Formative Assessment Essays (Examples)

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formative assessments, are designed to be cumulative in nature. Formative assessments give feedback to the teacher regarding the students' comprehension of the lesson plan and enable the teacher to tailor his or her instruction to address student needs. Summative assessments have the goal of evaluating the success of the learning process for the student, teacher, administrator, or other relevant parties in a terminal fashion. State tests are one example of summative assessments; so are end-of-chapter reviews. Summative assessments occur too late in the learning process to fundamentally change the instruction in the classroom, although they may influence how later instruction takes place (Garrison & Ehringhaus 2007).
There is generally a lower level of student involvement in the summative assessment process. Even with chapter reviews, teachers are attempting to see if students have mastered the goals that were set for them class at the beginning of the unit. While teachers may….

Transformative Assessment
In Chapter One of his book, Transformative Assessment, James opham defines formative assessment as, "a planned process in which teachers or students use assessment-based evidence to adjust what they are currently doing" (p 6.). Overall, opham uses this chapter to present a clear and detailed definition of exactly what formative assessment is and is not. His overview also offers a thorough explanation of the development of formative assessment and how it can be used in conjunction with accountability tests to improve student performance and test results.

opham makes a compelling argument regarding the implementation of formative assessment. First, he makes the logical claim that teachers are typically likely to implement new instructional methods if they used successfully and recommended by other educators. In addition, because most teachers aim to help students learn, they will implement formative assessment to improve their overall instructional practice and learning outcomes. opham, then, provides a….

Formative Assessments
Popham -1 - Implementing one of Popham's four "steps" should be regular and a part of the everyday classroom management edict. For instance, as instructor's collect evidence, they must decide whether to proceed, review, or change instruction; students use evidence of understanding to help them reroute thinking processes ro adjust learning procedures; and, depending on the climate of the classroom, both teachers and students should adjust assessment by using different types of checking for understanding and learning targets.

Popham 2 -- Traditional evidence-gathering tools often rely on tests -- selected response items (multiple choice, true false) or constructed responses (short answer or essay). In a typical classroom, learning is a three step process; teacher lectures, students memorize or read, students take test. Popham suggests an alternate approach.

Popham 3 -- One non-traditional approach suggested by Popham (pp 59+) is that of using higher level, or socratic questioning, to assess understanding. It….

SUMMARY OF PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLEName of the Article: The Effects of Formative Assessment on Academic Achievement, Attitudes toward the Lesson, and Self-Regulation Skills by Ozan and KincalThe ProblemFrom the onset, it would be prudent to note that the authors of the present study clearly state the problem. They make an observation to the effect that there are numerous past studies that have sought to assess how formative assessments impact student success on certain crucial fronts. However, according to the authors, critical studies of formative assessment in recent years have indicated that selected studies for meta-analysis are problematic in terms ofthe principles of methodological and constructive assessment, and that qualitativeand empirical work on formative assessment is needed (90). I am of the opinion that this is a practically important problem owing to the fact that formative assessments continue to be considered one of the most effective learner performance measurement approaches. The purpose….

Secondary Students |
Some Particular issues with Secondary Students

How have you adjusted both the types of questions you ask as well as how you ask questions to developmentally suit students with disabilities in grades 7-12?

Explaining my question and extensively describe what am I asking to assure that the student has understood what information is been asked.

Giving them Time to process my question.

elate my question with images.

Answers of two choices.

Eye contact and sense of my role to be supportive and trusting me to express themselves.

Explaining my question and extensively describe what am I asking to assure that the student has understood what information is been asked.

elate my question with images

e. Eye contact and sense of my role to be supportive and trusting me to express themselves.


Making questions clearer to learning-disabled pupils through description and explanation will aid both their academic status and social development. Further, image/illustration employment will prove beneficial, particularly….

Group Activities as Formative Assessment in Mathematics Classroom
The modern educational system is characterized by an increase demand for accountability and high-stakes testing. The demand for such accountability and testing is demonstrated in the quest for the use of summative assessments that provide a summary of the learning progress of students. Generally, the push for increased accountability and high-stakes testing has contributed to the use of different kinds of assessments that are administered at the state, district, school, and national levels. The use of these various kinds of assessments is not only geared towards realization of increased accountability but also act as a means for comparing and ranking students and schools. An example of the type of assessments that can be used in this process is formative assessments for various topics such as mathematics. Formative assessments are defined as systematic procedures of collecting evidence regarding students' learning to inform teaching….

