Generation Essays (Examples)

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Generation X And Y

Generation X and Y
The diverse workforce means that there are multiple generations in the same workplace. Recent research regarding generational differences has found common generational attributes. These generational commonalities may be found in varying degrees, and are not indicative of "all persons of that age grouping."

The traditionalists, born between 1925 and 1945, will stay in a position until they retire and don't always welcome change.

aby boomers (1946-1964), the largest group, are loyal to their jobs and often have a strong work ethic.

Characteristics of Generation X

Generation X by broadest definition includes those individuals born between 1961 and 1981. The collective persona of Gen Xers (discussed later) is frequently debated and discussed among academicians and marketing experts worldwide. It traditionally applies to North Americans including people from the United States of America, Canada, Australia, and various European countries.

The United States Social Security Administration defines Generation X as "those born roughly between 1964….

Generation X

Geneation X
"the tem Geneation X . . . fom a book witten in 1991. . . By the same name.

is a fictional book about thee stanges who decide to distance themselves fom society to get a bette sense of who they ae. . . . [Douglas Coupland, autho,] descibes the chaactes as 'undeemployed, oveeducated, intensely pivate and unpedictable'"

(Jochim, 1997, &paa; 4).

Geneation X Consume Poduct

Geneation X technically compises the geneation following the Baby Boom geneation; bon between 1965 and 1980. In the aticle, "Geneation X defies definition," Jennife Jochim (1997) assets that the definition fo Xes vaies with diffeent souces: "Geneation X can technically be defined as the geneation following the Baby Boomes. Xes wee bon between 1965 and 1980, 1961 and 1981, 1964 and 1979, 1963 and 1979, 1965 and 1975 o since the mid-1960s" (&paa; 2). In 2011, Xes typically ange fom 31 to 46 yeas old.

Geneation X Segment….

Generation Gaps in the WorkForce
In every aspect of society there lies some form of a generation gap, be it in fashion, music or language. It is a well-known and often highly parodied facet of society that has now become an area of concern to many companies and businesses as they try to assess and formulate strategies that will bridge the generation gaps in the work place.

There are four generation groupings that are to be considered: Veterans, or Traditionalists, aby oomers, Generation Xers, and the newer generation, Generation Y, or Generation Next. Of all the conflicts between generations in the workplace, perhaps the most volatile and difficult to strategize upon is that between the aby oomers and Generation Y To understand why these two generations are butting heads in the workplace, it's important to take a look at where each of these four generation groups stem from.

Veterans, or Traditionalists, compromise the….

However, such an egalitarian viewpoint of the world gives Generation Y a low avoidance of uncertainty, which has both positive and negative consequences. Of the latter, the proclivity to challenge authority and to create a new status quo can create certain problems. The ubiquity of file sharing and copyright infringement that resulted in the shutdown of a number of popular websites such as Limewire, and complications for others such as Napster, was partly fuelled by Generation Y's low tolerance for conventionality and need to sate its entertainment, music and movie needs expediently. As a result of this generation's relatively low tolerance for regulation, it has displayed an elasticity that allows it to adopt to change frequently and seamlessly.

Another direct result of Generation Y's low tolerance for uncertainty is its extreme individualism. In addition to assisting in fostering its sense of ambition and entitlement, the degree of individualism that categorizes this….

Generation X

Generation X
Growth Trend for Generation X for 2004 to 2010

Martin & Prince (2009) predicted that Generation X would be the predominant market segment by 2010. U.S. Census data estimate that Generation X makes up 19% of the total population in 2010. Sources vary on which birth years to include when defining this generation. For the purposes of this research, the years of 1965 to 1978 will be used to determine the growth trend for this generation (Hachtmann, 2008, eisenwitz & Iyer, 2009).

Growth Trend for White Consumer Segment Members for 2004 to 2010

In 2005, the white Generation X population numbered 37,208,000 and comprised 12.93% of the total population. While there was an increase in this population in 2006, the market segment is projected to decrease steadily based on U.S. Census projection data. The table below shows the growth trend for the white Generation X market segment.

