Experiential Essays (Examples)

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I didn't want to get the students in trouble at the time, and as a teenager I felt that it was the teacher's responsibility to catch the offenders, not mine, and there was no honor code at my school that required me to report offenders spotted cheating. I did not want to incur the social costs of being a snitch, although I did feel upset and angry that the hard work I had done, studying for the test, was undercut by the students' behavior and their perfect scores, given that I knew that they had stolen the answer key.
DQ4: As an ordinary employee, probably not. I would probably first confront the offenders to let them know that their behavior had been identified, and hope that shame and fear would alter their behavior. I would not want to deprive these individuals of employment as a fellow employee, although I know….

Administrative Management
Life Learning and Experiential Knowledge in Administrative Management

Concrete Experience.

In 1991, I accepted a position as a customer service specialist with Teachers Insurance and Annuity Associated, College Retirement Equity Funds (TIAA-CREF) in New York, New York which I still maintain today. In a day and age characterized by "job hopping" in search of greener pastures, some observers might be shocked to find that I have been with the same company for almost 15 years now, with no plans for change. There are some compelling reasons for staying with the same employer for so long, in fact making it a career path rather than a stepping stone along the way. TIAA-CREF is one the leading national financial services organizations in the country and is widely regarded as the premier pension system for people in education and research.

This company is one the leaders in its industry and is the largest in the….

Trail Lake Nursing & ehabilitation in Fort Worth Texas has an 85% occupancy rate with 102 residents who use its 120 beds. They are an independent for Profit nursing home that accepts both Medicare and Medicaid. Their patient care is administered by registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and certified nurse aids.
Consumers may experience this setting as friendly and down-to-earth, offering individualized protective care. Services include skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, IV therapy, Hydration, medication administration, Entereal feedings, wound care, X-ray, activities, social services, and physicians' services.

The setting seems air-filled, broad, and inviting. Plain whitewashed walls, with some paintings interspersed here and there, simple wood paneling in a few spots, ivory colored carpeting, glass doors, infrequent floor-to-ceiling windows, and broad unvarnished corridors give the place breadth and a sense of space. The rooms seem cute and comfortable. Women, perhaps, may feel more comfortable here than males. I….

Study Skills
The author of this report has been asked to offer a treatise on the subject of study skills. The dimensions and facets of studying skills that shall be covered include some reflection, the five learning outcomes for the model in question, the author's feelings about the matter, the evaluation of the same, an analysis of the overall progress and framework in question and an overall action plan. Study skills are often over-hyped or overly minimalized. However, to dismiss their importance or wield them improperly is a recipe for disaster when it comes to both the work and educational spheres. While incessantly drilling and covering subjects over and over can lead to burnout and wasted motion, being under-prepared is less than optimal and can lead to setbacks that are hard to recover from.


Study skills, of course, refer to the manner by which people work from an academic standpoint so as….

Design Thinking CritiqueRylander Eklund, A., Navarro Aguiar, U., & Amacker, A. (2022). Design thinking assensemaking: Developing a pragmatist theory of practice to (re) introduce sensibility.Journal of Product Innovation Management,39(1), 24-43.The article addresses the challenge of understanding design thinking by going beyond the aspect of problem-solving. It focuses on going deeper into the cultural and experiential qualities of design thinking, which are often overlooked in the literature.The article asks: how can design thinking be conceptualized beyond a purely cognitive activity? It also asks: What is the role of sensibility in design thinking, and how is it developed and nurtured? How can a pragmatist theory of practice provide a deeper understanding of design thinking?The studys impact is that it moves the perspective on design thinking from problem-solving to creativity, sensemaking, imagination, and improvisation. The goal here is to give it a more holistic approach. The researchers use a theoretical approach rooted in….

Experiential Family Therapy (EFT) is the central place of humanistic therapies and psychology. This therapy includes the works of Fritz Perls, Carl Rogers, and Abraham Maslow, along with the communication theories and family systems of Paul Watzlavick, Don Jackson, and Gregory ateson. It is called a meeting place for all the theorists because clearly the experiential family therapy includes multiple systems used for therapy. The authors ecvar & evcar (2006) like to call these 'experimental approaches to family therapy' instead of 'experimental models'. Virginia Satir, one of the main predecessors of the experiential approach, is also considered to be part of communication approaches as well as experiential (Lester, 2009).
The family tree of the family system has three main parts: (1) the Communications approach of Virginia Satir; (2) the Gestalt experiential approach of Walter Kempler; and (3) the Symbolic experiential approach of Carl Whitaker (ecvar & ecvar, 2006). However, the focus….

