Government Policy Essays (Examples)

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Government - Policy Gun Control
Pages: 3 Words: 876

However, the procedure for complying with those new requirements were so stringent and difficult to satisfy that legal gun ownership became all but impossible for New York City residents. Since 1976, New York City residents who wish to obtain a gun license must apply in person at NYPD headquarters Licensing Division in lower Manhattan and furnish a non-refundable fee of $340. That license must be renewed at the same cost every three years. More importantly, the application process requires extensive background checks and personal interviews that go far beyond the reasonable degree of detail in comparison with the requirements of obtaining a firearm license in other states. Ultimately, gun license applications are virtually always denied in new York City, even to private citizens with no criminal history who are perfectly eligible to own firearms under the laws of other states.
Generally, it is common knowledge in New York City that…...



Schwartz, E.A Key Case on Gun Control: In a landmark case, the Supreme Court considers just how far the Second Amendment's freedoms go; U.S. News & World Report, July 2, 2008. Retrieved June 30, 2008 from:

Government Policy
Pages: 4 Words: 1316

government policy in criminal justice. Specifically it will answer the question: Do government policy and regulation help or hurt in the racial, ethnic, religious, gender, and sexual orientation area? These members of society could be called "vulnerable populations," and all are quite affected by society and governmental policies. These populations are "different" from the general population, and so, their needs, their reactions, and their experiences are often different, too. Governmental policy initially was meant "for the people and by the people," but today's governmental policies often ignore segments of the population, or make it harder for them to synthesize into the general population, both in society, and in the criminal justice system as it exits in America today.
Governmental policy has long been scrutinized, criticized, and manipulated as to where it stands on issues regarding the vulnerable populations. Sometimes, governmental policy shifts, as it has somewhat regarding gays and lesbians…...

Government Policy Reports Documents That
Pages: 3 Words: 938

Some position papers are too open-ended to become white papers because position paper can mean "We believe x," and nothing else. A white paper means "We believe x and therefore we recommend y and z." A writer would transform an open-ended position paper into a white paper by clearly proposing policies or actions. Based on the data included in the position paper, the writer would take the work one step further toward creating possible solutions.

The field of nursing should utilize white papers in the upcoming election process. Nursing professionals can refer to government-issued white papers on health care issues when planning professional intervention programs in their community. Similarly, nursing professionals can use business-issued white papers to prepare for upcoming technological or medical changes or changes to preferred therapeutic interventions. The field of nursing can also use white papers to gauge changes to official health care policy that would result from…...



Sakamuro, S. (2006). Writing a white paper. OWL at Purdue. Retrieved Oct 23, 2008 at 

Smith, T.D. (2002). What is a white paper? Retrieved Oct 23, 2008 at,sid26_gci213361,00.html

Ethical Principles in Government Policy
Pages: 8 Words: 2214

Even more generally, there are other examples of equally basic contradictions that qualify under the adherence-to- governing-law standard. Despite the official upreme Court interpretation of the Establishment Clause in the First Constitutional Amendment, U.. currency still features the words "In God We Trust." imilarly, several states still enforce unday blue laws such as prohibiting the sale of alcohol on the Christian "abbath." Many legal experts suggest that both violate the Establishment Clause (Dershowitz, 2002).
However, the unethical practices in connection with special interest lobbying of political representatives are a much more important problem in modern American society and politics. The traditional excuse used to justify the lobbying process is that monetary contributions to election funds merely provide access to legislators but not influence. In theory, no lobbyist has any greater influence on political decisions than any private citizen who e-mails members of Congress or the White House; in reality, that…...


Sources Cited

Dershowitz, A. (2002). Shouting Fire: Civil Liberties in a Turbulent Age. New York:

Little Brown & Co.

Schmalleger, F. (2008). Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st

Century. Hoboken, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Federal Government Policy Mandatory Internet Filtering as
Pages: 2 Words: 727

Federal Government Policy: Mandatory Internet Filtering
As a key component of the cyber-safety plan of the Australian Government, ISP filtering seeks to address a number of issues revolving around online concerns encountered by individuals as well as households in relation to restricted content material.

The Current Federal Government Policy on Internet Filtering: Arguments For and Against

The Australian Communications and Media Authority is charged with the responsibility of facilitating the regulation of internet material considered to contain drug use as well as crime instructions in a detailed format, instances of sexual violence, bestiality, child pornography and any other internet content considered to be illegal, harmful and against the interests of the general public.

