Health Screening Essays (Examples)

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Example Health Screening

Health History And Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client
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Biographical Data

Patient/Client Initials: Julio Molina


Birth Date:1/28/1999


Sex: Male

Birthplace: Tucson, AZ

Marital Status: Single

Race/Ethnic Origin: Mexican-American

Occupation: Student

Employer: N/A

Financial Status: (Income adequate for lifestyle and/or health concerns. Is there a source of health insurance? Employment disability?) Patient is a freshman in high school and thus has no income, however, his parents have health insurance which covers Julio.

Source and Reliability of Informant: Information obtained directly from the patient.

Past Use of Health Care System and Health Seeking Behaviors: Patient visits a general health care clinic during instances of poor health and illness.

Present Health or History of Present Illness: Patient exhibits no signs of serious illness, however, he has reported excess thirst and urination, random bouts of….

Community based Screening of type 2 diabetes mellitus
The diabetes menace in the US is rampant and a national concern for the health agencies particularly rearing the high rates of new diabetes cases that emerge each year. It is estimated that by 1958, only 1% of the American population were diabetic, this has tremendously shot up to the estimated 9.4% by 2015. This number includes 30.2 million adults of 18 years and over. Of even greater concern in this evaluation or screening process is that nearly a quarter of the individuals with this condition do not know that they have it (Murrel D., 2018). This informs the screening initiative with the sole aim of increasing the number of screened individuals, hence awareness of their diabetes status.
Conceptual model
The screening is projected to have a long term effect of the participants knowing their predisposition to the cardiovascular complications since blood pressure measurement is….

Screening for Health

Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client
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Biographical Data

Patient/Client Initials: CLW

Phone No: [HIDDEN]

123 Anywhere Lane, Some Town, Some State 00000

Birth Date: 03 -09-90


Sex: female

Birthplace: Some State

Marital Status: n/a

Race/Ethnic Origin: African America

Occupation: n/a

Employer: student

Financial Status: This patient is from a low-income family whose father is deceased and mother is disabled receiving only minimal income. The family receives food stamps and has Medicaid benefits.

Source and Reliability of Informant: The 14-year-old female is accompanied by her aunt who is a credible source of information.

Past Use of Health Care System and Health Seeking Behaviors: The child has not been seen regularly by a pediatrician during her childhood. Vaccinations are not up-to-date.

Present Health or History of Present Illness:

This 14-year-old female presents with obesity.

Past Health History

General Health:….

sufficient health care for runaway teenagers is a topic of grave concern to most in the medical and social professions, both nationally and in the state of California. With limited treatment options, higher risks of STD's, HIV, and other diseases, improper prenatal care, and a lack of community care options, runaway teens receive grossly inadequate health care. This paper will address those concerns, specifically in the state of California, as well as offering possible solutions to the problem, and will examine the role of the registered nurse in the solutions presented.
It is important to note that the life of a runaway teenager is filled with health risks and danger. Marie and Cheri are just one example. They were 13 when they ran away from home in an attempt to escape a drug addicted father who sexually abused them. With only $200 between them, their food supply and housing was….

Economics and Healthcare:Incentivizing Better Healthcare ChoicesAlthough health is priceless, affording good health and healthcare has grown increasingly costly, particularly in the United States. Stakeholders with an interest in improving both the populations health while still keeping healthcare costs contained include patients, patients families, providers, employers who provide health insurance to employees and wish to keep employees sick days at a minimum, insurance providers, and government policy-makers. Healthcare considerations encompass reducing the pervasiveness of chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, as well as reducing the spread of infectious disease. These concerns are not limited to the current concerns about coronavirus but also the spread of measles, mumps, and other diseases once thought to be eradicated by vaccination.It is true that economic incentives to encourage good health can be used to promote healthy behavior. These may include techniques using positive and negative reinforcement. In terms of positive reinforcement, offering care at….

