Ethical Decision Making Essays Examples

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Ethical Decision-Making

Ethical Decision
Ethical Dilemma and Decision Making

In the selected scenario, a therapy patient is beginning to develop a trusting relationship with his therapist after spending a fir amount of time dealing with his depression. Under-employed and under-insured, it is clear that the patient still needs help but it is less clear that he has the necessary resources to continue paying for his therapy. Insurance payments could be guaranteed by embellishing his mental condition slightly, thus allowing the therapist to receive payment and providing the care needed, but is this proper? This paper will apply the fourteen steps in the ethical decision making process to derive an answer.

The basic situation of the ethical dilemma is whether or not it is ethically proper to report a more serious mental condition to the patient's insurance company in order to keep receiving payment for services he clearly needs. In other words, is it alright to….

Ethical Decision-Making

Ethical Decision Making:
Ethics refers to principles that define behavior as fair and proper and they are concerned with how a moral person should behave when it comes to making an ethical decision (Josephson Institute of Ethics, 2002). Evaluating and deciding among competing options is often key in making a fair choice since principles do not always dictate a single "moral" course of action.

The decision of whether to lay off workers to enhance profits or to cut corners on quality to meet a deadline are examples of some choices regarding ethics business owners may face (Poznak Law Firm, 2003). The use of extremely low-wage foreign workers, especially in the garment industry, is a current concern and the subject is a complex one.

There are many valid differences of opinion regarding what constitutes ethical behavior and how ethical decisions should be made and the subject is a complex one (Poznak Law Firm, 2003).….

Output losses attributed toward alcohol were projected at $119 billion for 1995 (1). As this Alcohol Alert clarifies, several issues give to problem drinking that goes on in the workplace. Employers are in an exclusive situation to alleviate some of these factors and to inspire workers to seek assistance for alcohol problems.
IDENTIFY the key values and principles involved.

First, ethics or rules were broken because it is illegal to come to work under the influence of alcohol. But the purpose of these rules is not simply to control and manage disorganized or unacceptable conduct of employees. It is also meant to protect the other employees who are obligating their talents, time and exertions to the association. This shows to them that their group is just and fair. They key values involved are the fact Ethical principles do require that an individual make their corrective rules and guidelines fair, to guarantee….

Ethical Decision Making Kimberly Gas Hub

The Kimberley Gas Hub is a controversial project to set up an LNG refinery facility at James Price Point near the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. The company Woodside is interested in setting up the project and it claims that it will boost the mining industry in the region and will bring economic development for the local people. Critics doubt these claims and state that the project would not have a big impact on economic development but it will have severe negative environmental consequences (Weber August, 09 2012). The controversy has increased since the project has been given a conditional go-ahead by Western Australia's Environmental Protection Agency (Lawson July, 16 2012). The ethical implications for any decision on this issue can be analyzed by using three different ethical approaches: utilitarianism, moral rights approach and justice approach.

Utilitarian Approach to Ethical….

Ethical Perspectives
Ethical decision making is a method that is utilized by most of the health care professionals all over the world. he principles of beneficence and autonomy are very crucial when it comes to carefully guiding the decision making process. A nurse needs to understand that the importance of these principles and thus use these principles for the patient's benefit. Chally and Loriz (1998) and Kolouroutis and horstenson (1999) have stressed on the relevance of nurses using this model to guide their practice and thus make decisions accordingly.

Being careful of a patient's autonomy means that the nurse is able to respect and understand that the patient has all the rights to make a decision about the care and treatment that the patient receives. (Mappes & DeGrazia, 2006) It is true that the patient may not have enough medical insight as the nurse and he may even make the wrong decision.….

Ethical Decision-Making in Criminal Justice
In the study and practice of criminal justice, determining ethical decision-making is a very challenging, if not impossible, undertaking for individuals committed to uphold the principles of justice, particularly social justice. The concept of ethical decision-making begs the question, "what is ethics, and what behavior and decisions would be considered ethical or not ethical?" In discussing the issue of ethics in criminal justice, author Banks (2008) presented numerous perspectives and arguments that represent a facet of ethical decision-making. However, she asserted that among these perspectives, ethical pluralism "seems to offer the best hope for resolving problems of relativities" (p. 16). In ethical pluralism, one accepts that there exist multiple truths, recognizing that these truths may or may not be true; ultimately, the individual who subsists to ethical pluralism is open to the idea that a belief or school of thought can be true even if at….

