Forensics Essays (Examples)

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Forensics: Signature Analysis
Forensic examination and analysis of writer identification and verification are reported as having "applications in various domains. Especially in the field of biometric recognition. Forensic Document Examination (FED) is a process that clarifies the writer of a handwritten document. Applications included are signatures verification. FED is such that is reported to have been based primarily on manual examination by experts with only recent automation of analysis methods being initiated.

State of the Art Systems

Two state of the art systems presently exist to "address the tasks of writer identification and verification" and include: (1) the system that uses Hidden Markov Models (HMMs); and (2) the system based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) to model a person's handwriting. (Sclapbach and unke, nd) In addition, there are reported to be "various feature selection methods applied to improve the performance of an existing off-line writer identification system. The performance of the system is….

Forensic analysis has also been used successfully in many paternity cases. Furthermore, the advantages of Forensic DNA technology are extensive and have been employed in forensic fields such as the detection of bacteria and various other pollutants in water and in the matching of recipients in organ donor programs.
It should also be noted that forensics is a field that covers many areas and fields of knowledge and which can provide careers in a number of related disciplines. One of the careers in this discipline is that of a medical examiner. This requires a medical degree and specialisation in forensics. A forensic odontologist specializes in dental forensics, while a crime laboratory analyst usually requires a degree in chemistry.

A crime scene examiner analyses the crime in any situation, whether indoors or outdoors. This specialization is possibly one of the most interesting but involves direct contact with crime victims, which can be….

Forensics, Law, & Psychology: False Confessions
It is a well accepted law in the forensic field, that only recently slipped through, that investigations can be helped by compelling people to confess. However this forensic law that encourages and enables forced confession spirals off methodological research in psychology that shows that such confessions can be harmful to the field since many prisoners end off confessing under duress and admitting to actions that they actually never perpetrated.

More than 80% of criminal cases are settled by a coercive confession (Zimbardo, 1967) and indeed, Dr. W. Sargant said that without confessions convictions may be reduced by about 70%. Confessions are an accepted part of the forensic scene and an "attractive way of solving crimes" (cited in Brandon & Davies, 1973). However, many confessions are elicited under duress -- an acceptable law in forensics -- and consistent empirical research shows that this may well result in….

This phase is described by Carrier as the phase where we "...use the evidence that we found and determine what events occurred in the system" (Carrier, 2005).
2.2. The United States Department of Justice's (USDOJ) digital forensic analysis methodology

The second methodology under review in this paper has been put forward by the United States Department of Justice. This consists of four basic phases: collection, examination, analysis and reporting (Shin, 2011). More specifically, stages of this digital forensic methodology are comprised of the following central aspects. Firstly, there is the obtaining of the data, followed by the forensic request; the preparation and extraction phases; identification and finally analysis and forensic reporting leading to case level analysis (DIGITAL FOENSIC ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY).

The preparation and extraction phase is characterized by the examiner's question as to whether there is sufficient information to proceed and to ensure that there is sufficient data available to answer the….

He noted the uneven pattern, which he knew would make a match easier.
Crime library's Kathleen Ramsland writes in the Most Famous ite Mark,

"In his expert testimony, Souviron described the bite mark on Lisa Levy as the jury examined the photographs. He pointed out how unique the indentation mark

was and showed how it matched the dental impressions of undy's teeth. He showed them the structure of alignment, the chips, the size of the teeth, and the sharpness factors of the bicuspids, lateral, and incisor teeth. Then he put up on a board an enlarged photo of the bite-mark and laid over it a transparent sheet with an enlarged picture of undy's teeth."

There was no question that Ted had made the bite marks on Lisa Levy's body. The photos would be the biggest piece of evidence the prosecution had linking Ted to the crime (ell).

Finally, the chief consultant in forensic dentistry….

Scenario Discussion

From the onset, it is important to note that in criminal investigations, one type of evidence commonly encountered is hair evidence (Oien, 2009). As Oien further points out, "during the course of the normal hair-growth cycle, hairs are readily lost from individuals, and these hairs may be transferred during the course of a criminal activity." The hairs collected from the seat of the car in the scenario recounted could have, therefore, been transferred during the commission of the said criminal activity. However, the hairs could have come from either a human being or an animal. In that regard therefore, further analysis and comparison would have to be made to determine their origin.