It is important to note that though the federal government maintains that mandatory internet filtering is in line with enhancing cyber safety; those with dissenting views have over time branded the policy controversial and flawed (The Sydney Morning Herald, 2010). To…...



Australian Government Department of Broadband, Communications and Digital Economy, 2009. ISP Filtering: FAQ. [Online] Available at:

[Accessed 18th May 2011].

Cohen, S., 1980. Folk Devils and Moral Panics: The Creation of Mods and Rockers. Routledge Jaishankar, K., 2011. Cyber Criminology: Exploring Internet Crime and Criminal Behavior. CRC Press.

Simpson, T., 2011. Mandatory Internet Filter. [Blog] n.d. Available at: [Accessed 17th May 2011].

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Government Policies
Pages: 12 Words: 3546

Chapter Two: Literature ReviewChapter IntroductionAs noted above, the problem of interest to this study concerns the relative effectiveness of public administrations activities dedicated to the evaluation of the life quality and standards. Therefore, this chapter provides a review of the relevant literature concerning current public administration research, focusing on governance's role in evaluating and enhancing societal wellbeing globally. For this purpose, the chapter assesses recurring themes, limitations, influential works, and implications for future studies in this field. A summary of the findings are presented in the chapter conclusion.Common Themes, Assumptions, and ApproachesThe identification of common themes, assumptions and approaches used in public administration and evaluating their effectiveness in assessing and improving citizen life quality and standards is critically important for several reasons. Perhaps most importantly, the process serves to provide accountability concerning how well governance bodies are meeting public needs which enhances transparency of performance on wellbeing metrics. In addition,…...



Aknin, L. B., & Whillans, A. V. (2021). Helping and happiness: A review and guide for public

policy. Social Issues and Policy Review, 15(1), 3-34. 

Ansell, C., Sørensen, E., & Torfing, J. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic as a game changer for public administration and leadership? The need for robust governance responses to turbulent problems. Public Management Review, 23(7), 949-960. .

Economic Safety and Compliance Regulations in the Transportation Sector
Pages: 5 Words: 1629

Transportation Economic, Safety, and Compliance RegulationsThe U.S. Department of Transportation is primarily responsible for implementing safety, economic, and compliance in collaboration with the respective departments. Regulation of the transport sector was first implemented through the railway regulation in 1887 and later in 1906 after John D. Rockefellers use of pipelines as a strategic resource to monopolize the oil industry. Regulation of truckers was regulated in 1935 to provide stability to regulate the industrys finance and operational management. Transport locally and internationally impacts the national and global economic impact due to its interdependence with the supply chain system. Further, ensuring the safety across private and public means of transport due to the accrued hazards for the lack of regulations or compliance.Economic Regulation and ComplianceIn 1994, the National Road Transport Commission (NRTC) formulated compliance principles, strategies, and objectives focused on maximizing compliance with cost-effectively and fairly compliance. The objective of the compliance…...



Perlman, D., Bogard, D., Anita, K., Antonio, S., & Epstein, A. (2021). Review of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for Automated Commercial Vehicles: Preliminary Assessment of Interpretation and Enforcement Challenges, Questions, and Gaps. Review Of The Fmcsrs For Automated Commercial Vehicles, 17(13).

Rezapour Mashhadi, M., Saha, P., & Ksaibati, K. (2017). Impact of Traffic Enforcement on Traffic Safety. International Journal Of Police Science & Management, 19(4), 238-246.

Savage, I. (2006). Economic Regulation of Transport: Principles and Experience [Ebook]. International Handbook on Economic Regulation. Retrieved 1 December 2021, from .

Government Policies Four Policies the
Pages: 3 Words: 1065

However, some people might regard my decision as unwise: after all, what 'goes up, must come down,' and interest rates will inevitably go up. I may regret not borrowing now, if I have to pay a higher rate on a car payment in the future. On the other hand, given that the low interest rates and economic stimulus have not has a seismic effect on job growth, I am still wary about spending too much, despite the fact that money in a savings account with a low interest rate is actually 'losing' value, because of the inevitability of inflation. My uncertainty about borrowing for anything other than what I absolutely need (other than student loans, which is 'spending' that does not directly result in higher levels of production in enterprise and takes me out of the full-time labor force) means that the government must find more direct ways to stimulate…...

