Family Relations as Portrayed in Commercial Ads
Family relations are an important consideration in how companies interact with them. his is based on the knowledge that families form the nucleus of the society. As a result, ad developers have realized the necessity of addressing family relations in ad development. Commercial ad development with family consideration has a deep history relating back to the industrial revolution. Intuitive ads developed at the time focused inherently on the social attitudes (behavior and principles) as reflected on the reach of the ad to the society. In engineering the ad, different members of the family, are presented in their demographic role of a society or a family. his analysis will comprehensively analyze thirty-five ads, twenty-four commercial ads and eleven prints ads by examining the nature of family relationships in the society targeted by the each ad. he study will also analyze the dominant family types portrayed…...
mlaThis print advertises the Kalbe Family initiative
The main context of the advert is a nuclear family matching in front
The dominant family is the nuclear family. The ad communicates on the essentiality of having protection covers for a family
The National Council on Family elations (NCF) was founded in 1938. This is a professional organization with a mandate revolving around family research, practice and education -- the family is a key component of what it does (NCF, 2013). As a professional organization, the NCF draws its members from the profession, namely 3400 people who include a wide range of family-related professions. This organization is international, drawing its membership from over 35 countries (NCF, 2013). Some of the professions that are included in the organization are researchers, demographers, those involved in therapy both marriage and family, educators, students, plus social workers, those in the health care profession especially public health, religious professionals and more (NCF, 2013).
The organization is primarily involved in publishing. There are several publishing ventures of the NCF. The main one comes in the form of three scholarly journals that the organization publishes. These journals are the Journal…...
NCFR. (2013) Website, various pages. Retrieved November 14, 2013 from
In 2003, Brodzinsky, Patterson, and Vaziri conducted a study of applicants for adoption at various licensed adoption agencies. Some two-thirds of these agencies reported application from potential gay and lesbian parents. Agencies that focused on placing special needs children generally reported more favorable attitudes toward gay and lesbian applicants.
The message appears to be that where care of individuals is given first priority, the actual abilities and nature of individuals are also given primary consideration. In situation where it is difficult to place children i.e. where the children themselves do not meet the "ideal" of what children are supposed to be, the parents also need not meet the societal ideal. The change in preference reflects a genuine understanding of the underlying nature of the family relationship. At their core, families exist to provide a nurturing, supportive, and protective environment for their members. The gay, and other non-traditional applicants, are providing…...
mlaWorks Cited
Brodzinsky, David M., and Jesus Palacios, eds. Psychological Issues in Adoption: Research and Practice. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2005.
Hodge, David R. "Learning to Hear Each Others' Voice: A Response to Melendez and LaSala." Social Work 52.4 (2007): 365+.
Laird, Joan. "Chapter 7 Lesbian and Gay Families." Normal Family Processes: Growing Diversity and Complexity. Ed. Froma Walsh. 3rd ed. New York: Guilford Press, 2003. 176-209.
Ryan, Scott D., Sue Pearlmutter, and Victor Groza. "Coming out of the Closet: Opening Agencies to Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents." Social Work 49.1 (2004): 85+.
The National Council on Family elations places a high degree of emphasis on the development of quality policy and programs. Methodical and research-based program development in particularly important, evidenced by the tenth major content area on Family Life Education Methodology (NCF, 2011). This content area refers to program effectiveness, measured by various established qualitative and quantitative means. It also refers to program progress and effectiveness specific to target populations. Education techniques, ongoing assessments, and sensitivity training needs are also taken into account by this provision of the NCF (2011). Finally, public relations are becoming increasingly important to the practice of family research, family counseling, and family law. Policy and program development are core applications. Therefore, this content area is of the utmost importance. ecent research validates the NCF (2011) provision as follows.
Fawsett, E.B., Hawkins, A.J. Blanchard, V.L. & Carroll, J.S. (2010). Do premarital education programs really work? A meta-analytic study.…...
Blanchard, V.L., Hawkins, A.J.; Baldwin, S.A. & Fawcett, E.B. (2009). Investigating the effects of marriage and relationship education on couples' communication skills: A meta-analytic study. Journal of Family Psychology 23(2), Apr 2009, 203-214.
Fawsett, E.B., Hawkins, A.J., Blanchard, V.L. & Carroll, J.S. (2010). Do premarital education programs really work? A meta-analytic study. Family Relations 59(3): 232-239.
