The Differences Between Assessments And Testing In Education Essay

Education -- Multimedia Questions Reflections on Videos and Web Sites

Open Society Foundations: Early Childhood Intervention: The Power of Family

I was surprised by: the comment that the first 3 years of knowledgeable family involvement are especially important and that plasticity (the ability to change) is mostly in the first 3 years; and that waiting for diagnosis and conscious family involvement in helping the "delayed" child could mean loss of the critical first few months, which could mean actually waiting too long to most effectively help children (Open Society Foundations, 2013). The web site featuring this video is at

Center for Parent Information and Resources website on Parent Participation in the Early Years

In reviewing this web site, I was surprised that seeking an evaluation for possible early intervention is readily available in the community and can sought through contact with several sources, including: the local hospital's pediatrics branch for information on where to call about local early intervention services; a pediatrician's referral to a local early intervention system; searching for local early intervention system at (Center for Parent Information and Resources, 2014). I was also surprised that the individualized help plan for the child is actually a plan for the entire family, called the Individualized Family Service Plan (Center for Parent Information and Resources, 2014). The web address for the Reflect on the videos and websites included in this request. Comment on two things that you found that surprised you or you didn't realize were important to family involvement...


Also include the specific link that you researched from the Center for Parent Information and Resources website. The web address for the web page visited is Finally, I was surprised that the suggested video mentions so many sources of help for parents of developmentally challenged children, including: resource people who will actually tell parents what questions to ask a resource person; a knowledgeable school principal; altering the plan by asking questions tailored to your child's specific needs; and fashioning sequential learning for your child (CEN Videos, n.d.). The web address for the video regarding these resources is
2. Multimedia Reflections

a. Ways assessment can promote learning.

Assessment can promote learning in several ways. It makes schools more proactive in educating not only children but also parents about the philosophy, the science of teaching, how assessments work, a school's policy, how decisions are made regarding delayed children and the available curriculum. This education of parents enhances parents' ability to have meaningful conversations about necessary supports for their children, the limits and flexibility of those support systems and how the parents can help the school provide even more effective learning systems for their children. Instead of just relying on the traditional ideas of grades, homework and report…

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

CEN Videos. (n.d.). Early Years and Parent Involvement. Retrieved from

Center for Parent Information and Resources. (2014, March). Overview of Early Intervention. Retrieved from

Colorin colorado. (n.d.). Assessment of English Language Learners. Retrieved from

Corwin. (2009, September 14). Morgo Gottlieb - Assessing English Language Learners. Retrieved from
Edutopia. (2011, October 6). Reteach and Enrich: How to Make Time for Every Student. Retrieved from
Edutopia. (n.d.). Assessment. Retrieved from
Open Society Foundations. (2013, December 9). Early Childhood Intervention and the Power of Family. Retrieved from
The Iris Center, Vanderbilt University. (2009, April 2). Testing Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners. Retrieved from

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"The Differences Between Assessments And Testing In Education", 08 April 2016, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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