Government Policies and Market Issues
Pages: 15 Words: 4350

Few hospitals offered both the expertise and the necessary facilities.
Location of the donor and the recipient also impacted availability. Human organs cool and degenerate quickly when removed from the donor. Transportation in the 50s, 60s, and 70s was in the early stages of rapid jet aircraft travel and was too slow for the transportation of organs. The donor needed to be in close proximity to the recipient which was possible with living family members and donors. Research during this time focused on immunosuppressant drugs and on methods to maintain a viable organ outside the host.

In his discussion of justice in respect to the allocation of scarce goods, Jon Elster (1992) identified three levels of scarcity: natural, quasi-natural and artificial. The availability of twins with one needing a kidney transplant and one willing to donate a kidney generates a natural scarcity similar to the availability of natural black pearls. The…...

Elasticity and Government Policies in
Pages: 3 Words: 928

The article gives the example of China, where as much as $360 billion were allocated by the government towards the process of stimulating demand on the market. The process did not target only the car manufacturers, but rather all industries, while the instruments of actually putting the money to use ranged from fee vouchers to direct stimuli for the businesses. Countries such as Germany or the U.S. put in more money than ritain into stimulating the car industry, important in the overall national economy of these countries and, at the same time, a potential social issue.

However, as the author pointed out, this was not the case in ritain, where the amount of money allocated for boosting supply was significantly lower than in these other comparable economies. The process of exchanging an old car for a new one, referred to as the "car scrappage scheme," was given only 400 million pounds…...



1. Jenkins, Simon. October 2009. These snobs are blind to the one economic policy that works. The Guardian. On the Internet at These snobs are blind to the one economic policy that works. Last retrieved on November 7, 2009

Jenkins, Simon. October 2009. These snobs are blind to the one economic policy that works. The Guardian. On the Internet at These snobs are blind to the one economic policy that works. Last retrieved on November 7, 2009

Bush Government Policy in Haiti
Pages: 6 Words: 1716

S. military to stabilize the violent uprising by the 'opposition' thugs, many of whom were former members of the Duvalier-era military or members of the death squad known as the Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti, who were responsible for a multitude of human rights violations during the three years following the coup d'etat in 1991 (ater pp). Moreover, aters and others want to know why the Bush Administration refused to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the crisis, and forced Aristide, "who had agreed to a peace plan worked out by the international community, to resign and leave his country" (aters pp). Prior to Aristide's departure, Bush's only concern was to make sure that all Haitian refugees were turned back at sea before they could reach the U.S. (aters pp).
orks Cited

Hallinan, Conn M. "Haiti: dangerous muddle." Foreign Policy in Focus. March 08

2004. Retrieved October 29, 2005 from HighBeam…...


Works Cited

Hallinan, Conn M. "Haiti: dangerous muddle." Foreign Policy in Focus. March 08

2004. Retrieved October 29, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library Web site.

Kidder, Tracy. "The trials of Haiti: why has the U.S. government abandoned a country it once sought to liberate?" The Nation. October 27, 2003. Retrieved October 29, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library Web site.

Rice, Jim. "Regime change in Haiti: the Bush doctrine strikes again." Sojourners.

Government Emergency Management and the
Pages: 1 Words: 319

Perhaps this will always be an issue for the U.S. federal government because under the existing political system there are few substantial options for making policy decisions that can extend across political elections. Situations that represent a problem for one politician or political party will be ignored by the next, making consistent, proactive responses difficult if not outright impossible. From an emergency management position, this means that agencies will always have to be designed to react to the worst-case scenarios, instead of more reasonable, proactive affects that could control potential problems before they escalate out of control.

Farazmand, a. (2001). Crisis in the U.S. administrative state. Handbook of Crisis and Emergency Management. Ed. a. Farazmand. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Florida Atlantic University.

Nice, D.C. And Grosse, a. (2001). Crisis policy making: some implications for program management. Handbook of Crisis and Emergency Management. Ed. a. Farazmand. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Florida…...



Farazmand, a. (2001). Crisis in the U.S. administrative state. Handbook of Crisis and Emergency Management. Ed. a. Farazmand. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Florida Atlantic University.

Nice, D.C. And Grosse, a. (2001). Crisis policy making: some implications for program management. Handbook of Crisis and Emergency Management. Ed. a. Farazmand. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Florida Atlantic University.

