Ethical Theories Essays (Examples)

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Forensic Mental Health
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the practicalities of capacity, confidentiality, and consent concerning the Family esponsibilities Commission and how these three compare to the forensic context that is probation and parole in Australia. The paper will seek to highlight the similarities and the differences that exist within these two contexts.

With regards to the Family esponsibilities Commission, the practicality of confidentiality is that everything is private. This is because the Family esponsibilities Commissions Act of 2008 states that a person is not allowed by the law to record, disclose or use any confidential information that is attained by such an individual by being involved in the administration of the Act. There is preservation of confidentiality such that an individual is not mandated in any way to disclose any information that is deemed confidential by a court or a tribunal. In addition, an individual is not mandated….

Ethical Theories
The three basic ethical theories share a number of similarities, because they each attempt to describe and explicate the ethical decisions made by humans as well as the logic (or illogic) that is used to inform any particular behavior. Utilitarianism offers what is perhaps the most sound ethical theory due to the way it chooses for itself the goal of its efforts, but it is hampered by disagreement regarding the precise execution of the theory. A deontological theory of ethics may be useful for formulating general rules regarding proper behavior, and as such is popular is the workplace, but these rules are not universally applicable and in some cases can actually lead to unethical behavior if followed without fail. Finally, while virtues-based ethics purports to offer individuals instruction for the cultivation of ideal behavioral traits, by definition it cannot offer a universal ethical norm, as it is based on….

Ethical Theories
Describe in detail

Teleological, deontological, and virtue ethics: A comparison

Teleological ethics are also called consequence-based ethics. Teleological ethical systems emphasize the results of ethical decisions, versus the moral principles behind such decisions. Utilitarianism is an excellent example of teleological ethics. The stress in utilitarianism is doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people, versus setting a precedent for all ethical actions. "It denies that moral rightness depends directly on anything other than consequences, such as whether the agent promised in the past to do the act now" (Armstrong 2011). What is good for the greatest number of people one day may not be the case several years from now, or even to morrow.

For example, no one would state that as an abstract moral principle, having to fire competent employees is a 'good thing.' However, bosses are often forced to do so, because of the financial limitations they are….

Utilitarian Abortion Considerations:

The utilitarian perspective applied to the abortion issue would focus on whether

permitting or prohibiting elective abortion would contribute more positively the interests of society Mill, 2003 p160). The principal difference between the utilitarian and deontological perspectives is that utilitarianism is wholly unconcerned with the underlying motivation for decisions. Whereas deontological formalism values the state of mind of the individual, utilitarianism focuses on the ultimate consequences of the act, irrespective of motivation Russell, 2002 p 99).

Within the utilitarian ethical perspective, rule utilitarianism would promote the choice associated with the overall benefit to others and to society if it were adhered to religiously in all circumstances, irrespective of isolated cases in which the rule produced a negative result Russell, 2002 p101-2). For example, in a society where relative birth and death rates were such that the continuation of society were in jeopardy, the utilitarian perspective might require a prohibition of….

For example, and employee might decide they will never be late for a meeting, which will appear to be a noble duty, but there might be a hidden reason towards this action. Maybe the employee prefers to sit in a particular place or sit. Another negative attribute of the deontology theory is the fact that it is mostly concerned with the individual's welfare and not others.
Utilitarianism theory

This theory deals with the individual's ability to foresee the consequences of their actions. A person will have to analyze the choice they make to ensure that they benefit more people Weymark, 2005.

Using this theory a person can compare similar past solutions, and develop a system that determines which choice will be most beneficial for a majority of people.

For a large corporation, this theory would be beneficial because employees will endeavor to perform their duties while analyzing the consequences of their actions. These….

Ethical Theories in Nursing

Nursing Ethical Theories
Ethical Theories in Nursing

Significance of Moral in Nursing

Deontology vs. Utilitarianism



Justice Ethics vs. Care Ethics

Justice Ethics

Care Ethics

ights Ethics

Conflict of ights

Ethical Theories in Nursing

Moral philosophy has moved from addressing Plato's question of what makes the good person, to Kant's query as to the right thing to do, to Buber's concern with relationship. Whether referring to business ethics' interest in relationships between corporations and consumers; legal ethics' focus on relationships among the legal system, clients, and society; or nursing ethics' consideration of the relationship between patient and nurse; ethics and morality are conceptualized and actualized on the playing field of relationship.

