Family Traditions Essays (Examples)

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Family Traditions 7 Cultural Legacies
Pages: 3 Words: 1051

Family Traditions
The traditions of a family serve to help create the collective identity of that family. For some people, this is a benefit because it helps them find their own sense of morals and ethics and allows them to enter the larger world with some of the basic questions of life already answered. To some people however, the pressures of the familial culture can be an inhibitor of their individuality as their own inner sense of what is appropriate is counter to the rules put to them by their family's traditions. The influence that the family has on the individual seems to be up to the individual; they have the option of living up to the customs and traditions of their family or in rejecting those customs and accepting an identity altogether different. The two types of traditional influence can be seen in various short stories from American literature including…...


Works Cited:

James, Missy & Alan P. Merickel. Reading Literature and Writing Argument. 5th ed. Upper

Saddle River: Pearson-Prentice Hall, 2013. Print.

Taiwanese Family Traditions
Pages: 3 Words: 1043

Oral History: My Taiwanese Family Through the Generations
In my Taiwanese family, one strong, connecting thread has always been the need to respect one's elders and to honor the family traditions. While in other cultures, individualism is stressed as an important value, in the Taiwanese tradition the individual is only as great as the generosity and respect he or she shows to relatives and loved ones. This is reflective of the Confucian system of values which stresses the need for children to show respect to their parents and to fulfill their obligations to them. Both my mother and my grandmother stated that outright disobedience as a child would not have been tolerated even though I, as part of my awareness of American cultural traditions, have been more apt to question and challenge what I have been told to do. Still, I do so in a respectful manner: I cannot imagine shouting…...



Culture and etiquette. (2014). Rough Guides. Retrieved from:

Family Social Policy What Are the Different
Pages: 2 Words: 634

Family Social Policy
hat are the different ideological approaches to family social policy…how are they different?

Canada has traditionally taken the position that the responsibility for keeping a family intact is a private issue, not a public / governmental issue, according to Module 9. In terms of the ideological approach to families, the Module 9 explains four strategies.

Familialism is the approach taken in Canada for heterosexual family values; this approach supports women staying home to raise children and men getting jobs outside the home. Any struggles the family may have (money, marriage difficulties) are to be kept within the family.

Liberal Feminism differs from Familialism in that men and women have an equal basis for respect, both in the workplace and at home, but especially in the workplace. This ideology does not suggest that women should be raising children, staying home, and being homemakers. That typical role for a woman is minimized based…...


Works Cited

McDaniel, Susan A. (2007). Families, Feminism, and the State. In Power and Resistance.

Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishing.

Module 9. Family and child Welfare Policy.

Families in a Global Context
Pages: 10 Words: 2653

At the same time, the Japanese parent will likely encourage the child's freedom, especially in the early stages of life, while the American parent will tend to correct from early stages of development any misbehavior or errors. With the relationship mother-child, the Japanese mother will tend to emphasize less the development of the communication side for the child and will prefer a more symbiotic relationship (Ibid. page 71).

4. A family can best be defined through some of the main characteristics it has. However, one should also known that there are some general characteristics that everyone accepts as to what a family is and several others that are only accepted by groups of individuals as to what the family is. As such, both aspects need to be taken into consideration and discussed.

First of all, the family is judged to be the fundamental unity cell of society. From this perspective, the argument…...



1. Roopnarine, Jaipaul. Gielen, Uwe. 2005. Families in Global Perspective. Pearson.

2. Ehrenreich, Barbara, Hochschild, Arlie Russell. 2002. Global Woman. Henry Holt and Company

Analysing Individual Family History
Pages: 4 Words: 1058

Family Heritage and Individual Identity The involvement of family members in certain activities like sharing stories enhances family bonding. This also strengthens the identity of the family and its members. An individual's self-identity is influenced by family traditions and cultural legacies in different ways. This might be positive or negative. Negative legacies will portray aspects that are unattractive while favorable legacies will portray aspects like cohesive, caring, and hardworking families. Favorable legacies are what have entailed our family as we are all hardworking and aim to achieve the best in our lives. Born in a family of individuals who own or work in farms means that we have inculcated in us an aspect of hardworking and teamwork. Being the first one in our family to go to college means that other look upon me to set a good example to the younger family members. Sharing stories of college with my siblings…...

