Homesick Essays (Examples)

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Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant
An individual's perception of family is perhaps the single biggest influencer in identity formation. This is a self-evident truth given the varying personalities of siblings even though they may have been exposed to the same set of familial experiences. Each finds different methods of coping with the gap between the aspiration for an ideal family life and the actual reality of dysfunctional family structures. This, then, is the relationship between the past and each individual's identity and forms the central theme of Tyler's Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant. Indeed, all other themes in the novel, be it survival, the need for love and belonging, or being homesick, are linked to the central theme of the relationship between the Tull family history and the personalities of each Tull family member.

The Tull family structure falls apart with the departure of Beck, the father, creating the first gap between….

Only through violence and rejection, he has learned, can one gain the upper hand in power relationships with others -- and also violence provides a way of alienating himself from others, as Paddy fears caring about other people too much because of the lessons he has unintentionally been taught by his family. Despite the love he evidently feels for his parents, because of his failed vigils to keep them together, eventually Paddy says that he wants to look at his father and feel nothing, and says that his brutal fights with other boys in the neighborhood are the most important things in his life, more than family relationships. Denied fulfillment and acceptance at home, even though his innate instinct is to love his parents, this instinct is ripped out of the boy by the circumstances of his life, and like Pearl's children, he tries to forget and emotionally deaden….

5 Of Shakespeare S Works

literacy -- that which is mastered only by Prospero and Miranda, and sought after by Caliban who is considered illiterate in comparison to the pair. Caliban's antagonistic relationship with Prospero is one which the author believes is waged over this literacy and which is so crucial because it is both literal and figurative. Literally it represents the smoothness of language which the aforementioned pair possess; figuratively it involves the books that Prospero has which endow him with magical abilities to cast spells and actuate spirits such as Ariel. The author buttresses this opinion by ascribing significance to Caliban's attempts to counteract Prospero's powers by destroying his books, thereby making Prospero's literacy on par with his own illiteracy.
The most interesting aspect of this article is that its focus on literacy is one which is only shared between the previously denoted three characters (and perhaps Ariel) whose fate is linked to….

Therefore, I was lonely and missed home. I had to actively seek ways to make my new environment more comfortable. No longer could I rely on mom and dad to create the feeling of home, with its smells and artifacts. Besides the regular phone calls and emails, I maintained contact with my family through pictures. We would send each other photographs online and in letters, which helped me feel like my family was with me the whole time. I tried to recreate the home that my parents had back in Taiwan, with things I brought to hang on the wall and memorabilia from my childhood. Although I missed my mother's food, I found ways to eat familiar foods that helped me feel more secure and less homesick. Thinking about my parents started to motivate me to work even harder in school. Suddenly I wanted to impress them. As my English….

Even though Odysseus's family holds high opinions of his character as a family man, his actions with Calypso are the true measures of his character. In book five of the epic poem, Minerva, who goes to rescue Calypso, finds the father and husband "sitting upon the beach with his eyes ever filled with tears of sheer home sickness" (Book V). The poem goes on to explain that while Odysseus is forced to sleep in Calypso's cave each night, he does not do this of his own volition, and would much rather be home. Thus, while Calypso, a goddess, attempts to seduce Odysseus, he does not betray his home and his family, but rather remains homesick for them, while being tired of the goddess. Though Calypso is a goddess of extreme beauty, Odysseus is more enticed with his own wife and son. In fact, Odysseus loves his family enough to cry….

omen were also a significant part of the civilian staff, committing their
abilities as typists, phone switchboard operators and facility
Likewise, on the home front, women would commit their services in
place of their husbands, fighting abroad. In fact, the term home front
should be well understood as one coined with the psychological intention of
conveying that those who were enlisted in one manner or another for
civilian duty were themselves a crucial force in the war effort. The
terminology of 'home front' implies that such domestic locales as the
continental United States were to be seen as war theatre's demanding of
unified and concerted participation in shared goals of conservation, labor
and administrative support.
For women in all walks of American life, the end of the Depression
would coincide with the start of orld ar II, making the association
between job creation and the war effort fully inextricable. Quite in fact,
the period prior to the war had been one of desperation. Though….

The name of Horace Mann is still known today, the first Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, as he tried to make a practical education available to all, including recent immigrants, which he argued would be an important part of their socialization into the national culture (Browne, 2003, p.3).
Boston suffered a great deal during the Great Depression. "ith the outbreak of ar II, factories were retooled for the war effort, and people went back to work on the production lines. Again Boston was a major arms manufacturer during wartime" (Banner 2008). And because of the new importance of science and technology, its considerable intellectual capital proved a great source of profit, and continues to, to this day. Today, Boston has become a leader in the computer and other technology-dominated industries. Financial and service industries are also strong. Fenway Park, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Freedom Trail….

Huck Finn One of the

His personalized learning goes entirely against the societal norm of the day. During Huck's era most free citizens still saw the Negro as an inferior being, not even human enough to consider as an intelligent entity, rather they are considered as property, and property has not rights, no feelings and no hopes, dreams or fears.
In an early chapter in the book, Huck sells his fortune to the Judge for one dollar in order to keep himself from lying to 'Pap', which is an excellent display of Huck's humanity and character, but it also shows how patriarchal the society was. Even Huck knew there was not a thing he could do against his father, if his father chose to take the money that Huck had been rewarded.

