Gymnastics Essays (Examples)

86+ documents containing “gymnastics”.

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Gymnastics Is a Sport That

Of course competition at the major university level, and in the Olympic Games, is also important in terms of national pride and individual achievements for elite athletes. But at the community level, gymnastics is also important because it provides a way for young people to learn about -- and pursue -- practices that promote healthy living.
The correlation between components of physical fitness and gymnastics: an article in the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (Donham-Foutch, 2007) asserts that training in gymnastics is "an excellent means of teaching basic motor skills, as well as health-related fitness" (Donham-Foutch). The point of the article, in addition to making clear how components of gymnastics training relates to keeping fit, is that gymnastics programs for children are being developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP). In the first and ninth weeks of continuing-education….

Larry Nassar and the Risks of US Women’s Gymnastics
American gymnastics, particularly women’s gymnastics, has been one of the most popular summer Olympic sports for many decades. Even during non-Olympic years, it has a large following among young girls and their families. Many young girls dream of being the next Shannon Miller or Mary Lou Retton. Unfortunately, pursuit of these high athletic goals comes at a high price for some children. The high risk of injury, years of formative social and educational interactions, and even eating disorders are well-known as risks of the sport. A risk that was less publicized was the dangers of experiencing sexual abuse at the hands of trusted male members of the American Olympics team.
The recent online #metoo movement has brought to light many sexual crimes perpetuated by men against young girls and women in the entertainment industry. But the #metoo movement has its counterpart in the….

Secondly, the report alluded to by CSC asserts that in "gender symmetric" sports there are "far more scholarships available for women (32,656) than for men (20,206)." The third bullet point in the CSC press release points out that men's volleyball is the "by far the most difficult" scholarship at the Division I level; there are reportedly 489 high school athletes for every full ride NCAA scholarship.

The "underlying" data that CSC used to put together their press release comes from two NCAA reports: "1981-82-2006-07 NCAA Sports Sponsorship and Participation Rate Report" and "2006-07 NCAA Division I Manual." Also factored into the report is data from the national Federation of State High School Associations. And so what is the College Sports Council calling on the federal government -- and the Department of Education (DOE) -- to do? The press release says that "women are accorded far more opportunities to compete and ear….

Plato and Suzuki What Is

Education then is necessary to help prevent the failures of government - for Socrates, an aristocracy represents a rule by the "best" citizens whose educations have centered upon training the warrior-guardians to be swift, philosophic, spirited and strong.
This education is significant because in order to prevent the corruption that power so often has upon those who wield it - it is the broadly educated, self-aware, and community-driven individual who can truly understand their own place within the machinery of society. The philosopher-king places himself above society leaving the warrior-guardian to protect the lives and livelihoods of not only the individual citizenry, but of the entire community itself.

7-What are Socrates main concerns about education in music? (Remember, music consists of poetry and stories, theater, and music) What are his main points about education in gymnastic and the relation of the body to the mind/soul?

Socrates understands that "Music" (which is all….

Plato What Is the Problem

Using the ring of Gyges as his 'proof,' he finds the last reason to be the most persuasive.
What Socrates definition of justice in the state is as found in Book IV? Compare the parts of the just state to the parts of the just soul. Describe the virtues of each.

Socrates defines justice in terms of balance, as every person doing what he is best suited to do -- to rule, fight, or labor. This is why the just state is structured into three classes, the philosopher kings who rule, the military class that defends the state, and the ordinary laborers. The philosopher kings govern by virtue of knowing best, the military class is necessary to defend the state, and the laborers are necessary to do the practical work of the land, so people can eat. All classes are necessary, and correspond to the soul, mind, and body split that….

The participants should be able to rate their performance both in the experimental situation involving a small audience and in that involving a large audience.
This is also a measure of their self-efficacy prior to exposure to the audiences. The purpose of this act is to see whether the change in their self-evaluation is due to exposure to the audiences. The self-evaluation is done by using a self-administered questionnaire. The second stage is the exposure to the two types of audience. After performing in front of the two types of audiences, the group of gymnasts is asked to rate themselves using the same self-administered questionnaire. Using the subjects' self-evaluation it is possible to identify the changes. And by taking into consideration the changes it would be possible to decide whether the size of the audience had any impact on the performance. However, in such a study it is possible to….

Of course my parents beamed, and my teacher even more so.
The application of the psychosocial theory in my case is the fact that an aspect of myself that I was not aware of was allowed to emerge first by my interaction with my teacher and then by my interaction with the rest of the participants in the extra program. I never knew that I could be good at mathematics until I made the effort required by my teacher. In this way, she had a profound effect on my life as a whole, and not only on my Mathematics grade. Indeed, she made me aware that I am able to do whatever I want to and even those things I believe are beyond my reach. Because of her, I no longer need to doubt my ability to do everything I want to, and to do it well.

Meditation also plays an….

