Homicide Essays (Examples)

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Homicides in Chicago Statistical Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1523

Homicides in Chicago Statistical Analysis
Homicides in Chicago: a statistical analysis

The city of Chicago in Illinois has the highest per capita homicides in the United States, ahead of Los Angeles and New York City. The Chicago Police Department and other law enforcement agencies have a challenge especially on how to manage the situation. However, it is noteworthy that the number of homicides in Chicago in 2011 is less than half the number in 1991 (CPD, 2012). The homicides figure in 2011 was a 30-year low for the city. One more homicide is still one too many a life lost.

Homicide and murder are two terms that people use interchangeably in daily conversation. However, legal definitions differentiate the two terms (CPD, 2006). In this case, I will use the two terms interchangeably as is the case in the Chicago Police Department website. The website lists several motives for murder as per the records.…...



Chicago Police Department. (2012). Murder Analysis Report 2011, portal.chicagopolice.org, Chicago.

Eric Monkkonen. The American Historical Review, Vol. 111, No. 1 (February 2006), pp. 76-94

Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Historical Association

Article DOI: 10.1086/ahr.111.1.76 Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/ahr.111.1.76

Homicide in Any Society it Is of
Pages: 2 Words: 777

In any society, it is of utmost importance that its citizens feel safe and secure so that it can continue to work properly and without any disruptions. This is ensured by devising laws and regulation to safeguard the lives and properties of its citizens.

Under the Constitution of United States, Homicide is a crime that is defined as the "killing of one human being by another human being" (Homicide, n.d.). It is then further categorized into Murder -- 1st and 2nd degree, and then Manslaughter, although the law categorically expels suicide as a murder from its clause.

Murder, to be categorized as 1st degree needs to be committed with a motive and with a predetermined frame of mind, or in "cold blood" or by "lying in wait" (Stevens, 2003). The crime must have taken place while the accused is committing a felony crime, which include among other, sexual abuse, child abuse, burglary,…...


Works Cited

Foundation, D. (n.d.). Related Accidents and Injuried: Vehicular Homicide. Retrieved September 21st, 2011, from DUI Foundation:  http://www.duifoundation.org/drunkdriving/accidents/vehicularhomocide/ 

Homicide. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21st, 2011, from Free online Law Dictionary:  http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/homicide 

Hornsby, R. (n.d.). Second degree murder in Florida. Retrieved September 21st, 2011, from Richard Hornsby, Orlando Criminal Defense Attorny:  http://www.richardhornsby.com/crimes/homicide/second-degree-murder.html 

Stevens, M. (2003, June 19th). The Law of Homicide. Retrieved Sept 21st, 2011, from North Carolina Wesleyan College: http://faculty.ncwc.edu/mstevens/293/293lect07.htm

Homicide in America According to
Pages: 7 Words: 1901

The majority of these homicides are committed by persons known to the victim, an estimated one in three homicides of females is committed by current or former spouses or boyfriends, while among male homicide victims, five percent are killed by intimate partners (Paulozzi pp).
According to a recent study of Cook County published in the June 01, 2005 issue of "Pediatrics," more than 90% of deaths among delinquent youth were homicides (Mileusnic pp). Moreover, more than 90% of deaths were from gunshot wounds, either homicidal, accidental or self-inflicted (Mileusnic pp). Researchers found that 12.9 deaths per 100,000 youth were homicide (Mileusnic pp). Even among the general population in the United States, homicides are not uncommon among youth, and although homicide rates have decreased since the early 1990's, homicides still represent 15.8% of all deaths among youth (Mileusnic pp). More than one third of homicide deaths in 2002 involved persons 25…...


Work Cited

Asaro, M. Regina. "Working with adult homicide survivors, part II: helping family members cope with murder." Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. 10/1/2001. Retrieved July 07, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library Web site.

Fox, Alan; Zawitz W. "Homicide Trends in the United States: 2000 Update." U.S.