Huck also senses what money can do in society but his sense was one that questioned whether it was all that effective. hile he….

Life in Prison Life in

Williams...consistently denied killing Owens.
March 11, 1979 --...three of Williams' friends -- all with criminal histories and motivation to lie, Williams says -- testify that he confessed to the killings. A ballistics expert links a shotgun shell at the motel to Williams' gun. Williams has also steadfastly maintained his innocence in the Yang killings.

1981 -- Williams is tried and convicted in Los Angeles Superior Court of all four murders, plus...sentenced to death. He arrives at San Quentin's death row on April 20.

1987 -- Williams is placed in solitary confinement for 6 1/2 years after committing a string of violent incidents behind bars, including assaults on guards and other inmates.

1988 -- the California Supreme Court affirms Williams' death sentence, and he files his first federal appeal to the U.S. District Court.

1996 -- Williams, with co-author Barbara Cottman Becnel, publishes the first of a series of anti-gang books aimed at children, Gangs….

All year-round, the smells of a coffin and coffin nails hover over her. Great-Grandmother does not brush her teeth. Great-Grandmother does not believe in airplanes. Great-Grandmother does not watch television
Great-Grandmother simply stands in front of the window of her Garret, or sits in the sun, a sun that does not penetrate her but simply casts a shadow behind her. She is very pale and does her hair in an archaic fashion, and has a face that the narrator describes as a set of wrinkles with archeological significance.

Each family treats the situation with different tactics but all show an inherent disdain for the very old, to the point of seeing and treating them as if they are inhuman, and with an irreverent lack of respect that is contrary to the culture from which they came. The only piece that offers a consoling look at the very old, throughout is Thoughts….

..Conscientious historians may one day consider this concerto as the beginning of a 'third period' of the composer's life" (Veinus 350). This piece shows a true unity some of his other pieces lack, and indicates how achmaninoff grew as a composer as his career continued. The opening of the piece is quiet and hushed, and seems far different from the more strident first two concertos. While this piece starts simply enough, it grows to emphatically highlight the piano, and so calls for great talent from the pianist. The last movement is a virtuoso section that is quite alluring and entertaining, which rises to a soaring and elegant coda. There is also a memorable fanfare in the piece that could be a strong composition on its own. It is a very long piece, nearly 40 minutes, and consists of three distinct movements. It is still performed enthusiastically today by orchestras around….

The writer of this article, Victor David Hanson, states that since earlier times, this sort of disparity in power has been in evidence, and it is a fact that the others have been attempting to build up their innate strength and power by merely imitating the West. This is sometimes referred to as a type of 'military parasitism', wherein those who were weak would often try to steal or buy or clone those weapons of the West that they found to be powerful. One example of this phenomenon is that of Japan. This country had no munitions manufacturing unit, no organized naval fleet, yet she managed to defeat a ussian Armada during 1905. (Post-Modern War)
The main reason for this success was that Japan had been sending thousands of her students to foreign universities and to military academies to study, and this resulted in the gaining of certain knowledge in….

This instructor has learned to proactively educate his Navajo students about the need to reveal certain information they normally keep among themselves, such as burial grounds, because federal law now protects them from violation -- but only if their location is known. What this suggests to me is that I may simply have to accept that some cultural distinctions may be important to my Native American students and that it may not be part of their culture to explain it to me. If an issue is important then it may be up to me to explain why something is important in the school's culture so the child can be more successful, but without suggesting that the school culture is better or superior.
Finally, I think it will be important to incorporate literature from the cultures of minority students, recognizing that it isn't enough that the story be "Hispanic." A story….

Adapting to a New Culture

For example, Americans might face difficulty in Middle Eastern countries because of their negative image of America, Chinese may find themselves ill at ease in the western countries because of the nerdy Asian image and Indians may find people ridiculing their accent. In all honesty, moving to a new country is something that most people would want to avoid if they had a choice. Students moving to other countries do so because their own countries do not offer the same quality of education that they are likely to get abroad.
Apart from language, food and stereotyping, a person may also feel immensely homesick in a new country. While initially everything about the host country appears charming, the honey-moon period doesn't last very long. One a person comes to see the real problems and difficulties associated with living abroad, he is likely to miss home and then everything about one's native….

Polish Immigration -- a Journal
A Journal Entry from a Catholic Polish Immigrant

The voyage across the sea was treacherous, and the water splashing on the deck was cold as ice, but the hope, the fantastic hope of seeing the Great City was the calmest and warmest force within me that kept me going through the seasickness and the cold. My voyage started in Warsaw and it seems like it lasted for years and years. o great was my excitement that I became seasick many times. It was actually fortunate that we did not have a lot of food because that way I was, I think, less seasick than if I had been full.

Poland is a beautiful country, but there is very little hope of making any money. ometimes we cannot even have dinner because there is nothing to eat. I have seven children and many other Catholic families from my village….