President X of Education:
Even proponents of high-stakes standardized testing for grades K-12 have argued that such tests should be only one measure amongst many to validate the effectiveness of a school or student. Yet the emphasis placed upon such tests in determining school ratings and the increasing proportion of the day devoted to preparing for such exams has inevitably fostered teaching to the test rather than teaching higher-level concepts. There are concerns as well that students are being placed largely due to their scores based solely on a single result on a high-stakes state test (Hamilton, Halverson, Jackson, Mandinach, Supovitz, & Wayman16). Furthermore, the pressure on many teachers to demonstrate that students are performing well as a collective group often causes them to focus unduly upon 'bubble' students (students who are just below the cutoff) rather than raising the academic performance of the class as a while (Hamilton, et….

teaching allows learning and assessment for those that are my learners, as a painting and decorating tutor with the view to self-develop and progress. e will learn how to make the most of and inspire learning and how diversity and fairness play a significant part for both teachers and learners.
Most would probably know that assessment is getting the measurement of the learners' reaction to understanding and competence in teaching instruction (Curzon pg 383). In the job as a painter and decorating tutor, assessment are very important and foremost, as in the way learners are measured against usual standards prior to exams and attaining combined standing. My proficient and personal thoughts upon assessments are that as a teacher we need to be able to utilize various of methods and skills that will be employed to inspire and really keep learners motivated while giving feedback that is constructive in allowing them….

Differentiated Learning & Assessment -- PLC Presentation
Differentiated instruction and assessment recognizes that the individual needs, strengths and weaknesses of students must drive learning (Wormeli, 2007). Changing the outcomes of traditional lesson plans to account for differentiated learning is a fundamental part of ensuring student success. Each student's readiness, interest and learning profile is at the core of this approach. Students are diverse; therefore, instructional and assessment practices should be as well, to improve student outcomes in all content areas.

Many teachers design lessons that have a set of specific learning objectives and standardized assessments for students. However, today's learning models ask teachers to adopt multiple objectives and use different levels of assessment for more individualized learning (Dobbertin, 2012). Differentiation of process, then, refers to the way in which a student accesses material (i.e., one student may explore a learning center, while another may conduct an online search for information). Differentiation of….

"Summative assessments happen too far down the learning path to provide information at the classroom level and to make instructional adjustments and interventions during the learning process. It takes formative assessment to accomplish this" (Formative and summative assessments, 2010, NMSA). Yet summative assessment, such as midterms, finals, and standardized state tests, are a part of life that must be dealt with. These assessments are extremely important because of their influence on district funding, and also administrators and parents' perceptions that the tests measure whether the school is doing its job or not, and conveying a good education to students. It is difficult not to become obsessed with them, given that one's performance as a teacher and quality as an educator is viewed through the rubric of standardized assessment.

The challenge for a teacher is to prepare students for the summative, standardized assessments they must cope with as a part of daily….

Mathematics Assessment

Mathematics is closely connected to economics, commerce and business modelling, as well as systems for military weapons. Due to the widespread of its use, it was noted that students in the U.S. were beginning to perform a little worse in mathematics than children from other countries worldwide. Mathematical knowledge among citizens was considered a very important factor for a country to be a leading world power. Assessment activities have been a continuing focus of academic research for more than twenty-five years. In that period, there have been new tools developed. In addition, the curriculum has shifted its focus to the results of learning. The shift of focus in the theory of learning to constructivism from behaviourism has greatly influenced the learning and teaching of mathematics. Conventional tests are only centred on the mathematical procedures and skills of students. Thus, application of authentic tools for assessment to measure the learning of….

These assessment techniques may include open-ended or closed survey questions, interviews, structured observations by the teacher in the learning environment, and performance-based assignments like writing portfolios or role-plays ("Document ELL Progress," 2008, ELL ebsite).
hat are the benefits of using alternative assessments for ELL students? For native English speakers?