Fidelity is also an obligation, to the journalist's ethics in particular truthtelling. Beneficence could be applied to helping law enforcement. As the decision at hand consists of two mutually exclusive options, one of these obligations would need to be overriding. It is most likely that for the journalist this would be to communicate all of the information in keeping with the journalistic code of ethics. This approach, however, does not represent a resolution of the ethical dilemma so much as it represents a cop-out. The decision as to the absolute obligation is too subjective. If the decision-maker was going to "go with his gut," there was no need to treat the issue as an ethical dilemma in the first place. The notion of an ethical dilemma is given short shrift by a system that argues there is a dilemma but the answer is to do whatever you want and….

Ethical Decision Making in Sales Organizations
The study of marketing, sales and company ethics has a very diverse foundation of empirical and analytical research ranging from gender- and trait-based analysis to the defining of models that seek to capture the dynamics that create ethical paradoxes and drive decision-making in organizations. In the research completed and presented in the article A Framework For Personal Selling and Sales Management Ethical Decision Making (Ferrell, Johnston, Ferrell, 2007) the authors carefully analyze trait-based and situational ethics theories and previous research. The first sections of this well-written and researched article illustrate that trait theories alone cannot explain the spectrum of ethics within sales and marketing departments and their decision-making processes, or provide insights into corporate cultural mindsets with regard to ethics. What the authors do however in this initial section of the article is frame up the foundation of their model, A Framework For Selling And….

For example, virtually every element of heightened security measures necessitates a corresponding reduction in certain kinds of liberties that American citizens have come to expect in a free society. Both concerns represent rights: it is right to implement measures intended to protect the general public by thwarting potential terrorists; likewise, it is equally right to seek to preserve individual liberties in a society that has been built on valuing those liberties. Erring on the side of the former necessarily entails interfering with personal liberties. Erring on the side of the latter could very well result in the failure to protect the public from terrorism.
More generally, administrating police services involves continuously weighing right-versus-right issues. For another example, many police agencies have had to consider the relative value and importance of pursuing fleeing vehicles against the value and importance of public safety in relation to the risks to the public posed….

Ethical Decision Making
New Year's Eve Crisis

The ethical issues related here include the financial health of both Michael's Pasta Company (which now includes Southern Pasta) and of the restaurant chain affected by the tainted products, and the physical health of restaurant patrons. Other ethical issues such as simple honesty and business integrity are also involved in the case details, though they do not really affect the decision to be made.

Stakeholders include Michael himself as well as his company(ies) and all employees at under his employment; the restaurant's owners, managers, chefs, and customers; the FDA and other relevant governmental agencies; and eventually the former owners of Southern Pasta. From the previous Southern owner's point-of-view, the damage has been done and clearly a clean escape is being sought, so knowledge of the issues is likely to be disavowed. Michael and his company would like to minimize public knowledge regarding this as it would….

Ethical Decision Making:
Uustal (1993) proposed a decision-making model that offers tangible steps for arriving at a morally acceptable solution when experiencing an ethical dilemma. Generally, nurses are usually faced with ethical dilemmas that are largely attributed to the nature of their work. One of the ethical dilemmas I have experienced as a nurse in the clinical setting is a situation involving a child diagnosed with brain tumor. Before the diagnosis, the child had been severely sick and went for several days without eating, which increased the severity of his illness. Even though the physicians were doing their best to save the child's life, the family became extremely worried. As a result, his parents gave him marijuana because of their extensive knowledge regarding his medical benefits. While the decision proved beneficial, the faces the risk of experiencing a recurrence of the brain tumor (James, 2011).

Uustal's model of decision-making can be applied….

Ethical Decision-Making Issues for a QA Project Manager in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) operates the country's largest healthcare system, and an important part of that system is overseeing the quality of healthcare services that are provided to the nation's veterans. This paper provides the results of a semi-structured, face-to-face interview with Mr. Brad Western, a quality assurance (QA) project manager at a local VA medical center. The structured interview questions and response are followed by a summary of the interview results and the main findings that emerged.

