Healthcare Policy Essays (Examples)

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Healthcare Policy
Pages: 4 Words: 1223

Healthcare Policy Analysis
The objective of this study is to conduct a healthcare policy analysis and recommend changes.

Presently, there is not an across-the-board implementation of Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) or prescriptions and this can be critical in reducing adverse drug events. This study argues that the use of the Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) should be implemented and utilized across the entire health care system.

Review of Studies on the Use of CPOE

The work of Steele and Derow (nd) states that computerized provider order entry (CPOE) is an electronic process "that allows a health care provider to enter orders electronically and to manage the results of those orders. CPOE has received increased attention, based on the Institute of Medicine (IOM) reports, To Err Is Human: uilding a Safer Health System and Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century, and the recommendation of the Leapfrog Group (a…...



Steele, AM and DeBrow, M (nd0 Efficiency Gains with Computerized Provider Order Entry. Retrieved from: 

Berger, RG and Kichak, JP (2004) Computerized Physician Order Entry: Helpful or Harmful. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2004 Mar-Apr 11(2) 100-103. PubMed. Retrieved from: 

Walsh, KE et al. (2008) Effect of Computer Order Entry on Prevention of Serious Medication Errors in Hospitalized Children. Pediatrics 2008 Mar 121(3). Retrieved from: 

Potts, A. (2004) Computerized physician order entry and medication errors in a pediatric critical care unit. Pediatrics. 2004 Jan;113(1 Pt 1):59-63. Retrieved from:

Healthcare Policy
Pages: 9 Words: 3064

Healthcare Policy:
An Overview of the Uninsured and Underinsured in America

An alarming number of people in the United States today do not have health-care coverage. Many of these people live in urban areas and their income is below the official government poverty line. However, some of them make up to 200% of the government poverty amount, and not all of these uninsured and underinsured individuals are inner-city minority individuals.

According to a recent press release put out by the Kaiser family foundation, 75% of individuals in the United States who don't have health insurance or who recently had a gap or lapse in their health insurance were working families. These people can work full-time or part-time, and some of them are the husband or wife of someone who is working.

These people are not uninsured because their health problems do not allow companies to provide them with insurance, or because they don't want…...


Blumberg & Liska, 1996.

Ginsberg, E, 1994. Improving health care for the poor. Journal of the American Medical Association 464-467.

Blumberg & Liska, 1996.

Healthcare Policy Systems Hong Kong Australia Vouchers
Pages: 11 Words: 3575

Healthcare Policy Systems: Hong Kong, Australia

Healthcare Policy Systems in Hong Kong and Australia

Primary Health Care for the Elderly in Hong Kong

Primary care is the starting point in the healthcare process (PCO, 2011). A good one is made available to the public for a comprehensive, holistic, coordinated and in locations accessible to where people live or work. It also provides preventive care and optimal disease management. In Hong Kong, approximately 70% of clinical consultations are made with primary care practitioners belonging to the private sector. The public sector, on the other hand, acquires primary care from hospitals through outpatient services and the Department of Health for preventive public health services, health promotion and disease prevention and management programs and services (PCO; Woo, 2007).

Primary care has been emphasized as a priority in international for a and reports, such as the 1978 International Conference on Primary Care, the World Health…...



Althaus, C., et al. (2007). The Australian Policy Handbook. Sydney: Allen & Unwin

BBC (20140. Australia profile. BBC News Asia. Retrieved on January 23, 2014 from 

Bridgman, et al. (2000). What use is a policy cycle? Plenty, if the aim is clear.

