Foreign Aid Essays (Examples)

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Foreign Aid and Economic Development
Does foreign aid boost hinder economic development?

In theoretic perspectives, foreign aid should be capable of triggering social and economic growth, mostly in developing nations through financial assistance offered by affluent developed nations. Thereafter, this foreign aid should trigger economic growth by improving infrastructure, introducing modern technologies and innovative ideas, reinforcing fundamental social amenities, for instance, education, health and political structures (Brautigam, Deborah & Stephen, 2004)

In addition, the aid offers humanitarian support in the course of crises, and replenishes the economy after an economic downfall. However, the donors offer the aid on conditional basis. In most cases, only the countries with good governance receive the aid. Latin America shares similar features with Africa in terms of strong presidential features and poor legislature. For this reason, Latin America embraces the aspect of accountability and reshapes their weak institutions by enhancing the rule of law and amplifying democracy (Angelesm….

Foreign Aid Effects on Nigeria

Effects of Foreign Aid Use in Nigeria

Nigeria or the Federal Republic of Nigeria is located in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea and lies between enin and Cameron (LOC 2008). As of the latest count, it has a population of 138 million at an annual growth rate of 2.38%. Nigeria is the fourth largest exporter of oil to the United States. Yet in the face of vast natural fossil fuel reserves, it suffers from extreme personal poverty for 57% of its people. Economists describe this as a "paradox of plenty" or the "curse of oil." Nigeria, like other developing countries in similar situations, is provided foreign aid to help promote democracy and economic stability. Foreign assistance attempts to deliver these countries' people from poverty, and provide security, military assistance and counter-terrorism measures. Of the countries outside Western Europe, Canada and Australia, Nigeria is….

Foreign Aid in Haiti the

Although the UN Mission was present in the region and tried to ensure a safe passage from a regime which lacked all regard for democracy, human rights, or economic development, the perspectives and the time frame instituted for these were not optimistic. Indeed, the UN aims to secure a strong, coherent, and secure form of government through its missions and interventions. However, the most important element for a state is to provide a strong central government that would deal with organization matters, with management of aid relief in situations such as the one in Haiti. Still, given the political turmoil experienced by the country it is difficult to be able to manage such an operation. Therefore, from this point-of-view, it is fair to say that an important element in the failure of the aid relief actions was the lack of a strong government organization.
Another crucial issue to be taken….

Foreign Aid Is Defined as

S. AID and other donors within the years 1960 and 1980 has vanished into oblivion. According to Brain Atwood, U.S. AID administrator who mentions about the doles extended to Zaire that the investment of more than $2 billion of American foreign aid was fruitless. The 1980s has been branded by the United Nations Development Program as the "lost decade" in case of a number of poorer nations.
Over a greater part of this phase, the economic downturn or stalemate has impacted 100 nations, curtailing the earnings of 1.6 billion individuals which are once more greater than 25% of the population of the world. The average earnings of 70 of these nations are lower than what they were during the 1980s and in 43 nations less compared to what their state were in 1970. Global evaluation are generally weighed down with problems, however total aid intensities does not compare absolutely with economic….

Foreign Aid vs. Economic Growth: A critical evaluation of the success/Failure of foreign aid in Africa (Ethiopia)
In this paper, explore the concept of foreign aid and economic development in an African. We focus on a critical evaluation of the success as well as failure of foreign aid in Africa (Ethiopia). What are investigated are the factors that affect growth, the scopes behind foreign aid and reasons for failure. The aim of the study however, is to explore and survey the impact of foreign aid on economic growth and the country as a whole. We then focus on five major objectives. The first one is such as the relationship that exists between foreign aid and a country's economic growth. The second objective is the investigation of the economic impact of foreign aid on consumption and investment. The third objective is the investigation whether recipient government misuse aid as a result of….

aid (foreign aid) is the financial aid which the government gives out to help in supporting the economic, environment, political as well as, social development of developing countries. Today, aids projects seem to work; however, the project does not fully aggregate into major development breakthroughs. Therefore, if aid effectiveness is to be linked firmly to development strategies, then the balance of today's allocation will definitely change. The impact of foreign aid on economic growth has become a controversial issue. According to Boone (1996), he argues that foreign aid flows as a moral obligation of the rich countries that will send forth mighty hopes of ending poverty. In summary, this paper will discuss development aid and ways of making development aid effective.
Development aid is renowned to take many forms. The most significant with regards to its size and influence is the official aid. From the definition of development aid, it….

