Ethnographic Essays (Examples)

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It should be noted that this risk of becoming simply an "ethnocentric fantasy" is something that not all filmmakers are worried about. Indeed, it might well be argued that the creation of an ethnocentric fantasy might well make an ethnographic film more popular and more profitable.

Indeed, an ethnocentric fantasy is one of the storylines that fits well into the narrative expectations of Western audiences, who will not be surprised by tales of Noble Savages or simply Savages whose lives are made better and more meaningful through contact with the West. There is also the accepted trope that is no more than simple ethnocentrism: There is certainly room for the filmmaker who produces ethnocentric movies that allow Western audiences to feel validated in the idea that their own culture is better than that of the people whose lives are being depicted.

A More Naive -- or Simpler? -- World

The roots of ethnographic….

In the wake of the serviceman's complaint and the health and welfare inspection, the intervention will be determined.
Talk with building residents to follow up on the health and welfare inspection findings. Check if there are other respiratory issues for residents.

Follow-up to make sure that the building maintenance personnel have changed filters and spare parts in the building environmental systems.

Review medical records and intervention methods. Make sure that medications are current and that medical therapies are in order, including the Advair (disk), Albuteral (inhaler) and Fluticasone (nasal spray) and a review records of health-seeking behavior exhibited by Navy members ("Comprehensive family assessment," 2011)

A follow up health and welfare inspection will be conducted in a month to measure the effectiveness of the intervention. At the inspection, the commander will fill out a checklist to report to the Troop Medical Clinic on the results. Success will be measured as the significant reduction….

During the sequence followed, many of the younger males put on a "machismo" like attitude in an attempt to assert they were very familiar with sex and sexuality. This is due largely to the pressures observed in the environment throughout the movie, an environment that suggests virginity is something that should be lost as soon as possible. Thus, if one has not lost their virginity, they may become an outcast or subject of ridicule. This in turn may lead to embarrassment, as is the case with the young girl in this scene.
On careful examination however of the participants in the pre-birth control meeting, there is much in the way of nonverbal evidence that the people engaged in the conversation are insecure. While male fathers proudly demonstrate using their words, mannerisms and gestures that they are "all man" and incapable of remaining virgins, as are their sons, you can see….

This will protect not only the privacy of the individuals involved, but also their safety.

There are a variety of options I can consider in terms of entering and studying a prison population. In addition to entering the prison population itself, I would also consider the roles and interactions of the guards, head warden, nurses, visitors, lawyers, and priests where applicable. In terms of prison officials, the nature of my presence and study will be fully disclosed. During my time in the general prison population, I will form friendships and observe interactions while being discreet about the nature of my presence. This is important to ensure the validity and reliability of my data and indeed the study as a whole.

By means of interviews with prison officials, I will be able to form a concept of interaction from a variety of perspectives. I will be able to consider how prison personnel….

Ethnographic Research on Business Culture
Ehtnographic research as it pertains to business culture

Influence of culture on business management

According to Cox (1993, 45-56) cultural diversity in an organization includes the different ways in which the entire workforce experiences a unique group identity that is either based on sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, gender or age. Cox further ads on that culture entail the beliefs, values and customs of each distinct group and that organization can be classified into any of the three groups depending on their cultural diversity, which are the monolithic, plural or multicultural organization. Scholarly literatures have shown that cultural diversity has an influence on business management accountability and decision making strategies.

Accountability has been portrayed as a rational practice that is a requirement in the governance structure of business organizations, while accountants present it as the main aim in financial reporting. Fernandez (1991, 112-123) noted in his studies that different cultures….

Ethnographic Study of a Military Family Medical Center
Ethnographic Study

Ethnography eport -Technical Writing

Ethnographic Project -- Military Family Medical Center

Project Purpose & Setting:

This report addresses the workings of a family care center located in a large military hospital on a joint operations military base. The hospital serves active duty members of the military, family members and dependents of active duty soldiers, citizens who work for the military in some capacity, and retired members of the military. A considerable number of wounded warriors are treated at this military hospital, including those who have been diagnosed with PTSD. The military hospital is situated on a joint command post that is receiving a great many warriors who have returned from fighting down range.


