Five Pillars Essays (Examples)

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Five Pillars of Islam
Pages: 3 Words: 914

The Five Pillars

The Five Pillars of Islam (arkan al-Islam) are the foundation of faith and religious practice. They are outlined thoroughly in the Hadith, one of the core doctrinal traditions of Islam. The Five Pillars differentiates Islam from other religions of the Book like Judaism, outlining theological and practical elements of faith that bear witness to the uniqueness of Muhammad as God's prophet, and the uniqueness of Allah as well (Esposito, 1999).

The first of the Five Pillars affirms Muhammad's being the sole messenger of Allah, and likewise underscores monotheism as the absolute, most important, element of Muslim theology. There is no other God but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet: this is the First Pillar. The first phrase of the pillar could just as easily be embraced by Judaism, as there is to be no other God but the one God in any monotheistic faith. What differentiates Islam from Judaism,…...



Esposito, J.L. (1999). The Oxford History of Islam. New York: Oxford University Press.

Pillars of Islam Five Pillars
Pages: 2 Words: 698

Finally, it emphasizes that for the Moslem, all wealth comes from Allah, and that Allah's gifts should be shared with those less fortunate (Huda, 2005).
Pilgrimage (Hajj)

The final requirement is that all who can afford to and are physically able must, at least once, travel to Mecca, where the Kaba is located. The Kaba is the house of worship built by Abraham and his son Ishmael. This is where Ishmael made his covenant with God, and in Moslem belief, since they are all descendants of Abraham and Ishmael, that covenant applies to them equally (Hodge, 2005). This pilgrimage must be made during the 12th lunar month, Hajj. Pilgrims dress all in white, and are required to keep a prayerful spirit while on this trip, refraining from passion, violence or other "unholy" words or actions (Huda, 2005).

Like most religions, most of these requirements sound simple on the surface, but many Moslems…...



Hodge, David R. 2005. "Social Work and the House of Islam: orienting practitioners to the beliefs and values of Muslims in the United States." Social Work, April.

Huda. Last update, 2005. "The Five Pillars of Islam, in Islam." Accessed via the Internet 7/5/05.

Islam the Five Pillars of
Pages: 1 Words: 355

From this concept comes an important difference in the religious practice, in that the Shia believe that the religious leader can be venerated as saints, while Sunnis hold that there can be no veneration of saints based on such perceptions.
3. It is probably difficult to live a Muslim life anywhere outside a Muslim state, but the American society is sufficiently inclusive and the American laws sufficiently correct and strong to impose that no discrimination comes to those who wish to practice their religion. That said, it is probably even more challenging for a young individual, given the media and peer pressure.


1. Khan, Arshad (2006). Islam 101: Principles and Practice. Khan Consulting and Publishing, LLC. ISN 0977283836.

2. Kobeisy, Ahmed Nezar (2004). Counseling American Muslims: Understanding the Faith and Helping the People. Praeger Publishers. ISN 978-0313324727.

3. Momen, Moojan (1987). An Introduction to Shi'i Islam: The History and Doctrines of Twelver Shi'ism.…...



1. Khan, Arshad (2006). Islam 101: Principles and Practice. Khan Consulting and Publishing, LLC. ISBN 0977283836.

2. Kobeisy, Ahmed Nezar (2004). Counseling American Muslims: Understanding the Faith and Helping the People. Praeger Publishers. ISBN 978-0313324727.

3. Momen, Moojan (1987). An Introduction to Shi'i Islam: The History and Doctrines of Twelver Shi'ism. Yale University Press

Kobeisy, Ahmed Nezar. Counseling American Muslims: Understanding the Faith and Helping the People. Praeger Publishers. 2004

Religious Observances Known as the Five Pillars of Islam
Pages: 2 Words: 613

dental hygienist ?
The Five Pillars of Islam play a central component in the worship of the religion known as Islam. These five pillars outline the basic tenets of faith that are central to the practice of this religion. In this sense, these pillars not only mandate certain internal beliefs and thoughts regarding this religion, but external behavior as well. Muslims must adhere to these five principles to rightfully belong to this religion. Additionally, the observance of these five pillars is an integral part of keeping Muslims on the path of righteousness.