Urbanization and Foreign Aid
Africa has long been the site of urbanization and foreign aid since the so-called Scramble for Africa (Hopkins, 1993, p. 489). Other sources, however, indicate that if one were to look at the formal influence of colonization, the many different countries in Africa have been receiving a sort of 'forced' foreign aid even prior to the Scramble of Africa. As such, there has been a substantial amount of urbanization fueled by foreign interest in a country such as South Africa. It is important to note that this foreign aid is not necessarily altruistic. Africa in general has long been revered for its rich mineral resources, fertile areas, and abundance of what was appropriated as human labor. This sentiment certainly applies to South Africa, which was long desired by Europeans for its "gold mines" (Cox et al., 2004, p. 2), diamonds, and other abundantly available resources. A thorough….

Afghan Proposal
Foreign Aid and Stratification in Afghanistan: Solving the Problem or Exacerbating Current Imbalances?

The following research proposal is built on a background and extensive literature review regarding the nature of aid dispersal in Afghanistan. Significant problems with foreign aid use have been noted in the country, and this research would aim to determine where aid is most needed, where it is actually going, and the reasons behind any noted discrepancy in these elements. A literature review shows that regional differences and corruption are major contributing factors in perceive aid inefficiencies, and a qualitative research methodology as described and recommended to further address these issues and develop practical recommendations for addressing and correcting the situation.


Despite ongoing efforts in recent history to establish a more democratic and stable state in Afghanistan, the nation largely remains in a state of chaos and disarray, especially in certain regions (Ahmad, 2002; eynolds, 2006; Worden, 2010).….

Withholding Foreign Aid From Countries that Violate Human ights
Withholding Aid: estructuring Foreign Policy to Advocate Greater Standards for International Human ights

Even in the modern era, there are gross violations of human rights taking place all over the globe. Unfortunately, most programs put in place to persuade nations committing such violations to stop such inhuman activities are relatively ineffective at actually securing greater protection for vulnerable populations. As a result, many nations continue to be in violation of international laws, yet go relatively unpunished. The primary purpose of this research is to examine the current situation, and how international aid strategies are dealing ineffectively with particular nations that are clearly violating human rights. From a general understanding of the current situation, an idea of where the true problems lie can be extrapolated, highlighting specific elements of international policy strategies that have proved least productive in helping influence nations to take….

Sociology -- Effects of ar and Peace on Foreign Aid
Foreign aid has been an organized effort since the end of orld ar II. Through I outright aid, investments, loans and grants, industrialized countries sought to help underdeveloped countries recover from the devastation of war. Predictably, some nations also used foreign aid to further their own interests, sometimes to the detriment of nations such as India, which relied heavily on foreign aid. India's leadership, mindful of the dependence and ravages on the country's resources, eventually developed a more India-centered system that has developed India and reduced poverty and war. However, poverty and war are not completely erased and are still problems in that the vast country of India must face.

Body: Effects That ar and Peace Have on the Distribution of Foreign Aid

a. Analyze how funding in the form of aid, investment and loans moves from industrialized nations to the developing world….

What is the military-industrial complex? Which president first expressed concern about this trend and why?

Lately the world has seen an increase in conflict and war. This is because war and armed conflict is increasingly being used in place of negotiations and talks to resolve crisis. The use of brute force, especially by America in the wake of the war on terror has increased with America spreading its armed forces all across the globe, be it Afghanistan, Iraq, the Arab Spring uprisings, Pakistan and the list goes on. The military-industrial complex is seen by a few experts as the reason behind increasing conflict, and this in turn has affected the equilibrium and the rationale of comparative politics. Before we go on to discuss the relationship of the military-industrial conflict to the increase in world conflicts, it is important to know what it entails.

The military industrial complex refers to policy as well….

Foreign Policy and War

Ronald Reagan Foreign Policy: Annotated Bibliography
ucker, Robert W. 1989. "REAGAN'S FOREIGN POLICY." Foreign Affairs 68, no. 1: 1-27.

he author of this article maintains that Ronald Reagan assumed the Presidential role rebuking the 70s' arms control attempts. As a majority of Reagan's fellow politicians were highly suspicious of any arms control pacts with Russia, the general belief was that the newly sworn-in President shared the same view. he cold-war agreement with respect to foreign policy remains consistently idealized since Vietnam. Rarely did it function with the now-envisaged efficacy and smoothness. his re-formation's key feature was, evidently, the restitution of a prevalent public opinion that perceived the exercising of U.S. power without guilt or distrust, once again. herefore, the chief Reagan foreign-policy legacy might well be that: the 40th President of the United States altered the inclination not to suffer for USA's global position into something of a firm resolve to refrain….