To begin with, in my analysis, I would start by examining the medulla. According to Merck (2012), while the medulla of animals is particularly thick, that of humans is characteristically thin. I would also expect that if the….

126). Finally, both genders of offenders are likelier to marry criminals or antisocial individuals than are non-offenders (Cauffman, 2008, p. 125).
Female offenders differ from male offenders in a number of striking aspects. Though both genders suffer from abnormal brain activity, female offenders tended to have developmental brain patterns with more right frontal lobe activity, similar to non-criminal males, while male offenders tended to have no differences in the activities of either brain lobe (Cauffman, 2008, p. 127). Also, while poor parenting highly influences both genders of offenders, it seems to have a more pronounced effect on female offenders than on male offenders (Cauffman, 2008, p. 128). In addition, though both genders have a high degree of victimization in childhood, females tended to be victimized more often and report being the actual victim (Chesney-Lind & Pasko, 2004, p. 25) while males tended to report witnessing the victimization of others (Cauffman,….

Thus, the link between mental disorders and criminal behaviors is more complex than the simplistic question would assume. If the question must be answered with a clear yes or no, then the answer would be no: criminal behavior is not in and of itself a mental disorder. Criminal behavior can be used as a warning sign to test for mental disorders, and then that would allow psychologists to treat the underlying cause of the criminal behavior. As Cauffman (2008) puts it, "effective prevention efforts should target the mental health needs of at-risk females before they lead to chronic behavior problems," (p. 119).
Some criminal behaviors are not indicative of mental illness because they are acts arbitrarily defined as crimes. When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was put into a Birmingham jail, he wrote a letter that describes why some laws are unjust and simply meant to be broken. It takes….

The two paragraphs are very different, not only in tone, but in the style of writing. The first paragraph is a peaceful letter which expresses gratitude whilst the second paragraph is very angry and critical. They are also very different in their length, where the first paragraph was very concise and straight to the point. However, both paragraphs seem to share the topic of marital or family issues. Because of their different writing styles, I believe that the two paragraphs were written by two different people.

At first, after I read through the two paragraphs, I believed that they were written by the same author. However, after much analysis, in my opinion, the two paragraphs are written by two different people. I initially thought that they shared the same author because of the last line in the first paragraph, and the first line of the second paragraph. This is where a….

DIS Forensic Workstation - Complete solution for problems faced by investigator of computer crimes;

FREDDIE - Forensic recovery of evidence deice diminutive interrogation equipment;

EnCASE - Fully integrated forensic application for Windows; and ProDiscover DFT - completely integrated Windows ™ application for the collection, analysis, management and reporting of computer disk evidence. Designed specifically to meet NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) standards. (Timberline Technologies, 2005)

Harris (2005) states that if anti-forensic methods are to be successful "...they must rely on inherent problems with forensics. Anti-forensics often makes use of attacks on the investigators and may also take advantage of our dependency on specific tools or processes. Inherent physical and logical limitations of the investigative process and world in general can be exploited as well. Since anti-forensics rely heavily on the forensics process being susceptible to these issues, resolving these concerns would theoretically solve the anti-forensics problem. Unfortunately, we cannot completely control….

The DNA and fingerprints matched to a particular suspect would provide verification that the suspect had handled the gun. It would also rule out any other suspects if no other DNA or fingerprints were found on the weapon. Last but not least would be any traces of blood found on the suspects clothing. Blood evidence is very powerful evidence since current technology allows for establishing identities through the analysis of blood that is very effective. George Schiro, a forensic scientist with the Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory writes, "a blood source can now be statistically narrowed down to one person out of several million or even several billion" (Schiro). Most importantly, according to Schiro, blood evidence can eliminate prospective suspects while providing strong evidence in regards to establishing identities of other suspects. All four of the above mentioned evidence types can provide helpful evidence for the prosecutor(s) and often….

