Family Counseling Essays (Examples)

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Family Counseling

Family Counseling
hen considering family assessment, one must consider that all individuals come from unique and diverse backgrounds, including families. A counselor must attain a familiarity with these differences in order to strengthen the counseling relationship between him/her and the client. The assessment part of a counseling session is a critical one; the counselor and client become more aware of each other, build rapport and become respectful of each others beliefs and values (Nietzel, 1998). In addition, counselors must become familiar with and be sensitive when assessing African-American, Asian-American and Hispanic-American families.

First of all, counselors must be sensitive when assessing African-American families. Overemphasis on the differences that separate this cultural group from others may promote stereotyping. It is important to keep this in mind, so as to avoid it.

Secondly, counselors must be sensitive when assessing Asian-American families, as well. Many Asian-Americans emphasize the collective good and make plans with the family….

Family Counseling

Family counseling is a mode of treatment aimed at changing patterns of family interactions so as to correct family disturbances. There are theories in family counseling that lend themselves to helping families acquire and maintain certain qualities; such as the following: commitment to the family and its individuals, appreciation for each other, willingness to spend time together, effective communication patterns, a high degree of religious/spiritual orientation, ability to deal with a crisis in a positive manner, encouragement of individuals, and clear roles.
Family therapy is grounded in systems theory, which emphasizes three major principles: circular causality, ecology, and subjectivity (Nietzel, 1998). Circular causality means that events are interrelated and mutually dependent rather than fixed in a simple cause-effect sequence. Thus no member of a family is the cause of another's problems; the behavior of each member usually depends, to some degree, on each others. Ecology means that systems can only be….

Family Counseling Approach

Family Counseling Approach

It is rightly said that 'my paradise is where my family lives." Family is such a blessing that after all the day's long effort and struggle, people find that their energy is regained when they meet the family at night. In societies where the family bonds are tighter, the psychological problems are low. Even the families not living idealistically happily are better than those living alone. However, it has been a desire of people to make their family bonds stronger and to be able to share and love more. Family counseling or family therapy is an effort to erase the tensions between family members and to help them grow their family bond stronger. Many family approaches are presented and applied after research and observation. These family counseling approaches develop understanding among family members particularly spouses so that they can handle stress and strain of family life better. Family….

Family Counseling
In the presented scenario, there are issues that are clear and that are bound to influence the direction or the effectiveness of the family counseling as well as present ethical issues. First, it is important to understand the contents of the biblical passages to understand their implications to the case.

The book of Mark 10: 6-9 is relevant in marriage situations and commonly referred to in marriage ceremonies or when setting marital boundaries between children and their parents. The book of Luke 14:26-27 on the other hand is indicative of a spiritual call; the words in this passage can be misrepresented, but to understand it better one needs to refer to situations in the New Testament where Jesus was calling his disciples. Whereas the first passage would be applicable in setting family boundaries, the second one, used or referred to inappropriately would be harmful to family ties and more so….

Family Counseling
The Jones family willingly sought family therapy to help them through a crisis with the Jones family's young son. As counseling was not imposed, from the outside, this should make the therapeutic process easier and more constructive. However, there might be a great deal of initial resistance upon the rest of the Joneses to talking about the other underlying family issues and coping mechanism in need of being addressed to find a long-term, holistic solution to the family's conflicts, and economic and psychological needs.

Because therapy but was solicited by the family to address a specific family member and issue, the strategic model of family intervention might seem most appropriate to the family -- get the boy back in school and off the streets, get the boy a job so he doesn't end up in violation of his parole and back in the juvenile detention center, they might cry, with….

Counseling TheoriesDeveloping counselors with expertise in marriage, couple, and family counseling interact with a system that not only affects them but they also affect it. Therefore, the continual study of marriage, couple, and family counseling is important for the personal growth of developing counselors in this field. One of the most important aspects of the personal development of these counselors is using theory to inform professional counseling practice. The use of theories in professional counseling practice is important because the theories serve as a roadmap for practice. Theories provide developing counselors with knowledge and insights as well as a sense of direction. For a developing counselor in marriage, couple, and family counseling, insights obtained from the use of theories help to enhance effectiveness with clients.One of the theories that resonate most with professional counseling practice in this field is Bowens Family Systems Theory. This theory holds that individuals are inseparable….

Family Counseling

Family Therapy
Family therapists have a variety of therapeutic approaches they might choose for use in their practice. Two approaches with significant differences are the object-relation, or psychodynamic approach, and the cognitive-behavioral approach.

The psychodynamic approach looks at the personality development and emotional processes within each member of the family group as well as how the family interacts, and how this is reflected by the psychodynamics of each individual (Gurman & Lebow, 1995). y contrast, the cognitive-behavioral approach looks at the interactions of the individuals within the group as well as how the family as a whole functions. This approach looks at behaviors between individuals and communication patterns, and focuses on improved communication styles and problem-solving (Gurman & Lebow, 1995).