For ELL students, particularly those whose written proficiency has not yet matched their oral proficiency, alternative assessment techniques give the student additional ways to show the teacher what they know, and also to gain more social confidence in the English language. However, all students have unique learning styles and can benefit from the creativity and enthusiasm these assessment methods generate. Additionally, these techniques can also bring the different intelligences of some neglected talents to light, such as performing. They encourage students to use the concepts that are being taught in class, and help the teacher establish a more on-on-one relationship with students….

Assessment M1DOne of the most important elements in the process of teaching and learning within the educational setting is assessment. Assessment is regarded as a tool that helps to promote and enhance student learning as well as improving instruction. Therefore, for educators or teachers, assessment is viewed as one of the most essential educational tools. This educational tool is used by teachers to determine what their students are learning in the classroom. They provide a mechanism through which teachers gather information and evidence regarding students learning and how to enhance instruction in order to improve learning outcomes. Information derived from assessments in the educational setting is also beneficial to students themselves and their parents.In my opinion, classroom assessment is defined as an evaluation tool that examines the formative and summative achievements of students based on what was taught in the classroom. This tool provides important information regarding students progress in….

Students should be graded upon 'deep learning' as well as factual retrieval in this final phase. Unlike formative learning assessment, in a summative assessment, the students must be fully engaged with the material at this phase and can use it in a non-directive fashion. Assessment learning principles stress the need for learning to be demonstrated in a 'real life' context and to apply those principles. Writing an essay about the gospel stories or explaining how the lessons of the various gospels might be useful in their own lives is two examples of how authentic assessment might take place in a religion classroom in a summative fashion.
The advantages of Grajczonek's process of authentic assessment are that it takes into consideration different learning styles. if, during the assessment for learning phase, students have difficulty visualizing the difference between the gospel narratives, a teacher might make a list of all of the….

Education -- Multimedia Questions
Reflections on Videos and eb Sites

Open Society Foundations: Early Childhood Intervention: The Power of Family

I was surprised by: the comment that the first 3 years of knowledgeable family involvement are especially important and that plasticity (the ability to change) is mostly in the first 3 years; and that waiting for diagnosis and conscious family involvement in helping the "delayed" child could mean loss of the critical first few months, which could mean actually waiting too long to most effectively help children (Open Society Foundations, 2013). The web site featuring this video is at

Center for Parent Information and Resources website on Parent Participation in the Early Years

In reviewing this web site, I was surprised that seeking an evaluation for possible early intervention is readily available in the community and can sought through contact with several sources, including: the local hospital's pediatrics branch for information on where to….

When creating a lesson plan, it is important to follow a structured format to ensure that all necessary information is included. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a comprehensive lesson plan:

1. Title: Write a descriptive title for the lesson plan that summarizes the topic or objective of the lesson.

2. Objective: Clearly outline the learning goal for the lesson. What do you want students to know or be able to do by the end of the lesson?

3. Materials: List all the materials, resources, and technology that will be needed for the lesson, including any handouts, worksheets, or multimedia....

1. The impact of unit lesson planning on student learning outcomes
2. The importance of preparing clear and specific learning objectives for unit lessons
3. Strategies for scaffolding unit lessons to support student understanding and retention
4. The role of formative assessment in guiding and adjusting unit lesson instruction
5. Incorporating diverse learning styles and abilities into unit lesson design
6. How technology can enhance unit lesson delivery and student engagement
7. Collaboration and communication among educators when developing and implementing unit lessons
8. Differentiating instruction within unit lessons to meet the needs of all students
9. Reflecting on and refining unit lessons based on student feedback and....

Writing Practice in My Classroom: A Comprehensive Vision

Writing is a fundamental skill that empowers students to express themselves, communicate effectively, and critically engage with the world around them. As an educator, I believe that fostering a classroom environment that nurtures writing practice is essential for students' academic success and personal growth. Here is my vision for how I envision writing practice in my classroom:

1. Process-Oriented Approach:

I embrace the process-oriented approach to writing, which recognizes that writing is a complex and iterative process. I provide students with ample time and support to brainstorm, draft, revise, and edit their work. This approach....