The nature of nursing as a moral endeavor is an assumption embedded in any philosophical or theoretical consideration of the discipline and practice of nursing. An the goal of nursing is a moral one, namely, the good of those for whom nurses care, no aspect of practice exists that does not….

These are ethics that know no cultural bounds. hat is perceived as ethical in one society as well as any other is an example of a natural law. These are typically based on the human desire for equality as well as the desire to do good ("hat is Natural Law?"). Furthermore, natural rights evolve legally from natural laws often. They also often see an intertwining of religious beliefs, although they can also be expressed as more an intertwining of moral beliefs that are then supported by religion. The primary weakness of natural law theory is that it is sometimes difficult to determine if a belief is truly universal, or simply cultural.
Virtue Ethics:

Virtue ethics determines whether an action is right or wrong by the virtue of the action.

Virtue ethics is currently one of three major approaches in normative ethics. It may, initially, be identified as the one that emphasizes the….

Ethical Theories

Cruzan Case through a variety of medical ethical perspectives
The Consequentialist Paradigm

The ethical paradigm of consequentialism, as its name suggests, is the view that "normative properties," in other words, ethical actions in the world, should be judged upon and "depend only" upon their resultant consequences. (Sinnott-Armstrong, 2003) The Nancy Cruzan case is famous legal a 'right to die' case whereby, after Nancy Cruzan was almost killed in a car crash, "years later, Cruzan's parents wanted to withdraw the artificial hydration and nutrition that kept their daughter alive," whom was deemed 'brain dead' or in a permanent vegetative state, at the time (Healthcare ethics, 2004)

The general approach of consequentialist ethics could be applied in this case regarding the moral rightness of acts, holding that "whether an act is morally right depends only on the consequences of that act or of something related to that act (such as the motive behind the….

Ethical Theories

Ethics and Experimentation
Ethics and Medical Experimentation

On Staten Island there was an institution for the mentally disabled which operated from 1947 to 1987, but in the period from 1956 through 1971, children at the institution were used for experiments involving hepatitis. Although the experiments are considered to be successful, the involvement of mentally disabled children has brought many ethical considerations to the forefront. Dr. Saul Krugman, the man who ran the experiment, stated that his team took a number of ethical considerations into question before the experiment began. Firstly, Krugman rationalized the use of children by stating that "It is recognized that infectious hepatitis is a much milder disease in children." (obinson 81) Then, a mild form of the disease was inflicted upon the children under conditions that were the most favorable including special medical personnel and isolation quarters. Krugman specifically stated that only children who's parents consented were used in….

Western Ethical Theories

Western Ethical Theories
The objective of this work is to examine Western Ethical theories including teleological, deontological, natural law, and interest view and virtue ethics.

The work of Bennett-Woods (2005) states that while the words 'ethics' and 'morality' are "often used interchangeably, morality is more precisely used to refer to the customs, principles of conduct and moral codes of an individual, group or society." Ethics, is also stated to be termed "moral philosophy of the science of morals" and is the branch of philosophy that examines "morality through the critical examination of right and wrong in human action." (Bennett-Woods, 2005)

The study of ethics is generally characterized into three specific domains of study include those of: (1) metaethics which is related to the nature of right and wrong insofar as the where and how of the original of ethical judgments and what these judgments mean regarding the human nature and behavior; (2) Normative….

Ethical treatment of prisoners is a complex question, involving the nature of the prison system in the U.S. And the nature of those incarcerated in it, as well as ethical obligations that individuals owe to society as well as those that society owes to those who are imprisoned. Deontological ethics might hold, for example, that those who have violated the law and the basic moral norms of society deserve to be punished but at the same time even those convicted and imprisoned have certain basic human rights. For example, they have the right to food, clothing, shelter and medical care, and cannot be tortured, abused or brutalized. Another problem from a deontological perspective would be to criticize a society where blacks and Hispanics are a minority of the population but also the majority of the prison population, including those on death row. Indeed, they are more likely to be profiled,….