Families in a Global Context
Pages: 7 Words: 2322

d., pg. 67). Thus, the definition of the British family is almost wholly contained within a woman's decision. Women who have children and enter the workforce create new trends in British family life, such as the fact that children are cared for primarily by professionals working in the home, at nursery schools, or grandparents (Kathleen, n.d., "Family Life," 2009). The redefining of family relationships to give equality to both the husband and wife and the problem of finding childcare while both parents work is a result of women's entry into the workforce and modern conceptions of family life.
While these characteristics apply to the primary types of families in the United Kingdom, it is important to recognize that this state is diverse in terms of ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, religion, etc. Cloud (2008) discusses the difficulties in conducting research for one often not-discussed portion of society -- homosexuals. Cloud (2008) writes…...



Cline, A. (2009). Sudan: Women and Family. Retrieved July, 18, 2009, from

Cloud, J. (2008, January 17). Are Gay Relationships Different? Retrieved July 18, 2009,


"Family Life in the United States and United Kingdom." Retrieved July 18, 2009, from

Families Delinquency and Crime
Pages: 8 Words: 2311

Families, Delinquency & Crime
The fundamental changes occurring to families in the 2st century can be classified into two different categories, depending on the internal or the external perspective that is used in the analysis. The external perspective proposes an analysis of the sociodemographic changes that have occurred to families under the impact of the external factors of the 2st century. The sociodemographic changes are characterized both by the numbers, by a quantitative reflection of families, and by the relationships that are formed within each family.

From the first perspective, the 2st century has imposed both changes in the number of families (some cultures, notably the Western ones, have encountered decreases in size because of an increased reluctance of individuals to get married) and in the formation of these family groups. As such, in many of these family groups, the norm has translated from a man-woman marriage as the basis of family…...


1. Roopnarine, Jaipaul; Gielen, Uwe. 2005. Families in Global Perspective. Pearson Education.

2. Vaskovics, L.A. 1994. Family and household structures in the former GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany from 1980 to 1989 -- a comparison. Wiesbaden.

3. Aly, A.M.Y. 1999. Lectures on population, family and childhood issues. Alexandria: The Modern University Office.

Families in a Global Context
Pages: 7 Words: 3276

As one commentator notes; "What this adds up to is, in my view, a significant shift in the balance of work and family life. oles are changing, the nature of care is changing, and the stress related to juggling the balance is increasing (Edgar, 1997, p. 149)
A number of statistics also help to outline the nature of the family structure in a developed economy like Australia. In terms of workforce participation, the figures are as follows: "….86% for fathers and 56% for mothers in two-parent families, and 65% for male and 43% for female sole parents"(Edgar, 1997, p.151). This is also indicative of a shift in the role of the female as solely a homemaker. "In 1993, 53% of couples with dependent children were both employed & #8230;" (Edgar, 1997, p. 151). Therefore, there are still imbalances and disparities in terms of the family structure and this is a…...



Anderson, G.L. (Ed.). (1997). The Family in Global Transition. St. Paul, MN: Professors

World Peace Academy. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Questia database: 

Baile, S. (1990). Women and Health in Developing Countries. OECD Observer, a (161),

18-20. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Questia database:

Family Association Center FAC the
Pages: 10 Words: 3012

It is expected that an initial
investment of $400,000 will be needed in order to effectively establish the Center. In addition, the Center will require a maintenance cost of $50,000 per month.

5. Budget and Strategy

Strategy 1: Arranging meetings with community leaders

This strategy ensures that the community at large will accept FAC in its capacity as an establishment to provide help and counseling within the existing cultural, religious, and educational paradigms. Public trust is important for the success of the Center. Specifically, this strategy includes arranging meetings times, venues and refreshments. This is estimated at a budget for about $5,000 per meeting. This strategy will also include the possibility of securing the services of a cultural consultant; preferably also a person with some standing in the community. The budget for this is estimated at an initial fee of about $3,000, which will repeat monthly for as long as the consultant's services…...

Family and Education in Frankenstein
Pages: 8 Words: 2250

People generally focus on appearance when coming across a particular individual. This is perfectly exemplified by the meeting between the old member of the De Lacey family and the monster. The man initially welcomes the creature, as he is no longer able to see and is unacquainted with the monster's facial features and body.
Victor Frankenstein can be considered to contrast the monster through his behavior, his background, and because of the goals that he has. The scientist virtually had everything that the monster longed for, considering his family, his reputation, and the fact that he was generally seen as one of society's leading members. Instead of valuing what he had, however, Frankenstein gave it all away in favor of gaining reputation, as this was apparently the thing that he appreciated the most in life. hile most readers are likely to blame Frankenstein for most unfortunate events in the book,…...


