Handel Essays (Examples)

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Handel and Bach
(Turabian Citation)

The first half of the 18th century was a time of tumultuous change in the musical arts. In the five or so decades that spanned that period, almost everything associated with music changed dramatically. At the start of the 18th century, music was restricted by what was known as "counterpoint," and the laws of counterpoint kept music constricted and tight. But by the second half of the 18th century, music had been liberated by an emphasis on what is known as "harmony." The transition from counterpoint to harmony in the first half of the 18th century was dominated by two strikingly different composers: Fredrik Handel and Johann Sebastian Bach. While each contributed to the overall transition in music, each did so in unique and somewhat different ways. Handel was a traditionalist, and looked to the past for his inspiration, while Bach continually tried to break free of….

On the other extreme, some held up Handel's music, especially his religious English oratorios, as the absolute embodiment of English musical style. As a result, English music and Handel in particular gained a false reputation on the European continent as being overly moral and religious.
This has been a difficult reputation for Handel to shake, even in the 20th and 21st centuries. Because his most significant contribution to the development of Baroque music and Western culture in general was the English oratorio, and because his most famous and crowd-pleasing oratorio by far has always been and remains today the Messiah, Handel is inextricably tied in the modern mind to one musical form and one piece of music in particular. Because of this, he enjoys neither the public acknowledgement that the breadth of his compositional achievement deserves, nor the scholarly interest that has been given more "dynamic" composers like Mozart and….

" (Hogwood 7) if there is one term that can describe my work it must be "secular," religion was not the source of my art.
Bach: Well, religion is a major theme in my work. It could be because I did not travel as extensively as Mr. Handel and was not exposed to the different types of music, or it could be because I was a truly religious person at heart, but I used my art to celebrate my Christianity. Some say that I anchored my themes in the past, while Handel focused on the future. And while Handel composed for the public, theaters and operas, I composed my work primarily for the Church as a manifestation of spirituality and my devotion to God.

Question 3: What do you think you should be remembered for?

Handel: It would not be correct to say that religion had absolutely no influence on me or my….

Handel's Messiah: Hallelujah Chorus

Handel's Messiah was composed in 1741 and was first performed in 1742. Handel's Messiah was composed in the Baroque period.

An oratorio is a religious work that follows a similar structure to that of an opera but was not considered an opera. Whereas operas were written for the common performance, they were not permitted to be performed during the period of Lent. During this time, the church permitted oratorios instead, works that did not use any characters and that focused upon Biblical themes. In this instance, the entire oratorio focuses on Jesus Christ as Messiah.

An aria or da capo aria is a solo portion of an opera intended to show off the virtuoso abilities of the singer. Arias typically follow a specific form. In the Baroque period arias followed an AB or later an ABA structure. Most arias were performed by a solo voice and accompanied by harpsichord….

English language" by music historian Stanley Sadie, Handel's Messiah continues to receive lavish and popular praise (Barber, 1994, p. 2). The English oratorio remains one of the most recognizable works of music, and earned its composer considerable fame and fortune during his lifetime. Born on the 23rd of February of 1685, Georg Friederich Handel was the son of German barber-doctor Georg, and his second wife, Dorothea. The Handel family resided in Halle, a small Saxony town on a tributary of the Elbe River. However, his musical prowess and sense of purpose drove the composer to travel: in addition to many parts of Germany, Handel also lived in Italy, Ireland, and England. All the places in which he lived offered the composer inspiration for his music. Starting with a humble career as a church organist, Handel eventually tackled the awesome tasks of writing operas, anthems, psalms, arias, cantatas, and his….

Biblical Text In Handel's Messiah
Pastoal Theology (The Bible in the Life of the Chuch)

The context of the wok

On Apil 13th, 1742, Dublin's music hall esounded to an enthusiastic audience's applause. Fo the vey fist time eve, Messiah -- the famous musical oatoio -- had been staged with its compose, Geoge Fideic Handel acting as conducto. Eve since, the musical wok has been pefomed woldwide fom time to time, and has captivated thousands of individuals by its moving solos and majestic chouses. Its music is absolutely thilling, and ises to the pinnacles of pathos and dama, stiing the vey souls of listenes (Mansfield, 2014).

Based on the way one counts and the edition, Geoge Fideic Handel's oatoio is made up of 53 to 56 texts. Twenty-two of these epesent choal aangements. Handel himself states that Chales Jennens ceated the oatoio's text, although one cannot discount the modifications made by Handel to….

Comparing Composers


Handel's Messiah was composed in 1741. The musical period is baroque.

An oratorio is a large musical work that includes an orchestra, choir, soloists, and staging. Operas are musical theater and oratorios are exclusively concert or musical only pieces.

An aria is a melody or musical piece that is made exclusively for one voice and there is orchestral accompaniment. Arias are most commonly found in operas.

There is a kind of call and response between the lyrics and the music in Ev'ry Valley. The singer guides the music and the instruments complement and mimic what the singer does with his voice. Handel was probably considering rhythm, structure, and movement when considering the lyrics.