Navigating Higher Education with the Right Soundtrack

Higher education is a transformative journey that can be both exhilarating and daunting. As students embark on this academic adventure, they face a myriad of challenges and opportunities. Music, as a powerful emotional catalyst, can play a vital role in helping them navigate these transitions and make the most of their experience. The right soundtrack can provide a sense of solace, motivation, and empowerment, aiding students in overcoming obstacles and achieving their academic goals.

Emotional Regulation

Adjusting to college life can be an emotionally turbulent time. Students often experience homesickness, anxiety, and self-doubt. Music with calming....

Being far from family can have a significant impact on the mental health of students. According to a study published in the Journal of American College Health, the distance from family has been associated with increased feelings of loneliness and homesickness among college students (Wang, 2019). These feelings can contribute to symptoms of anxiety and depression, as students may struggle to adjust to their new surroundings without the support of their loved ones.

Furthermore, research conducted by the American Psychological Association found that feelings of social isolation and lack of connection with family members can lead to increased levels of stress....

Impact of Distance from Family on Mental Health of Students

Being distant from family can have a significant impact on the mental well-being of students, potentially leading to various challenges and increased vulnerability.

Psychological Distress and Anxiety

Studies have shown that students who are far from their families experience higher levels of psychological distress and anxiety. This can manifest in feelings of loneliness, isolation, and homesickness. Without the physical presence of their loved ones, students may feel disconnected and unsupported, leading to heightened anxiety and a sense of displacement.

Depression and Mood Disorders

Distance from family can also contribute to depression and mood disorders in....

Coping with the Stress of Immigration in California

Immigration is a complex and multifaceted experience that can bring both opportunities and challenges to individuals and families. The stress of immigration can stem from various factors, including cultural adjustment, language barriers, financial strain, and discrimination. California, a state with a large and diverse immigrant population, has implemented various resources and strategies to help individuals cope with the unique stressors they may face.

Common Stressors of Immigration

Cultural Adjustment: Immigrants may experience culture shock, feeling disoriented and alienated in a new cultural environment. This can lead to feelings of isolation, homesickness, and difficulty adapting....

2 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

Words: 654
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant An individual's perception of family is perhaps the single biggest influencer in identity formation. This is a self-evident truth given the varying personalities of siblings…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Dysfunctional Family Is the Most

Words: 1071
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Only through violence and rejection, he has learned, can one gain the upper hand in power relationships with others -- and also violence provides a way of alienating…

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4 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


5 Of Shakespeare S Works

Words: 1190
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

literacy -- that which is mastered only by Prospero and Miranda, and sought after by Caliban who is considered illiterate in comparison to the pair. Caliban's antagonistic relationship…

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3 Pages


Family Like Most Parents Mine

Words: 1113
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Therefore, I was lonely and missed home. I had to actively seek ways to make my new environment more comfortable. No longer could I rely on mom and dad…

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2 Pages


Odyssey Odysseus the Family Man

Words: 674
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Even though Odysseus's family holds high opinions of his character as a family man, his actions with Calypso are the true measures of his character. In book five of…

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30 Pages
Research Proposal


The Important Roles Played by

Words: 8566
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

omen were also a significant part of the civilian staff, committing their abilities as typists, phone switchboard operators and facility administrators. Likewise, on the home front, women would commit their services in place…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Boston of Revolutions and Red

Words: 1598
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The name of Horace Mann is still known today, the first Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, as he tried to make a practical education available to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Huck Finn One of the

Words: 1263
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

His personalized learning goes entirely against the societal norm of the day. During Huck's era most free citizens still saw the Negro as an inferior being, not even…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Life in Prison Life in

Words: 1453
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Williams...consistently denied killing Owens. March 11, 1979 --...three of Williams' friends -- all with criminal histories and motivation to lie, Williams says -- testify that he confessed to the…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Asian Literature Post Modern Literature

Words: 2434
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

All year-round, the smells of a coffin and coffin nails hover over her. Great-Grandmother does not brush her teeth. Great-Grandmother does not believe in airplanes. Great-Grandmother does not…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Sergei Rachmaninoff Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerti

Words: 1054
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

..Conscientious historians may one day consider this concerto as the beginning of a 'third period' of the composer's life" (Veinus 350). This piece shows a true unity some of…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


British Television and Journalism War on Terrorism

Words: 3194
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The writer of this article, Victor David Hanson, states that since earlier times, this sort of disparity in power has been in evidence, and it is a fact…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Teaching in Multi-Ethnic Classrooms Experts

Words: 1681
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This instructor has learned to proactively educate his Navajo students about the need to reveal certain information they normally keep among themselves, such as burial grounds, because federal…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Adapting to a New Culture

Words: 588
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, Americans might face difficulty in Middle Eastern countries because of their negative image of America, Chinese may find themselves ill at ease in the western countries…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Polish Immigration -- a Journal a Journal

Words: 1173
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Polish Immigration -- a Journal A Journal Entry from a Catholic Polish Immigrant The voyage across the sea was treacherous, and the water splashing on the deck was cold as ice,…

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