Ghysels, J. (2011). The unequal benefits of activation: an analysis of the social distribution of family policy among families with young children. Journal of European Social Policy 21(5): 472-485.
NCFR (2011). Family life education content areas. Retrieved online:
Family elations esearch
The Sociology of Families and Households is a film that will be examined in this paper. The film is full of controversial topics as well as complex socioeconomic issues that will be discussed in detail. A textbook, Public and Private Families, written by Andrew Cherlina share a lot of concepts of the film will be brought in to the discussion as well.
The various relationships that exist between Marxist theory, sociological perspectives, structural functionalism, as well as the family and early feminist theory are examined throughout the program. It examines the rapid decline in marriage over the last few decades as well as the great increase in couples choosing cohabitation. Divorce is increasing and the fertility rate is on the decline in the U.K. All of these factors have combined to affect the traditional family in Britain and has created new challenges for them in how everyday relationships are…...
The Sociology of Families and Households. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from
Cherlin, A. (2013). Public and Private Families: An Introduction (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Sociology of the Family. (2013). Retrieved April 11, 2015, from
Parker, S. (2013, October 25). Why family issues are economic issues. Retrieved April 12, 2015, from
Family elation and Substance Use Disorders
Families have multiple reasons to exist. The key reason, however, is nurturing, and fulfilling the present as well as long-term wants and needs of all members. A secondary motive is contributing, as a participant and consumer, to the wider society (Peter 2015). This paper will explore important familial roles, cultural differences in family systems, and how family members can facilitate treatment of a teenage member diagnosed with substance/drug use disorder. Family interventions such as Functional Family Therapy, Brief Strategic Family Therapy, In Family Behavior Therapy, Multi-systemic Therapy and Multidimensional Family Therapy will also be discussed.
In What Way Is The Family A System Of oles?
Families have multiple reasons to exist. The key reason, however, is nurturing, and fulfilling the present as well as long-term wants and needs of all members. A secondary motive is contributing, as a participant and consumer, to the wider society (Peter, 2015).…...
Marcia .C. (2011). Culture and Family Dynamics. Retrieved March 30, 2016, from
National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2014, January). Family-Based Approaches. Retrieved March 30, 2016, from
Novella .R. (2014, January). Family-Based Approaches. Retrieved March 30, 2016, from
As one commentator notes; "What this adds up to is, in my view, a significant shift in the balance of work and family life. oles are changing, the nature of care is changing, and the stress related to juggling the balance is increasing (Edgar, 1997, p. 149)
A number of statistics also help to outline the nature of the family structure in a developed economy like Australia. In terms of workforce participation, the figures are as follows: "….86% for fathers and 56% for mothers in two-parent families, and 65% for male and 43% for female sole parents"(Edgar, 1997, p.151). This is also indicative of a shift in the role of the female as solely a homemaker. "In 1993, 53% of couples with dependent children were both employed & #8230;" (Edgar, 1997, p. 151). Therefore, there are still imbalances and disparities in terms of the family structure and this is a…...
Anderson, G.L. (Ed.). (1997). The Family in Global Transition. St. Paul, MN: Professors
World Peace Academy. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Questia database:
Baile, S. (1990). Women and Health in Developing Countries. OECD Observer, a (161),
18-20. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Questia database:
They are also the guidelines by which a member determines the correctitude of conduct in relationships with the clients, colleagues, members of allied professions and with various populaces.
A member of the family and consumer sciences profession and of AAFCS is required by the code of ethics to maintain the highest responsible standard of professional performance. At all times, a member should uphold confidentiality and act with intelligence, dedication, and ebullience. A member is required to fulfill the obligation in order to continually advance and extend personal professional qualification. Sharing the professional competence with colleagues and clients is also a requirement meant to enlarge and carry on development of the profession.
The code of ethics requires members to support the objectives of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Members should also take part in its development through informed, active participation in its programs. Extending public cognizance and understanding of…...
American Association of Family and Consumer Services, AAFCS/CFC National Examination Candidate Information, (2004) Bulletin Texas Teacher Certification Version
National Council on Family Relations, a Guide to Family Life Educators Code of Ethics, (2010)
The Minnesota Council on Family Relations (MCFR), Ethical Thinking and Practice for Parent and Family Life Educators (2009) Minneapolis: Minnesota Council on Family Relations.