In spite of their differences, both approaches have some things in common. In both approaches, the goal is to help the family unit function in a more healthy way. In addition, both approaches….

Psychoanalytic Family Counseling

Psychoanalytic theory was the dominant psychological paradigm that influenced counseling and psychotherapy in the first part of the twentieth century (Hall, Lindzey, & Campbell, 1998); however, it was replaced first by behaviorism and later by cognitively-oriented paradigms. Nonetheless, psychoanalytic thought has persisted into the twenty-first century and is enjoying a bit of a comeback beginning in the last part of the 1990's (Hall et al., 1998).

Of course Sigmund Freud originated the psychodynamic approach, but his work centered mostly on the individual (Hall et al., 1998). An early basis for the psychoanalytic family approach was the Psycho-Analytic Study of the Family by Flugel (1921). These early propositions by Flugel adhered closely to classical psychoanalytic theory, but attempted to understand family influences on desires of the child. Later Henry Dicks published results of his work with married couples in the 1940s examining the parallel representation of internal and external objects….

Family Counseling

counselor assess a single-parent-led family using the problem-Appraisal checklist for the custodial and non-custodial parent?
No chart can give a full determinacy of any family's essential competency, whether led by a single parent or by two parents. Thus, when assessing a single parent-led family a counselor must be especially careful of seeming non-judgmental towards such families deemed non-standard by society, such as single-parent families, and not use an assessment chart as a kind of laundry list of competency. A counselor, regardless of his or her personal approaches, must use any problem-appraisal schema in a helpful rather than a harmful fashion. The aim of counseling is to empower both the custodial and non-custodial parent to move on in their respective family, personal, and professional lives, not hold them to unrealistic standards.

hen first assessing both parents, the counselor should also remember that in addition to the traditional nuclear family, a single parent….

Family Counseling

Solution-Focused Approach to a Two-Career Home: hat are the sources of stress in dual-career lifestyles of families? Apply a solution-focus approach to help these families cope effectively with stress.
Solution-focused therapy is a problem-based schema of family therapy that can offer an ideal way to help dual-career families cope with some of the inevitable stresses of hectic modern life. Rather than focus on the 'deeper issues,' in the family dynamic, such as relations between the genders or generations, solution-focus approaches are based in therapeutic inquiries that attempt to help couples find practical approaches and solutions to everyday problems. These problems may be as mundane as who does the chores or who is responsible for ferrying around the children to different activities. A counselor taking a solutions-focus approach might help the couple allocate chores and responsibilities in such a fashion that one parent is not always the burden-bearer or the person….

Structural Family Couselling Approach
Family Counseling Approach


Structural Approach to Family Counselling

Families vary across the cultures, just as individuals vary within the family structure but the overall concept of family therapy or counseling is universal. The aim of family counseling is to assist families work through family challenges and create solutions that respect all the members in the family unit (Winek, 2010). An individual objective becomes the total goal of the family. It is not about playing one family individual against the other or putting the blame against each other, family therapy is about healing of the family.

Accepting that one's family would gain from an outsider assisting to increase family members harmony is a first step in family counseling. Identifying an appropriate family counseling service is crucial to ensure effectiveness of the counseling. Similarly the most significant element of choosing a family therapy service is determining the….

Salvador Minuchin's System of Family Counseling

Family therapy is usually initiated because of psychological or emotional problems of a single family member (Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2001). In many cases, the family member is a child or adolescent. These problems are treated as symptomatic of dysfunction within the family system. The therapist analyzes the interaction between family members, to determine the role played by each member in maintaining the family system.

Family therapy is often helpful for dealing with problems that surface in response to a particular event or situation, incusing divorce or remarriage. It is also a good way to draw individuals who feel threatened by individual therapy into a therapeutic environment and get help with their issues.

There are numerous approaches to family therapy. Perhaps the best known family therapist is Salvador Minuchin. Minuchin, who still lives and works in the United States, grew up in a large rural family in….


Solution-focused therapy is a form of counseling that seeks to help the client develop a solution in their issues for themselves. The model of therapy aims at finding out the client’s perception about a viable solution and helping them embrace their solutions. In this therapy model, the therapist leads a conversation that helps the clients to appreciate their strengths and the fact that solutions are within their power (Gladding, 2010). The solution based family counseling model is a form of solution-based counseling that is carried out in the context of an issue affecting a family (Guterman, 2015). The following study reviews the strength and weakness as well as the overall effectiveness of the solution-based family counseling model in light of the cases presented in the YouTube video. The clients from the various counseling sessions in this video present different dynamics to the counseling session. In the first counseling session, the client….

