (Rodrigue, 2010). More importantly, the gaseous release of carbon emissions from internal combustion engines contributes tremendously to acid rain and may account for as much as one-quarter of all nitrogen fallout on bodies of…...


The physical mechanics of thermal friction also contributes greatly to the pollution of the environment by virtue of the minute rubber particles from millions of truck and automobile tires continuously released into the atmosphere. In many cases, the materials used to manufacture rubber tires are highly toxic in the form of its absorption in soil and water (Rodrigue, 2010). More importantly, the gaseous release of carbon emissions from internal combustion engines contributes tremendously to acid rain and may account for as much as one-quarter of all nitrogen fallout on bodies of water. Naturally, this unnatural chemical change introduced to the ecosystem accounts for numerous types of disruption to delicate habitats of indigenous biological organisms (Rodrigue, 2010).

Over time, the continuous exposure of road surfaces and infrastructure to acid rain and the constant mechanical loading and unloading of many tons of commercial traffic combines to erode the physical and structural integrity of the roads and infrastructure supports themselves (Rodrigue, 2010). Roads and infrastructure left in states of disrepair pose safety risks to all vehicles using those roads and, in many cases, to the surrounding communities as well. Ironically, even the repairs necessary to prevent those potential negative consequences are associated with their own independent potential risks to the environment. Specifically, the very construction processes necessary to repair roads and infrastructure utilize additional commercial transportation and also chemical and other byproducts of those construction processes that become additional sources of pollution and artificial changes to the ecosystem that threaten the environment (Rodrigue, 2010).

In that regard, the most realistic solutions include developing alternate forms of energy production (such as electrical power) for transportation systems and the economization of loading to minimize inefficiency and waste in commercial transportation. Finally, the prompt, continuous, and timely repair of roads and infrastructure to protect them as much as possible from long-term damage would avoid much of the necessity for major construction projects to repair extensive damage attributable to long-term neglect (Rodrigue, 2010).

Environmental Science the City and
Pages: 3 Words: 979

Although proximity to the spraying of humans may be an issue, refuge during the spraying is possible, while it is impossible to entirely avoid exposure to insects throughout the summer. In contrast, when insecticide is sprayed, individuals can be specifically instructed to take cover during those times, and if necessary shelter could be provided to those individuals with inadequate housing, such as migrant workers.
Step 4. isk characterization. What is probability of individual or population having adverse health effect? isk characterization evaluates data from dose-response assessment and exposure assessment (steps 2 and 3). isk characterization indicates that Mexican-Americans, many of which are agricultural workers, are more vulnerable to pesticide exposure than other groups.

Although it is argued that the poor or uneducated would not follow the safety precautions required by the Malathion application program, this is also true of individuals who fail to take precautions against West Nile. Uninformed residents, for…...



Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (2005). Toxicologic information about insecticides used for eradicating mosquitoes. Malathion (CAS Number 121-75-5).

Retrieved July 18, 2008, from h  http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/consultations/west_nile_virus/Malathion.html .

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007). 2006 West Nile Virus activity in the United States. West Nile Virus Statistics, Surveillance, and Control. Retrieved July 18, 2008, at  http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/westnile/wnv_factsheet.htm

Environmental Science Nuclear Power Technical
Pages: 12 Words: 4003

By regulation, the design of the nuclear reactor must include stipulations for human operator error and equipment failure. Nuclear Plants in the western world use a Defense in Depth idea which is a system with numerous safety components, each with back-up and design to accommodate human error. The components include:

"Control of adioactivity - This requires being able to control the neutron flux. If the neutron flux is decreased the radioactivity is decreased. The most common way to reduce the neutron flux is include neutron-absorbing control rods. These control rods can be partially inserted into the reactor core to reduce the reactions. The control rods are very important because the reaction could run out of control if fission events are extremely frequent. In modern nuclear power plants, the insertion of all the control rods into the reactor core occurs in a few seconds, thus halting the nuclear reaction as rapidly as…...



Chapter 1 -- The future of nuclear power -- overview and conclusions. (n.d.). Retrieved from  http://web.mit.edu/nuclearpower/pdf/nuclearpower-ch1-3.pdf 

Dettmering, C. (n.d.). The feasibility of nuclear energy as a major power source.


Maden, C. (2011). The power behind power. Modern Power Systems, 31(2), 32-33.