Traditional definition
Limits families to a heterosexual union with children
Does not account for other family types
Does not accept gay unions
Is highly positivist in data analysis and collection
The traditional family defintion focuses on the family with a heterosexual orientation. This defintion is functional in orientation and highly conservation in terms of its approaches to family. Consequently, other forms of family are not recognized or accepted as legitimate forms of family. This posture means that these families are not families. Single parents, extended families, and other non-traditional models are not entertained. Additionally, this approach is highly positivist in orientation and depends heavily on the creation of categories of families and the use of statistical data. The analysis attempts to understand trends based on the mean and departures from that mean. This is a major limitation since the nuanced nature of family requires that different types of data be collected which flesh out…...
Family environment as a predictor of adolescent delinquency
According to the study entitled "Family environment as a predictor of adolescent delinquency" by Monique Matherne and Adrienne Thomas (2001), juvenile delinquency has long been analyzed as a social and family-based problem, not something that is solely due to the young person's character. Availability of guns, violent television, and poor educational opportunities has all been linked to delinquent behaviors (Matherne & Thomas 2001: 656). Although most researchers would concede that delinquency is multi-factorial in its cause, there remains a great deal of debate in the academic community as to which variables predict the likelihood of the juvenile to engage in delinquent behavior. Cashwell and Vacc (1996) "have suggested that family relations might be even more important than peer relations in predicting delinquency" (Matherne & Thomas 2001: 660). The family environment has been particularly focused upon for potential causation of delinquency in recent years,…...
Matherne, Monique & Adrienne Thomas. (2001). Family environment as a predictor of adolescent delinquency. Adolescence, 36 (144) [HIDDEN]
Family Supper
The short story "A Faimily Supper" by Kazuo Ishiguro is not a simple piece of literature about a family gathering for a meal. A young Japanese man has returned home to Tokyo after spending years in California with a girl, though that relationship has now failed. He learns the cause of his mother's death two years earlier: posioning from a fugu fish. His father's business has recently collasped into ruin, and the father's business partner commited suicide. They are joined for dinner by Kikuko, the sister, who studies at a university. A fourth additoinal family member, the now dead mother, also appears in the story as a spectre. The brother and sister reminise about the sighting of a ghost in the garden when they had been children, while the father guides his son through the house of empty rooms, reminiscing about the life that once was there before…...
GENOGAM Genogram Family History AssignmentA genogram is a useful chart for depicting family relations and their intricacies with symbols and notations. It provides a clear picture to the professionals for determining issues and the prospect of genetic illnesses being carried forward to the index person. This paper aims at exploring my own familys multigenerational, multicultural, socio-political, and health status context. Our family lives in the US, and marriages have taken place within the same cultures.The symbolic denotation of the genogram has been presented below for a clear understanding of the three generations.Image 1: Genogram of a US FamilyImage is taken from Edraw Max (n.a.)Considering that the index person is to be seen in a primary care visit, the influences of his relationships, health history, lifestyle, culture, and environmental factors would be examined. The focused family genogram interview and the following information are gathered for a detailed explanation of each individuals…...
mlaReferencesEdraw Max. (n.a.). Wonder Share Edraw Max: Unnamed file. Retrieved from A. (2018). A death in the family: The differential impacts of losing a loved one. Canadian Journal of Family and Youth, 10(1), 99-118. Saad, H.A., Elbedour, S., Hallaq, E., Merrick, J. & Tenenbaum, A. (2014). Consanguineous marriage and intellectual and developmental disabilities among Arab Bedouins children of the Negev region in Southern Israel: A pilot study. Frontiers in Public Health, 2, 3. Schaller, M. & Murray, D.R. (2008). Pathogens, personality, and culture: Disease prevalence predicts worldwide variability in sociosexuality, extraversion, and openness to experience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(1), 212-221. Sobieraj, M., Williams, J., Marley, J. & Ryan, P. (1998). The impact of depression on the physical health of family members. British Journal of General Practice, 48(435), 1653-1655. Glatt,
Family Theoretical Perspective
The family is a social institution that has attracted a lot of research. There are many things that revolve around this institution and hence the reason why it attracts a lot of attention and consequent research. The topic of this paper is family and the chosen article is, "Beyond the nuclear family: The increasing importance of multigenerational bonds."