Controversy: National Cycle of the Institute of Public Administration. Retrieved on January 19, 2014 from

Healthcare System in South Africa Healthcare Policy
Pages: 8 Words: 2723

Healthcare System in South Africa
Healthcare policy

Influences on public health outcomes

Critical analysis of the pressures on the health care delivery

It is observed that there are numerous cultures, societies, political systems in the world. The governments regulate the social systems according to the political, cultural, and economic condition of a country. The structure of healthcare systems is also an extension of the country's political system. It is observed that the characteristics of each society and culture are major factors defining the healthcare system followed in a country. There are multiple models available in the world for healthcare systems. All have their own advantages and disadvantages for societies living in respective countries. An example can be quoted that United Sates healthcare system is different from most followed system in European countries. Similarly the systems followed in other parts of the world are also significantly different including Asia, Africa, and Middle East. These differences…...



Clark, D 2009, South Africa: The People, Crabtree Publishing, USA.

Cooper, D, Moodley, J, Zweigenthal, V, Bekker, LG, Shah, I & Myer, L 2009, Fertility intentions and reproductive health care needs of people living with HIV in Cape Town, South Africa: implications for integrating reproductive health and HIV care services, AIDS and Behavior, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 38-46.

Coovadia, H, Jewkes, R, Barron, P, Sanders, D & McIntyre, D 2009, The health and health system of South Africa: historical roots of current public health challenges, The Lancet, Vol. 374, No. 9692, pp. 817-834.

De Haan, M, Dennill, K & Vasuthevan, S 2005, The health of southern Africa, Juta and Company Ltd.

Healthcare Policy Hospital Policy Issues
Pages: 4 Words: 1046

Even with health care that lies outside of government control, cost can be an issue when it affects voter decision-making. Usually, however, politicians are much less concerned about the costs of private enterprise transactions.
Tax payers are always looking for value, especially in public services. Even when tax payers want health care -- and they usually do for seniors -- they still consider cost control to be an important aspect of that care.

Board members are oriented towards controlling the cost of health care, because when costs are controlled, profits are increased.

Staff members usually have little cost orientation, because they are not involved in the financial aspects of their jobs.

Quality of care within an organized hospital system:

Administrators usually are concerned about the quality of care, in balance with cost. Most organized systems like to offer a high standard of care, as this is a key point of competitive advantage.

Most patients want…...

Health Care Policy Issue Analysis
Pages: 15 Words: 4239

Lack of a comprehensive education and lack of knowledge in EBP could lead many of the nurses that work in hospitals around the country to make errors, which would negatively affect the patient care and predispose them to increased chances of litigation. This issue also has the potential to undermine the support for evidence-based practice among many health care providers (Gerrish & Clayton, 2004).
Evidence-based practice is also not restricted to the context of the individual patient, but is extended to all areas of healthcare systems and healthcare policy-making. Evidence-based practice is therefore seen to be not only an important means to the improvement of the quality of medical care in this country, but also as an instrument to control the costs (Gerrish & Clayton, 2004).

In view of the scarcity of health care resources that are seen in this country, the decisions on allocation of care will need to be…...



Atkins, D., Siegal, J. & Slutsky, J.(2005). Making policy when the evidence is in dispute. Health Affairs, 24, 1, 102-113.

Brown, G.C., Brown, M.M. & Sharma, S. (2000). Health care in the 21st century: evidence-based medicine, patient preference-based quality, and cost effectiveness.

Quality Management in Health Care, 9, 1, 23-31.

Clancy, C.M. & Cronin, K. (2005). Evidenced-based decision making: global evidence, local decisions. Health Affairs,

Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought and the
Pages: 4 Words: 1627

Healthcare Policy
Western Philosophical Thought and the Delivery of the Public Health System

Improving healthcare behaviors and access to public healthcare has been a key issue of debate among politicians and officials on all levels of the government for quite some time. The ability to improve individual behaviors that result in improved health have an impact on society. The healthcare system is already overwhelmed and there is an urgent need to convince people to take responsibility for their own health by making positive changes in their daily lifestyle. Access to healthcare among certain socioeconomic classes and cultural populations has been an ongoing problem in the public health arena as well. This research takes a multidisciplinary approach to developing public policies that will result in improvements in each of these areas. This research will result in recommendations for policies that will effectively achieve these goals.