The age range will be between 25 and 64, and there are a lot of doctors and other professionals such as professors and lawyers in my area making this a good choice. Approximately, then between 3% and 5% of these individuals will take their dog to daycare if it is available. By adding boarding and grooming services, I can increase the number of clients available to me by 300%-600% as well as increasing my income by 200%-#400%.
Market Opportunities

There are no other dog day-care centres in the vicinity or even within neighboring localities to compete with the business

There seems to be a potential supply of clients


Training dogs: Dogyoga (innovation); cutting-hair facilities; gymnastics

Alternate products: day-care and nourishment.

Value-added products: Vet. pecial trainer. pecialist with dogs.


#40 per hour (simple day-care)

#100 per lesson -- dogyoga

#100 per lesson -- etiquette training

#100 per lesson -- special tricks / skills (customized)

#40 -- dog haircut

Prices will be based….

Chapter 2:

Review of Related Literature

Chapter Introduction

This chapter provides a review of the literature concerning hypnosis, Eastern Meditation, Chi Kung, and Nei Kung and how these methods are used to treat various ailments and improve physical and mental functioning. A summary of the review concludes the chapter.


In his study, "Cognitive Hypnotherapy in the Management of Pain," Dowd (2001) reports that, "Several theories have een proposed to account for the effect of hypnosis. State theories assume that the hypnotic trance is qualitatively different from all other human experiences. From this perspective, trance capacity is supposedly a fairly stale trait that exhiits sustantial individual differences. Nonstate theories, often referred to as social learning, social psychological or cognitive-ehavioral theories of hypnosis propose that hypnotic phenomena are related to social and psychological characteristics such as hope, motivation, expectancy, elief in the therapist, desire to please the therapist, a positive initial trance experience, and the definition….

HTC and violation of Internal evenue Service (IS) standards. If not addressed, these issues could have serious legal ramifications on HTC, not to mention the potential loss of public confidence.
Whether in for-profit or non-profit organizations, ethical challenges exist in virtually all types of organizations (hode & Packel, 2009). For non-profit organizations, expectations of ethical conduct are particularly higher as the organizations are generally involved in charitable causes. Nonetheless, achieving absolute ethical behavior remains a daunting challenge for most non-profit organizations. On its part, HTC engages in "ethical' behavior solely for the purpose of gaining profits for the goodwill in generates. In other words, the organization is involved in a charitable cause not for the purpose of enhancing community welfare, but as a means toward a self-serving end (profits and the accumulation of wealth). Taking advantage of non-profit status to make profit and accumulate wealth amounts to unlawful and unethical….

In many cases, the sports that are largely ignored in the U.S. are equally deserving of national exposure and coverage, because they demand the same level of natural talent, skill, and expertise as those high-profile sports that enjoy extensive national coverage.
Especially in the wake of recent revelations and scandals arising in the major American sports involving use of steroids, violent assaults on women, driving under the influence of alcohol, and federal convictions for those types of crimes as well as for cruelty to animals have undermined the traditional reputation of professional athletes as role models in modern American society. To date, no such controversies have plagued any of the lesser-appreciated sports in the U.S. In that regard, surfing in particular is associated with health, vitality, and natural physical fitness that is not at all likely to fall prey to illegal or performance-enhancing drug use in the sport. Furthermore, unlike….

It is noted that students be chosen at an early age and that only those students with a true love of learning and never ending quest for knowledge will become true philosophers.

The student of philosophy must possess the virtues of courage, magnificence, apprehension and memory as his natural gifts and that without proper education, these very qualities may result in men who are regarded as utterly useless or depraved.

The educators' responsibilities increase with the most gifted minds as when they are ill-educated, they have greatest capacity for the greatest crimes and true evil. Conversely, Socrates and his cronies appear to believe that only a very few individuals are capable of understanding philosophy and that lesser minds have no need to learn philosophy as they are not as capable of accomplishment of good or evil.

In my opinion, the statement which has withstood the test of time appears in Book IV wherein….

Additionally, Aristotle furthered the field of educational philosophy by creating subjects and a logical inquiry process, insisting that education be moral or ethical, and defining it as intertwined with politics to such a great extent that the best and most necessary education is a state-sponsored education (Chambliss 2008).
Influence Toward My Educational Philosophy:

Practically, Aristotle's creation of subjects and his primitive research, which set the foundation for further research, influenced my educational philosophy by insisting the importance of a pragmatic education and establishing the tools for that education -- research. Aristotle's contribution, therefore, shaped my understanding of the purpose of education -- a means toward intellectual inquiry. Furthermore, Aristotle's combination of ethics with morality and politics has shaped the teacher's oath stating that he or she should do no harm, in addition to contributing to what I understand as the goal of education -- to further the goodwill of human kind….