Foreign Policy of China (Beijing consensus)
Structure of Chinese Foreign Policy

The "Chinese Model" of Investment

The "Beijing Consensus" as a Competing Framework

Operational Views

The U.S.-China (Beijing consensus) Trade Agreement and Beijing Consensus

Trading with the Enemy Act

Export Control Act.

Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act

Category B

Category C

The 1974 Trade Act.

The Operational Consequences of Chinese Foreign Policy

The World Views and China (Beijing consensus)


The Managerial Practices

Self Sufficiency of China (Beijing consensus)

China and western world: A comparison

The China (Beijing consensus)'s Policy of Trading Specialized Goods

Chapter 5

The versions of China (Beijing consensus)'s trade development

The China (Beijing consensus) Theory of Power Transition


Foreign Policy of China (Beijing consensus)

Chapter 1


ACD arms control and disarmament

ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

ADB Asian Development Bank

ADF Asian Development Fund

APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

AF ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] egional Forum

ASDF Air Self-Defense Forces

AShM anti-ship missiles

ASW antisubmarine warfare

AWACS airborne warning and command system

BIS Bank for International Settlements

BWC Biological Weapons Convention

CATIC China Agribusiness Development Trust and Investment Corporation

CBM confidence-building….

Aid to Dependent Corporations
The government of United States is incurring heavy revenue loss on account of the corporate sector subsidies and other special rebates. The friendly policies of the government aimed at promoting a positive business climate are sadly being exploited. In their interests to evade tax, businesses today are taking undue advantage of the favorable federal policies. In this regard I feel that our governments tax policies and corporate procedures need to be reexamined in order to eliminate the loopholes in them and at the same time support the common welfare schemes. Let us analyze the scenario in a little detail so that we can better appreciate the situation.

One by one our leading business corporations are reeling under accounting scams. I need not mention how well such a giant corporation like 'Enron' managed to disguise its financial information from the government and the stockholders. In the prevailing scenario I….

Foreign Monetary System

Foreign Monetary System
A monetary system is any structure initiated by the government and mandated to issue currency, acknowledged as the medium of exchange by its citizens and governments of other nations. The central bank manages the monetary system of a country; this same bank has the responsibility of printing money and controlling the economy. Since the colonial period, coins from the European colonies had circulated in all the colonies. The Spanish coins gained dominance due to the scarcity of coins, during this time; the main form of trade was barter trade. The trade-involved items such as rice, tobacco, or animal skins, which took the form of money paper and notes, had varying rates of discount in different colonies rendering them of very low value (onald & Wright, 2006).

The high population in the U.S. called for increased trade and commerce. This forced the United States government to look for ways to….

1. The impact of economic policy on income inequality
2. The effectiveness of gun control policies in reducing violence
3. The role of government in regulating technology and privacy
4. The implications of education policy on student success and equity
5. The benefits and drawbacks of implementing a universal basic income policy
6. The impact of climate change policies on the economy and environment
7. The role of immigration policies in shaping cultural diversity and economic growth
8. The importance of healthcare policy in addressing healthcare access and affordability
9. The debates surrounding criminal justice reform and policies on sentencing and rehabilitation
10. The challenges and opportunities of implementing....

Yes, there are several essay topics that can present opposing viewpoints on healthcare in Africa. Some potential essay topics could include:

1. Universal healthcare vs. privatized healthcare in Africa: Is universal healthcare the best way to ensure access to healthcare for all citizens, or would a privatized healthcare system be more efficient and effective?

2. Traditional medicine vs. Western medicine in Africa: Should African countries prioritize traditional healing methods and practices, or should they focus on integrating Western medical techniques and technologies?

3. Government funding vs. foreign aid for healthcare in Africa: Should African governments allocate more resources to healthcare programs, or should....

Sure! Here are some lesser-known but interesting essay topics related to the Global South in international security:

1. The impact of climate change on security in the Global South: How environmental degradation and natural disasters are influencing conflict and instability in developing countries.

2. The role of non-state actors in shaping security dynamics in the Global South: Examining the influence of militias, insurgent groups, and criminal organizations on security issues in the region.