Works cited:

Bloom Bissonete, Melissa, "Teaching the Monster: Frankenstein and Critical Thinking"

Chao, Shun-Liang. "Education as a Pharmakon in Marry Shelley's Frankenstein," the Explicator, Vol. 68, No. 4, 223-226, 2010.

Lunsford, Lars, "The Devaluing of Life in Shelley's Frankenstein," the Explicator, Vol. 68, No. 3, 174-176, 2010

Schmid, Thomas H. "Addiction and Isolation in Frankenstein"

Family Background Grandparents Parents Stories Financial
Pages: 5 Words: 1495

Family Background
Grandparents / Parents


Financial ability

Learning about England

International Institute


Travel Opportunity


Initial Reaction


Family Roots

Grandparents' home

Shops and Church

Historical Landmarks

Big Ben


Hampton Court


Dream Come True

Value of Trip


Growing up hearing tales about England instilled in me the strong desire to visit the land of my grandparents but the likelihood of that happening was minimal. My mother and father worked hard to provide for my family but their ever having the ability to send me to England to visit the home of my ancestors was virtually nonexistence. My experiences with the British Isles were limited to my grandparents' recollections and what I was able to read. Neither satisfied my interest but it was all I had and I never missed a chance to learn more.

In the summer between my junior and senior year in high school I was suddenly provided with an opportunity that changed my life forever. In my hometown there is a community group entitled the…...

Tradition Is Normally Used in Connection With
Pages: 4 Words: 1577

Tradition is normally used in connection with culture and to keep a culture healthy and alive, it is important to allow traditions to stay alive as well. However traditions that place restrictions on personal, professional, emotional or spiritual growth tend to have a negative impact on entire humankind and must therefore not be followed. hen traditions are not followed, they die a natural death. Bad traditions must not be kept alive either through personal struggle or collective rebellion.
Two Kinds is one story of unproductive traditions that teaches us why some traditions are negative and hence must die. Not all traditions help in keeping a culture alive, some traditions tend to lend bad reputation to a culture and only cause culture degeneration. Two kinds by Amy Tan is one of the most heart-wrenching stories about a girl's difficult relationship with her mother. The sheer transparency of emotions can leave readers in…...


Works Cited

Kincaid, Jamaica. "Girl." The Harper Anthology of Fiction. Sylvan Barnet. New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 1991-1190.

Discovering Fiction Student's Book 2. Cambridge University Press. 2001

Family Involvement at School I Enjoy Working
Pages: 2 Words: 659

Family Involvement at School
I enjoy working with the students at my school tremendously. At the K-8 school in Borough Park Brooklyn NY, there are largely Chinese and Hispanic demographics. Working with students and parents is what will prove crucial in improving the academic success of the students.

There are a number of things that are happening at my school in regards to family-involvement that are really making me excited for the improvement of the students' academic success. A lot of my Chinese-American students do get a lot of parent involvement at home. I hear from the students that their parents help them with daily homework and even push them to go beyond that day's lesson in order to prepare for the next upcoming lessons. In fact, I do see a heightened level of at-home parent involvement with the Chinese-American students, probably more so than any other demographic of students at the…...

Family Presence During Procedures One
Pages: 6 Words: 2374

A study in this regard by Ainslie Nibert, entitled, Teaching clinical ethics using a case study family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, states that Critical care nurses often find themselves in the midst of challenging ethical situations that involve conflict between the needs of critically ill patients and the patients' family members and the preferences of physicians and other healthcare providers who initiate and manage resuscitation measures. Yet, many critical care nurses have reported that they received little preparation in their basic education programs to deal with these sensitive issues. (Nibert, Ainslie T. 2005)
This may constitute a moral dilemma as the study points out. "A moral conflict exists because two opposing obligations collide: an obligation to the family members who desire to be present with their loved one during CPR and an obligation to the healthcare providers who do not want patients' family members to witness resuscitation efforts." (ibid)

The study…...



Brown, J., & Ritchie, J.A. (1990). Nurses' perceptions of parent and nurse roles in caring for hospitalized children. Children's Health Care, 19, 28-36.

Bauchner H, Waring C. And Vinci R. (1991)

Parental presence during procedures in an emergency room: results from 50 observations. Department of Pediatrics, Boston City Hospital.. Retrieved February 24, 2005, from Pediatrics. Web site: 

Desy, Pierre. (2003) Family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation and invasive procedures: practices of critical care and emergency nurses. American Journal of Critical Care, May 1.