In the United States, we are fortunate to have…...



Finnell, D. (2010). Transtheoretical Model. UB School of Nursing. Retrieved May 18, 2011 from 

Gutting, G. (2008). Michel Foucault. Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved May 18, 2011 from .

Jones, R. (2009). The Durkheim Pages. Retrieved May 18, 2011. from 

Lewis, H. (2001). Boas, Darwin, Science, and Anthropology. Current Anthropology. 42 (1): 381-406. Retrieved May 18, 2011 from,_Darwin.pdf

Health Care Policy in the United States
Pages: 4 Words: 1186

Health Care Policy in the United States Today Under the Obama Administration: The Issue of Abortion
The objective of this study is to examine how well government's role in health care is working and how it may be improved and to evaluate the current health care policy in America and determine how it could be improved to please both the public and the government.

Current Policies on Abortion

Nine U.S. states including: (1) Alabama; (2) Georgia; (3) Idaho; (4) Kansas; (5) Louisiana; (6) Nebraska; (7) Indiana; (8) North Carolina; and (8) Arizona, has enacted laws prohibiting abortions at 20 weeks and in some states even earlier. The basis of these laws is the theory that a fetus "from 20 weeks onward can experience pain from an abortion procedure." (The Pew Forum, 2013, p.1) Arizona is reported to have enacted a fetal plan law that is very rigorous in that abortions are barred at…...



Abortion Policy in the Absence of Roe (2013) State Policies Brief. Guttmacher Institute. 1 Mar 2013. Retrieved from: 

History of Abortion (2012) National Abortion Federation. Retrieved from: 

Masci, D (2013) A History of Key Abortion Rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Pew Forum. 16 Jan 2013. Retrieved from: 

U.S. Abortion Law (2013) Retrieved from:

Healthcare Policy Formation Healthcare Policy
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

" (2007, p. 284) Smith asks if "the desire to eliminate health disparities by rooting out the social disease underlying them inspire nursing to find itself again?" (2007, p. 284) Smith also asks if health disparities, being despicable and laden with shame can somehow, through the response of nursing, actually "serve a higher purpose" through "reawakening the caring" aspect of nursing? (2007, p. 284) Indeed, it is held by Smith that nursing "the premier profession for caring" may have very well "become contaminated...infected by a selfishness that is gaining ground, credence and sanction" within the society of today. (Smith, 2007) Smith holds that selfishness is a disease that " a mild form" results in a "loss of social capital and community engagement in the United States." (2007, p. 284) Smith notes that the work of Krugman (2002) states very candidly that "we live in the new Gilded Age where 13,000…...

Health Care Policy Bill Formulation
Pages: 8 Words: 2562

It is significantly affecting and endangering the future of millions of young people in the nation. Additionally, there are several challenges on the issue of the overall drug use in the United States. To understand the issue of drug and substance abuse fully, and the subsequent need for proper legislation to handle the challenge, it is crucial to assess the impacts of the issue in the country. According to the health expenditure report on the year 2011-2012 budget, the sectors spend a total of $29 billion on issues associated with drug and substance abuse treatment and care (Swartz, 2012). This is a gargantuan penalty to pay for a preventable case, only if the right provisions and regulations are in place.
The impacts of substance abuse on the individual are an unending string of interrelated issues. For instance, the negative impacts associated with the substance abuse on the health of the…...



Swartz, J. (2012). Substance abuse in America: A documentary and reference guide. Santa Barbara, Calif: Greenwood.

Kleiman, M., Caulkins, J.P., & Hawken, a. (2011). Drugs and drug policy: What everyone needs to know. New York: Oxford University Press.