Policy Networks a Prevalent Feature Democratic Governanc
Pages: 2 Words: 671

Policy Networks a Prevalent Feature Democratic Governanc
The issue I have selected related to policy networks pertains to utilizing marijuana for medicinal purposes in the state of Florida. At present, the usage of marijuana within this state is illegal -- regardless of the purpose. There are staunch advocates against legalizing marijuana or any other illegal substance which may be used as a recreational drug within this state. The most eminent form of opposition more than likely comes from current Florida governor ick Scott, which not surprising considering that networks frequently involve "local and national governments" (Thatcher, 1998, p. 389). However, the issue of medical marijuana has recently come to the attention of state legislators and government officials due to a form of marijuana known as "Charlotte's web," which is exceedingly low in THC (the active ingredient in the substance that produces euphoric "highs") yet high in cannibidiol, which is known to…...



Jordan, G. (1990). Sub-governments, policy communities, and networks: refilling the old bottles? Journal of Theoretical Politics. 2(3), 319-338.

Klas, M.E. (2014). Florida house to propose bill to legalize strain of marijuana for seizures. Retrieved from

Thatcher, M. (1998). The development of policy network analyses. Journal of Theoretical Politics. 10(4), 389-416.

Government in Continuity Planning
Pages: 2 Words: 612

Government in Continuity Planning
Since the 1950s, continuity planning has been a major part of U.S. government policy. This is because there were concerns that some kind of nuclear attack or natural disaster could have an adverse impact on entire regions of the country. When this happens the odds increase that there could be various forms of lawlessness in these areas. To mitigate these kinds of situations, continuity planning was created to ensure that vital resources and personnel are dispatched to these kinds of areas. (Daleo, 2009, pp. 919 -- 925) ("Continuity Guidance Circular," 2009)

After September 11th, is when these ideas were once again revisited. In this case, National Security Presidential Directive-51 (NSPD-51) and Homeland Security Presidential Directive-20 (HSPD-20) were enacted to provide a strategy for dealing with disasters. Taking the lead in this area is the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA). They have created the Continuity Guidance Circular. This is…...



Continuity Guidance Circular. (2009), FEMA. Retrieved from: 

Daleo, E. (2009). State Constitutions and Legislative Continuity. DePaul Law Review 58, 919 -- 925.

Government Budgeting
Pages: 10 Words: 4599

Government Accounting Office in America (GAO)
This is an examination of the Government Accounting Office in America. The writer discusses the history, purpose and background of the GAO as well as the duties that the office is charged with performing. The writer then analyzes literature that illustrates the office in action. The final discussion revolves around the question, "Is the office effective or is it a waste of money." There were four sources used to complete this paper.

During the last few years there has been a public outcry and demand to investigate government spending. The public was brought stories by the media about the government paying thousands of dollars for toilet seats, and spending hundreds of dollars on a screwdriver and other such tools. When the reports began to surface about wasted government spending the public became angry. Lobbyists across the nation began to demand an accounting of not only tax…...


Bibliography for a listing of non-GAO publications.) It should be noted that, as with any effort to put current events into historical context, alternative interpretations are possible. Often debated are the intent and motivation of the framers of the Constitution who created the census. In this report, we have quoted the Constitution and various laws relating to the decennial census and have attempted to place their language in an historical context. We are not, however, providing our own independent review or interpretation of the constitutional and statutory issues discussed in this report, which, unless otherwise noted, are based primarily on the analysis contained in the various publications and documents we relied upon in preparing this report.

Short answers to some frequently asked questions about the decennial census are in appendix 1. Appendix 11 contains information on changes in the apportionment of the membership of the House of Representatives between the 1920 and 1990 Decennial Censuses by region of country and on changes in the nation's population and its undercount by race and ethnicity between the 1950 and 1990 censuses, as well as a snapshot of the growth and cost of census-taking since the first decennial census in 1790. Major contributors to this report are identified in appendix III.

L. Nye Stevens Director, Federal Management and Workforce Issues

Chapter 1

Why Take the Census?

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about economic growth?
Words: 246

1. Exploring the Determinants and Consequences of Economic Growth: A Multidimensional Analysis

2. The Role of Innovation and Productivity in Driving Sustained Economic Growth

3. Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities

4. The Paradox of Economic Growth and Income Inequality: A Critical Examination

5. The Environmental Implications of Economic Growth: A Delicate Balance

6. The Impact of Government Policy on Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis

7. The Relationship between Economic Growth and Human Development: A Cross-Country Study

8. Economic Growth and the Future of Work: Automation and the Reskilling Imperative

9. The Role of Technology in Accelerating Economic Growth: A Digital Transformation

10. Economic Growth in the....

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