Using a grounded theory ethnographic approach, a series of six observation sessions in the waiting room of the family care center were conducted, along with two longer sessions in the emergency waiting room….

They treasure what they have been lost since becoming destitute and homeless. On the opposite, American removes coming forward mostly. They yearn native land is actually for the memories about childhood which has gone forever. At the same time, the future is waiting for them in a broad space faraway." (ai, 2007)

The work of Price and riley (1999) entitled: "Culture, Education and Cognition: A Review and Discussion of Chinese vs. American Cognitive Styles" relates a study in which proposed is that..."that differences in the education practices prevalent in China and America are an important source of cognitive differentiation, and suggest that future research could benefit from greater exploration of 'experienced educational style'." Price and riley relate that based upon the literature in the area of developmental psychology Price and riley's study presents: " integrated model of cognitive development that appreciates both the influence of the individual's….

Ethnographic study of a culture reveals the insider perspective of that culture. In this article, the author chose an interesting sub-culture i.e. skateboarders and tried to present an insider view of the world of skateboarders including their psyche, their clothing, their beliefs etc.
Authors believe that skateboarding is a culture in itself which is rather debatable because authors have not described culture in detail and hence it is difficult to fathom why skateboarding qualifies as a culture. But we can suppose that since not everyone is interested in skateboarding and only a certain people religious follow this activity, it can be classified as a culture. Authors have selected some specific genres in skateboarding including street skateboards, vert skaters and air skaters. This has been done because of the variety that these sections of skateboarders offer from the very amateur to highly professionals.

It is found that street skateboarders are usually young teens….

He remembers this fondly, even in the midst of so many other memories and recollections from Turkey.
See, the country has a long and provocative history. Levon explains that Turkey is the home of some of the world's oldest cultures and societies; how the spark of civilization began early in such a great land. In the Middle Ages, Turkey was consumed by war and bloodshed, with invasions from barbarian tribes such as the Mongols. Next came the Ottoman Empire which ruled the region for over 600 years. Levon remembers his grandfather's stories about the chaos which ensued during World War II and the peace which came after with an American promise to protect both Turkey and its neighbor Greece. Long after the stories of invasions and barbarians, Turkey is now a democratic nation with a large and representative parliament. The government and regulatory bodies are not that much different than….

The health issues returned and at that time it became clear that something more drastic had to be made. The subject eventually stopped to go out with the same people. This, together with the pressure coming from other friends and the family contributed to slowly changing his mind about drug abuse. The main person who helped the subject greatly was represented by the girlfriend. She was an occasional user of the same drug and when the situation worsened visibly she stopped using the drug and offered the interviewed person a lot of emotional support. She also tried to make him analyze the situation in objective terms. I believe that the fact that she left him when he started reusing drugs after the first period of recovery was an important factor which contributed to the development of the situation " She just left. And this is how I realized how….

But as an erotic dancer, that is my purpose. I perform to turn you on, and if I fail, I feel I've done a poor job. (Sundahl, 1987, p. 176) (Downs, James, and Cowan 2006, 748)
The work's message then become some of similarities and loss not being experienced by the social cultural experience of the dancing per se but of the fact that the individual women had lower self-esteem and limited socialization because of the isolation and lack of support they experience from their normal social network including family and friends outside the industry. (Downs, James, and Cowan 2006, 745)

As is expressed by those in other studies the work itself does not always feel demeaning, as the support networks they experience are isolated and inclusive of the lifestyle of the dancer. The culture becomes one that is expressive of only dancing, in much the same way that individuals who….