Hanson, G., Venturelli, P.J., & Fleckenstein, a.E. (2012). Drugs and society. Sudbury, MA:

Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Healthcare Policy and Financing
Pages: 2 Words: 629

Healthcare Policy & Financing
Obesity Prevention and Control Program -- eight atcher / alking Group

ONE (a): Define the problem that will be addressed in this paper

A significant proportion of the American public is becoming obese. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "…more than a third (34.9%) of adults was obese in 2011-2012" (CDC). That is approximately 78 million Americans that have put themselves at risk of diabetes, deteriorating heart conditions, cancer, and other diseases related to obesity. In particular, men between the age of 40 and 59 years have a higher rate of obesity (39.4%) than other sectors of the population. A healthy program for weight loss for men in the 40-59 age bracket is being promoted by a local clinic, thanks to grants totaling $344,000 from local foundations and from the federal government.

TO (b): Provide basic budget data that reflects the cost of the health promotion

Three Fixed…...


Works Cited

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults:

United States, 2011-2012. Retrieved December 25, 2013, from .

Landau, E. (2012). Health care costs to bulge along with U.S. waistlines. CNN. Retrieved

December 25, 2013, from .

Health Care Policy
Pages: 5 Words: 1569

Governmental oles
The political system and the medical profession are entangled in many ways. The serious nature of medicine and healing the sick and ill requires a collective guide in order to ensure that proper and sustainable care is offered at all times. When problems arise due to changes in the environment or culture, government officials are often asked to solve these problems that influence a great number of people. In essence, public policy is in the public's best interest according to the democratic functioning of our local, state and federal government agencies that overlook the medical profession in a variety of ways and methods.

The purpose of this essay is to identify how problems become policy issues and how these issues result in the creation of health care policy. Additionally, this essay will address the controversial issue of abortion and provide an understanding of how this policy was created. This essay…...



American Medical Association (nd). Developing AMA Policies. Viewed 21 Feb 2015. Retrieved from   delegates/ -

Field, M.J., & Lo, B. (Eds.). (2009). Conflict of interest in medical research, education, and practice. National Academies Press.

Hyman, M. (2014). Money, Politics, and Health Care: A Disease-Creation Economy -- Part I.

Lo, B. (2010). Serving two masters -- conflicts of interest in academic medicine. New England Journal of Medicine, 362(8), 669-671.

Healthcare Policy Issues and Implications
Pages: 2 Words: 602

In essence, it incentivizes both wellness and economic responsibility (Kennedy, 2006; eid 2009).
Healthcare Information Technology in elation to Cost and Quality Control

In my clinical experience, modern healthcare information technology has impacted my practice beneficially in two principal ways: (1) by helping to eliminate provider errors in medication administration, and (2) by providing quantitative data to help identify weaknesses in healthcare delivery. The use of computerized medication logging has frequently flagged errors in medication administration that, in all likelihood, would not have been prevented without the computer system. Typical examples in my experience have included instances of overmedication, incorrect selection of medications, and contraindicated combinations of medications that had escaped the attention of prescribing providers and nurses responsible for actual medication administration.

With respect to the use of medical information systems to improve the quality of care, I have had the opportunity to see institutions use information systems successfully to address…...



Kennedy, E. (2006). America: Back on Track. Viking: New York.

Reid, T. (2009). The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care. New York: Penguin Group.

Health Care Policy Analysis
Pages: 12 Words: 3276

isk prevention policy in practice

The proposed study looks at lateral violence in U.S. healthcare institutions, through the scope of policy formation as it pertains to medical malpractice and organizational behavior in healthcare institutions. In recent years, investigations into lateral violence (LV) in the practice setting have become increasingly important as professional liability to 'duty' in patient care has been put under the microscope.

In Tarasoff v. The egents of the University of California [S.F. No. 23042, Supreme Court of California, July 1, 1976], a wrongful death action filed against egents of the University of California, charged that psychotherapists at a university hospital and campus policemen, had failed to respond adequately to information of patient, Prosenjit Poddar's intention to murder Tatiana Tarasoff in October of 1969. Charges against the egents of University of California, alleged that Poddar confided homicidal ideation toward the victim Tatiana to Dr. Lawrence Moore, a psychologist employed…...