I. Introduction to Didactics

       A. Definition of Didactics

       B. Importance of Didactics

II. History of Didactics

       A. Evolution of Didactics throughout history

       B. Key figures in the development of Didactics

III. Principles of Didactics

       A. Understanding learning processes

       B. Adaptation of teaching methods to learners' needs

IV. Methods of Didactic Instruction

       A. Lecture format

       B. Interactive discussions

       C. Hands-on activities

V. Assessment in Didactics

       A. Formative assessment techniques

       B. Summative assessment....

1 Pages


Formative Assessments Are Designed to Be Cumulative

Words: 347
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

formative assessments, are designed to be cumulative in nature. Formative assessments give feedback to the teacher regarding the students' comprehension of the lesson plan and enable the teacher…

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2 Pages


Formative Assessment What Why and Whether

Words: 553
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Transformative Assessment In Chapter One of his book, Transformative Assessment, James opham defines formative assessment as, "a planned process in which teachers or students use assessment-based evidence to adjust what…

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2 Pages


Advancing Formative Assessment Using Instructional Adjustments to Check for Understanding

Words: 646
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Formative Assessments Popham -1 - Implementing one of Popham's four "steps" should be regular and a part of the everyday classroom management edict. For instance, as instructor's collect evidence, they…

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4 Pages


Academic Achievement Effects of Formative Assessment

Words: 1296
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article

SUMMARY OF PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLEName of the Article: The Effects of Formative Assessment on Academic Achievement, Attitudes toward the Lesson, and Self-Regulation Skills by Ozan and KincalThe ProblemFrom the onset,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Formative Assessment and Students

Words: 1858
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Secondary Students | Some Particular issues with Secondary Students How have you adjusted both the types of questions you ask as well as how you ask questions to developmentally suit…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Formative Mathematical Assessments

Words: 4585
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Group Activities as Formative Assessment in Mathematics Classroom The modern educational system is characterized by an increase demand for accountability and high-stakes testing. The demand for such accountability and…

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2 Pages
Other (not listed above)


Assessment Strategies K 12 Nationally

Words: 651
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Other (not listed above)

President X of Education: Even proponents of high-stakes standardized testing for grades K-12 have argued that such tests should be only one measure amongst many to validate the effectiveness…

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8 Pages


Teaching Allows Learning and Assessment for Those

Words: 2519
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

teaching allows learning and assessment for those that are my learners, as a painting and decorating tutor with the view to self-develop and progress. e will learn how…

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5 Pages


Differentiated Learning & Assessment -- PLC Presentation

Words: 1743
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Differentiated Learning & Assessment -- PLC Presentation Differentiated instruction and assessment recognizes that the individual needs, strengths and weaknesses of students must drive learning (Wormeli, 2007). Changing the outcomes of…

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2 Pages


Constitutes Assessment Why Is Assessment

Words: 571
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

"Summative assessments happen too far down the learning path to provide information at the classroom level and to make instructional adjustments and interventions during the learning process. It takes…

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5 Pages


Mathematics Assessment

Words: 1864
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Mathematics is closely connected to economics, commerce and business modelling, as well as systems for military weapons. Due to the widespread of its use, it was noted that students…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


ELL Students Appropriate Assessments to

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These assessment techniques may include open-ended or closed survey questions, interviews, structured observations by the teacher in the learning environment, and performance-based assignments like writing portfolios or role-plays…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Discussion on Classroom Assessments

Words: 625
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Assessment M1DOne of the most important elements in the process of teaching and learning within the educational setting is assessment. Assessment is regarded as a tool that helps to…

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4 Pages


Authentic Assessment Religion Studies in

Words: 1280
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Students should be graded upon 'deep learning' as well as factual retrieval in this final phase. Unlike formative learning assessment, in a summative assessment, the students must be…

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2 Pages


The Differences Between Assessments and Testing in Education

Words: 1076
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Education -- Multimedia Questions Reflections on Videos and eb Sites Open Society Foundations: Early Childhood Intervention: The Power of Family I was surprised by: the comment that the first 3 years of…

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