Ethical Issues Essays (Examples)

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The more experience a facilitator has with a minority group, the greater the likelihood the facilitator will be able to help those members feel included, rather than excluded from the group process. This is critical, because inclusion is an important social phenomenon. "Communities who are strong and inclusive lead to better quality of life, stronger sense of identity and belonging, sharing mutual respect and equality. It is further recognised that a cohesive and inclusive community is one where there is a common vision and sense of belonging for all communities; the diversity of people's different backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and positively valued; those from different backgrounds have similar life opportunities and strong and positive relationships are being developed between people from different backgrounds in the workplace, in schools and within neighbourhoods" (Holland & Ousey, 2011). Inclusiveness would seem particularly critical in a therapeutic environment, because group members who….

Ethical Issues Involved in Psychological Assessments
It is important to note from the onset that those who seek the intervention of a psychologist either do so at their own behest or are sent by other people, i.e. attorneys, relatives, or employers. Over time, numerous challenges psychologists contend with in the course of conducting assessments have been identified and widely discussed. For this reason, the relevance of conducting an evaluation of the various ethical issues involved in psychological assessments cannot be overstated.

To be regarded true professionals, psychologists must be aware of the various ethical challenges they are likely to face in their day-to-day interactions with clients and/or their sponsors. While in some cases they could find solutions to the ethical challenges they face by relying on mere personal intuition or via consultations with other professionals in the same field, psychologists must not forget that there are several ethical principles and guidelines that….

Ethical Issues in Family and Marital Therapy
It has been mentioned that insufficiencies of the APA ethical standards for marriage and family therapy have not been appreciated fully. Guidelines that are in regards to the therapist accountability, confidentiality, and informed consent can really just sometimes turn out to be unclear with individual clients, nevertheless they are even more complex when multiple family associates are observed together when they are in therapy. Question come up such as who are the clients? How is confidential material being used? Do all the family members have an equivalent right to not want the treatment? What is the function of the therapist's standards vies-a-vis inconsistent morals of family members? Deliberation of these questions in relations of their ethical insinuations is multifaceted and contentious. Nevertheless the answers to these queries must also take into consideration legal and clinical considerations, which can sometimes run an impact course with….

South Africa consequently had to arrange for a down payment of $600 million at a rate perceived to be extraordinarily high. It was too late for the country to induce any negotiations of the deal. Serious agreements ensued thus maneuvering South Africa to pay back much of the nation's hard currency debt in a short period. This led to the emergence of a new democratic regime stemming from an intense decade of internal turmoil. This placed a strong constraint on balancing the payments. In the period of 1993 and 1999, a formidable movement of labor groups, NGOs, and churches led protests against the repayment of the apartheid debts. Instead, they lobbied for rapid reparations for those who had previously been discriminated (Mercer 44).
Economic Outcomes

The South African government economic policy of the previous years of 2000s was characterized by fiscal discipline and epitomized by GEAR. This policy did not deliver….

Depending on the specific context, ethical analysis of ICT applications in medicine therefore will increasingly have to combine insights and approaches from several different disciplines." (p.5)
The truth is that while some issues have been addressed in regards to ethical considerations in the health care practice that in reality the issues are still presently being identified for the largest part and as reported in this work legislation has addressed some issues relating to information privacy and discrimination yet in many areas of the medical practice and the use of information technology, the ethical considerations are still being examined and disseminated.

It will require some hands-on use of many of these technologies and some time as well in order that health care professions understand what the ethical considerations really entail and before they are able to formulate solutions addressing these ethical concerns. Likely to be a factor of primary importance is the….