Department of Justice. Retrieved July 07, 2005 from:

  hl=enhttp:// ;

Homicide -- Is it Ever Justifiable In
Pages: 8 Words: 2467

Homicide -- is it ever justifiable?
In order to understand any kind of criminal behavior, it is often important to consider the social, psychological and biological perspectives. Homicide, which refers to the killing of one human being by another, has its own perspectives. According to legal terms, homicide is the unnatural ending of the life of a person by an act or omission of another person or persons knowingly or otherwise. When a person commits such an act, his motives and purpose determines the criminal nature of the act. A homicide becomes a criminal act if it is done with an intention to harm or with disregard for the safety of the others. However, there are instances when homicide is justifiable. Justifiable homicide depends on the various reasons for such an act to have happened. Before concluding such a statement, it is necessary to find out the various types of homicide…...



1. Bartol, C.R., & Bartol, A.M. (2010). Criminal Behavior: A psychological approach. Prentice Hall, 8th ed.

2. Brookman, F. (2005). Understanding homicide. Sage publications.

3. Cassel, E. & Bernstein, D.A. (2007). Criminal behavior. Routledge 4. Danto, B. L, & Bruhns, J. & Kutcher, A.H.(1982) The human side of homicide.Columbia University press.

5. Hollin, C.R. (1989). Psychology and crime: An introduction to criminological psychology. Routledge.

Homicide in America
Pages: 5 Words: 2073

Homicide in America
The imagination of death in a violent manner causes both fear and fascination in most people, and this is the reason why both homicide and suicide are the subjects of voluminous commentary. At the same time, most of this commentary is not facts, but a lot of emotions, and the backing is through a lot of items mentioned as facts. These facts have been repeated so often that now many people believe that they are facts.

There are a lot of reasons why homicides and suicides take place, and these reasons cannot be clearly understood.

The statements about homicides are often mentioned in different manners. These can be violence has reached 'epidemic proportions'; America is in the grip of an unprecedented wave of violence, or with the highest homicide rate in the world, or with the highest rate of homicide in the industrial world. These are also the reasons why…...



Hallinam, Joe. California leads in justifiable killings. 30 July 1993. Retrieved from Accessed on 14 July, 2005http://www.trosch.org/tro/mpr-7g30.htm

Heide, K.M. Juvenile homicide in America: how can we stop the killing? Behavior Science Law.

Spring, 1997. Vol: 15; No: pp: 203-220. Retrieved from   db=PubMed& list_uids=9309858& dopt=Abstract Accessed on 14 July, 2005http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve& ;

Stolinsky, David C. Homicide and Suicide in America, 1900-1998. Retrieved from   Accessed on 14 July, 2005http://www.haciendapub.com/stolinsky1.html 

Homicide Rate Canada Increased Dramatically 1966 Late
Pages: 6 Words: 1710

homicide rate Canada increased dramatically 1966 late 1970s, Stabilized 1980s, declined early 1990s recent past. Explain, reference relevant readings.
Homicide rates in Canada during the last four decades

Homicide is a particularly delicate topic due to the controversies that can arise as a result of relating to it and it is essential for a person to first learn more about its background and present day conditions in order for him or her to be actively engaged in discussing it. In spite of the fact that the homicide rate in Canada is relatively small, it is interesting to look at its significant rise across the 1960s, its constancy during the 1970s and 1980s, and its drop during the 1990s and until the present. Although there are several theories concerning, it is probable that a decline in the number of individuals who were predisposed to commit homicide ("young males between the ages of…...


Works cited:

Ross, Jeffrey Ian, "Violence in Canada: Sociopolitical Perspectives," (Transaction Publishers, 1995)

Torrance, Judy, "Public Violence in Canada, 1867-1982," (McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP, 1988)

"Canadian Homicide Trends 1961-1994 "


Homicide of a Fetus
Pages: 2 Words: 644

Fetal Homicide
The objective of this study is to answer the question of what is the public policy rationale for making it a separate crime to kill a fetus? This study will additionally answer as to how are fetal homicide laws reconciled with the definition of person-hood for the purpose of abortion laws. There are three standards used to determine whether a fetus is a person for purposes of homicide laws including the born-alive standard, the viability standard and the conceptions standard. Each standard will be explained and which standard should be used in modern statutes.

In the case of People v. Archerd, Supreme Court of California (1970) 3 Cal 3d 615, 91 Ca. Rptr, 397, 477 P.2d 421 it is reported that the Defendant married several women between 1947 and 1966 and following each woman taking out a life insurance policy she died after several hours in a coma. The Defendant…...