How those issues get resolved?

The response to this question focused on Mr. Western's role as the medical center's congressional liaison, and the ethical issues that were encountered on a routine basis as well as some special cases. According to Mr. Western, "The most frequent calls I receive from congressional offices concerns the lengthy amount of time required….

279-306) and therefore sets the foundation for the development of an ethical culture in the organization. Finally and most importantly, the product manager must concentrate on those customers served with the appliance and put their well-being, safety and satisfaction above personal gain both from a financial and career recognition standpoint.
When the corporate culture, exposure to customers of a potentially unsafe product, and the need for staying in compliance to government regulations are considered, the product manager needs to think first of the ights Approach to ethics as defined by Kant, as in selling any product there is the explicit trust that any product sold is going to perform to the level and safety customers expect. In conjunction with this, the product manager also needs to consider the Utilitarian Approach to ethical decision making, as choosing to ship a product not in compliance that has the potential to harm customers….

ETHICAL DECISION-MAKINGEthical Decision-MakingIn the subsequent sections of this text, I will be seeking to deploy the ethical decision-making model in an attempt to determine how best to resolve the ethical dilemma presented in the scenario. The model, as presented in this case, is largely based on the work of Forester-Miller and Davis (2016) titled, Practitioners Guide to Ethical Decision Making. This is just one of the many ethical decision-making models. Indeed, according to Cottone and Claus (2000), there are many practice-relevant models that can be chosen as guides for ethical decisions in particular practice settings... (281).1. Identification of the problemJoe is concerned that Carla, his client who is undergoing counseling for depression and anxiety, will end up having sex with the said classmate whom she is interested in dating. Carla is in her first year of campus. In his opinion, such an act would not only be illegal (because the….

Morality for today's nurses Analyze the MORAL model as a useful tool for ethical decision making.
The MORAL model is an extremely useful tool for ethical decision making. In fact, it is somewhat of a relief to realize that there are tools that help one to objectively evaluate an ethical situation. Oftentimes, ethics seems so subjective. Therefore, the MORAL model is a welcome addition to nurses as well as to everyday people who simply need help objectively examining an ethical situation.
On the one hand, this model is valuable because it causes nurses to examine a situation holistically. Specifically, the first step of the model (massage the situation) involves nurses examining a particular situation from a variety of lenses. Doing so is pivotal to understanding what is truly at stake and for whom it is at stake. The variation of the different perspectives with which a nurse views a situation then becomes the….

For several years, healthcare has been an important topic, not just in the world at large, but also in academia.  Healthcare has been one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy, has offered a boom in terms of employment, and is a hot button political issue since access to healthcare remains very class-based in the modern United States.  The COVID-19 pandemic and what it has meant about access to health care and the quality of healthcare that is being provided has only made it that much more important to focus on

1. The Importance of Integrity in Personal and Professional Life

2. Defining Integrity: What Does It Mean to Have Strong Moral Principles?

3. Examining the Role of Integrity in Building Trust and Credibility

4. Integrity as a Foundation for Ethical Decision Making

5. The Connection Between Integrity and Accountability

6. Integrity and Leadership: How Does Integrity Impact Effective Leadership?

7. Integrity in the Digital Age: Navigating Ethical Challenges in a Connected World

8. Building a Culture of Integrity: Strategies for Fostering Honesty and Trustworthiness

9. Integrity and Success: How Does Integrity Contribute to Long-Term Success?

10. Practicing Integrity: Tips for Upholding Moral Principles in Everyday Life
11. The Intersection of....

1. The importance of integrity in personal and professional relationships
2. Discussing the impact of integrity on ethical decision making
3. Analyzing the role of integrity in leadership and its impact on organizational culture
4. Exploring the relationship between integrity and trust in interpersonal relationships
5. Examining the ways in which integrity is valued and upheld in different cultures and societies
6. Discussing the challenges of maintaining integrity in the face of temptation or pressure
7. Investigating the consequences of lacking integrity in personal and professional realms
8. Exploring the connection between integrity and character development
9. Reflecting on personal experiences that have tested and shaped one's integrity

Integrating experiential learning into the classroom can enhance student understanding of complex philosophical concepts in several ways:

1. Active engagement: Experiential learning encourages students to actively engage with the material through hands-on experiences, simulations, and real-world applications. This can help students gain a deeper understanding of abstract concepts by seeing how they apply in practical situations.