The first of these five pillars is shahadah, which is a basic profession of faith in Allah and in the authority of Muhammad. These two beings are extremely important to the practice of this religion; one can rightfully declare that they are the two fundamental entities upon which the entire religion is based. Allah is the Muslim word for…...

Noble's 5 Pillars
Pages: 2 Words: 637

Noble's Pillars
Demonstrate genuine care and concern

Reminding people using either public or private vehicles to make sure that they wear their safety belt or reminding workers who have not worn their protective clothing in a company exposed to injuries. I will inform them that it is for the good of their personal safety because it will minimize more injuries in case of any accident by bus or reduce the risks of injuries in the work place. It is not a must that someone has to receive rewards for this but it should just come out of your good heart and love for personal safety. Meaning that whenever someone come across any form of risk that people are exposed to he or she will take an initiative to alert the people of the danger they might be exposing themselves to.

Measure and Respond to exposure

Exposure can be in a form of spillage of…...

John 5 1-9 There Are Several Incidents Contained
Pages: 2 Words: 831

John 5:1-9
There are several incidents contained within the various Gospels in which Jesus performs a miracle and cures someone; and John 5:1-9 recounts one of these stories. The incident happens on an unnamed holy day in the city of Jerusalem, which also corresponds to the Sabbath. The place is a pool with five pillars, or colonnades, near a spot commonly known as the "sheep market," sometimes the "sheep gate," or "Bethesda" in Hebrew, and it is here that Jesus cures a man who had been infirmed for thirty-eight years. The pool was famous for curing the first person to enter after it had been disturbed by an angel who occasionally entered the pool. But because the man had no one to help him enter the pool, he never had been the first to enter, and thus never cured. After asking the man "would thou be whole?," Jesus instructs the man…...


Works Cited

Brown, R.E. et al. The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:

Prentice Hall, 1990. Print.

Carson, D.A. et al. New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition. Leicester, England:

Inter-Varsity, 1994. Print.

Executing the 5 S Model
Pages: 2 Words: 683

5s StandardsCompanies exist in a globally competitive market and find a competitive advantage in operational efficiency and innovation to grow their market share. The implementation of the 5s system, sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain, in companies aims to reveal and eradicate areas of waste to optimize efficiency (Manufacturing Extension Partnership). Further, the implementation of this system supplements leans manufacturing and consistent improvement. Typically, the 5s system is implemented simultaneously in different teams in the company working together to accomplish a common goal. The 5s system benefits companies since it optimizes organization, efficiency, and safety, increases workplace morale, and results in a bigger storage density.The 5s is the foundation of successful implementation of lean implementation. It makes it possible to employ other lean tools and techniques, such as just in time, to establish a lean culture. The five pillars of workplace organization involve the extent, decreasing time wasted,…...


ReferencesFilip, F C, and V Marascu-Klein. “The 5S Lean Method as A Tool of Industrial Management Performances”. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol 95, 2015, p. 012127. IOP Publishing,   Leander Luiz, et al. “Management of Lean Waste in A Public Higher Education Institution.” Journal Of Cleaner Production, vol 286, 2021, pp. 125-386. Elsevier BV, . Accessed 13 July 2022.Manufacturing Extension Partnership. The 5S System: The 5S System: Tools for Workplace Organization and Standardization. Accessed 13 July 2022. .Klein,

Islam as Complex as Muslim
Pages: 2 Words: 680

The most egregious sins that can be committed by a Muslim include to deny the unity of God by ascribing divine status to any person or object. This sin is called shirk. Emphasizing the importance of shirk to Muslim morality, all iconography is strictly forbidden in Islam. Iconography in a mosque, the Muslim place of worship, would be akin to idol worship. The second major sin of Islam is kufr, or atheism.

The religious beliefs of Islam are based around a core set of tenets known as the Five Pillars. The first pillar is the Shahadah: there is only one God, and the prophet Mohammed is God's messenger. At the same time, Islam encourages respect of and unity with "all prophets" of God and "all revealed scriptures," (p. 381).

The Second Pillar is prayer, five times a day. Ritual washing is also integral to Muslim prayer. When praying, the worshipper faces…...