Health Care Staffing Agency

Health Staff
the Allied health care staffing agency is a staffing agency that focuses on the niche of the nursing jobs within the healthcare industry in Chicago

The Allied healthcare staffing agency works to recruit registered nurses belonging to all medical Specialties, Practical Nurses that are licensed also called LPNs, Nursing Assistants that are certified also called CNAs and Specialists from the allied health sciences. These professionals would be hired both from the area of the metro city as well as the suburbs and placed within the hospitals, the neighborhood medical centers, Adult care facilities, clinics, and rehabilitation centers.

The mission of the Allied Healthcare Staffing Agency is to provide the best opportunities of employment both to its collaborators which are the local healthcare organizations as well as serving the entire nursing community to provide amply amount of job opportunities to choose from in a time when the turnover of medical professionals is….

Health & Safety Plan for

Such equipment should be adequate to ensure personnel are protected from chemical exposure to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. PPE may be upgraded or downgraded by the site industrial hygienist, HSM, or qualified Site Safety Officer based upon site conditions and air monitoring results (Levin, et al., 2002)
Work practice and administrative controls

Administrative controls or work practice controls are changes in work procedures such as written safety policies, rules, supervision, schedules, and training with the aim of reducing the interval, frequency, and sternness of exposure to hazardous chemicals or situations. Workers who handle hazardous chemicals in the workplace should be familiar with the administrative controls required fewer than 29 CF 1910.1200, and the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. This controls are perhaps most important, because they impact your people directly. On the one hand, they are the simplest, since all it takes is education. On the other hand, education about….

Health Prevention Programs

Health Promotion Lesson Plan
The concept of health promotion is thought of as "the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health" (Dunphy et al., 2011, p 25). Serious heart conditions can be prevented, which is why it is so important to utilize community education techniques in order to help try to warn community members of the complications before they occur. This current lesson plan works to create three separate community lesson plans, based on specific age ranges. The age 18-29 focuses primarily on the use of social media and health advocacy efforts in association with the American Heart Association. For ages 30-49, there is also a focus on these two, combined with more community oriented issues, and for 50-60, there is much more of a focus on financial training along with community organized workshops.

Prevention has become a major issue in healthcare….

Healthcare Quality Management
PDCA Modeling in Healthcare

Psychiatric emergencies in medical settings may be particularly challenging since the staff does not encounter them frequently and may not have experience dealing with behavioral crisis intervention. The purpose of this exercise is to help staff improve understanding and coping with nonmedical emergencies that occur in medical settings using the PDCA cycle.

X is a 41-year-old male admitted to a medical unit with a diagnosis of possible stroke. The patient is ambulatory, 5'10," and 350 lbs. Mr. X presented to the emergency department the day before after apparently losing consciousness at home. The initial CAT scan of his head was negative. It is suspected that Mr. X may be an IV drug user since his urine toxicology screening came back positive for opiates. The medical staff thinks that Mr. X had a seizure prior to admission, but he has shown no abnormal signs or symptoms within….

At which point, the overall costs of care will be passed on to the tax payer in the form of higher taxes. This leads to a decrease in the overall quality of care and it will not slow the price increases, as the government seeks to restrict access to these services. Then, when the program becomes broken (such as: what is happening to Social Security) removing or reforming the bureaucracy is nearly impossible. (Messerili, 2010)
A second argument that many critics make about universal health care is: it will stifle innovation. Whenever, the government is running any kind of program, they will place a large number of restrictions and regulations on the industry. When this takes place, you are causing some of the best and brightest minds to seek careers in other fields, as the restrictions from the government are too cumbersome. A good example of this would be: the….

Health Care Past, Current, And Future
The health of any nation should be a top priority for leaders and elected political representatives, but in the United States it took several centuries for the nation to begin to come to terms with providing health care for its citizens. This paper covers the gradual implementation of health care services and doctor training facilities in the U.S., and also covers the recent attempt by President Barack Obama to reform a chaotic, poor-functional and expensive health care system. Thesis: It is a scandal of massive proportions that a well-functioning, citizen-friendly universal health care system cannot be instituted in America, the world's most democratic superpower. Until the divisive and toxic political climate can be reformed, there is no chance of major reforms -- or for universal health care coverage -- in these United States.

Past Health Care Services -- Early America

Health care in colonial America in the….

