Fatherhood Essays Examples

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The family is a basic part of human existence; it provides the principle institution of socialization and cultural training. Typically, it is a unit that is affiliated by emotional feelings, relationships, or in some cases, tradition. In the west, the traditional family of one female mother, one male father, and children -- often called the nuclear family, is being challenged by changes in cultural acceptance, tradition, openness about sexuality, and even the evolution of the core nature of society. However, one interesting thing about the family: over time, the concept of the nurturing mother and motherhood has received far more attention in the arts, popular culture, and even in scholarly research than fatherhood. This, in fact, has resulted in there being a number of professions that traditionally have been oriented toward women: teaching, especially younger children, most of the carative professions, and even nursing.

At least one educator noted that this….

Beyond the Cult of Fatherhood" is a bracing challenge not only to both conventional gender norms but the way childcare is valued in our society. Osborne assumes the readers of his essay will have clear ideas of what it means to be a father and what it means to be a mother. A father is a masculine figure. Masculinity is defined as being strong and stalwart. A man is the economic provider for his children. A mother is a feminine figure. In our society, femininity is associated with the home and with nurturing and caring for children on a daily basis. Osborne states in his essay that his status as a virtual househusband powerfully upsets both of these norms and has revealed to him how little childcare in the home is valued because one cannot put an easy economic price on it.
Over the course of his essay, Osborne outlines….

This means that though there is great joy and love derived form caring for a child, there is also a great deal of sacrifice that must be made. There will be less time to spend with friends and even with the mother of the child, as the child's needs will occupy the bulk of both parent's time. This can be especially daunting for fathers, however, who even in these more equitable times are often less at home with domestic chores, and more used to being able to determine their own schedules around their own preferences. With fatherhood, other relationships might suffer at first, and others might disappear altogether.
The most difficult part of fatherhood, however, is not getting used to the new responsibilities of a baby or the changing relationships with other people in the father's life, but rather with the raising of the child into a decent, happy, and….

Isolation in To Room Nineteen and Pauls CaseAt root in Willa Cathers Pauls Case is a young boys fear of his father, which is the most devastating aspect of the story. As in Lessings To Room Nineteen, in Cathers the ultimate problem falls on the man who should be more empathetic and loving. In both stories, it is a lack of love and empathy on the part of the manthe husband in Lessings To Room Nineteen and the father in Cathers Pauls Casethat pushes the respective wife and son of the stories into total isolation.The failure of intelligence identified by Lessing in To Room Nineteen is not a reference to Susans gradual descent into madness but rather a condemnation of her husband Matthew for his inability to understand and empathize with his wifes illness (875). He simply sees her as unreasonable and cruelly dismisses her needs. As her husband, he….

Fatherhood in America: A History, By Robert Griswold to explain which school of thought he belongs to and what was the most important characteristic of this branch of historians. The book focuses on family life during slavery era and the author belongs to the Revisionist school in this beliefs. This is clear from the claims he makes about presence of stable and strong family life during slavery era. Revisionist historians were vehemently opposed to the institution of slavery and had no positive views on this issue. But they refused to associate slavery with immorality or break-up of traditional values. In other words, while they believed that slavery was something extremely unfortunate, they were not willing to hold blacks responsible for it. Historians like Robert Griswold argue that slavery did not hurt family life at all and any instance of the same is directly connected with joblessness and racism that….

O Captain
Three Themes in "O Captain! My Captain!"

alt hitman wrote "O Captain! My Captain!" In 1865 and it serves as an elegy to the President Lincoln, who had just been assassinated. As a patriotic American and the "poet of America" (as he called himself), hitman was duty-bound to mourn the loss of the 16th U.S. president in verse. That he did so in a way completely opposite from his free verse "Song of Myself" -- the poem dedicated to himself and the spirit of freedom and license -- is telling. Lincoln, the "captain" of America during the critical time of the Civil ar, represented order, structure and unity. These elements serve as the foundation of hitman's "O Captain!" which deals with three themes in its three stanzas: a mission, fatherhood, and death. This paper will analyze these themes and show how they are brought about.

The theme of the mission is….

However, as referred to above, one central reason for absent fathers is that society in general no longer advocates a definitive role and structure for the father to adhere to. This can be related to the breakdown in norms and values in contemporary society which previously gave clear guidelines about the importance and purpose of fatherhood. In our postmodern society the norms about traditional fatherhood have been radically questioned and new models, such as the single-parent family have begun to receive acceptance.
Nevertheless, the research evidence indicates that the father plays an essential role in the psychological as well as the sociological balance of the sexes within the structure of the family. From a personal point-of-view I consider the father figure to be extremely important in the healthy development of the child. In my experience the importance of my father is undeniable and his presence provided me with the essential….

For the first several years of one's life, their mother and father are their world. These first relationships occur at a time when the tiny human is learning the basic of their environment and how to respond to it. A child learns much of their early actions by imitating the role models around them. The relationship that exists between a child and each of their parents will set the tone for how they deal with other relationships that they encounter throughout their life.
In Chapter One we discover that our hero has "issues" with his paternal and his maternal relationship. These relationships overshadow almost any other conflict in the story at this time. It is apparent through Stephen's interactions with Mulligan and Haines that he did not have a strong paternal figure to model. He reacts in a rather passive manner. One must remember that this chapter takes place in….