2. Critical thinking: Experiential learning requires students to think critically about the information they are learning and how it can be applied in different contexts. This can help students develop their analytical skills and see the interconnectedness of different philosophical concepts.

3. Personal relevance: Experiential learning allows....

5 Pages
Research Paper


Ethical Decision-Making

Words: 1447
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ethical Decision Ethical Dilemma and Decision Making In the selected scenario, a therapy patient is beginning to develop a trusting relationship with his therapist after spending a fir amount of time…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Decision-Making

Words: 1169
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ethical Decision Making: Ethics refers to principles that define behavior as fair and proper and they are concerned with how a moral person should behave when it comes to making…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Business - Ethics

Ethical Decision Making Project the

Words: 716
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Output losses attributed toward alcohol were projected at $119 billion for 1995 (1). As this Alcohol Alert clarifies, several issues give to problem drinking that goes on in…

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5 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethical Decision Making Kimberly Gas Hub

Words: 1739
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Decision Making Kimberly Gas Hub ETHICAL DECISION MAKING IN KIMBELEY GAS HUB The Kimberley Gas Hub is a controversial project to set up an LNG refinery facility at James Price…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Ethical Perspectives Ethical Decision Making Is a

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ethical Perspectives Ethical decision making is a method that is utilized by most of the health care professionals all over the world. he principles of beneficence and autonomy are very…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethical Decision-Making in Criminal Justice in the

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Decision-Making in Criminal Justice In the study and practice of criminal justice, determining ethical decision-making is a very challenging, if not impossible, undertaking for individuals committed to uphold the…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Decision Making Media Are

Words: 1904
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Fidelity is also an obligation, to the journalist's ethics in particular truthtelling. Beneficence could be applied to helping law enforcement. As the decision at hand consists of two…

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3 Pages
Article Review

Business - Ethics

Ethical Decision-Making in a Sales Organization

Words: 800
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Ethical Decision Making in Sales Organizations The study of marketing, sales and company ethics has a very diverse foundation of empirical and analytical research ranging from gender- and trait-based analysis…

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4 Pages

Criminal Justice

Ethical Decision Making in Law

Words: 1171
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

For example, virtually every element of heightened security measures necessitates a corresponding reduction in certain kinds of liberties that American citizens have come to expect in a free…

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4 Pages


Ethical Decision Making New Year's Eve Crisis

Words: 994
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Decision Making New Year's Eve Crisis The ethical issues related here include the financial health of both Michael's Pasta Company (which now includes Southern Pasta) and of the restaurant chain…

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2 Pages


Ethical Decision Making Uustal 1993 Proposed a

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Decision Making: Uustal (1993) proposed a decision-making model that offers tangible steps for arriving at a morally acceptable solution when experiencing an ethical dilemma. Generally, nurses are usually faced…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Ethical Decision Making by Project Managers

Words: 683
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Decision-Making Issues for a QA Project Manager in the Department of Veterans Affairs Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) operates the country's largest healthcare system, and an important…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Ethical Decision Making for Purposes

Words: 485
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

279-306) and therefore sets the foundation for the development of an ethical culture in the organization. Finally and most importantly, the product manager must concentrate on those customers…

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3 Pages


Ethical Decision Making Beneficence

Words: 791
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

ETHICAL DECISION-MAKINGEthical Decision-MakingIn the subsequent sections of this text, I will be seeking to deploy the ethical decision-making model in an attempt to determine how best to resolve the…

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2 Pages

Ethics / Morality

Ethical Decision Making Process

Words: 606
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Journal

Morality for today's nurses Analyze the MORAL model as a useful tool for ethical decision making. The MORAL model is an extremely useful tool for ethical decision making. In fact, it…

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