The Obama administrate had just announced that they would be revoking federal funding for the Medicaid Women's Health Program amid a fight over several clinics that were affiliated to providers of abortion amshaw & Belluck, 2012()
Gov. Perry issues a letter to Thomas Suehs who is the head of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission directing him to work with the legislative leaders to identify potential sources of funds to keep the program afloat amshaw & Belluck, 2012()

The program itself costs around $40 million which is 90% covered by the federal government. Therefore this cut in budget would mean that the Texas state would need to find about $36 million to fund the program amshaw & Belluck, 2012()

Since the program provides care to about 130,000 low-income women all over the state, Gov. Perry felt that the program was extremely beneficial to the state and that is why he felt….

Healthcare Legislative Bill
The expanded and improved Medicare for all Acts

The Expanded and mproved Medicare for All Act was introduced to the House of Representatives in 2009 and seeks to lobby for the implementation of a common single-payer health care system throughout the United States o0f America. The bill if enacted would require that all medical care costs be paid for automatically by the government instead of private insurances for the same. The move will significantly alter the role of private insurance companies as merely offering supplemental coverage especially when the kind of medical care sought is not all that essential (McCormick, 2009).

With the Expanded and mproved Medicare for All Bill, the country's national system will be paid for through taxes and the monies that will replace the regular insurance premiums. Proponents of the bill argue that by eliminating the need for private insurance companies in the national medical care system,….

Nurses, who have first hand knowledge and understanding of how to live healthy and how to take proper care of themselves, are far better equipped to teach others about these concepts. Certain populations can benefit greatly from prevention, especially those who are prone to specific types of diseases or conditions.
One of the most common behaviors that leads to many chronic and often very damaging health conditions is smoking. Smoking can cause a multitude of diseases and conditions from emphysema to heart disease to lung cancer (Chapman, 2007). The list goes on and on. But smoking is 100% preventable and nurses need to understand not only how to treat these smoking-related diseases but how to more importantly discourage and prevent people from smoking in the first place. Many nurses agree that this behavior leads to many of the worst case scenarios for people with pre-existing chronic conditions. It is therefore….

A recent article touted the 6.1% growth of spending on medical care in 2007.
The same article cautioned however that, "most experts know that no matter what the numbers say, there is still a great deal of work ahead to reform a healthcare system that is still fundamentally broken -- and is facing one of the worst economic recessions in decades" (Lubell, 2009, pg. 6).

Government and industry officials have been working to reform the industry for more than a decade yet the problem seems to be getting worse rather than better. More and more individuals are finding that insurance takes too much of their income and are forced therefore to forego that expense. Government is leery of committing to the cost of such expense, and industry is reluctant to offer expanded coverage without the backing of the federal government. As the interested parties do the two-step the problem becomes exacerbated.….

Topic 1: The Impact of Mental Health Stigma on Individuals

Opposing Viewpoints:

Viewpoint 1: Mental health stigma significantly harms individuals, leading to feelings of shame, isolation, and discrimination. It can prevent people from seeking help, worsen their symptoms, and hinder their recovery.
Viewpoint 2: Mental health stigma is not as pervasive as believed, and individuals can overcome its effects through support and coping mechanisms. Blaming stigma can distract from addressing the underlying causes of mental health issues.

Topic 2: The Role of Media in Perpetuating Mental Health Stigma

Opposing Viewpoints:

Viewpoint 1: The media often portrays mental health issues in a negative and....

Refining a Thesis Statement on Gun Control

Original Thesis Statement:

Gun control measures are essential to reduce gun violence and protect public safety.

Revised Thesis Statement:

The implementation of comprehensive gun control legislation, including universal background checks, bans on assault weapons, and increased mental health screenings, is crucial for mitigating gun violence and safeguarding public health.


Original Thesis Statement:

The original statement is too general and lacks specificity. It does not provide a clear focus on the specific measures being proposed or the expected outcomes of such measures.

Revised Thesis Statement:

Comprehensive Gun Control Legislation: The revised statement specifies that the proposed measures should be part of....