Risk Management in Family Owned Businesses
Pages: 12 Words: 4161

isk Management in Family Owned Businesses
A family business can be simply described as "any business in which a majority of the ownership or control lies within a family, and in which two or more family members are directly involved" (Bowman-Upton, 1991). In other words, it is a multifaceted, twofold structure consisting of the family and the business meaning that the involved members are both the part of a job system and of a family system (Bowman-Upton, 1991).

Most families seek stability, intimacy, a sense of community, and belonging through the family business (Hess, 2006). On the other hand, whenever family and business are mentioned together, a majority of people think of continuous conflict, competition and contention (Crenshaw, 2005). However, "successful family businesses do not let the family destroy the business or the business destroy the family" (Hess, 2006).

The family-owned businesses are the backbone of the world financial system. According to a…...



Barrese, J., & Scordis, N. (2003). Corporate Risk Management. Review of Business, 24 (3), Retrieved August 17, 2012 from 

Bodine, S.W., Anthony, P., & Walker, P.L. (2001). A Road Map to Risk Management: CPAs Can Help Companies Manage Risk to Create Value. (Consulting). Journal of Accountancy, 192 (6), Retrieved August 17, 2012 from 

Bowman-Upton, N. (1991). Transferring Management in the Family-Owned Business. Retrieved August 14, 2012 from

Caspar, C., Dias, A.K., & Elstrodt, H. (2010, January).The Five Attributes of Enduring Family Businesses. Retrieved August 15, 2012 from Downloads/McKinsey Quarterly - Jan 2010.pdf

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global Thanksgiving Family Tradition ?
Words: 193

1. "The Importance of Family Traditions: A Look at Thanksgiving Celebrations"

2. "Creating Lasting Memories: Our Thanksgiving Family Tradition"

3. "Passing Down the Torch: Keeping Thanksgiving Traditions Alive"

4. "The Evolution of Thanksgiving Tradition in Our Family"

5. "A Time for Gratitude: Our Thanksgiving Family Rituals"

6. "From Generation to Generation: Our Thanksgiving Family Traditions"

7. "Celebrating Togetherness: The Meaning of Our Thanksgiving Tradition"

8. "Reflections on Thanksgiving: Our Family's Unique Traditions"

9. "The Heart of Thanksgiving: How Our Family Traditions Bring Us Closer"

10. "The Joy of Thanksgiving: Our Family's Time-Honored Traditions"
11. "United in Gratitude: Our Global Thanksgiving Traditions"
12. "Traditions Across Borders: Our International Thanksgiving Celebration"
13. "A Tapestry....

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global Thanksgiving Family Tradition ?
Words: 585

1000-Word Brainstorming Session for Catchy Thanksgiving Family Tradition Titles


Thanksgiving, a widely celebrated holiday, is not only about feasting and giving thanks but also about family traditions that create lasting memories. Whether it's a unique dish, a festive game, or a heartfelt ritual, these traditions add a special touch to the Thanksgiving celebration. To capture the essence of your family's treasured tradition, a catchy title is essential. Here's a comprehensive brainstorming session to guide you in crafting the perfect title.

Section 1: The Essence of the Tradition

Begin by considering the core element of your family tradition. What makes it special and unique?....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about Family?
Words: 179

1. The Importance of Family in Today's Society

2. Building Strong Family Bonds: Tips and Strategies

3. The Evolution of the Modern Family

4. Nurturing Family Relationships: Communication and Conflict Resolution

5. Family Dynamics: Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations

6. The Role of Extended Family in Child Development

7. Coping with Family Transitions: Divorce, Blended Families, and Adoption

8. Family Traditions and Rituals: Keeping the Bond Strong

9. The Impact of Technology on Family Communication and Relationships

10. Balancing Work and Family Life: Strategies for Success
11. The Influence of Family on Individual Identity and Self-esteem
12. Exploring Cultural Differences in Family Structures and Values
13. The Role of Parenting Styles in Shaping....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about family and religion?
Words: 210

1. The Role of Religion in Shaping Family Values

2. Family Traditions and Religious Beliefs: The Importance of Passing Down Cultural Heritage

3. The Impact of Religion on Family Dynamics

4. Religion as a Source of Strength and Unity in the Family

5. Navigating Conflicts of Faith within the Family

6. The Influence of Family on Religious Beliefs and Practices

7. Religion and Family: Building a Foundation of Morality and Ethics

8. Interfaith Families: Embracing Diversity in Religious Beliefs

9. The Role of Religion in Parenting and Child-rearing

10. Celebrating Religious Festivals and Holidays as a Family
11. Family Bonds and Religious Connections: Exploring the Intersection of Faith and Relationships

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