The texture of the refrain of the Hallelujah chorus is strong. The texture is rich and vibrant. The syllables hang in the air, especially the "ha," yet there is a definite swiftness and movement to the chorus, as exampled by the….

Many renowned military analysts argue that concentration or mass is the most important principle of war. This is primarily because the combat tactic involves the concentration of an extremely huge quantity of military manpower and material as well as the development of military power with complete superiority over the enemy in relation to quantity. This principle of war is regarded as superior to other tactical approaches in battle such as combination of inferior mass with tactical opportunities for victory. Generally, the concentration of soldiers entails the decisive, harmonized use of superior fighting power for victory over an enemy. Given the significance of this principle in war, there are arguments that the U.S. committed a strategic mistake through breaching this principle of war through dividing its forces between Southwest Pacific and Central Pacific battles against Japan between 1943 and 1944. An analysis of the approaches employed by the U.S. Army….

Music the Men Behind the

Suddenly Western Music no longer needed to follow all the old rules. Just as the abstract painters dispensed with the traditional canon of art at just the same time, so also men like Bartok and Stravinsky take a fresh look at what constituted good music.
According to Bartok, the aesthetic success of this new homophonic-polyphonic music would depend upon the "harmonic entity" that results from the rise and fall of the "horizontal line" formed by the many discrete tone patches.... "an architectonic or similar scheme is not absolutely necessary; the construction of the line born out of the different degrees of intensity that are inherent in the tonal succession would be completely satisfactory," and by his likening of such constructions to works written in prose rather than verse (Gillies, 2000, p. 55)

Stravinsky too made his own way in the musical world. Working alongside Diaghilev and his Ballet usses he created….

The transportation began as the first notes were played, and throughout the piece the crowd remained entirely enraptured -- and rightfully so. It is by no means an accident that this piece is as respected or as cherished as it is, and the fact that Handel's work had been re-arranged from the original to include a full modern orchestra did not detract from or degrade the original beauty or clarity of the piece in the slightest. Though it would be impossible to compare the original arrangement of the Messiah to the one played in concert that night without hearing them both in the same hall, and with the same basic surrounding of such a rapt and appreciative audience, one might even go so far as to say that the piece is dramatically improved by the larger and fuller sound that the orchestra provides.
The singing was also quite powerful and….

Rock Group
HorribleScreech, this week's hottest band on the planet, recently came to its senses and hired me as its new attorney. The first task after cashing a retainer check for mucho dinero is to free the band from an oppressive "new kid" recording contract between HorribleScreech and Bloodsucker Enterprises. There is nothing on the face of the contract that would free HorribleScreech. At this point, all other legal/business options can be considered.

The contract and all the circumstances around it should be considered first. For example, even though the contract is oppressive and even though some lawsuits take years, there might be some factor that would allow the band out of the contract more easily and quickly. Contract laws differ from state-to-state, so let us assume for this paper that the contract was signed in Los Angeles, California. In California, a contract can be unenforceable or can be rescinded for….

Sonata in D Major K96

The question remains as to which rendition is more accurate. Although Bidini's performance of the piece is more melodic and expressive, it is difficult to forget that you are listening to a modern concert grand. Cziffra's performance performed the continuous unifying rhythm that was a signature of Scarlatti's work. Cziffra's attach and approach to stops was much more reminiscent of a harpsichord of one of the early pianos that were available to Scarlatti. It would appear that Cziffra's performance is much more accurate from a historical standpoint, although it may not be as pleasing to the modern ear.

Cziffra's conservative approach to interpretation provides a timeless walk into history. hereas Bidini's approach may be more appealing to the modern ear, it lacks the timelessness of Cziffra's rendition. hen one considers the importance of Scarlatti's work as a defining force of baroque music, it is important to preserve the historical context of….

The geniuses strained the boundaries of the characteristic styles more evidently and more quickly than those of their contemporaries to bring about such seismic changes.
orks Cited

Baroque: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008. http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/

Classical: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008. http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/

Baroque: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008. http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/

Classical: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008. http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/

Ludwig van Beethoven." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 2007. 23 Apr 2008. http://plus.aol.com/aol/reference/Beethove/Ludwig_van_Beethoven?flv=1&ncid=fLHHQXUNeT0000000474&icid=rbox_ref_center.M

Posner, Howard. "hat is basso continuo?" Early Music FAQ. 1994. 23 Apr 2008. http://www.medieval.org/emfaq/misc/continuo.html

Sadie, Stanley. "Baroque." The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. New York: .. Excerpted at Classical Music Pages Homepage. Created by Matt Boynick. 1 Feb 1996. Revised 10 Oct 2000. 23 Apr 2008. http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/g_epoch_baroque.html

Sadie, Stanley. "Classical." The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. New York: .. Norton, 1994. Excerpted at Classical Music Pages Homepage. Created by Matt Boynick. 1 Feb 1996. Revised 10 Oct 2000.….