Licensure RequirementsProfessional counselors including those with expertise in marriage, couples, and family counseling comply with relevant standards for their practice. Guidelines for professional preparation for these counselors are established by accrediting bodies like the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). These guidelines relate to specific knowledge, practice, and skill areas for their professional practice. Accreditation standards and guidelines developed by such bodies, in turn, become the foundation for professional licensure. Additionally, counselors also seek professional credentials and practice in a variety of settings in marriage, couples, and family counseling practice. This paper discusses the professional preparation, credentials, and scope of practice of counselors in marriage, couples, and family counseling.Scope of Practice of a CounselorThe scope of practice of professional counselors with expertise with marriage, couples, and family counseling refers to the type of services they can provide in specific settings. According to Thomas (2019), professional counselors….

I. Introduction
- Overview of the impact of parenting skills and family disruptions on middle childhood and adolescence
- Importance of positive parenting skills and the negative effects of family disruptions on a child's well-being
II. Positive Parenting Skills
- Providing emotional support
- Setting boundaries and expectations
- Maintaining consistent discipline
III. Impact of Positive Parenting Skills on Children's Development
- Healthy emotional development
- Social skills and relationships
- Academic success
IV. Family Disruptions
- Examples (divorce, separation, loss of a parent)
- Negative effects on children's well-being
V. Impact of Family Disruptions on Children's Development
- Emotional distress
- Difficulty forming relationships
- Academic challenges
VI. Middle Childhood and Adolescence
- Crucial developmental stages
- Physical, cognitive,....

1 Pages
Term Paper


Family Counseling

Words: 314
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Family Counseling hen considering family assessment, one must consider that all individuals come from unique and diverse backgrounds, including families. A counselor must attain a familiarity with these differences in…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Family Counseling

Words: 341
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Family counseling is a mode of treatment aimed at changing patterns of family interactions so as to correct family disturbances. There are theories in family counseling that lend themselves…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Family Counseling Approach

Words: 3180
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Counseling Family Counseling Approach It is rightly said that 'my paradise is where my family lives." Family is such a blessing that after all the day's long effort and struggle, people…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Family Counseling in the Presented Scenario There

Words: 576
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Family Counseling In the presented scenario, there are issues that are clear and that are bound to influence the direction or the effectiveness of the family counseling as well as…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Family Counseling Intervention Models

Words: 814
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Family Counseling The Jones family willingly sought family therapy to help them through a crisis with the Jones family's young son. As counseling was not imposed, from the outside, this…

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1 Pages


Family Counseling Theories and Therapy

Words: 352
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Counseling TheoriesDeveloping counselors with expertise in marriage, couple, and family counseling interact with a system that not only affects them but they also affect it. Therefore, the continual study…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Family Counseling

Words: 366
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Family Therapy Family therapists have a variety of therapeutic approaches they might choose for use in their practice. Two approaches with significant differences are the object-relation, or psychodynamic approach, and…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Approaches to Family Counseling

Words: 2951
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Counseling Psychoanalytic Family Counseling Psychoanalytic theory was the dominant psychological paradigm that influenced counseling and psychotherapy in the first part of the twentieth century (Hall, Lindzey, & Campbell, 1998); however, it…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Family Counseling

Words: 657
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

counselor assess a single-parent-led family using the problem-Appraisal checklist for the custodial and non-custodial parent? No chart can give a full determinacy of any family's essential competency, whether led…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Family Counseling

Words: 395
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Solution-Focused Approach to a Two-Career Home: hat are the sources of stress in dual-career lifestyles of families? Apply a solution-focus approach to help these families cope effectively with…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Structural Family Couselling Approach Family Counseling Approach

Words: 3397
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Structural Family Couselling Approach Family Counseling Approach FAMILY COUNSELING APPOACH ESEACH PAPE Structural Approach to Family Counselling Families vary across the cultures, just as individuals vary within the family structure but the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Salvador Minuchin's System of Family Counseling and When it Can Be Used

Words: 2597
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Psychology Salvador Minuchin's System of Family Counseling Family therapy is usually initiated because of psychological or emotional problems of a single family member (Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2001). In many cases,…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Relevance of Family Counseling in Multicultural Counseling

Words: 389
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

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2 Pages

Psychology - Counseling

Solution Focused Theory and Family Counseling

Words: 677
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Solution-focused therapy is a form of counseling that seeks to help the client develop a solution in their issues for themselves. The model of therapy aims at finding out…

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4 Pages


Marriage Couples and Family Counseling

Words: 1162
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Licensure RequirementsProfessional counselors including those with expertise in marriage, couples, and family counseling comply with relevant standards for their practice. Guidelines for professional preparation for these counselors are established…

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