Key Components of a Comprehensive Gun Control Policy Outline

I. Universal Background Checks

Require background checks for all gun sales, including private sales and sales at gun shows.
Utilize the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) or an equivalent system to screen potential gun buyers for prohibited individuals.

II. Red Flag Laws

Allow law enforcement or family members to petition the courts to temporarily remove firearms from individuals who pose an imminent threat to themselves or others.
Establish a clear and fair process for due process protections.

III. Assault Weapon and High-Capacity Magazine Bans

Prohibit the sale, possession, and manufacture of assault....

1. The Role of Mental Health in Enhancing Athletic Performance

2. Prioritizing Mental Well-being: The Impact on the Overall Health of Student Athletes

3. The Importance of Mental Health Support for Student Athletes: Strategies and Resources

4. Addressing the Stigma: Promoting Mental Health Awareness in the Student Athlete Community

5. Balancing Physical Fitness and Mental Well-being: The Key to Optimizing Performance

6. The Psychological Challenges Faced by Student Athletes and the Need for Mental Health Support

7. Promoting Resilience and Mental Strength in Student Athletes: A Holistic Approach

8. The Mental Health Benefits of Competitive Sports: Empowering Student Athletes for Success

9. Exploring the Connection between Mental Health....

3 Pages


Example Health Screening

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Health History And Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client Save this form on your computer as a Microsoft Word document. You can expand or shrink each area as…

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4 Pages


health'screening for diabetes

Words: 1214
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Community based Screening of type 2 diabetes mellitus The diabetes menace in the US is rampant and a national concern for the health agencies particularly rearing the high rates of…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Screening for Health

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client Save this form on your computer as a Microsoft Word document. You can expand or shrink each area as you need…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Healthcare for Runaway Adolescents Teenagers

Words: 2119
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

sufficient health care for runaway teenagers is a topic of grave concern to most in the medical and social professions, both nationally and in the state of California.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Public Health Issues

Healthcare and Improving Patient's Choices

Words: 621
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economics and Healthcare:Incentivizing Better Healthcare ChoicesAlthough health is priceless, affording good health and healthcare has grown increasingly costly, particularly in the United States. Stakeholders with an interest in improving…

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10 Pages
Marketing Plan


Health Care Staffing Agency

Words: 3580
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Marketing Plan

Health Staff the Allied health care staffing agency is a staffing agency that focuses on the niche of the nursing jobs within the healthcare industry in Chicago The Allied healthcare staffing…

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6 Pages
Case Study


Health & Safety Plan for

Words: 1989
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Such equipment should be adequate to ensure personnel are protected from chemical exposure to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. PPE may be upgraded or downgraded by the…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Health Prevention Programs

Words: 2666
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health Promotion Lesson Plan The concept of health promotion is thought of as "the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal…

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5 Pages


Healthcare Quality Management Pdca Modeling in Healthcare

Words: 1458
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare Quality Management PDCA Modeling in Healthcare Psychiatric emergencies in medical settings may be particularly challenging since the staff does not encounter them frequently and may not have experience dealing with…

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4 Pages


Health Care Debate Over the

Words: 1442
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

At which point, the overall costs of care will be passed on to the tax payer in the form of higher taxes. This leads to a decrease in…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Health Care Program Past Current Future

Words: 2421
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health Care Past, Current, And Future The health of any nation should be a top priority for leaders and elected political representatives, but in the United States it took several…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Health Politics and Policy Matt

Words: 701
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Obama administrate had just announced that they would be revoking federal funding for the Medicaid Women's Health Program amid a fight over several clinics that were affiliated…

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5 Pages


Health Care Legislative Bill

Words: 1387
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare Legislative Bill The expanded and improved Medicare for all Acts The Expanded and mproved Medicare for All Act was introduced to the House of Representatives in 2009 and seeks to…

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10 Pages


Healthcare Promotion Prevention and the

Words: 3190
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Nurses, who have first hand knowledge and understanding of how to live healthy and how to take proper care of themselves, are far better equipped to teach others…

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10 Pages


Healthcare Dan Hall a Self-Described

Words: 2809
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

A recent article touted the 6.1% growth of spending on medical care in 2007. The same article cautioned however that, "most experts know that no matter what the numbers…

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