Environmental Science Environmental Issues in
Pages: 2 Words: 660

A number of countries are also likely to fall short of one or more legally required 2010 emission ceilings of four significant air pollutants. The requirement to decrease contact to air contamination persists to be a significant matter (About air pollution, n.d.).
Air contamination persists to be a very important issue. Air contaminants discharged in one country are often transported in the environment and harm human well-being and the environment somewhere else. Two pollutants, fine particulate substance and ground-level ozone, are now usually accepted as the most noteworthy in terms of impacts on health. Long lasting and peak contact can lead to an assortment of health consequences, ranging from minor results on the respiratory system to early mortality (About air pollution, n.d.).

Clean water is necessary to existence. egrettably, ever since the Industrial evolution, most of Europe's rivers have been taken care of recklessly by being used as an expedient way…...



About air pollution. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2010, from European Environment Agency

Web site:  http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/air/about-air-pollution 

About Water. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2010, from European Environment Agency


Environmental Science Air Is Public
Pages: 2 Words: 658


The United States EPA's AirNow program issues an Air Quality Index (AQI) based on the presence of five major pollutants: ground-level ozone, particle pollution, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. The AirNow program compiles AQI data daily, issuing warnings on particularly polluted "action days." The AirNow website offers a summary of its results in list or map form. Information about air quality and the AQI is also color-coded to provide the public with non-technical basic knowledge about air quality in their community and potential health effects, if any.

The AirNow map of the United States paints a fairly rosy picture of air quality throughout the United States. Most areas, and especially the highly populated regions of the northeast, rate "good." The regions with "moderate" air quality include the Gulf region, parts of Appalachia, and parts of Southern California.

The AQI summary offers more detailed information about American cities. Again, most regions…...



1. AirNow. "Clean Air Means Quality of Life.   / (Accessed April 18, 2007)http://airnow.gov 

2. Kirkwood, John L. "No One Should Have to Breathe Unsafe Air.   (Accessed April 18, 2007)http://www.lungusa.org/site/apps/nl/content3.asp?c=dvLUK9O0E&b=40676&ct=323661&notoc=1 

3. American Lung Association. "Quitting Smoking.   (Accessed April 18, 2007)http://www.lungusa.org/site/pp.asp?c=dvLUK9O0E&b=33567#why 

4. AirNow. "Your Health.

Environmental Science Global Warming Over
Pages: 6 Words: 1964

Thos facilities that come in under that allowable limit because of air pollution control systems can then sell their leftover allowances to other facilities and organizations on the open market. This allows the facilities that buy up such allowances or pollution credits to pollute more, because other facilities are polluting less. This type of system has some potentially good points, by rewarding facilities that control air pollution and providing a means for those who cannot afford the latest air pollution technologies or who have not completed upgrades to buy some maneuvering room until they can get that done (What is Cap and Trade, n.d.).
A cap-and-trade strategy provides an incentive for all segments of the economy to compete to discover the best ways to cut emissions. In this type of system the government plays a small role, and leaves the main decisions to the private sector. The government would establish…...



Cap and Trade. (2009). Retrieved November 28, 2009, from Environmental Protection Agency

Web site:  http://www.epa.gov/captrade/ 

Climate Change. (2009). Retrieved November 28, 2009, from Environmental Protection Agency

Web site:  http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/basicinfo.html

Environmental Science What Is the Annual Yield
Pages: 2 Words: 743

Environmental Science
What is the annual yield of cranberries in New Jersey? What is the dollar value of cranberries to New Jersey's economy? 547, 500 barrels; $20.3 million.

Will climate change create positive or negative growing conditions for cranberries in New Jersey for the next 50 years? For the next 100 years? Be sure to support your well written argument with data meaning number, graphs, and sources! Climate change will create negative growing conditions for cranberries in New Jersey for the next 50 years. It will create even worse conditions for growing this crop in the next 100 years. The climate change is resulting in hotter temperatures, which the Bangor Daily News reported is "undermining" (Walsh, 2011) cranberry harvests.

a) Effects of temperature increase over the next 50 years on growing of cranberries: supported by an explanation of 3 pieces of supporting evidence. Cranberries grow well in weather that is not too hot…...



Colimore, E. (2009). New Jersey cranberries thriving as U.S. yield falls. The Philadelphia Inquirer.

United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2014). Future climate change. www.epa.gov Retrieved from  http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/future.html 

Walsh, T. (2011). Climate change may benefit Down East Maine's cranberry growers. Bangor Daily News.

Environmental Science Environmental Health Discuss
Pages: 4 Words: 1391

LD50 values are not always given on the pesticide label; rather, the relative toxicity of a pesticide product is exposed by one of three signal words: DANGE, WANING, or CAUTION. The rationale for signal words is to alert the user to the level of toxicity of the product. The signal word is usually assigned based on the pesticide's inhalation, oral or dermal toxicity, whichever is the most toxic" (Lethal Dosage (LD50) Values, 2009).
4. What is the difference between prospective and retrospective cohort studies?