Now that people interact with social media on their wireless phones, that opens up a whole new series of issues, hence those involved in the law and with the ethical issues will "need to abandon some of the presumptions we once made in e-contracting in light of peoples' changing behavior" (Moringiello).
Meanwhile, what exactly constitutes Internet abuse in the workplace and what role does ethics play? There are some working definitions, such as "cyberloafing," "Internet recreation," "cyberslacking" for leisure or simply "Internet abuse" (Lee, et al., 2008, p. 39). For some researchers Internet abuse is the "personal or unauthorized use of the company's network for an individual pleasure or non-work purposes" (Lee, 39). No matter how it is defined, it is clear that workers who surf the eb during work hours cause "productivity loss" and they open the door for the "vulnerability of information systems security from insiders as well….

Ethical Issues in Nursing
Over the last ten years, the demand for long-term care services has been facing increasing amounts of pressure. Part of the reason for this is because of the large portion of the population that is becoming older (the aby oomers). As they have the potential to cause the overall amounts of demand to increase dramatically. Evidence of this can be seen with information compiled by the Government Accounting Office. Where, they found that the total number of people requiring long-term care services will double by the year 2050. As the costs for this care will increase to $379 billion, this is above the total amount spent in 2000 of $179 billion. (Walker, 2002) This is significant, because it shows how long-term care is going become a major part of all health care expenditures in the future. As a result, there are number of unique ethical challenges that….

Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice esearch
Ethical issues in terms of research are sometimes difficult to pinpoint, but all are made in order to ensure defendant's constitutional rights and to protect any other research participants from potential harm. Many researchers note that the basis for ethical research in criminal justice is the focus on upholding accurate data reporting and the placement of strong ethical leadership within the workplace. Both of which are detailed in Gail hineberger's 2006 article from the Journal of Criminal Justice Education entitled "esearch methods and research ethics coverage in criminal," and in Kevin Wright's 1999 article from the Journal of Criminal Justice Ethics entitled, "Leadership is the key to ethical practice in criminal justice agencies."

Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice esearch

Ethical issues in terms of research are sometimes difficult to pinpoint, and this dilemma is no different when dealing within the field of criminal justice. Today, many articles….

Ethical Issues in Madoff Case
Ethical Issues in Madoff Fraud Case

The objective of this study is to identify the ethical issues and questions in the Madoff fraud case. This work will identify the people harmed and answer as to whether the scandal resulted from unethical individuals or if there are organizational issues that allowed, encouraged or were responsible for the harms. In addition, this study will answer as to what degree, the case was mostly a failure of individuals or organizational structure and of government. This study examines what might have prevented the Madoff fraud case.

Who Was Affected?

It is reported that ernie Madoff "worked under the company called ernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. He would ask people to invest their money, and it actually seemed like the people were making returns. As all of their life savings would go into this business, Madoff would pay people the returns from money….

Ethical Issues involved with "On Being Sane in Insane Places"
L Rosenhan's On Being Sane in Insane Places was both a historic and ground-breaking research study which provided invaluable information on the views of mental health professionals toward their patients. (Rosenhan, 1973) In this revealing study, several researchers, who had never displayed any abnormal behavior in their pasts, admitted themselves into a variety of mental health facilities and studied the behavior of the staffs of these institutions toward their patients. hat these pseudo-patient researchers discovered rocked the scientific community by exposing those who treat mentally ill patients often have preconceived notions toward their patients and their behavior. The stigma of being labeled as "mentally ill" often clouded the staff's evaluation of the behavior of the pseudo-patients. And once labeled as "mentally ill" it was almost impossible to reverse that finding. (Rosenhan, 1973) This was an important, study which revealed vital information….

Artists and music companies are now able to provide online samples of their work to the public. They can bring this to the consumer online, where the latter can decide to buy or not to buy from the comfort of his or her home. Businesses are able to reach vastly more consumers, while the iPod enables consumers to listen to and buy more music than would otherwise be possible. An iPod can fit hundreds of files into a very small physical space, enabling the consumer to take music everywhere. This is an advantage for the industry, as more music can be sold to more consumers.
4) Ethical obligations a) in terms of ethics, the artist is obliged to provide the consumer with his or her best possible effort in music. The artist should honor business contracts, and be a responsible social citizen by supporting charities. The artist should also take….