Such evidence could be invaluable in attributing criminal activity related to such a business to someone in particular.
Additionally, efforts were made in the United Kingdom to utilize aspects of saliva to aid in the usage of forensics for potential criminal investigations. Largely attributed to the vast numbers of attacks on truck drivers within Cardiff, drivers in that part of the world are now utilizing what is known as a "spit kit" so that they can retrieve a sample of saliva if it is exchanged during any sort of potential robbery or attack (Dobson 2011). The DNA garnered from this sort of methodology can prove very beneficial to forensics efforts in their attempts to find the attacker.

In terms of what the future for forensics DNA research and employment holds, it is more than likely that there will be a nearly universal adoption of the utilization of partial DNA matching and….

Forensics One of the Most

Statistics can help describe these relationships by providing a new model or language to present difficult concepts where words often fall short.
Not all of statistical ideas make complete sense to me. One such concept is the idea of "significance." The Statsoft text introduced a revealing concept: " There is no way to avoid arbitrariness in the final decision as to what level of significance will be treated as really "significant." That is, the selection of some level of significance, up to which the results will be rejected as invalid, is arbitrary." It appears that significance as no truly objective value. This is ironic due to the fact that the whole purpose of research is to signify something.

The shape of the normal distribution curve being in the shape of a bell is also quite interesting and mysterious. Somehow, normality, as a quality, can now be identified through a pictorial description….

Forensics and Digital Evidence
Forensics is a discipline which uses standardized techniques to pull apart an event, analyze what happened, and find a more accurate conclusion to the data analysis than just witness testimony. For centuries, lacking even rudimentary techniques like fingerprinting or blood type analysis, the legal system relied on confessions and witness testimony. We may turn to Ancient Greece for one of the first recorded examples of a type of forensic inquiry. In the anecdote of Archimedes, the scholar was asked by the King to determine if a crown made for him was pure gold or contained silver. It seems the King had supplied pure gold, but suspected the goldsmith of being dishonest. Archimedes had noticed that while bathing the level of the water in the tub rose. He surmised that different objects displace different levels of water. Using a mathematical calculation he determined during his famous "Eureka" moment….

Access Data Forensics Toolkit v. EnCase:
Digital or computer forensics is currently one of the rapidly growing and significant industries because of technological advancements. The growth and significance of this industry has been enhanced by the increase in digital crimes, which has contributed to the need for organizations to adopt quick and reliable tools to collect and offer digital evidence. Digital forensic teams need some items in the forensic toolkits regardless of whether these teams are part of the organization or law enforcement agency. One of the most important processes in computer forensics is drive acquisition, which must be a forensically relevant sound image i.e. flat file bit stream image. In addition, the process also requires volatile data in order to enhance the findings of the process. As digital forensics continues to grow and become important, there are various toolkits that have been developed including Forensic Toolkit (FTK) by AccessData and….

Topic Development in Criminal Investigations: Exploring Critical Concepts and Contemporary Issues

1. The Interplay of Forensics and Criminal Investigation

The evolution of forensic science and its impact on investigation techniques
The challenges and limitations of forensic evidence in criminal prosecutions
The impact of forensic technology on case resolution and the justice system

2. The Psychology of Criminal Behavior and Its Application to Investigations

The psychological profiles of different types of criminals
Investigative techniques for understanding and predicting criminal behavior
The use of psychological theories to develop investigative strategies

3. The Role of Interviewing and Interrogation in Criminal Investigations

Ethical and legal considerations in....

1. The Art of Digital Forensics: Unveiling the Secrets of Forensic Image Analysis

2. Pixels and Clues: Exploring the Evidentiary Landscape of Forensic Image Analysis

3. Deciphering the Digital Enigma: A Comprehensive Guide to Forensic Image Analysis

4. The Eye of the Digital Detective: Forensic Image Analysis as a Tool for Unraveling Mysteries

5. Illuminating the Dark Web: Forensic Image Analysis for Cybercrime Investigations

6. Beyond the Surface: Exploring the Hidden Depths of Forensic Image Analysis

7. The Anatomy of an Image: A Forensic Examination of Digital Artifacts

8. Unmasking the Cybercriminal: Using Forensic Image Analysis to Identify Perpetrators

9. Forensic Image Analysis: The Bridge between the Virtual....

Enhanced Network Security with Access Control Lists (ACLs)

In the corporate landscape, network security is paramount to protect sensitive data, maintain business continuity, and comply with industry regulations. Access Control Lists (ACLs) serve as a crucial defense mechanism by implementing fine-grained access controls, enhancing overall network security.