Islam Teaches That Faith Must
Pages: 3 Words: 985

There are many examples of God's love, but much violence as well. The Bible is full of stories of warring peoples, fighting to the death for their beliefs. Persecution of the Jews, seen on a massive scale as late as the 20th century's Holocaust, was fueled by the New Testament, as Jews were blamed for the crucifixion death of Jesus Christ. Even after World War II, Jews in the U.S. faced persecution through restricted access to certain colleges, clubs and organizations. The Ku Klux Klan, known for targeting African-Americans, has also targeted Jews.
The 20th century saw considerable violence in Northern Ireland, as Protestants and Catholics murdered each other in the name of their respective branches of Christianity. Like radical Muslims, a relatively small number of people believed that violence was the answer, and the only way to demonstrate their commitment to their God.

The Westboro Baptist Church has garnered considerable…...



Jonsson, P. (2010). Why is the Westboro Baptist Church picketing Elizabeth Edwards' funeral?

Christian Science Monitor 12/11/10.

Khan, D. (2008). The five pillars of Islam. Faces 24(6), pp. 12-13.

Rid, T. (2010). Cracks in the Jihad. Wilson Quarterly 34(1).

Islamic Faith Islam Was Founded
Pages: 5 Words: 1607

The Sawm is the Fourth Pillar of Islam and it teaches Muslims in regard to fasting (refraining from eating or drinking). The Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar year and is believed to be the most important period of the year in Muslim tradition. Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink, or engage in sexual intercourse throughout daylight hours every day during the Ramadan. The person who abstains from eating, drinking, and sex during daylight hours at Ramadan also has to be moral, as any sort of immorality makes the fasting pointless.

The Fifth Pillar is the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. People understand this pilgrimage as a physical and spiritual journey to the holiest place in Islam. The Islamic world promotes the belief that any person who is a Muslim and who is physically able to travel to Mecca should do so at least once in their…...


Works cited:

Boyd Jenkins, Orville, "MAJOR TYPES OF ISLAM," Retrieved September 10, 2011, from the Orville Jenkins website: 

Mason, Bethany, "Following the Prophet: A Comparison of Sunni and Shiite Muslims," Retrieved September 10, 2011, from the East Tennessee State University website: 

Penney, Sue, "Islam," Heinemann, 1999.

Ridenour, Fritz, "So What's the Difference?," Gospel Light, 2001.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon the Film Documentaries
Pages: 7 Words: 2317

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
The film, documentaries and the last docudrama are exceptional production pieces by notable directors and producers. Crouching tiger-hidden dragon defies the usual mantra of strength only attributed to men. Jen effectively acts as person having higher morals. The martial arts performance was exceptional, an unusual feature in Hollywood. Islam, the empire of faith is another documentary made on the rise of Islamic empire and the life of Prophet Mohammad having a great impact on establishment of religion. 'Gandhi' also remains an unquestioned production classic that eloquently portrays Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the unquestioned leader of India. The film sheds light on Hinduism as a religion and its faith and dogmas. Lastly, Kundan is a docudrama based on life of Dalai Lama. 'Kundan' might not have justified the stature of Buddhism in history of mankind but the piece of production remains an earnest effort on part of Martin Scorcese…...



Bowker, J. & Bowker, D. (1997). World religions. Dorling Kindersley.

Chan, K. (2004). The Global Return of the Wu Xia Pian (Chinese Sword-Fighting Movie): Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Cinema Journal, 43(4), 3-17.

Conze, E. (2004). Buddhism: Its essence and development. Windhorse Publications.

Driver, M.W. & Ray, S. (2004). The medieval hero on screen: representations from Beowulf to Buffy (Vol. 56). McFarland & Company Incorporated Pub.

Hargreaves According to Hargreaves 2009B What Has
Pages: 2 Words: 650

According to Hargreaves (2009b), "what has passed for the Third Way has been the emergence of a new kind of autocratic and all-seeing state that has used technological and data-driven self-surveillance along with some emotional effervescence in lateral professional interactions to deliver unchanging government goals," (p. 3). The Fourth Way, proposed by Hargreaves, sounds comparatively idealistic. The Fourth Way "brings together Government policy with professional involvement and public engagement around an inspiring social and educational mission," (Hargreaves, 2009b, p. 3). The Fourth Way is a type of ideological and cultural shift; demanding a lot more from the individual stakeholder than faith in government or the private sector. As such, the Fourth Way might be the only way to create meaningful structural changes in the field of education.