3. Gender and security in the Global South: Exploring the unique security challenges faced by women and marginalized populations in developing countries, and the importance of incorporating gender perspectives into....

Chinese foreign aid in Sub-Saharan Africa has mixed results. While China is a major player in providing aid to the region, there are concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of their aid projects.

On one hand, China's aid has contributed to the development of infrastructure in many African countries, such as building roads, bridges, and railways. This has helped to improve access to markets, reduce transportation costs, and stimulate economic growth.

However, there are criticisms that China's aid often comes with strings attached, such as requirements to use Chinese companies for projects and concerns about the environmental and social impact....

7 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Foreign Aid and Economic Development Does Foreign

Words: 1890
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

Foreign Aid and Economic Development Does foreign aid boost hinder economic development? In theoretic perspectives, foreign aid should be capable of triggering social and economic growth, mostly in developing nations through…

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4 Pages


Foreign Aid Effects on Nigeria an Honest

Words: 1250
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Foreign Aid Effects on Nigeria AN HONEST ASSESSMENT Effects of Foreign Aid Use in Nigeria Nigeria or the Federal Republic of Nigeria is located in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea…

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10 Pages
Capstone Project

Literature - Latin-American

Foreign Aid in Haiti the

Words: 3462
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Although the UN Mission was present in the region and tried to ensure a safe passage from a regime which lacked all regard for democracy, human rights, or…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Foreign Aid Is Defined as

Words: 2103
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. AID and other donors within the years 1960 and 1980 has vanished into oblivion. According to Brain Atwood, U.S. AID administrator who mentions about the doles extended to…

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16 Pages


Foreign Aid vs Economic Growth A Critical

Words: 4208
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Foreign Aid vs. Economic Growth: A critical evaluation of the success/Failure of foreign aid in Africa (Ethiopia) In this paper, explore the concept of foreign aid and economic development in…

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5 Pages


Aid Foreign Aid Is the Financial Aid

Words: 1765
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

aid (foreign aid) is the financial aid which the government gives out to help in supporting the economic, environment, political as well as, social development of developing countries.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - African

Urbanization and Foreign Aid

Words: 1041
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Urbanization and Foreign Aid Africa has long been the site of urbanization and foreign aid since the so-called Scramble for Africa (Hopkins, 1993, p. 489). Other sources, however, indicate that…

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9 Pages
Research Proposal

History - Israel

Afghan Proposal Foreign Aid and Stratification in

Words: 2496
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Afghan Proposal Foreign Aid and Stratification in Afghanistan: Solving the Problem or Exacerbating Current Imbalances? The following research proposal is built on a background and extensive literature review regarding the nature…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Withholding Foreign Aid From Countries That Violate Human Rights

Words: 4467
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Withholding Foreign Aid From Countries that Violate Human ights Withholding Aid: estructuring Foreign Policy to Advocate Greater Standards for International Human ights Even in the modern era, there are gross…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

History - Asian

Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid

Words: 1695
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Sociology -- Effects of ar and Peace on Foreign Aid Foreign aid has been an organized effort since the end of orld ar II. Through I outright aid, investments, loans…

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4 Pages


Military Industrial Complex Foreign Aid

Words: 1271
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Military/Industrial What is the military-industrial complex? Which president first expressed concern about this trend and why? Lately the world has seen an increase in conflict and war. This is because war…

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7 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Political Science

Foreign Policy and War

Words: 2217
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Ronald Reagan Foreign Policy: Annotated Bibliography ucker, Robert W. 1989. "REAGAN'S FOREIGN POLICY." Foreign Affairs 68, no. 1: 1-27. he author of this article maintains that Ronald Reagan assumed the Presidential…

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60 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


Challenging the Beijing Consensus China Foreign Policy in the 21st Century

Words: 24240
Length: 60 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Foreign Policy of China (Beijing consensus) Structure of Chinese Foreign Policy The "Chinese Model" of Investment The "Beijing Consensus" as a Competing Framework Operational Views The U.S.-China (Beijing consensus) Trade Agreement and Beijing Consensus Trading…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Aid to Dependent Corporations the Government of

Words: 948
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Aid to Dependent Corporations The government of United States is incurring heavy revenue loss on account of the corporate sector subsidies and other special rebates. The friendly policies of the…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Foreign Monetary System

Words: 1423
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Foreign Monetary System A monetary system is any structure initiated by the government and mandated to issue currency, acknowledged as the medium of exchange by its citizens and governments of…

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