Gardner, TJ and Anderson, TM (2012) Homicide. Chapter 10. Cengage Learning, 2012.

Montaldo, C. (2014) Fetal Homicide: A Question of when do We Become Human. Crime Issues and Controversies. About.com. Retrieved from: http://crime.about.com/od/issues/a/fetalhomicide.htm

When is the Death of a Fetus Homicide? (nd) Center for Homicide Research Retrieved from:  http://homicidecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/When-is-the-Death-of-a-Fetus-a-Homicide.pdf

Defense and Criticism of Homicide Law
Pages: 5 Words: 1428

Homicide Law is invoked in cases where cause of wrongful death of a human being is being investigated. The accused or defendant is tried under the appropriate sections of the law according to the merits of the case. The death may have taken place as an outcome of inconsiderate, reckless action of the accused or may have been willful, premeditated, intentional planning by the defendant. These mental afflictions and the perceived intentions resulting in the death attract vastly different penalties under Homicide Laws. Deaths caused in accidents may be viewed leniently by the court, whereas intentional killing attracts punishment of life term or even death where still applicable. Homicide cases are serious legal proceedings where the help of able criminal lawyers should be availed immediately by the accused (Homicide Law).
Support for Homicide Law Today

Many states support Homicide Laws, for instance, death caused to fetus was included under Homicide Law by…...



1)HOMICIDE LAW, HG.org Legal Resources,

2)HOLLY RAMER, Senate Backs Including Fetus Death in Homicide Law, The Telegraph, (May, 18, 2012),

3) Crump David, Reconsidering the Felony Murder Rule in Light of Modern Criticisms: Doesn't the Conclusion Depend upon the Particular Rule at Issue?, Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, (2009),


Adjudicating Child Homicide Cases
Pages: 2 Words: 656

maintain that the more common situations of child homicide arise not out of the intent to kill the child; rather it is the end result of harsh punishment. Based on this reasoning, such offenders should not be handled in criminal courts and the offenses should be criminal offenses, but rather the cases should be handled in juvenile and domestic relations courts. To determine the whether this reasoning is sound, this paper reviews the relevant literature concerning child homicide and intent, followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion about these issues.
The recent high-profile case of Minnesota Vikings football star Adrian Peterson concerning charges that he inadvertently injured his 4-year-old son while physically disciplining him drives home the points that anyone can make a terrible and irrevocable mistake in the heat of passion and, that compared to young children, adults are veritable super-giants that can…...



Black's law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Pritchard, C. (2004). The child abusers: Research and controversy. Maidenhead, England: Open

Welcome to Homicide Case Welcome to Homicide
Pages: 8 Words: 2613

Welcome to Homicide Case
"Welcome to Homicide"

"There's a theory that every time you leave an area, you always leave evidence behind, no matter what, no matter how careful you are; and that's why there's forensics" (Santy, 2007). Forensic science has seen a number of major developments over the years. Throughout its evolution, analytic techniques have become finer tuned and accurate, allowing for much greater law enforcement practices. Today, forensics relies of a plethora of techniques to help solve crimes, as seen in the case of "Welcome to Homicide."

Forensic science is not new, although it does look dramatically different that just a few decades ago. The research suggests that "forensic science resolves legal issues by applying scientific principles to them" (Hall, 1999, p 2). It is a technique used by law enforcement to help solve crimes through examining physical and biological indicators of who did what. As, such, the analysis of…...



3rd Tech. (2002). DeltaSphere 3D digitizer demonstrated at forensic science conference. 3d Products for Law Enforcement Applications. Web.  http://www.3rdtech.com/DeltaSphere_at_AAFS_Conf.htm 

Hall, Dillon. (1999). A career in forensic. Occupational Outlook Quarterly. Web.  http://www.bls.gov/opub/ooq/1999/fall/art01.pdf 

Santy, C. (Director). (2007). Welcome to homicide [Television series episode]. In J. Brenkus & M. Stern (Executive producers], Crime 360. New York, NY: A&E Television Networks. Available from the Films On Demand database.