Experiential Exercise: Observing and Reporting Surroundings at a VA Medical Center
To satisfy the requirements of this assignment, the author recently volunteered at a local Department of Veterans Affairs medical center (VAMC) and the results of this experience are related below.

Date and address of where the experience took place

October XYZ, 20XX, in Anytown, Ohio.

Length of time you were there

Four hours (including lunch).

Brief description of the setting

The VAMC visited for this assignment is a major tertiary healthcare facility that provides medical, surgical, dental and mental health services to eligible veterans in its catchment area. The volunteer services department is located on the VAMC's first floor, immediately inside the main entrance. A young female receptionist behind a glass window greets volunteers with and without appointments, but a sign below the window recommends making an appointment to ensure volunteers' services are needed on a specific date. Besides this young staff member, though, virtually all….

"The second step is to develop a touch-point chain and gauge those with the greatest impact. The third step is to turn findings into project priorities. The final step is to implement and monitor." (Atwal and Williams, 2009 P. 343).
Uche (2009) provides different argument by pointing out that internet experience create compelling, enjoyable, memorable, and positive experience for online shoppers. The author develops web experience model to demonstrate the strategy the virtual environment could provide experience for online customer. Typically, the 7C model was developed to create a high impact digital experiential customer experience. This includes customisation, content, customer care, community, communication, convenience and connectivity.

On the other hand, Snakers & Zajdman (2010) argue that there is a proliferation of fashion jewelry within the present marketing environment making consumer to face challenges in distinguishing between products. Thus, finding the best method to differentiate one product from the other has become….

Based on the attributes of luxury brand, the luxury brand requires special marketing strategy to achieve brand objectives. The strategy assists in developing global brand reputation as well as forming brand awareness within the global competitive environment. (Moore and Birtwistle 2005).

In the contemporary marketing environment, experiential marketing has become a cornerstone of marketing, and retailing for luxury brand. Experiential marketing is the technique of viewing consumer as an emotional and rational being who aims to achieve pleasurable experiences. (Atwal et al. 2008). Typically, experiential marketing offers customer memorable experiences in order to achieve customer satisfaction and competitive market advantages. The experiential marketing uses different tools to create the memorable experiences for customers. For example, experiential marketing organizes entertainment for customers in order to educate them, allow them to escape the reality, as well as giving them aesthetic objects or places to see. Experiential marketers use different tools to create experience….

Bune's constuctivist theoy and the conceptual paadigms of Kolb's Expeiential Leaning theoy dawing on the associated theoies ae Kinesthetic and Embodied Leaning. As also noted in the intoductoy chapte, the guiding eseach question fo this study was, "What ae the caee paths fo teaching atists seeking to deploy into the field of community at and development?" To develop timely and infomed answes to this eseach question, this chapte povides a eview of the elevant pee-eviewed and scholaly liteatue concening these theoetical famewoks to investigate the diffeent caee paths teaching atists seek to deploy into the field of community at and development, including ceative community building and adult community centes such as woking with Alzheime's Disease and stoke victims.
Adult Leaning Theoies

Kolb's Expeiential Leaning Theoy. Thee ae a wide aay of theoetical models that can be used to identify and bette undestand teaching and leaning pefeences by educatos and students, including….

hereas Origen did, to a certain degree, follow Clement's teachings, he introduced his own point-of-view in the matter and provided his followers with less information regarding Christian mysticism. This is most probably caused by his interest in teaching mainstream Christianity. He considered that it was easier for him to promote the religion this way, as the masses were presumably unable to understand mystical concepts if they did not know the difference between material Christianity and spiritual Christianity.
Origen feared that by employing a Gnostic approach at understanding religion, people would realize that it was not obligatory for them to consider Jesus Christ and His crucifixion. Origen believes that it is not that a Gnostic "denies or doubts the truth of the Gospel history, but he feels that events which only happened once can be of no importance, and regards the life, death, and resurrection of Christ as only one manifestation….