Le Grand Hautbois

Le Grand Hautbois
During the reign of Louis XIII and especially Louis XIV, the courts were alive with new Baroque music and instruments. Many new wind instruments were being created with a variety of innovations and some other instruments were being newly invented. It was a time of experimentation, as these just introduced instruments had to be tried out for their range, sound and quality. Louis XIV from his childhood on throughout his life was always surrounded by music. He and musicians such as Lully would create ballets and compositions (Palisca 1968). During this time, King Louis XIV also revived and updated Le Grand Hautbois with the new instruments. Although little is written about Le Grand Hautbois, with Whitwell the compiler of the information that is available from writers during that period, this does not negate the importance of this twelve-player band to the French royal court and other European nations….

Nursing Proposal -- Evidence-Based
The utilization of call lights particularly in hospital settings has recently been put under study as a function of various aspects of nursing including shortages, rounds and analyses of patient outcomes. The proper scheduling of nursing rounds may be essential to enhance the capability of nurses to tackle common or ordinary patient issues relative to more dire needs that have to be regarded as the primary/main target for the use of call lights by patients. Besides patients' general well-being and safety while hospitalized, nursing employees are also concerned with how satisfied the patients are. On a rather fundamental level, hospital settings that enable patients to experience peace of mind allow them to heal quicker than those that do not; these patients are highly likely to relay less stressful communications to those around them, and have a higher possibility of clearer perspectives that allow them to distinguish between….

Impact of Hotel Attributes on Guest Satisfaction: Findings from Thesis Research
In my PhD thesis, I conducted an empirical investigation to examine the influence of hotel attributes on overall guest satisfaction. This research built upon the existing body of knowledge in hospitality management by providing a comprehensive analysis of various hotel attributes and their impact on guest satisfaction.
Data for this thesis was collected from a sample of 600 guests who stayed at upscale hotels in major metropolitan areas. A structured questionnaire was used to gather information on hotel attributes, guest demographics, and overall satisfaction. The questionnaire included items measuring the following....

4 Pages
Research Paper


Handel and Bach Turabian Citation the First

Words: 1213
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Handel and Bach (Turabian Citation) The first half of the 18th century was a time of tumultuous change in the musical arts. In the five or so decades that spanned that…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


G F Handel George Frideric Handel

Words: 1857
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

On the other extreme, some held up Handel's music, especially his religious English oratorios, as the absolute embodiment of English musical style. As a result, English music and…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Interview With Handel and Bach

Words: 854
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

" (Hogwood 7) if there is one term that can describe my work it must be "secular," religion was not the source of my art. Bach: Well, religion is a…

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4 Pages


Music Handel's Messiah Hallelujah Chorus Handel's Messiah

Words: 974
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Questionnaire

Music Handel's Messiah: Hallelujah Chorus Handel's Messiah was composed in 1741 and was first performed in 1742. Handel's Messiah was composed in the Baroque period. An oratorio is a religious work that…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Life of George Frideric Handel Music Composer

Words: 2116
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

English language" by music historian Stanley Sadie, Handel's Messiah continues to receive lavish and popular praise (Barber, 1994, p. 2). The English oratorio remains one of the most…

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6 Pages


Looking Into the Use of Biblical Text in Handels Messiah

Words: 1986
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Biblical Text In Handel's Messiah Pastoal Theology (The Bible in the Life of the Chuch) The context of the wok On Apil 13th, 1742, Dublin's music hall esounded to an enthusiastic…

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2 Pages


Comparing Composers

Words: 470
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Music Handel Handel's Messiah was composed in 1741. The musical period is baroque. An oratorio is a large musical work that includes an orchestra, choir, soloists, and staging. Operas are musical theater…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

U S Force in the Pacific War

Words: 2619
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

War Many renowned military analysts argue that concentration or mass is the most important principle of war. This is primarily because the combat tactic involves the concentration of an…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Music the Men Behind the

Words: 1613
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Suddenly Western Music no longer needed to follow all the old rules. Just as the abstract painters dispensed with the traditional canon of art at just the same…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Messiah Review Concert Review Messiah

Words: 1139
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The transportation began as the first notes were played, and throughout the piece the crowd remained entirely enraptured -- and rightfully so. It is by no means an…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Business - Law

Rock Group Horriblescreech This Week's Hottest Band

Words: 1096
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Rock Group HorribleScreech, this week's hottest band on the planet, recently came to its senses and hired me as its new attorney. The first task after cashing a retainer…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Sonata in D Major K96

Words: 1592
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The question remains as to which rendition is more accurate. Although Bidini's performance of the piece is more melodic and expressive, it is difficult to forget that you are…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Classical Baroque Comparing and Contrasting

Words: 1709
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The geniuses strained the boundaries of the characteristic styles more evidently and more quickly than those of their contemporaries to bring about such seismic changes. orks Cited Baroque: Style." The…

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21 Pages
Research Paper


Le Grand Hautbois

Words: 6350
Length: 21 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Le Grand Hautbois During the reign of Louis XIII and especially Louis XIV, the courts were alive with new Baroque music and instruments. Many new wind instruments were being created…

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8 Pages


Call Lights and Nursing Rounds in Hospitals

Words: 2892
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Proposal -- Evidence-Based The utilization of call lights particularly in hospital settings has recently been put under study as a function of various aspects of nursing including shortages, rounds…

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