Stockham, Rex, Slavin, Dennis L., & Kift, William. (2004). Specialized use of human scent in criminal investigations. Forensic Science Communications, 6(3). Web.  http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/lab/forensic-science-communications/fsc/july2004/research/2004_03_research03.htm

Sexual Homicide
Pages: 5 Words: 1906

sexual homicides and the many things that can be related to them. Using two books, the author of this paper details the meaning of many terms including pyromania, necrophilia and paraphilia. Each of the terms is described and discussed in its relation to sex crimes, or lack of criteria for prosecution for sex crimes. Many people relate the term sexual deviancy to criminal behavior. This paper separates criminal behavior from simple deviant behavior and holds them against each other for comparisons.

Sexual homicides are one of the scariest things that we face in life. Every so often we hear the news that someone has committed sex crimes, or sex murders in our area, or the areas of our loved ones, and it sends shivers up our spines. We often wonder what causes someone to commit such violent acts of anger against another human being. Though we don't like…...



Holmes, Ronald. Sex Crimes. (Sage Publications, 1991)

Ressler, Robert, Burgess, Ann, Douglas, John, Heafner, Horace. Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives (Simon and Schuster 1995).

Solita Sarwono, (2000, April). When a daugther is raped family, friends share the pain, JAKARTA POST., The Jakarta Post

Do Executions Lower Homicide Rates
Pages: 3 Words: 929

Do Executions Lower Homicide ates?

In the article Do executions lower homicide rates?: The views of leading criminologists (adelet & Lacock 2009) look at the issue of whether there is a deterrence effect with the death penalty. Over the years there has been extensive agreement among criminologists that the death penalty could not be warranted on deterrence grounds. In 1996 a study was conducted by adelet & Lacock that surveyed sixty-seven leading American criminologists regarding their opinion about the empirical research on deterrence and found that the vast majority of the experts agreed that the death penalty never has been and never will be superior to long-term prison sentences as a deterrent to criminal violence. The research in this article was designed to update the 1996 study and evaluate if any recent deterrence studies have modified the beliefs of the world's leading criminologists.


The question being looked at is whether the death…...



Radelet, M.L. & Lacock, T.L. (2009). Do executions lower homicide rates?: The views of leading criminologists. Retrieved from  http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/files/DeterrenceStudy2009.pdf

Criminal Defense Homicide Case
Pages: 6 Words: 2653

Criminal Defense Homicide Case
Fourth Amendment Searches and Seizures in Contemporary America

The conviction of a client charged with murder is threatened by evidence the prosecution holds. There are indications that this evidence was obtained unconstitutionally. Presumably, the exclusionary rule would be the primary vehicle for moving to have this evidence excluded. If the search and seizure was conducted without a warrant and not incident to an arrest, vehicle stop, or hot pursuit, then there is a good chance the evidence can be prevented from being presented to a jury. Any evidence obtained as a result of an illegal warrantless search would also be excluded under the "fruit of the poisonous tree" doctrine. If there was a problem with the probable cause determination or how the items searched for and seized were described in the warrant, then getting the evidence excluded will be much harder if the police can show they acted…...



Acker, James R. And Brody, David C. (2004). The law of search and seizure. In Criminal Procedure: A contemporary perspective, 2nd Edition (pp. 47-217). Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616 (1886). Retrieved May 8, 2011 from  http://supreme.justia.com/us/116/616/case.html 

Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752 (1969). Retrieved May 8, 2011 from  http://supreme.justia.com/us/395/752/case.html 

Donald, Heather Mac and Dempsey, James X. (2005). Section 213. "Sneak and Peek" search warrants. In S.A. Baker (Ed.), Patriot debates: Experts debate the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act (pp. 101-112). Chicago: ABA Publishing.

Juvenile Homicide Incidence and Causes
Pages: 9 Words: 2842

133). In sum, low-income blacks and males continue to be responsible for a disproportionate number of juvenile homicidal acts, but juvenile homicide is not restricted to these age, ethnic or socioeconomic groups (Heckel & Shumaker, 2001).
Impact of Family Violence on Incidence of Juvenile Homicide in the U.S. And New York.