Year Population Percentage of Total Population


The older generation is famous for their stern stand against oppression. They did this through their physical presence when it came to a point where there was trampling of their rights. This generation relied on actions to pass their points and to let their voice be heard. However, the current generation does not seem to follow this model. It is exceedingly rare for the occurrence of a situation where this generation has an uprising. In fact, it may seem that they do not care. An indication of this would be the perception that they rarely follow current issues within the society. This point us further compounded by the appearance that most of them have, with most preferring to listen to music than news. However, this generation cares as much as the earlier generation. It is only method of passing the message that has changed. hile the earlier generation took….

Generation by Tom Brokaw
Bibliographic Information

The Greatest Generation. Tom Brokaw. New York: Random House, 1998. 412 pages.

Author's Thesis

The author argues that the generation of Americans who fought World War II, maintained society at home during World War II, overcame the Great Depression and rebuilt the nation of America after the war are the "greatest generation any society has ever produced." The author argues that this generation is often undervalued for their contributions, when they did in fact, give us the lives we live today and create an American society with more to offer than any in the past.

Evidence to Support Thesis.

The book is designed to pay tribute to and make people aware of just what this generation of men and women did for America and how they contributed to the society we have today. The author describes how these men and women battled through World War II, including the battle….

However, the NGN removes this restriction from you -- you have a choice. If you prefer to purchase voice services from another company…you have that option, too" ("hat is the NGN?" NGN Service Provider, 2010). By allowing separation between services, consumers could gain more bargaining power within the new marketplace.
Superior use of existing services are also possible: "the user could, for example, use a mobile phone to talk on a phone, see a video feed on an LCD screen, collaborate on a document through a PC ('screen sharing' or 'application sharing'), and receive a file to a mobile handheld device, all within the context of a call to another person" ("NGN: Functional architecture," NGN Service Provider, 2010). This could improve business communication by enabling more effective use of videoconferencing without the use of cumbersome technology. Even residential consumers might find additional value in the use of more 'lifelike' use….

While the narrator in Thomas' poem urges his father to resist death, the narrator in Pastan's poem wishes to advise her father to give up his struggle against it by saying, "father let go, and death will hold you up." Both poems show that the younger individuals, in being distant observers of death, cannot easily relate to those actually experiencing it.

The poem "Sestina" by Elizabeth Bishop also depicts two individuals of different generations; the older individual is the grandmother while the younger one is a child. The allusion to death becomes apparent when it is understood that the loss of a loved one has taken place. This loss is revealed after the child holds up a drawing of a "man with buttons like tears," which causes the grandmother to secretly shed tears of sorrow. This poem makes it most apparent how younger individuals often cannot relate to the experience of….

Generation Alternatives 1-2 pages Important Section ecommendation 1-2 paragraphs This a Grad level strategic management class.
Harley-Davidson: Preparing for the Next Century

Harley-Davidson is not only a motorcycle manufacturer, but an emblem of the American society. Today nevertheless, the company faces the specific problem of an icon -- that of no longer being up-to-date, trendy and desired by the customers.

Harley-Davidson continues to generate strong financial results, but fact is that the incidence of sales has decreased. It would as such appear that the company is in need of a new strategic approach to help it reshape and reposition itself within the industry in a means which generates customer demand.

At a deeper level, the problem is manifested by the fact that the Harley-Davidson sales are based on history, tradition and sentimentalism. And the sales are attached to the target market of the manufacturer, which has nevertheless aged from 35 to 47. These….

Generations of Winter," by Vassily Aksyonov. Specifically, it will discuss literary themes and approaches used by the author and how the work reflects the political and social environment of the time.