Ethical Issues Involved
Based on the problem that the members of our team are involved, about having a team member who does not render the necessary cooperation, and who have tendencies of lying about team reports, the ethical issues that surround this situation is Team Building Etiquette and Team Honesty.

The main principle behind any creation of a team is to have each member participate on every task, or perform a division of a large task, in which the summation of all the tasks each member has completed is an entirety of one common goal. In every team, cooperation and unity are essential factors to successfully achieve common objectives. Team building, which can undergo processes such as team meetings or workshops, allows presentation and collection of ideas that can soon provide accurate set-up and focus towards common goals. It is only ethical that each team member bear a responsibility of doing his….

Ethical Issues Necessitating the Creation of 1996 HIPAA Act:
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 was enacted to bring necessary changes to the procedures and practices within the healthcare industry. The development of this legislation was to enforce the need of healthcare organizations to have the necessary regulations and procedures that safeguard the privacy of patient information. The Act was also developed to address the challenges of increased network connectivity and promote access to vital patient information as a result of newer information technologies in this sector. Notably, the access to vital patient information should be achieved without violation of integrity, availability, and confidentiality.

The development of networking technologies has contributed to improved services, increased access to information, and higher levels of information availability across businesses. These networking technologies have been adopted across many industries and businesses though other sectors like the healthcare industry have been slow in embracing….

Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is research performed on relatively small sample groups. The research tends to be very specialized and does not require large amounts of numerical information for its conclusion to be drawn. hile qualitative research is for the most part accepted into academia, there are still some concerns that arise with qualitative research that are not present in quantitative research. These concerns include conflicts of interest, research with vulnerable and protected populations, and using self as the subject or heuristic research.

The first concern that can happen in qualitative research is conflicts of interest. The primary purpose of qualitative research is to describe a phenomenon through the eyes of the research subjects. Most qualitative research depends on interviews and observations of people in various scenarios. hile the researcher conducts their observations they are structuring the questions and observations to meet the needs of their study. It is….

Ethical Issues in International Business
In the present scenario, due to the international nature and exposure of every business concerned, companies are nowadays deputing a lot of employees for the purpose of performing overseas assignments. Due to diversity in relation to beliefs, traditions and cultural values and practices from the country of their origin, sometimes the employees may have to experience culture shock and have problems of coping in the country where they are sent for fulfilling foreign assignments. And at times, the attitudes with regard to the professionals in the particular country are such to the extent that it tends to harm the employee to a considerable amount.

Career advancement of employees is affected in such a situation and the employee's morale goes down. The Bank has the responsibility to make sure that its personnel are not harmed limiting their career advancement chances by the social customs of the host nation.….

The most common ethical issues facing health care managers are balancing profits with patients, avoiding conflicts of interest, making sure people get equally fair treatment (as opposed to better treatment for rich people, etc.), addressing the concerns of nurses who may feel they are not providing care with enough of a benefit, and managing patients who do not have the capacity to make decisions, such as pediatric and geriatric patients. These issues can be addressed in the strategic plan through clearly spelling out specific policies that have to be followed. That helps to avoid the issue as one of ethics,....

Counseling people who have AIDS or are at high risk for acquiring HIV can present several ethical issues for healthcare providers.  While client care must remain the priority in any counseling relationship, it is important to acknowledge that a client who has AIDS, is HIV+, or is at high risk of acquiring HIV may present a health risk to their current or future sexual partners.  In addition, other high-risk behaviors, such as needle-sharing, present a community risk. 

The first step in writing an essay on this topic is recognizing the various ethical issues....

Essay Topic 1: The Deterrent Effect of School Theft Policies

Pro-Deterrent Viewpoint:

School theft policies that impose swift and strict consequences deter students from committing theft by creating a fear of negative repercussions.
The threat of suspension, expulsion, or legal charges acts as a psychological deterrent, discouraging students from engaging in theft.
By establishing clear boundaries and consequences, schools maintain a safe and orderly learning environment where students feel secure.