On the surface, Shahin's problem is her weight. Her physical health will suffer if she does not attend to her nutritional needs. Yet as with most anorexic clients, Shahin is not as concerned about her physical symptoms as her loved ones are. Her self-deprivation is a sign of internal struggles. When interviewing Shahin, we talked about her perspective as well as her family's. As Kleinman & Benson (2006) suggest, an explanatory model encourages inquiry into fundamental beliefs about health and healing. How Shahin and her parents label the problem, what they feel its causes and effects are, and what they fear most about the condition were focal points of the interview.
What Shahin's parents saw in their daughter is the dramatic weight loss. Their focusing on the physical aspects of the condition is common and is not directly related to cultural perspectives because all parents should be worried about the….

ethnographic examination of how guidance teachers make sense of their caring abilities on the job. Also, it looks at the counseling services they offer to students. The findings illustrate the influence of Chinese (particularly Confucian) culture the in Hong Kong schools. Implications for promoting culturally responsive approaches to counseling and culturally competent practices for helping are discussed.
The important 1990s government initiative to implement a whole school approach to guidance is described. It appears, however, that the role of the guidance teacher in the school reforms has not been clearly stated. In addition, the author seeks to investigate how school guidance and counseling is practiced within schools Chinese society.

The overall qualitative design was meant to provide the seed-bed for a later more in-depth quantitative study that will then involve statistical analysis. At present, the general research environment had to be probed qualitatively with interviews only to determine the criteria that….

Ethnographic Study

Mitchel Duneier.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux. New York. 1999.

The books and magazine vendors, the panhandlers, the second-hand merchants -- you see them every day on the corner of the street, praising their merchandise, chasing customers, jazzing up the street. You may regard them with curiosity, with feelings ranging from pity to blame, from disapproval to fear, but have you ever wonder how is it like to be in their shoes, not for an hour, not for a day, but for years and years? The sociologist Mitchel Duneier did. For five years. And he scribbled down his experience in Sidewalk, a fascinating ethnography study, which can be described as an excellent introduction into New York urban life in all its complexity.

Published in 1999, Sidewalk opens a gate to the heart of Greenwich Village, through the eyes of poor black men and women, who work and live on the sidewalk of an….

Planning and Design Analysis Grid
Ethnographic Research of Patient Care

Deitrick L; Bokovoy J; Stern G; and Panik A. (2006) Dance of the call bells: using ethnography to evaluate patient satisfaction with quality of care. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 21(4): 316-24. Retreived

Is the research Qualitative or Quantitative?

The research study is qualitative and uses ethnographic methodologies.

Ethnographic methods can provide insights into patients' perceptions of quality of care.

The study examined problems related to answering patient call lights on an inpatient unit in the hospital. The call bell problem was perceived to have three different components: Answering the call bell, communicating the patient's request, and following through with the request.


The purpose of the research was to understand the perceptions of nursing staff and patients with respect to the use of the nurse call bells as it reflects on patient care.


Since this was an ethnographic study, hypotheses are not used in the manner they….

I. Introduction
A. Definition of Paganism
B. Brief overview of the history of Paganism
C. Thesis statement: Paganism has experienced a resurgence in modern times due to its diverse and ancient spiritual practices

II. Ancient origins of Paganism
A. Ancient civilizations and their Pagan beliefs
B. Different forms of Paganism in ancient times
C. Preservation of Pagan beliefs through oral traditions

III. Decline of Paganism
A. Rise of organized religions
B. Persecution of Pagans
C. Loss of Pagan traditions and practices

IV. Resurgence of Paganism in modern times
A. Influence of Romanticism and nature worship
B. Revival of ancient Pagan practices
C. Diversity....

Qualitative Research Essay Topic Ideas

1. The Role of Reflexivity in Qualitative Research

The researcher's positionality and its impact on data collection and analysis
Strategies for enhancing reflexivity and minimizing bias
Ethical considerations in reflexive qualitative research

2. Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) in Qualitative Research

Theoretical foundations and methodological approach of IPA
Applications of IPA in various research contexts
Strengths and limitations of IPA as a qualitative research method

3. Grounded Theory in Qualitative Research

Inductive and iterative nature of grounded theory
Techniques for data collection and analysis in grounded theory
The role of theory development and saturation in grounded theory research

4. Ethnography....

## Novel Approaches to Formulate Impactful Research Questions

The formulation of impactful research questions is the cornerstone of any successful research endeavor. Traditional methods often rely on existing knowledge and incremental steps, which can limit the potential for groundbreaking discoveries. Here are several novel approaches that researchers can employ to formulate questions that drive meaningful research and advance their fields:

### 1. Reverse Engineering Problems:

Instead of starting with a specific hypothesis, this approach involves identifying a pressing real-world problem or issue. Researchers then work backward to identify the underlying causes and key variables that contribute to the problem. This can lead to....