Consequently, marketing efforts become more and more important.
Glyn Atwal and Alistair Williams (2009) for instance argue that the creators of luxury products have to use marketing efforts to identify new customers' needs even before the customers become aware of these needs. In other words, they have to "stay in front of luxury consumers" (Atwal and Williams, 2009, p.338). And in order to do so, the luxury products manufacturers strive to create positive experiences for their customers in order to inspire them and to stimulate their purchase decisions.

Otherwise put, in the context of luxury products, experiential marketing is growingly present and critical and this is due to the complex nature of the luxury sector. Here, the producers seek to transmit the image of high quality, product authenticity, as well as performance. However, aside from these statements, the luxury products must also transmit and sell a customer experience; and this experience….

While both gender and race are positionalities that are difficult to hide (not that one should need or want to, anyway), sexual orientation is not necessarily something that is known about a person, and its affects on the learning process can be very different. The very fact that sexual orientation can be hidden can create a situation where the learner closes off, hiding not only their sexuality but demurring away from other opportunities of expression and engagement as well. Conversely, if an individual with an alternative sexuality was open about this fact, it could very well cause discomfort in other adult learners who have a marked generational bias against many alternative sexualities and lifestyles (Cain). Both situations could provide useful grounds for personal growth in self-acceptance and self-security, for the learner of a minority sexual orientation and for the other learners in the class, respectively (Cain).

Situated Cognition v. Experiential Learning


manager." The introduction describe " -development important a manager mix a bit coaching theories ( I a coaching I techniques Kolb' learning cycle techniques fuore managers improve ), I a part body essay real life examples managers coaching techniques -development successful ( describe techniques ).
The importance of self-development in becoming a manager

Self-development is defined first and foremost as an overall holistic desire to find one's freedom and the desire to connect with one's self and own sense of worth, integrity and happiness so as to enjoy abundant happiness both at home and at work. Self-development in simpler terms is that amazing quest / journey that a person embarks on; a point of realization when all the pieces of a person's life fall together and they finally remove their own self limitations and inhibitions that hinder or stop any person more so a manager from achieving greatness. This definition is….

The Jewish naming in Istanbul was foreign to the local people.)
It is for that reason too that we are so apt to see communication or transmission of language as a 'simple' ordinary activity and expect the other to understand us. We forget (as Delaney for one pointed out) that language is a string of interpretations that symbols into verbal form. The symbols -- the way that we see the phenomena -- are engineered by our own particular experiences. Ipso facto, it therefore makes sense that each interprets these phenomena differently and that each imposes a different lens as symbol. It follows, therefore, that we are bound to fail in catching the drift of the person's message (or communication) as the sender intends it.

This was the insight that came to me through the project of watching two people communicate to one another in the cafeteria. It was as though they….

1. The impact of international student enrollment on Canadian universities and colleges
2. The benefits of studying in Canada for international students
3. The role of Canadian institutions in fostering global citizenship through international education
4. The challenges and opportunities of recruiting international students to study in Canada
5. The economic impact of international education on the Canadian economy
6. The importance of diversifying the international student population in Canada
7. The role of language education in internationalizing Canadian higher education
8. The promotion of indigenous knowledge and perspectives in international education programs
9. The impact of international partnerships and collaborations on Canadian higher education institutions
10. The influence....

Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas


The Importance of Early Childhood Education
Should College Education Be Free for All?
Technology's Role in Enhancing Education
The Value of Experiential Learning over Traditional Classrooms
The Impact of Standardized Testing on Student Success

Social Issues

The Necessity of Universal Healthcare
The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Imperative
The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
The Importance of Gun Control Legislation
The Benefits of a Universal Basic Income


Climate Change: A Call to Action
The Necessity of Renewable Energy Sources
The Role of Individuals in Environmental Protection
The Impact of Deforestation on Biodiversity
The Benefits....

Complex and Thought-Provoking Essay Topics on Research Questions About Life After Death

Topic 1: The Nature and Evidence of Near-Death Experiences

What is the phenomenology of near-death experiences (NDEs)?
Are NDEs veridical experiences of an afterlife?
How can we scientifically investigate and evaluate the authenticity of NDEs?

Topic 2: The Role of Consciousness in Postmortem Survival

Can consciousness exist independently of the physical brain?
What is the nature of consciousness after death?
Are there non-physical realms or dimensions where consciousness continues to reside?

Topic 3: Reincarnation and the Cycle of Rebirth

Is reincarnation a valid concept?
What are the empirical or experiential evidences....