There are two key types of cohort study, the retrospective and the prospective cohort study. The foremost dissimilarity involving the two is that the retrospective looks at phenomenons that have already taken place, whilst the potential kind begins from the current. The retrospective case study is past in temperament. Whilst still starting with the partition into cohorts, the researcher looks at past data in order to evaluate…...



Cohort Study. (2011). Retrieved April 2, 2011, from Web site: http://www.experiment-


Fauci, Anthony S. (2006). 2005 Robert H. Ebert Memorial Lecture Emerging and Re-emerging

Infectious Diseases: The Perpetual Challenge. Retrieved April 2, 2011, from Web site:

Environmental Science Suburban Sprawl Problems and Solutions
Pages: 5 Words: 1493

Environmental Science
Suburban Sprawl: Problems and Solutions

The objective of this work is to discuss the cost and benefits of low density suburban development and to who it is that gains and loses.

Low density urban sprawl was seen as the answer to housing the growth urban population in both Australia and USA cities. However, this has proven to be untrue and the facts speak quite differently. Health problems are many in these areas perpetuated by the crowding and increased use of automobile as a form of travel.

Urban sprawl can be defined as: "Sprawl is the spreading out of a city and its suburbs over more and more rural land at the periphery of an urban area. This involves the conversion of open space (rural land) into built-up, developed land over time."(Numbers USA, 2005)

esearch establishes that urban sprawl is linked to less walking and riding of bicycles and the denser the community the…...



Chapter 9 Can Urban Expansion Be Sustainable? Sprawl Apologists and Smart Growth in the New World 9.1. Approaching Urban Futures in Defense of Dispersal http://wwwistp.murdoch.edu.au/publications/projects/jan/pdf/ch9.pdf

Potential for $mart Growth Services and Technology Transfer in Emerging Markets Prepared by the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) September 1999 http://www.ecee.org/pubs/Transport/intro.htm

Urban Sprawl and Public Health Vol. 17 May-June 2002  http://www.cdc.gov/healthyplaces/articles/Urban%20Sprawl%20and%20Public%20Health%20-%20PHR.pdf 

EEE Solutions

Environmental Science -- Literature Review
Pages: 4 Words: 1373

The published results also show that female students with special needs that had been placed in a general education setting were less satisfactorily integrated than the males, Bakker explains. hy general education students rejected girls in this context requires additional research, according to the authors. On the other hand, this research in no way should be interpreted as negative regarding the concept of mainstreaming students with special needs.

M.J. Reid and colleagues write in the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (2007) that the "Incredible Years" program -- another strategy using parents and placing students with special needs into mainstream classrooms -- has shown some success. In this research, some students were placed in general education classrooms and others were part of a program designed to enlighten and train parents of children with special needs. The results show that when mothers receive training from the schools, children showed "less externalizing…...


Works Cited

Bakker, J.T.A., Denessen, E., Bosman, a.M.T., Triger, E.M., and Bouts, L. (2007).

Sociometric status and self-image of children with specific and general learning disabilities in Dutch general education classes. Learning Disability Quarterly, Vol. 30,


Chaabane, Ben, D.B., Aleber-Morgan, S.R., and Debar, R.M. (2009). The effects of parent-

Environmental Science Four Pivotal People
Pages: 5 Words: 1926

" By writing her book, Carson in fact is credited with launching "the modern environmental movement," the authors insist. And her book was far more than just the "cumulative and devastating biological effects of pesticides," Bekoff writes; "it is about life itself, focusing on the many different webs of nature that go unnoticed, misunderstood, and unappreciated until we lose them."
Carson's book was "a wake-up call for us to do something about how we destroy and desecrate nature"; it also alerted millions of readers to the "appalling abuse and torture of animals in slaughterhouses" and set forward the notion that ecosystems and species are more important that the comfort of and profits of humans, Bekoff writes. Like Thoreau and John Muir, Carson was very concerned about humans' attempts to "mold Nature to our satisfaction," and to "redecorate nature," as she wrote on page 245 of her book. She wrote that "no…...


Works Cited

Bekoff, Mark, & Nystrom, Jan. (2004). The Other Side of Silence: Rachel Carson's Views of Animals. Zygon, 39, 861-872.

Environmental Science Oelschlaeger Argues That
Pages: 2 Words: 628

A that they assumed that the entire world of plants and animals, even the land itself, was sacred

Paleolithic humans did not see themselves as better than other features in the natural world. They thought that everything in the natural world including plants, animals, bodies of water and the Earth itself contained spirits (Oelschlaeger, p. 17).