The police officer then called the dispatcher to check Caballes' license and see if he had any outstanding warrants. As he was writing the warning ticket, he asked for a criminal background check from the dispatcher and asked Caballes if he had ever been arrested. Caballes said no, but the dispatcher told the officer that Caballes had been arrested twice for distribution of marijuana. While the officer was writing the warning ticket, another trooper arrived with a drug detection dog. The dog walked around Caballes' car and signaled alert. Marijuana was then found in the trunk.
Caballes was arrested and charged with trafficking cannabis.

Before the trial, Caballes' motion to suppress the evidence found in the trunk was denied. Caballes was convicted and sentenced to 12 years in prison and ordered to pay a fine of $256,136. Caballes' lawyers appealed, arguing that the police officer did not have probable cause to….

Initiatives ND Motivation
Initiatives & Motivation

Alabama Statewide Initiatives

The Alabama eading Initiative

The Alabama eading Initiative (AI) began as project of the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education. After the AI showed promise in classrooms across the state the Alabama State Legislature allocated funding for its expansion. The AI is a K-12 initiative. The goal of the AI is to improve reading instruction and achieve 100% literacy among public school students. The AI provides differentiated levels of support, including professional development, onsite support, and school coaches to over 1,000 schools. The initiative focuses on three aspects of the teaching of reading: preventing reading difficulties, identifying struggling readers and intervention strategies to help them become proficient readers, and expanding the reading power of all students (Alabama Department of Education, 2012).

The Department of Human esources Fatherhood Initiative

The Department of Human esources (DH) Fatherhood Initiative is a joint effort of the DH….

All participants filled out questionnaires with adolescents and their mothers in separate rooms. The mothers' questionnaire included question on topics such as parental monitoring habits, parental academic expectations, and on the nature and extent of drug-related activity and crime in the family neighborhood. The adolescents were asked questions on such topics as whether and to what extent they used drugs and whether and to what extent their friends used drugs.


The results of the study confirmed the results of prior studies in several significant respects. The principal finding of the study was that absentee fatherhood was a strong predictor of adolescent drug use in adolescent African-American males. Another important finding of the study was that this apparent effect did not apply to adolescent African-American females. Prior studies had determined that absentee fatherhood was a predictor of early drug and alcohol use as well as aggression and other forms of antisocial and….

However, as male children transition into late childhood and adolescence, they tend to withdraw from their mothers and confide much more in their fathers. In fatherless households, the male child often withdraws from the mother in much the same way, but without the option of shifting emotional connection to the father. As a result, fatherless male adolescents exhibit substantially higher rates of delinquency, alcoholism, illegal activity, and perform worse academically (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 226).

The Importance of Fatherhood for Female Children:

In female children, absentee fathers predispose them either to negative expectations or to unrealistic idealized expectations in their dating relationships with men that ultimately increase the likelihood of disappointment and by virtue of multiple mechanisms that undermine those relationships (annon & Southern, 22-3). Typically, females raised without their fathers select emotionally unavailable partners who will allow them to reenact the male abandonment they experienced as children. Alternately, they may become dysfunctionally….

Rank. "But, Nora darling, you're dancing as if your life depended on it!...This is sheer madness - stop, I tell you!...I'd never have believed it - you've forgotten everything I taught you" (Ibsen 204). Torvald must now take her in hand and re-teach the wild Italian dance, the tarantella.
The choice of this particular dance by Ibsen is a stroke of genius as it aptly illustrates the nature of the situation arising within Nora. The dance derives from an Italian belief that the only way to purge the poison of the tarantula was to dance wildly and dance the poison out of the body. "The tarantella is an expression of fear bordering to madness and a sensuous zest for life that also operates as a regenerative process" (Rekdal 168). ithin Nora in this dance, the audience sees the fear and madness, but the scene also foreshadows the zest for real….

family is separated, a father and mother divorced, and the child left on its own. Who is to take custody of the child? The word custody stolidly describes the upbringing of the child. esearch has shown that most of the children who become delinquents in their pre-teen and teen age are single parented. This paper takes a look at the current research investigating young non-custodial fathers following separation and divorce.
Many researchers, by using a focus group methodology, have found and disputed young fathers' issues related to their children, their ex-partners and the judicial system. The results imply that non-custodial fathers are perplexing to engage, yet in need of attention and assistance.

Single fathers "can 'mother' as well as women" (DeMaris & Greif, 1992, p. 55). By an empirical research Lamb, 1999; Lazar & Guttman, 1998; Thomas & Forehand, 1993 have ascertained that men can be the custodians of a child….