Aksyonov's book opens in 1925, the "eighth year of the revolution." While it sometimes reads like a history of the Russian people, it is really a novel, written in the sweeping style of "War and Peace" by Tolstoy. The novel follows the Gradov family through twenty years of modern Russian history, with which they always manage to become involved. Mixed in with the family are real historical characters, so it sometimes becomes muddy between what is fact and what is fiction in this novel.

Aksyonov was expelled from his home country of Russia in 1980. His mother and father lived through much of the Stalin regime, and spent time in prison, and in the Crimea. "Aksyonov was born….

Generation Bling

Newsletter to Generation Bling
Newsletter (and Manifesto) of 'Generation Bling-Bling'

Bling-Bling' is the sound of a cash register running up a total of flashing name brand clothes and shoes. So we, the members of 'Generation Bling-Bling' have often been called a generation that defines itself solely though its conspicuous consumption of the 'right' clothes, music, shoes, and brightly colored cell phones and laptops. hat one wears, buys, uses, and all the other products and labels one identifies one's self are what make up the general identity of 'Generation Bling-Bling.' All of these things are more important than what one does, who one's family is, or what one knows to our generation, it is alleged. e watch and consume advertising rather than make art. e go to the mall, not museums. e are of the moment, rather than of all time. (CNN, 2003)

But if this is true, why has the phrase Bling-Bling may….

Mens sana, corpus sana: sound mind, sound body. A sound mind requires a sound body. A sluggish person has less energy to take risks, less bodily confidence, and often lower self-esteem. An unhealthy nation runs up high health care bills and grows old quickly. It is important that we as a society treat these symptoms of inactivity, but we must also treat the causes -- inequality, the rampant growth of consumption and technology that robs of us of our mobility and shackles us to computers and televisions, and the fact that factory-produced meat or commercially advertised products rather than real food is seen as the normal thing to eat. We must change our lifestyles -- cook food rather than buy it, walk rather than drive as fast as possible -- to be able to enjoy and maintain our unique prosperity as a nation..

Authors used observations to study result of designs; analyzed minuteaa of history, purpose, and structure of designs; and conducted inmate and staff questionnaires regarding how the design affected their job and quality of life.

160 inmates and 209 staff members participated in survey


Surveys are generally biased and have some shortfalls. This includes the fact of interviewer and interviewee bias where either may perceive the other in a certain way that influences response. Furthermore, context of mood and place may influence response too. The participants may be inadequately aware of their opinion or of their reason for their actions.

In a similar way, they may erroneously attribute their actions to certain intentions that are really contingent on a third issue that may be overt or covert, or concealed to them.

The researchers, in other words, were investigating whether the behavioral components of one place can effect the actions and decisions as well as quality….

Generation Xer's: My Why or No Way discusses generation Xers. Particularly it discusses perceptions that are commonly held about Generation Xer's. The case suggests that Gen Xer's are more emotionally suited for career realities in today's world and more apt to save money than previous generations. This despite a perception from some that Gen Xer's are simply slackers. Attitudes commonly held by Gen Xer's discussed in the case study include the belief that status is less important than accomplishments that breaking the rules is sometimes acceptable and that networking is critical to success.
If you were asked to measure the attitude of Generation Xers' which type of scale would you use? Why?

If I were to measure the attitude of Generation Xers' I would use a scale that assessed attitude, beliefs, morals, savings habits, career choices and overall success. This would be hard to actually define, however something along the realm….

This book is about how politicians don't have the best interests of the American people in their hearts anymore, and how greed and corruption has stopped many of them from doing what's right to help the country as a whole. The middle class are struggling with this more than others, because they get the least help. Rich people don't need help from the government, and poor people get a lot of assistance and handouts. If someone is middle class, he or she often needs a little assistance to really live comfortably but can't get that help because he or she....

Here are some suggested titles for an essay on stress.