The structures of family forms vary just as their definitions. There is no single form of true family. In earlier years the nuclear family that comprises of a single set of biological parents and their children was prevalent. However, there has been a trend towards multiple generations of the same family living and working together in the same household. Today, there are many types of family forms that can be seen and they are due to the evolution of the family that started off as a result of a shift in…...
Vem, B. (2014). Beyond the nuclear family: The increasing importance of multigenerational bonds.
Family of Origin
The origin of the family describes the family in which one is grown up, inter-family interactions and relations between one's parents', siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. The current study examines the origin of a family and determines the systematic research based on the behavior and relation of members and provides evidence-based practices in order to address the relational gap found among the family members.
Systematic Analysis
Family Hierarchy
Family Subsystem
Attachment Styles in Family
Family Boundaries
Family Adaptability
Thematic esearch
Early Marriage and Divorce
Evidence-Based esearch and Intervention
The family in which one is grown up with the collaboration of adult's economic contribution and influence from parents, siblings and grandparents collectively describes one's family of origin. The origin of one's family tends to effect the systems that are being followed in the family and describes the degree to which they can be adaptive in nature. However the family is considered to possess a central role in the…...
Bramlett, M.D., & Mosher, W.D. (2001).First marriage dissolution, divorce, and remarriage.In National Center for Health Statistics.
Carr, A. (1999). Evidence-based practice in psychotherapy and counseling. Journal of the Irish Association of Counseling and Therapy, 2(9), 15-34.
Dattilio, F.M. (2005). Introduction to the special section: The role of cognitive -- behavioral interventions in couple and family therapy. Journal of marital and family therapy, 31(1), 7-13.
Engels, F. (1942).The origin of the family.Current Book Distributors.
It also varies with urban or rural residence. Urban households commonly earn more and enjoy a higher standard of living than rural households. The allocation for food spending corresponds to the biggest part of the family budget. However, as family income increases, the share in food in consumption expenses generally drops. This is most likely because of the popularity of "fast foods" nowadays.
Socialization Process
The process of socialization takes a lifetime whereby the individual acquires the established beliefs, values, sentiments, norms and behavior of his group and society. It is through socialization that the individual becomes a functioning member of his group. It is also through this process that values, customs and beliefs are passed on from one generation to the other.
Because of the significance of early experiences and primary relationships, the family remains to be the most important socializing agent in the child's life (Davidson and Moore, 1992). It…...
Bellah, R.N. (1970). Beyond Belief. New York: Harper & Row.
Berger, P.L. (1963). Invitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective. New York: Doubleday.
Berk, S.F. (1985). The Gender Factory. New York: Plenum.
Broom, DH, Broom, L. And Bonjean, C.M. (1990). Sociology: A Core Text with adapted readings. Belmont, California:Wadsworth Publishing Company.
The aftermath of the war in All Quiet on the Western Front is most notable in the soldiers who are unable to adjust to civilian life. Paul, the main character, even struggles when he comes home on leave, because he does not really know how to handle family relationships anymore. He feels better when he's with his fellow soldiers, because he knows how to relate to them. In How Many Miles to Basra, the aftermath is more focused on how the soldiers, translator, and journalist were affected by their attempt to make amends. During war, truth and responsibility can become blurred,....
In both How Many Miles to Basra and All Quiet on the Western Front, the war had a strong impact on both soldiers and society. The aftermath of war in All Quiet on the Western Front is seen because the soldiers can't really adjust to being civilians again. It's hard for them even when they just come home on leave, and they aren't good with family relationships. That's hard on society because the soldiers aren't part of it anymore in the way they were before they left, which means they aren't the productive members that society really needs. In How....
Serial killers are a topic that has fascinated people, beginning before the term was even coined. They have been romanticized in pop culture, but their crimes seem to be rooted in a personality disorder that keeps them from empathizing with others. They kill in a variety of ways and, when left unchecked, the number of people that they can kill can get into the 100s.
Some subtopics to consider when writing about serial killers for your essay topic are:
The Cinderella fairy tale is one that is familiar to most readers. However, there are several different versions of this fairy tale. While the Grimm Brothers are credited with creating many modern fairy tales, this is inaccurate. Rather than create the fairy tales, they simply wrote down fairy tales as they existed. Two familiar stories telling the same tale are Cinderella by Charles Perrault and Ashputtle by the Grimm Brothers. While they are telling similar tales, there are some significant differences in these two stories.
I. Introduction
A. Family relationships
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