Paul is a student in a New-York-based school that is located in the Bronx area of New York. It is a Jewish school whose administration, and therefore, structure, is fervently Jewish, and it is a comparatively new school, dealing with a majority of Russian immigrants. Paul is one of the few American-born students and, therefore, conspicuous in his self-contained co-ed. class of 5 other individuals 3 of whom are Russuan born, and one other Ethiopian.
Paul is out of place in another way too. Aside from being the oldest in his class -- he is 8 years-old, the class is 2nd grade -- Paul's conduct is conspicuous and, with a record of teachers being unable to control him, Paul has spent his time being shuttled between teacher and principal.

The problem with Paul, according to his teacher's diagnosis, is that he has ADHD. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with symptoms….

A History of iving and a escription of iving Techniques

iving is one of the most exciting and complex sports known today. Some call it an art, but the truth is that diving goes back through history as one of the most fantastic gymnastic movements. Its origin is found in 17th century Germany and Sweden, when gymnasts moved equipment to beaches in the summer for the sole purpose of practicing this sport.[footnoteRef:1] According to history, diving, then, is more related to gymnastics than to swimming, but since both diving and swimming involve water, they have become naturally and inextricably linked. [1: O'Brien, R. (2011). History of iving. USA iving. Retrieved October 10, 2011, from . ]

Platform diving, which the official U.S. diving website qualifies at 33 feet high, according to the website, achieved notice at the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Louis, "when it was included as an event on the….

Challenges Faced by Australian Boys in Sports
Australian boys face several challenges in sports, which hinder their participation, development, and overall well-being. These challenges include:
1. Narrow Definition of Masculinity:
Traditional societal norms associate masculinity with physical strength, aggression, and dominance.
This narrow definition discourages boys from participating in sports that are perceived as feminine, such as gymnastics, dance, or synchronized swimming.
It also limits boys' emotional expression and vulnerability, creating barriers to seeking help when facing challenges.
2. Pressure to Conform:
Boys are often pressured by peers and coaches to conform to gender stereotypes.
They may face ridicule or judgment for being....

6 Pages


Gymnastics Is a Sport That

Words: 2000
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Of course competition at the major university level, and in the Olympic Games, is also important in terms of national pride and individual achievements for elite athletes. But…

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7 Pages

Fall of US Womens Gymnastics

Words: 1988
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Larry Nassar and the Risks of US Women’s Gymnastics American gymnastics, particularly women’s gymnastics, has been one of the most popular summer Olympic sports for many decades. Even during non-Olympic…

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10 Pages


Boost for Women's Athletics but

Words: 3098
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Secondly, the report alluded to by CSC asserts that in "gender symmetric" sports there are "far more scholarships available for women (32,656) than for men (20,206)." The third bullet…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Plato and Suzuki What Is

Words: 1613
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Education then is necessary to help prevent the failures of government - for Socrates, an aristocracy represents a rule by the "best" citizens whose educations have centered upon…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Plato What Is the Problem

Words: 795
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Using the ring of Gyges as his 'proof,' he finds the last reason to be the most persuasive. What Socrates definition of justice in the state is as found…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Social Facilitation Theory According to

Words: 772
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The participants should be able to rate their performance both in the experimental situation involving a small audience and in that involving a large audience. This is also a…

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11 Pages
Research Proposal

Black Studies - Philosophy

Peaceful Warrior the Book Way

Words: 3910
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Of course my parents beamed, and my teacher even more so. The application of the psychosocial theory in my case is the fact that an aspect of myself that…

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10 Pages
Business Plan


Business Organisation Marketing Plan Production

Words: 3242
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Business Plan

The age range will be between 25 and 64, and there are a lot of doctors and other professionals such as professors and lawyers in my area making…

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66 Pages


Globalization and Innovations in Telecommunications

Words: 18188
Length: 66 Pages
Type: Thesis

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature Chapter Introduction This chapter provides a review of the literature concerning hypnosis, Eastern Meditation, Chi Kung, and Nei Kung and how these methods are used to…

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4 Pages


Ethical Behavior and Behavior

Words: 961
Length: 4 Pages

HTC and violation of Internal evenue Service (IS) standards. If not addressed, these issues could have serious legal ramifications on HTC, not to mention the potential loss of…

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2 Pages


Sports Surfing and Other Underrated

Words: 574
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In many cases, the sports that are largely ignored in the U.S. are equally deserving of national exposure and coverage, because they demand the same level of natural…

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5 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Teachers and Students in Plato's

Words: 1467
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

It is noted that students be chosen at an early age and that only those students with a true love of learning and never ending quest for knowledge will…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Philosopher Graphic Organizer Philosopher Plato

Words: 858
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Additionally, Aristotle furthered the field of educational philosophy by creating subjects and a logical inquiry process, insisting that education be moral or ethical, and defining it as intertwined…

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3 Pages


Paul Is a Student in a New-York-Based

Words: 958
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Paul is a student in a New-York-based school that is located in the Bronx area of New York. It is a Jewish school whose administration, and therefore, structure, is…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Diving a History of Diving and a

Words: 530
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

iving A History of iving and a escription of iving Techniques iving is one of the most exciting and complex sports known today. Some call it an art, but the truth…

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