The main concern in virtue ethics becomes about a person's moral character. When people choose to develop their moral character, better virtues will be created, and thus there will be more people acting in virtuous ways in all aspects of their lives -- and this includes how they treat all animals.
One example to be considered when thinking about how a person with a strong sense of virtue might behave is to counter it with how a person with a strong sense of duty might behave. From a duty sense, if one were a livestock farmer, he or she might believe that his or her duty lies in what is best for the people because, after all, the job is about raising livestock for slaughter, which will then become food for people. Therefore, the first duty would be to humans and the second duty to animals (Panaman 20008) (which may….

Ethical Reasoning," Donaldson and Werhane outline the three fundamental theories of ethics: consequentialism, deontology, and human nature ethics. Consequentialism, also known as teological ethics, can be further divided into ethical egoism and utilitarianism. Ethical egoism is based on the theory that to act out of self-interest will ultimately be the most ethical decision. Ethical egoism is rarely supported by philosophers, especially in relation to other ethical reasoning theories such as utilitarianism. Philosophers like Bentham and John Stuart Mill argued that the ethical decisions should be based on the principle of the greatest good for the greatest number. Although Mill framed the concept of "good" in terms of happiness, the "greater good" does not necessarily entail happiness and may refer to other abstract concepts like aesthetics. Utilitarianism can itself be subdivided into pluralistic utilitarianism and preference utilitarianism: the former embraces all abstract concepts that can be classified as "good" whereas the….

According to research, "Each man deserves respect because only he has had those exact life experiences and understands his emotions, motivations, and body in such an intimate matter," (ainbow 2010). Thus, Broadway was respecting the individual decisions of its players to decide whether or not the game was ok to play.
However, this was only followed outside of the United States. The decision locally was much different. Because of the nature of the young audience, there was the moral dilemma for the insertion of such sexually explicit references. And so, Broadway was not acting ethically when they failed to uphold local ethics abroad. According to research, "A winking tolerance of other's unethical behavior is in itself unethical," (Jennings 2007:14). ather than acting out of ethical obligation to others as they did to their own, Broadway let it slide and moved sales elsewhere, where they knew they could get away with….

Immanuel Kant, an 18th century German philosopher, established a set of categorical imperatives on how one should conduct their lives, one of them being treat people as an end, and never as a means to an end (Johnson, 2010). A more recent duty-based theory is by British philosopher W.D. oss, which emphasizes prima facie duties. Like those before him, oss argues that our duties are part of the fundamental nature of the universe. oss claims his list of duties reflects our actual moral convictions. They are 1) fidelity - the duty to keep our promises, 2) reparation - the duty to compensate others when we harm them, 3) gratitude - the duty to thank those who help us, 4) justice - the duty to recognize merit, 5) beneficence - the duty to improve the conditions of others, 6) self-improvement - the duty to improve our virtue and intelligence, and….

The practice of nursing is strongly guided by ethical theories and principles, because nurses are charged with the duty of taking proper care of patients and ensuring that they do no harm to them. The principles, values, and morals they must adhere to are based on what is needed for them to provide the maximum benefit and level of care to the largest number of patients on a daily basis. The values and morals they hold may differ from those of the patients they care for, and they must be careful to avoid putting down on or otherwise dismissing what....

1. The Concept of Justice in Rawls and Nozick's Political Theory:
- Analyze and compare John Rawls' and Robert Nozick's theories of justice.
- Discuss the implications of their views on social and economic equality.
- Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their respective arguments.

2. Utilitarianism vs. Deontology: A Comparative Analysis:
- Compare and contrast the ethical theories of utilitarianism and deontology.
- Explore the strengths and weaknesses of each theory in terms of their application to political decision-making.
- Discuss the relevance of these theories in contemporary political debates.

3. The Legitimacy of Political Authority:
- Examine different theories of....

Choosing Comparative Essay Topics

1. Literary Works:

Compare and contrast the themes and characters in two novels or plays by the same author.
Analyze the similarities and differences in the narrative structure, setting, and style of two short stories.
Discuss the different perspectives and interpretations presented in two poems on the same subject.