1. Narrative Research:
- Focuses on gathering individuals' life stories or personal experiences
- Emphasis on the context and meaning behind the stories
- Often used in the fields of psychology, sociology, and anthropology

2. Phenomenological Research:
- Focuses on understanding and interpreting individuals' lived experiences
- Emphasis on exploring how individuals make sense of their experiences
- In-depth interviews and observations are commonly used methods in this type of research

3. Grounded Theory Research:
- Focuses on building a theory or framework based on collected data
- Emphasis on constantly comparing and refining data to develop the theory
- Involves a systematic and iterative approach to data analysis

4. Ethnographic Research:

19 Pages


Ethnographic Films Capturing Their Souls

Words: 5905
Length: 19 Pages
Type: Essay

It should be noted that this risk of becoming simply an "ethnocentric fantasy" is something that not all filmmakers are worried about. Indeed, it might well be argued that…

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5 Pages


Ethnographic Assessment and Intervention the

Words: 1330
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Assessment

In the wake of the serviceman's complaint and the health and welfare inspection, the intervention will be determined. Talk with building residents to follow up on the health and…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Ethnographic Study the Purpose of

Words: 776
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

During the sequence followed, many of the younger males put on a "machismo" like attitude in an attempt to assert they were very familiar with sex and sexuality.…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Ethnographic Study -- Prison Ward

Words: 1669
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

This will protect not only the privacy of the individuals involved, but also their safety. Conclusion There are a variety of options I can consider in terms of entering and…

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3 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Management

Ethnographic Research on Business Culture Ehtnographic Research

Words: 866
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Ethnographic Research on Business Culture Ehtnographic research as it pertains to business culture Influence of culture on business management According to Cox (1993, 45-56) cultural diversity in an organization includes the different…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Ethnographic Study of a Military Family Medical

Words: 1684
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethnographic Study of a Military Family Medical Center Ethnographic Study Ethnography eport -Technical Writing Ethnographic Project -- Military Family Medical Center Project Purpose & Setting: This report addresses the workings of a family care…

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12 Pages

History - Asian

Ethnographic Study of Chinese Women

Words: 3071
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Thesis

They treasure what they have been lost since becoming destitute and homeless. On the opposite, American removes coming forward mostly. They yearn native land is actually for the…

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2 Pages


Ethnographic Study of a Culture Reveals the

Words: 476
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethnographic study of a culture reveals the insider perspective of that culture. In this article, the author chose an interesting sub-culture i.e. skateboarders and tried to present an insider…

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6 Pages

Family and Marriage

Ethnographic Interview Levon From Turkey

Words: 1932
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

He remembers this fondly, even in the midst of so many other memories and recollections from Turkey. See, the country has a long and provocative history. Levon explains that…

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5 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Ethnographic Interviews the Person That

Words: 1684
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

The health issues returned and at that time it became clear that something more drastic had to be made. The subject eventually stopped to go out with the…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Ethnographic Examination of the Attitude

Words: 912
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

But as an erotic dancer, that is my purpose. I perform to turn you on, and if I fail, I feel I've done a poor job. (Sundahl, 1987,…

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4 Pages


Ethnographic Study Shahin Is a

Words: 1252
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

On the surface, Shahin's problem is her weight. Her physical health will suffer if she does not attend to her nutritional needs. Yet as with most anorexic clients,…

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2 Pages


Ethnographic Examination of How Guidance Teachers Make

Words: 615
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

ethnographic examination of how guidance teachers make sense of their caring abilities on the job. Also, it looks at the counseling services they offer to students. The findings…

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2 Pages
Book Report


Ethnographic Study

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

Mitchel Duneier. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. New York. 1999. The books and magazine vendors, the panhandlers, the second-hand merchants -- you see them every day on the corner of the…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Ethnographic Research in Hospital Settings

Words: 699
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Planning and Design Analysis Grid Ethnographic Research of Patient Care Deitrick L; Bokovoy J; Stern G; and Panik A. (2006) Dance of the call bells: using ethnography to evaluate patient satisfaction…

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