  1. The Impact of Stress on Performance
  2. Anxiety and Ailments: The Long-Term Impact of Unresolved Stress
  3. Stress Fractures: How Anxiety Breaks Relationships
  4. The Physical Manifestations of Stress
  5. Stress and Performance: The Good and the Bad
  6. Stress and Success: Why We All Need to Adjust Expectations in a Pandemic
  7. Generational Stress: What Is It and How Does It Impact People?
  8. Exercise, Eating Right, and Getting Enough Sleep: Can Healthy Habits Really Help You Manage Stress?
  9. When Does Stress Become Too Stressful? 
  10. The Side Effects of Stress: Can It Make Your Mind Play Tricks on You?  

3 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Generation X And Y

Words: 1291
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Generation X and Y The diverse workforce means that there are multiple generations in the same workplace. Recent research regarding generational differences has found common generational attributes. These generational commonalities…

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9 Pages
Book Report

Business - Advertising

Generation X

Words: 2604
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Book Report

Geneation X "the tem Geneation X . . . fom a book witten in 1991. . . By the same name. is a fictional book about thee stanges who decide to…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Generation Gaps in the Work Force

Words: 1739
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Generation Gaps in the WorkForce In every aspect of society there lies some form of a generation gap, be it in fashion, music or language. It is a well-known and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Generation Y Attributes Generation Y

Words: 770
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, such an egalitarian viewpoint of the world gives Generation Y a low avoidance of uncertainty, which has both positive and negative consequences. Of the latter, the proclivity to…

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2 Pages
Book Report


Generation X

Words: 489
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

Generation X Growth Trend for Generation X for 2004 to 2010 Martin & Prince (2009) predicted that Generation X would be the predominant market segment by 2010. U.S. Census data estimate…

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4 Pages


Generation the Older Generation Is Famous for

Words: 1327
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Generation The older generation is famous for their stern stand against oppression. They did this through their physical presence when it came to a point where there was trampling…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Generation by Tom Brokaw Bibliographic Information the

Words: 1400
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Generation by Tom Brokaw Bibliographic Information The Greatest Generation. Tom Brokaw. New York: Random House, 1998. 412 pages. Author's Thesis The author argues that the generation of Americans who fought World War…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Generation Networks Ngns Will So-Called

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, the NGN removes this restriction from you -- you have a choice. If you prefer to purchase voice services from another company…you have that option, too" ("hat…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Generation-Based Perspectives in 3 Of

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" While the narrator in Thomas' poem urges his father to resist death, the narrator in Pastan's poem wishes to advise her father to give up his struggle against it…

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5 Pages

Business - Advertising

Generation Alternatives 1-2 Pages Important Section Recommendation

Words: 1388
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Generation Alternatives 1-2 pages Important Section ecommendation 1-2 paragraphs This a Grad level strategic management class. Harley-Davidson: Preparing for the Next Century Harley-Davidson is not only a motorcycle manufacturer, but…

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7 Pages
Book Report

Family and Marriage

Generations of Winter by Vassily Aksyonov Specifically

Words: 2345
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Book Report

Generations of Winter," by Vassily Aksyonov. Specifically, it will discuss literary themes and approaches used by the author and how the work reflects the political and social environment…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Generation Bling

Words: 395
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Newsletter to Generation Bling Newsletter (and Manifesto) of 'Generation Bling-Bling' Bling-Bling' is the sound of a cash register running up a total of flashing name brand clothes and shoes. So we,…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Generation in the U S Could

Words: 344
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mens sana, corpus sana: sound mind, sound body. A sound mind requires a sound body. A sluggish person has less energy to take risks, less bodily confidence, and often…

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2 Pages
Article Review

Criminal Justice

Generations of Evaluation and Design

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Authors used observations to study result of designs; analyzed minuteaa of history, purpose, and structure of designs; and conducted inmate and staff questionnaires regarding how the design affected their…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Black Studies - Philosophy

Generation Xer's My Why or No Way

Words: 565
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Generation Xer's: My Why or No Way discusses generation Xers. Particularly it discusses perceptions that are commonly held about Generation Xer's. The case suggests that Gen Xer's are…

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