2. Historical Events:

Compare the causes and consequences of two major historical revolutions.
Analyze the similarities and differences in the strategies and tactics used by two military leaders during a particular war.
Discuss the impact of two different technological advancements on society.

3. Social Issues:

Compare and contrast the experiences....

I. Introduction

A. Background and Significance
- Emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and its increasing presence in society
- Potential benefits of AI, such as automation, efficiency, and personalized experiences

B. Ethical Concerns

- Ethical implications of AI in areas such as:
- Privacy and data security
- Job displacement and economic inequality
- Bias and discrimination
- Automation of decision-making and accountability

II. Literature Review

A. Existing Research on Ethical Implications of AI
- Review of previous studies that have examined ethical issues related to AI
- Identification of key ethical concerns and perspectives

B. Theoretical Frameworks
- Discussion of ethical theories that can be applied to AI, such as:

2 Pages

Business - Law

Application of Ethical Theories in Ethical Reasoning

Words: 698
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Forensic Mental Health The purpose of this paper is to discuss the practicalities of capacity, confidentiality, and consent concerning the Family esponsibilities Commission and how these three compare to the…

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7 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethical Theories the Three Basic Ethical Theories

Words: 2729
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Theories The three basic ethical theories share a number of similarities, because they each attempt to describe and explicate the ethical decisions made by humans as well as the…

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4 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethical Theories Describe in Detail Teleological Deontological

Words: 1637
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Theories Describe in detail Teleological, deontological, and virtue ethics: A comparison Teleological ethics are also called consequence-based ethics. Teleological ethical systems emphasize the results of ethical decisions, versus the moral principles…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Abortion

Ethical Theories and Abortion Issues

Words: 1437
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Utilitarian Abortion Considerations: The utilitarian perspective applied to the abortion issue would focus on whether permitting or prohibiting elective abortion would contribute more positively the interests of society Mill, 2003 p160).…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Theories Ethical Theories Are

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, and employee might decide they will never be late for a meeting, which will appear to be a noble duty, but there might be a hidden…

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10 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethical Theories in Nursing

Words: 4777
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Ethical Theories Ethical Theories in Nursing Significance of Moral in Nursing Deontology vs. Utilitarianism Deontology Utilitarianism Justice Ethics vs. Care Ethics Justice Ethics Care Ethics ights Ethics Conflict of ights Ethical Theories in Nursing Moral philosophy has moved from addressing…

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6 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethical Theories Ethics Is an

Words: 1982
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

These are ethics that know no cultural bounds. hat is perceived as ethical in one society as well as any other is an example of a natural law.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Theories

Words: 1107
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cruzan Case through a variety of medical ethical perspectives The Consequentialist Paradigm The ethical paradigm of consequentialism, as its name suggests, is the view that "normative properties," in other words,…

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2 Pages


Ethical Theories

Words: 796
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics and Experimentation Ethics and Medical Experimentation On Staten Island there was an institution for the mentally disabled which operated from 1947 to 1987, but in the period from 1956 through…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Ethics

Western Ethical Theories

Words: 1246
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Western Ethical Theories The objective of this work is to examine Western Ethical theories including teleological, deontological, natural law, and interest view and virtue ethics. The work of Bennett-Woods (2005) states…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Ethical Treatment of Prisoners Is a Complex

Words: 997
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical treatment of prisoners is a complex question, involving the nature of the prison system in the U.S. And the nature of those incarcerated in it, as well as…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Treatment of Animals the

Words: 3045
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The main concern in virtue ethics becomes about a person's moral character. When people choose to develop their moral character, better virtues will be created, and thus there…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Reasoning Donaldson and Werhane Outline the

Words: 939
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ethical Reasoning," Donaldson and Werhane outline the three fundamental theories of ethics: consequentialism, deontology, and human nature ethics. Consequentialism, also known as teological ethics, can be further divided into…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Ethics

Ethical Analysis Holding an Ethical

Words: 1005
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

According to research, "Each man deserves respect because only he has had those exact life experiences and understands his emotions, motivations, and body in such an intimate matter,"…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Behavior Employees in the

Words: 844
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Immanuel Kant, an 18th century German philosopher, established a set of categorical imperatives on how one should conduct their lives, one of them being treat people as an…

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