Around 14% of juvenile homicides involve family members as victims, compared to 55% that involve friends or acquaintances and 31% that involve strangers (Moeller, 2001). Therefore, approximately 66% of juvenile homicides involve an individual known by the juvenile, but not necessarily family members (Moeller, 2001). According to this author, "The large increase in murders by juveniles from 1984 to 1993 is accounted for primarily by an increase in the killings of strangers and acquaintances rather than family members" (Moeller, 2001, p. 236). Likewise, a meta-analysis of studies that examined the family background characteristics of 14 juvenile offenders condemned to death…...



Bender, L., & Curran, F.J. (1940). Children and adolescents who kill. Journal of Criminal Psychopathology, 1, 297-322.

Black's law dictionary. (1991). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Butterfield, F. (1996, August 9). After a decade, juvenile crime begins to drop. New York Times, 3-4.

Crespi, T.D., & Rigazio-Digilio, S.A. (1996). Adolescent homicide and family pathology: Implications for research and treatment with adolescents. Adolescence, 31(122), 353.

Changes in Homicide Rates in the Last 10 Years
Pages: 2 Words: 677

Homicide Rates Increased or Decreased in 10 Years?
Rates of murders and violent crimes have witnessed a downward trend for over twenty years. The rate of violent crimes in the nation has been lowest, for the year 2014, since 1970; moreover, the rate of homicides for 2014 was at its lowest point since the year 1960. Despite these rates showing an increase in the year 2015, the murder rate would only reach its post-1960 maxima of 10.2 homicides for every 100,000 individuals, if it increased by 5.7 murders for every 100,000 individuals. Meanwhile, the rate of violent crimes would only reach its post-1960 maxima of 758.2 violent crimes (year 1991) for every 100,000 individuals, if it increased by 392.7 crimes of violence for every 100,000 individuals (James, 2015). The above two growths indicate an over-two-fold rise in the 2014 rates of violent crimes and homicide. There are numerous short-term facets…...



James, N. (2015). Is Violent Crime in the United States Increasing? Congressional Research Service, 2-10.

I am doing MS in Clinical Psychology. I am searching for a good topic for my thesis. Can you suggest a good one?
Words: 469

While psychology refers to the study of the mind, clinical psychology specifically refers to that branch of the discipline that focuses on using psychology to create positive change, whether in individual lives or in the community as a whole.  There is a wide variety of topics you could approach in your thesis, depending on what topic interests you the most.  

Topic Ideas

  1. The diagnosis of mental disorders in children: how young is too young to diagnose and does a diagnosis turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy for young children?
  2. Diagnosing the non-patient: with many in the mental health fields....

Can you help with ideas for a research proposal of Social Justice that connects with gun violence?
Words: 400

One of the most frustrating aspects about the gun violence debate, which is primarily an American debate due to the fact that the United States experiences far greater amounts of gun violence than most other industrialized nations, is that there has been a lack of research into this topic.  The lack of research is not accidental; Congress intentionally froze funding for research into gun violence over 25 years ago, and even enacted prohibitions against doctors and other healthcare workers providing some detailed insights into gun violence.  As a result, when researchers wanted....

I\'m searching for essay topics on Pembunuhan. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 334

Sure, here are a few essay topics on the subject of Pembunuhan (murder):

1. The psychology of a murderer: exploring the mindset and motivations behind committing murder.
2. The impact of media portrayal on public perception of murder cases.
3. The role of gender and society in shaping perceptions of murderers and their crimes.
4. The legal and ethical considerations surrounding the death penalty in murder cases.
5. Investigating the prevalence of serial killers in modern society.
6. The portrayal of murder in literature and its impact on cultural attitudes towards violence.
7. The influence of mental illness and personality disorders on the likelihood of committing murder.

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Criminal Investigations. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 445

Topic Development in Criminal Investigations: Exploring Critical Concepts and Contemporary Issues

1. The Interplay of Forensics and Criminal Investigation

The evolution of forensic science and its impact on investigation techniques
The challenges and limitations of forensic evidence in criminal prosecutions
The impact of forensic technology on case resolution and the justice system

2. The Psychology of Criminal Behavior and Its Application to Investigations

The psychological profiles of different types of criminals
Investigative techniques for understanding and predicting criminal behavior
The use of psychological theories to develop investigative strategies

3. The Role of Interviewing and Interrogation in Criminal Investigations

Ethical and legal considerations in....

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