Summer sleep-away camp experiences during childhood hold transformative power, shaping individuals' overall development and well-being in myriad ways. These immersive environments foster independence, social skills, personal growth, and a profound appreciation for nature, laying a foundation that influences their perspectives and outlooks later in life.

Independence and Self-Reliance

At camp, children are thrust into a setting where they are expected to manage their daily routines and responsibilities independently. They learn to make their beds, pack their belongings, and adhere to schedules without parental supervision. This newfound autonomy cultivates a sense of self-reliance and prepares them for future challenges.

Social Development and Teamwork

Camp provides....

2 Pages
Research Proposal


Small Business Ethics Experiential Exercise

Words: 808
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

I didn't want to get the students in trouble at the time, and as a teenager I felt that it was the teacher's responsibility to catch the offenders,…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Administrative Management Life Learning and Experiential Knowledge

Words: 2561
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Administrative Management Life Learning and Experiential Knowledge in Administrative Management Concrete Experience. In 1991, I accepted a position as a customer service specialist with Teachers Insurance and Annuity Associated, College Retirement Equity…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Experiential Analysis on Trail Lake Nursing and Rehab Center

Words: 888
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Trail Lake Nursing & ehabilitation in Fort Worth Texas has an 85% occupancy rate with 102 residents who use its 120 beds. They are an independent for Profit nursing…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Experiential Learning and Learning

Words: 1090
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Study Skills The author of this report has been asked to offer a treatise on the subject of study skills. The dimensions and facets of studying skills that shall be…

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1 Pages


Cultural and Experiential Qualities in Design

Words: 332
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Design Thinking CritiqueRylander Eklund, A., Navarro Aguiar, U., & Amacker, A. (2022). Design thinking assensemaking: Developing a pragmatist theory of practice to (re) introduce sensibility.Journal of Product Innovation Management,39(1),…

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5 Pages


Approaching Bowenian Family System Therapy

Words: 2235
Length: 5 Pages

Experiential Family Therapy (EFT) is the central place of humanistic therapies and psychology. This therapy includes the works of Fritz Perls, Carl Rogers, and Abraham Maslow, along with the…

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3 Pages

Health - Public Health Issues

Observing and Reporting Surroundings at a VA Medical Center

Words: 956
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Experiential Exercise: Observing and Reporting Surroundings at a VA Medical Center To satisfy the requirements of this assignment, the author recently volunteered at a local Department of Veterans Affairs medical…

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17 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Advertising

Luxury Fashion of Swarovski Toward

Words: 5498
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Literature Review

"The second step is to develop a touch-point chain and gauge those with the greatest impact. The third step is to turn findings into project priorities. The final…

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17 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Advertising

Swarovski's Customer in the Digital

Words: 5507
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Based on the attributes of luxury brand, the luxury brand requires special marketing strategy to achieve brand objectives. The strategy assists in developing global brand reputation as well as…

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12 Pages
Literature Review Chapter


Bruner's Constructivist Theory and the Conceptual Paradigms

Words: 3441
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Literature Review Chapter

Bune's constuctivist theoy and the conceptual paadigms of Kolb's Expeiential Leaning theoy dawing on the associated theoies ae Kinesthetic and Embodied Leaning. As also noted in the intoductoy…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Christian mysticism during Early Christianity

Words: 2223
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

hereas Origen did, to a certain degree, follow Clement's teachings, he introduced his own point-of-view in the matter and provided his followers with less information regarding Christian mysticism.…

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38 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Advertising

Swarovski's Customer in the Digital

Words: 10512
Length: 38 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Consequently, marketing efforts become more and more important. Glyn Atwal and Alistair Williams (2009) for instance argue that the creators of luxury products have to use marketing efforts to…

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12 Pages


Education the Existence of the

Words: 3464
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

While both gender and race are positionalities that are difficult to hide (not that one should need or want to, anyway), sexual orientation is not necessarily something that is…

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30 Pages


Manager the Introduction Describe -Development Important

Words: 8775
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Essay

manager." The introduction describe " -development important a manager mix a bit coaching theories ( I a coaching I techniques Kolb' learning cycle techniques fuore managers improve ),…

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5 Pages


Starting Point Carol Delaney's Dictum

Words: 1872
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The Jewish naming in Istanbul was foreign to the local people.) It is for that reason too that we are so apt to see communication or transmission of language…

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