Personality Psych Analysis of Tony Soprano Psychodynamic Theory
Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality
Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality makes the argument that human behavior is resultant of the interrelations amongst three constituent parts of the mind including the id, ego, and superego (Petocz, 1999). This theory of personality lays substantial significance of the manner in which conflict, more often than not unconscious, amongst the areas of the mind end up shaping an individual’s behavior and personality. The Id deals with instantaneous satisfaction of basic physical needs and desires and it functions completely unconsciously. The Superego takes into account social rules and morals, and is largely referred to as a person’s conscience. The Superego develops as a child progressively learns what is deemed to be right or wrong. Lastly, the ego, unlike the instinctive Id and the ethical superego, the Ego is the sensible, realistic part of an individual’s personality (Caducci, 2015). It….

In August Wilson’s Fences, the author explores several themes as they relate to the central themes of race, fatherhood, and manhood in the United States.  One of the themes that he tackles is the concept of fate, though the approach is less about life being preordained as it is an examination of how history, social circumstances, and upbringing can combine to make some events appear preordained or fated rather than the intervention of some type of divine or supernatural fate.  This contextual analysis of manhood in a political situation that seems designed to challenge it was explored by

Outline for an Essay on Expat Dads in Korea

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a compelling anecdote or statistic highlighting the unique experiences of expat dads in Korea.
B. Thesis statement: Briefly state the central argument or claim of the essay, such as "Expat dads in Korea face distinct challenges and rewards that shape their experiences as fathers and cultural outsiders."

II. Body Paragraph 1: Challenges of Being an Expat Dad
A. Lack of social support: Discuss the isolation and disconnect that expat dads may feel due to being far from their extended family and support systems.
B. Cultural differences: Explore....

I. Introduction
A. Background information on paternity leave
B. Thesis statement: Men should receive more paternity leave for several reasons.

II. Benefits of paternity leave for men
A. Bonding with the child
B. Sharing childcare responsibilities with the mother
C. Preventing caregiver burnout for the mother

III. Benefits of paternity leave for family
A. Strengthening family relationships
B. Providing a sense of security for the child
C. Encouraging gender equality in parenting roles

IV. Benefits of paternity leave for society
A. Promoting work-life balance
B. Improving child development outcomes
C. Reducing gender disparities in the workplace

V. Arguments against extending paternity leave for men

2 Pages

Sports - Women

Fatherhood the Family Is a Basic Part

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Fatherhood The family is a basic part of human existence; it provides the principle institution of socialization and cultural training. Typically, it is a unit that is affiliated by emotional…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Beyond the Cult of Fatherhood Is a

Words: 769
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Beyond the Cult of Fatherhood" is a bracing challenge not only to both conventional gender norms but the way childcare is valued in our society. Osborne assumes the…

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2 Pages


Expectations of Fatherhood When a

Words: 685
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

This means that though there is great joy and love derived form caring for a child, there is also a great deal of sacrifice that must be made.…

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2 Pages


The Theme of Fatherhood and Faithfulness in Two Stories

Words: 692
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Isolation in To Room Nineteen and Pauls CaseAt root in Willa Cathers Pauls Case is a young boys fear of his father, which is the most devastating aspect of…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies

History of Blacks in Florida

Words: 364
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fatherhood in America: A History, By Robert Griswold to explain which school of thought he belongs to and what was the most important characteristic of this branch of…

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3 Pages


O Captain Three Themes in O Captain

Words: 1073
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

O Captain Three Themes in "O Captain! My Captain!" alt hitman wrote "O Captain! My Captain!" In 1865 and it serves as an elegy to the President Lincoln, who had just…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Life Without Father When Dads Disappear

Words: 1582
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, as referred to above, one central reason for absent fathers is that society in general no longer advocates a definitive role and structure for the father to…

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13 Pages
Term Paper


Ulysses Relationships in Ulysses to

Words: 4073
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For the first several years of one's life, their mother and father are their world. These first relationships occur at a time when the tiny human is learning…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Evidence Criminal Evidence in Order

Words: 1380
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The police officer then called the dispatcher to check Caballes' license and see if he had any outstanding warrants. As he was writing the warning ticket, he asked…

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2 Pages


Initiatives ND Motivation Initiatives & Motivation Alabama

Words: 737
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Initiatives ND Motivation Initiatives & Motivation Alabama Statewide Initiatives The Alabama eading Initiative The Alabama eading Initiative (AI) began as project of the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education.…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Absent Fathers and Drug Abuse

Words: 849
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

All participants filled out questionnaires with adolescents and their mothers in separate rooms. The mothers' questionnaire included question on topics such as parental monitoring habits, parental academic expectations, and…

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3 Pages


Psychology - Fatherless Children Psychological

Words: 885
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

However, as male children transition into late childhood and adolescence, they tend to withdraw from their mothers and confide much more in their fathers. In fatherless households, the male…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Doll's House Although the Norwegian

Words: 4018
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Rank. "But, Nora darling, you're dancing as if your life depended on it!...This is sheer madness - stop, I tell you!...I'd never have believed it - you've forgotten…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Why Fathers Should Have Custody

Words: 3639
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

family is separated, a father and mother divorced, and the child left on its own. Who is to take custody of the child? The word custody stolidly describes…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality

Words: 2499
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personality Psych Analysis of Tony Soprano Psychodynamic Theory Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality makes the argument that human behavior is resultant of the interrelations amongst three…

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