In "The Fourth Way of Change," Hargreaves (2009b) outlines five pillars of "purpose and partnership" that can initiate and sustain viable change effort. The…...



Hargreaves, A. (2009a). The Fourth Way. Sage/Corwin.

Hargreaves, A. (2009b). The fourth way of change: Towards an age of inspiration and creativity. Retrieved online:

Islamaphobia Is One of the
Pages: 5 Words: 1489

Dhimmis (minorities of other religions) participated as equal citizens in this renaissance and Muslim scholars made more scientific discoveries during this time than in the whole of previously recorded history (Goldschmidt & Davidson, 2007). The break between the hiis (those who considered Ali to be legitimate ruler of the nation) and the unnis (those who revered Muhammad and all four rashidun) occurred during this period. Mystic Islam (best known as ufism), or esoteric groups were born during this period as well as Muslim philosophy.
Today, approximately 80-90% of Moslems are unnis whilst 10-20% are hiites. The key difference between unnis and hiites is that unnis believe that the first four caliphs were rightful successors to Mohamed and that caliphs should be chosen by the whole community. The alafi sect (otherwise notoriously known as Wahabbissm) is an extreme Islamic movement derived from unnism. hiites, on the other hand, believe in the…...



Armstrong, K. (2000). Islam: A Short History The Modern Library: UK.

Brown, D. (1999). Rethinking Tradition in Modern Islamic Thought Cambridge: Cambridge Univ,. Press

Goldschmidt, A. & Davidson, L. (2010) A concise history of the Middle East Boulder, CO: Westview Press

Hourani, A. (1991) A History of the Arab People London: Penguin

Justinian the Formal Name for Justinian I
Pages: 2 Words: 498

The formal name for Justinian I is Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus Augustus. Iustinianus is the name from which Justinian is derived and after Julius Caesar added Augustus to his surname as a mark of his emperorship, all subsequent Roman leaders had Augustus at the end of their names. He was an empire of the Byzantine Emperor from 527 -- 565 AD. He was the last Roman Emperor to speak Latin as his first language and he is most known for the Justinian code of law, known in Latin as Corpus Juris Civilis, translated as the body of civil law. The Corpus Juris Civilis is known as the ultimate codification of Roman law. This body of law has been passed down through numerous generations including into areas of Western Europe and is the basis of law today.

Iconoclastic Controversy

This controversy occurred in the 8th & 9th centuries. The topic of the…...

Empires in Early Centuries
Pages: 4 Words: 1549

Byzantine Empire in the Eastern Mediterranean that extended from Syria, Egypt up to and across North Africa is seen to have made significant contact with the emerging Islamic world in the period from seventh and ninth Centuries. The seventh century saw the vast territories in these regions being ruled by the Byzantine Empire from Constantinople, the now Istanbul. These Southern provinces or territories were greatly influenced by the Greco-oman traditions and formed the home of Coptic, Orthodox and Syriac Christians and Jewish communities. These regions were critical to the wealth and the power of the empire. Great centers for pilgrimage saw large numbers of faithful visit the place coming from as far off as Yemen towards the East and Scandinavia towards the West. There were also major trade routes that extended all the way to India in the South that saw ferrying of silk and ivories into the region, commerce…...



Cunningham & Reich, (n.d.: Pp 162). Byzantium.

Rosenberg K., (2012). Ornate Links Tethering Cultures in Flux. Retrieved June 6, 2014 from ;

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, (2012). Byzantium and Islam Age of Transition. Retrieved June 6, 2014 from

How does Islam promote equality among its followers?
Words: 399

Islam promotes equality among its followers in a number of ways, including:

1. All Muslims are considered equal in the eyes of Allah. Regardless of their wealth, social status, or ethnicity, all believers are equal in their worship and devotion to God.

2. Islam teaches that all human beings are created equal and are deserving of respect and dignity. This includes equal rights and opportunities for both men and women.

3. The concept of brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam emphasizes the importance of treating one another with kindness, compassion, and fairness, regardless of differences in background or social status.

4. Islam teaches the importance....

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