American Nurses Association. (2001). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD.: American Nurses Association.

Bartholomew, K. (2006). Ending nurse-to nurse hostility. Marblehead, MA 01945: HCPRO, Inc.

Camden, C. et al. (2009). SWOT analysis of a pediatric rehabilitation programme: A participatory evaluation fostering quality improvement. Center of Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Research and the Estrie Rehabilitation Center. Quebec: Universite de Montreal.

Center for American Nurses. (2007). Bullying in the workplace: Reversing a culture. Silver Spring, MD: Center for American Nurses.

Health Care Policy Development Process
Pages: 2 Words: 682

Health Care Policy on Nurses' Delivery of Patient Care
Health care policy is usually developed and enacted in order to address various issues relating to health care delivery with the aim of improving patient outcome. These policies are usually centered on addressing health care cost, quality or access, or a combination of these three factors. Given the nature of their interactions with patients, nurses are health care professionals who are well suited to be effective, knowledgeable advocates for their patients. Generally, health care policies have considerable impacts on nurses with regards to the provision of health care. This is primarily because competent nurses are required to show their commitment to action through being part of relevant decisions and policies that ensures effective patient care delivery in a cost-effective way (Milstead, 2013, p.1).

An example of a health care policy that was recently developed and enacted and has considerable impacts on nursing…...



Anderson, A. (2014, March 18). The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on the Health Care Workforce. Retrieved October 12, 2015, from 

Milstead, J.A. (2013). Health policy and politics: a nurse's guide (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover puracebo effect?
Words: 649

Essay Topics on the Placebo Effect


The placebo effect, a fascinating phenomenon, arises when individuals experience significant health improvements after receiving an inactive or fake treatment. This effect highlights the power of the mind and its ability to influence physiological responses. Exploring the placebo effect offers valuable insights into the complexities of health and well-being.

1. The Mechanisms Behind the Placebo Effect

Investigate the psychological and physiological processes that contribute to the placebo effect.
Discuss the role of expectation, conditioning, and cognitive biases in shaping the experience.
Explore the potential involvement of neurochemical pathways, such as the release of endorphins.

2. Placebo Effect....

I need some suggestions for health care policy essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 282

1. The impact of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on access to healthcare in the United States
2. The effectiveness of Medicare and Medicaid in providing affordable healthcare to low-income and elderly populations
3. The future of universal healthcare in the United States
4. The role of pharmaceutical companies in rising healthcare costs
5. The importance of mental health coverage in healthcare policies
6. The debate over the privatization of healthcare services
7. The impact of electronic health records on patient care and privacy
8. The implications of genetic testing and personalized medicine on healthcare policy
9. The role of preventative care and public health initiatives in reducing....

Need help generating essay topics related to Universal Healthcare. Can you help?
Words: 547

1. The Ethical Imperative of Universal Healthcare

Explore the moral obligation to provide healthcare to all citizens, regardless of their financial status or social background.
Discuss the consequences of denying healthcare to vulnerable populations and the impact it has on society as a whole.
Examine the ethical principles that should guide the design and implementation of universal healthcare systems.

2. The Economic Benefits of Universal Healthcare

Analyze the potential economic advantages of universal healthcare, such as reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity, and reduced poverty.
Consider the impact of universal healthcare on businesses and the economy at large.
Evaluate the long-term economic....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on policy?
Words: 251

1. The impact of economic policy on income inequality
2. The effectiveness of gun control policies in reducing violence
3. The role of government in regulating technology and privacy
4. The implications of education policy on student success and equity
5. The benefits and drawbacks of implementing a universal basic income policy
6. The impact of climate change policies on the economy and environment
7. The role of immigration policies in shaping cultural diversity and economic growth
8. The importance of healthcare policy in addressing healthcare access and affordability
9. The debates surrounding criminal justice reform and policies on sentencing and rehabilitation
10. The challenges and opportunities of implementing....

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