A that they surmised that divinity could take many narural forrns and that metaphor was the mode of divine access

The belief that all objects contained spirits led to the idea that divinity is present in all things. They did not create greater and lesser gods because they did not see any one element of nature, including themselves, as superior to any other element in nature, (Oelschlaeger, p. 21) but used metaphors to explain their relationship to the rest of the world. An example of that would be totemic beliefs (Oelschlaeger, p. 13).

A that they believed…...

Environmental Science Overfishing Fish Were
Pages: 3 Words: 968

Any opposing views of the issue

Of course, some fisherman may protest that they need to make a living now and protest limits on fishing endangered fish species. Restaurateurs may protest they are just giving the customer what he or she desires. But they must remember the analogy of the 'dust bowl' in America -- exploit the earth now, but pay the price with a barren ocean in the future.

Other water or land resource problems that might result from your issue

Locally, people dependant upon the tourist industry in fishing communities, where fish restaurants are an important part of the economy may suffer. But besides the damage to the ecosystem that can result from overfishing, many people are dependent upon fish for sustenance all over the globe. Damage to the ocean and to the supply of food derived from the ocean harms all of humanity as well as the sea and environmental…...


Works Cited

Koster, P. (2007). Chapter 2: Why overfishing is a problem. Overfishing.org. Retrieved 16 Aug 2008 at  http://overfishing.org/pages/why_is_overfishing_a_problem.php 

Koster, P. (2007). Chapter 3: What I can do to help. Overfishing.org. Retrieved 16 Aug 2008 at  http://overfishing.org/pages/what_can_I_do_to_help.php 

Overfishing." (2008). Monterey Bay Aquarium. Retrieved 16 Aug 2008 at  http://www.mbayaq.org/cr/cr_seafoodwatch/sfw_of.asp

What are the current gaps in existing literature on air pollution policies?
Words: 629

Gaps in Existing Air Pollution Policy Literature
Air pollution remains a pressing global challenge with significant health, environmental, and economic impacts. Despite substantial research efforts, several gaps in existing literature on air pollution policies persist.
1. Long-term Impacts and Sustainability
Existing literature often focuses on short-term effects of air pollution policies, such as immediate emission reductions. However, there is a lack of comprehensive studies that examine the long-term sustainability and impacts of these policies. Research is needed to assess the durability of emission reductions, the potential for rebound effects, and the overall environmental and health benefits over extended periods.
2. Equity and Environmental Justice

How can Multi-Layer Perceptron be utilized to model CO2 dynamics in India?
Words: 390

Utilizing Multi-Layer Perceptron for CO2 Dynamics Modeling in India
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), a type of artificial neural network, has shown promise in modeling complex relationships and predicting future values. Here's how MLP can be leveraged to simulate CO2 dynamics in India:
1. Data Collection and Preprocessing:
Gather historical data on CO2 emissions, economic indicators (e.g., GDP, energy consumption), and environmental factors (e.g., temperature, rainfall).
Clean and preprocess the data by removing outliers, missing values, and normalizing the features.
2. MLP Architecture Design:
Select an MLP architecture with multiple hidden layers and a suitable number of neurons per layer.
Hyperparameters such as....

How does MLP model environmental parameters influence CO2 dynamics in India from 2003-2021?
Words: 440

Influence of Environmental Parameters on CO2 Dynamics in India (2003-2021) using MLP Model
Understanding the dynamics of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is crucial for formulating effective climate change mitigation strategies. India, as a rapidly developing country, has experienced significant changes in its CO2 emissions in recent decades. This study aims to investigate the influence of environmental parameters on CO2 dynamics in India from 2003 to 2021 using a multilayer perceptron (MLP) model.
The MLP model, a type of artificial neural network, was trained using a dataset of CO2 emissions and various environmental parameters for India. The input parameters included:

How has the population health course influenced your perspective on addressing public health disparities?
Words: 584

The Profound Influence of Population Health on Addressing Public Health Disparities

The transformative Population Health course has profoundly shaped my perspective on addressing public health disparities, instilling a comprehensive understanding of their multifaceted nature and the imperative for tailored interventions. Here's an elaborated account of how the course has expanded my horizons and equipped me with invaluable insights:

Understanding the Determinants of Health Disparities:

The course has illuminated the complex interplay of social, economic, environmental, and behavioral factors that contribute to health disparities. It has brought to light the disproportionate burden faced by marginalized communities due to factors such as poverty, lack of....

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