Concept of ACLs

An ACL is a set of rules that define who can access specific resources within a network. These rules are applied to network devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls to regulate network traffic based on criteria like source IP address, destination IP address, port number, and protocol.

Types of ACLs

There are two main....

Forensic Science in the UK and USA: A Comparative Overview

Forensic science plays a crucial role in the criminal justice systems of both the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (USA). However, there are several key differences in the use and application of forensic science in these two countries.

Structure and Organization

UK: Forensic science services in the UK are primarily provided by the Forensic Science Service (FSS), a government agency responsible for conducting forensic examinations and providing expert testimony in criminal cases. The FSS has a centralized structure, with laboratories located throughout the country.

USA: Forensic science services in the....

4 Pages


Forensics Signature Analysis Forensic Examination and Analysis

Words: 1114
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Forensics: Signature Analysis Forensic examination and analysis of writer identification and verification are reported as having "applications in various domains. Especially in the field of biometric recognition. Forensic Document Examination…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Forensics in Very General Terms

Words: 857
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Forensic analysis has also been used successfully in many paternity cases. Furthermore, the advantages of Forensic DNA technology are extensive and have been employed in forensic fields such…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

Forensics Law & Psychology False Confessions it

Words: 1096
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Forensics, Law, & Psychology: False Confessions It is a well accepted law in the forensic field, that only recently slipped through, that investigations can be helped by compelling people to…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Forensics Digital Evidence Forensics and the

Words: 3398
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This phase is described by Carrier as the phase where we "...use the evidence that we found and determine what events occurred in the system" (Carrier, 2005). 2.2. The…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal

Criminal Justice

Forensics Made the Case Was

Words: 1383
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

He noted the uneven pattern, which he knew would make a match easier. Crime library's Kathleen Ramsland writes in the Most Famous ite Mark, "In his expert testimony, Souviron described…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Forensics Scenario Discussion From the Onset it

Words: 897
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Forensics Scenario Discussion From the onset, it is important to note that in criminal investigations, one type of evidence commonly encountered is hair evidence (Oien, 2009). As Oien further points out,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Forensics -- Female Criminals Research

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

126). Finally, both genders of offenders are likelier to marry criminals or antisocial individuals than are non-offenders (Cauffman, 2008, p. 125). Female offenders differ from male offenders in a…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Forensics as Bartol & Bartol

Words: 688
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Thus, the link between mental disorders and criminal behaviors is more complex than the simplistic question would assume. If the question must be answered with a clear yes…

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2 Pages


Forensics the Two Paragraphs Are Very Different

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Forensics The two paragraphs are very different, not only in tone, but in the style of writing. The first paragraph is a peaceful letter which expresses gratitude whilst the second…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Forensics Evidence Elimination Tools the

Words: 790
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

DIS Forensic Workstation - Complete solution for problems faced by investigator of computer crimes; FREDDIE - Forensic recovery of evidence deice diminutive interrogation equipment; EnCASE - Fully integrated forensic application for…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal

Criminal Justice

Forensics Residing in a City

Words: 1178
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The DNA and fingerprints matched to a particular suspect would provide verification that the suspect had handled the gun. It would also rule out any other suspects if…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Forensics Techniques- Forensics Developments Several

Words: 624
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Such evidence could be invaluable in attributing criminal activity related to such a business to someone in particular. Additionally, efforts were made in the United Kingdom to utilize aspects…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter

Education - Mathematics

Forensics One of the Most

Words: 522
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Statistics can help describe these relationships by providing a new model or language to present difficult concepts where words often fall short. Not all of statistical ideas make complete…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Computer Forensics Digital Evidence

Words: 1511
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Forensics and Digital Evidence Forensics is a discipline which uses standardized techniques to pull apart an event, analyze what happened, and find a more accurate conclusion to the data analysis…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Access Data Forensics Toolkit v Encase Digital

Words: 1121
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Access Data Forensics Toolkit v. EnCase: Digital or computer forensics is currently one of the rapidly growing and significant industries because of technological advancements. The growth and significance of this…

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