Anti-Deterrent Viewpoint:

Strict school theft policies create a punitive atmosphere that alienates students and undermines their educational progress.
Students who are caught stealing may be subjected to harsh punishments that can harm....

1. The ethical implications of stigma and discrimination against individuals living with HIV/AIDS
2. The ethical considerations of HIV/AIDS testing and disclosure
3. Ethical challenges in the treatment and care of individuals with HIV/AIDS
4. The role of healthcare providers in promoting ethical practices in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment
5. The ethical dilemmas of resource allocation in HIV/AIDS research and treatment
6. The intersection of HIV/AIDS and human rights: exploring ethical issues related to access to healthcare and services
7. Ethical considerations of HIV/AIDS prevention strategies, including condom distribution and needle exchange programs
8. The ethical implications of HIV/AIDS education and awareness campaigns
9. Ethical issues surrounding the....

12 Pages
Research Paper


Ethical Issues in Group Counseling

Words: 4046
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The more experience a facilitator has with a minority group, the greater the likelihood the facilitator will be able to help those members feel included, rather than excluded…

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4 Pages


Ethical Issues Involved in Psychological Assessments it

Words: 1287
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Issues Involved in Psychological Assessments It is important to note from the onset that those who seek the intervention of a psychologist either do so at their own behest…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Ethical Issues in Family and Marital Therapy

Words: 3218
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ethical Issues in Family and Marital Therapy It has been mentioned that insufficiencies of the APA ethical standards for marriage and family therapy have not been appreciated fully. Guidelines that…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - African

Ethical Issues of South Africa's

Words: 2537
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

South Africa consequently had to arrange for a down payment of $600 million at a rate perceived to be extraordinarily high. It was too late for the country…

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7 Pages


Ethical Issues in Health Care

Words: 1916
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

Depending on the specific context, ethical analysis of ICT applications in medicine therefore will increasingly have to combine insights and approaches from several different disciplines." (p.5) The truth is…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Ethical Issues and Second Life

Words: 2258
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Now that people interact with social media on their wireless phones, that opens up a whole new series of issues, hence those involved in the law and with…

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4 Pages


Ethical Issues in Nursing Over the Last

Words: 1363
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Issues in Nursing Over the last ten years, the demand for long-term care services has been facing increasing amounts of pressure. Part of the reason for this is because…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice Research Ethical

Words: 836
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice esearch Ethical issues in terms of research are sometimes difficult to pinpoint, but all are made in order to ensure defendant's constitutional rights and to…

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2 Pages


Ethical Issues in Madoff Case Ethical Issues

Words: 592
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Issues in Madoff Case Ethical Issues in Madoff Fraud Case The objective of this study is to identify the ethical issues and questions in the Madoff fraud case. This work…

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3 Pages


Ethical Issues Involved With On Being Sane

Words: 877
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Issues involved with "On Being Sane in Insane Places" L Rosenhan's On Being Sane in Insane Places was both a historic and ground-breaking research study which provided invaluable information…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Ethical Issues iPod the Influence

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Artists and music companies are now able to provide online samples of their work to the public. They can bring this to the consumer online, where the latter…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Issues Involved Based on the Problem

Words: 895
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ethical Issues Involved Based on the problem that the members of our team are involved, about having a team member who does not render the necessary cooperation, and who have…

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2 Pages


Ethical Issues Necessitating the Creation of 1996

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Issues Necessitating the Creation of 1996 HIPAA Act: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 was enacted to bring necessary changes to the procedures and practices within…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research Qualitative Research

Words: 624
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research Qualitative research is research performed on relatively small sample groups. The research tends to be very specialized and does not require large amounts of numerical…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Ethical Issues in International Business

Words: 1649
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ethical Issues in International Business In the present scenario, due to the international nature and exposure of every business concerned, companies are nowadays deputing a lot of employees for the…

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